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A modified lower trophic ecosystem model(NEMURO) is coupled with a three-dimensional hydrodynamic model for an application in the central Yellow Sea. The model is used to simulate the horizontal distributions and annual cycles of chlorophyll-a and nutrients with results consistent with historical observations. Generally, during the winter background and spring bloom periods, the exchange with neighboring waters constitutes the primary sources of nutrients. Howerver, during the winter background period, the input of silicate from the layer deeper than 50 m is the most important source that contributes up to 60% to the total sources. During the spring bloom period, the transport across the thermocline makes significant contribution to the input of phosphate and silicate. During the post spring bloom period, the relative contribution of relevant processes varies for different nutrients. For ammonium, atmospheric deposition, excretion of zooplankton and decomposition of particulate and dissolved nitrogen make similar contributions. For phosphate and silicate, the dominant input is the transport across the thermocline, accounting for 62% and 68% of the total sources, respectively. The N/P ratio averaged annually and over the whole southern Yellow Sea is up to 51.8, indicating the potential of P limitation in this region. The important influence of large scale sea water circulation is revealed by both the estimated fluxes and the corresponding N/P ratio of nutrients across a section linking the northeastern bank of the Changjiang River and Cheju Island. During the winter background period, the input of nitrate, ammonium, phosphate and silicate by the Yellow Sea Warm Current is estimated to be 4.6×1010, 2.3×1010, 2.0×109 and 1.2×1010 mol, respectively.  相似文献   
随着城市建设的高速发展 ,高层、超高层建筑在原建筑物稠密区大量兴建 ,加之过量超采城市地下水 ,带来的地基与基坑变形问题越来越突出。为了防治建筑地基与基坑变形灾害 ,必须建立操作性较强的变形监测系统 ,及时作好预警、预报工作 ,使变形监测的方法、技术更加完善。  相似文献   
陕西镇坪地区唐家垭子钼钒多金属矿床是近年来新发现的钼钒矿床,含矿地层及矿化带延伸情况显示其具有达到大型规模的潜力。矿体产于寒武系下统鲁家坪组黑色岩系,与地层展布方向一致,受黑色岩系控制;矿石类型有含炭板岩型、粉砂质板岩型及含炭硅质岩型3种;矿石含钼矿物主要有铁钼华、钼华、胶硫钼矿等,钒主要存在于钒云母中,其次为高岭土、电气石等;矿石化学成分以Mo、V2O5为主,主成矿元素为Mo、V,伴生金属元素有Ag等。矿床地球化学综合分析认为,寒武系下统鲁家坪组为(较封闭的)浅海盆地相;含矿地层鲁家坪组的Mo、Cu、Ni、Pb含量分析表明,沉积的深度可能大于250m;w(Ni)/w(Ti)、w(Cu)/w(Ti)值表明,沉积的离岸距离为100~300km;w(V)/w(Ni)、w(V)/(w(V)+w(Ni))值反映成矿期处于缺氧—强缺氧的还原沉积环境;矿床地质地球化学分析表明,该矿床为明显的深海冷水沉积型矿床。  相似文献   
云南剑川地区象鼻洞遗址孢粉组合和古环境   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解云南剑川旧石器时代中晚期植被和气候变化特点以及当地环境与人类活动的关系,选取象鼻洞遗址各地层的13个土样进行孢粉分析。结果表明:该遗址堆积时期孢粉植物群以亚热带和温带成分为主,类型相对丰富,呈温暖期气候特征,但气候存在小的波动,呈现出早期温暖湿润、中期短暂干旱、晚期又逐渐暖湿的特点;木本植物花粉在孢粉总量中占绝对优势,说明当时人类活动对自然环境的影响不明显;可作为食物来源的植物很少,因此,当时居住在象鼻洞的人类主要食物应来源于捕捞或狩猎;对照邻近地区已有的研究成果,推测该遗址气候变化与季风活动有关。  相似文献   
通过对归一化差异水体指数NDWI中的绿波段修正,提出了不依赖于中红外波段的伪归一化差异水体指数FNDWI(False NDWI)。使用NDWI和FNDWI分别在背景地物为城市、城郊、乡镇、村落和山区的遥感影像上进行河流水体提取,实验表明,FNDWI影像中城镇建筑用地与河流水体的可分离性较NDWI有所提升,提升率为116%~335%不等;相关性分析表明,河流宽度与可分离性提升率具有明显的负相关关系,相关系数为-0.82;分类结果显示,在城市和城郊区域,NDWI提取的水体中混杂有较多城镇建筑用地信息,而FNDWI提取的水体中基本未见混杂。总体上,FNDWI提高了2种地物的可分离性,剔除了NDWI影像混入的城镇建筑用地信息,较好地解决了NDWI城镇建筑用地与河流水体的混淆问题,尤其适用于城镇周边的细小河流。  相似文献   
We measured the concentrations and distribution of major polyamines(spermine, putrescine and spermidine) in seawater during successive spring algal blooms in an area of frequent harmful blooms in the East China Sea. Spermine, putrescine, and spermidine concentrations were analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography and ranged from 1–64, 7–81, and 0–19 nmol/L. Spermine was present at the highest concentrations, followed by putrescine and spermidine. In late April, when a diatom bloom dominated by Skeletonema costatum dispersed, polyamine concentrations increased, presumably as a result of diatom decomposition. In early May, when a dinoflagellate bloom dominated by Prorocentrum donghaiense occurred, the polyamine concentration decreased from the level seen in late April. The abundant polyamines that decomposed and were released during the diatom bloom in late April may have promoted the growth of P. donghaiense, resulting in its dominance.  相似文献   
基于山西及邻近地区的GPS测量资料,给出山西裂谷带水平形变场演化图像,研究山西裂谷带拉张、挤压等受力状况与地震活动之间的关系,探讨预报地震的方法。  相似文献   
对我国数字城镇建设的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国城镇化快速发展迫切需要在全国大中小城市和小城镇加快实施信息化战略,建设具有中国特色的“数字城镇”。本文从“数字城镇”技术构成出发,分析了我国“数字城镇”发展现状及其面临的主要科技问题,提出要加强对“数字城镇”数据平台、综合信息服务平台、业务应用平台构建等关键技术问题的研究,以从整体上提升我国城镇信息化的水平。  相似文献   
上扬子地台震旦系铅锌矿床类型及找矿方向   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
上扬子地台含铅锌矿地层主要为震旦系。震旦系在上扬子地台主要发育上统灯影组,次有下统陡山沱组。将上扬子地台震旦系铅锌矿床成因划分为一级为叠生矿床,二级为层控矿床,三级为热水沉积改造矿床和热水沉积再造矿床四级类型,该类型按铅锌比例进一步划分为富铅型、富锌型、铅锌共生型。研究区内最重要的铅锌矿床成因类型为南郑马元、会东大梁子铅锌矿为代表的富锌型。陕西南郑、紫阳—镇坪地区,湖北武当、神农架、黄陵地区,以及地台西缘的安宁河、甘洛—小江、峨边—寻甸等地区的震旦系是寻找铅锌矿的最有利地段。  相似文献   
矿山废石淋溶对水环境的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
为了研究废石堆砌对水环境的影响,通过对废石做淋溶实验,分析了出入水的水质变化规律,对废石衍生环境效应的过程、机制、影响因素方面进行讨论,揭示了人们容易忽视的酸性水中硫酸根、总硬度、微量金属离子的动力学变化机理,指出矿山废石对水环境的污染不至限于使水质酸化,硫酸根、总硬度也会大幅度提高,废石堆放应充分考虑当地的地理气候及水文条件,合理堆放,减少污染。  相似文献   
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