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Riparian plants can adapt their water uptake strategies based on climatic and hydrological conditions within a river basin. The response of cold-alpine riparian trees to changes in water availability is poorly understood. The Lhasa River is a representative cold-alpine river in South Tibet and an under-studied environment. Therefore, a 96 km section of the lower Lhasa River was selected for a study on the water-use patterns of riparian plants. Plant water, soil water, groundwater and river water were measured at three sites for δ18O and δ2H values during the warm-wet and cold-dry periods in 2018. Soil profiles differed in isotope values between seasons and with the distance along the river. During the cold-dry period, the upper parts of the soil profiles were significantly affected by evaporation. During the warm-wet period, the soil profile was influenced by precipitation infiltration in the upper reaches of the study area and by various water sources in the lower reaches. Calculations using the IsoSource model indicated that the mature salix and birch trees (Salix cheilophila Schneid. and Betula platyphylla Suk.) accessed water from multiple sources during the cold-dry period, whereas they sourced more than 70% of their requirement from the upper 60–80 cm of the soil profile during the warm-wet period. The model indicated that the immature rose willow tree (Tamarix ramosissima Ledeb) accessed 66% of its water from the surface soil during the cold-dry period, but used the deeper layers during the warm-wet period. The plant type was not the dominant factor driving water uptake patterns in mature plants. Our findings can contribute to strategies for the sustainable development of cold-alpine riparian ecosystems. It is recommended that reducing plantation density and collocating plants with different rooting depths would be conducive to optimal plant growth in this environment.  相似文献   
MODerate resolution atmospheric TRANsmission (MODTRAN) is a commercial remote sensing (RS) software package that has been widely used to simulate radiative transfer of electromagnetic radiation through the Earth's atmosphere and the radiation observed by a remote sensor. However, when very large RS datasets must be processed in simulation applications at a global scale, it is extremely time-consuming to operate MODTRAN on a modern workstation. Under this circumstance, the use of parallel cluster computing to speed up the process becomes vital to this time-consuming task. This paper presents PMODTRAN, an implementation of a parallel task-scheduling algorithm based on MODTRAN. PMODTRAN was able to reduce the processing time of the test cases used here from over 4.4 months on a workstation to less than a week on a local computer cluster. In addition, PMODTRAN can distribute tasks with different levels of granularity and has some extra features, such as dynamic load balancing and parameter checking.  相似文献   
The effects of low- to high-angle (>30°) normal faults on sedimentary architectural units in the Eocene Wenchang Formation, Enping Sag, Pearl River Mouth Basin (PRMB), South China Sea were investigated utilising a high-quality 3D seismic data set and restored paleogeomorphology. It has been shown that sequence stratigraphic units and sedimentary architecture are significantly controlled by the low- to high-angle normal faults. The Wenchang Formation, a second-order sequence, can be subdivided into two para-second-sequences (the Lower and Upper Wenchang sequences, E2WL and E2WU) and seven third-order sequences (from base to top: SQ1~SQ7). The low-angle fault confined sequence architecture of the Wenchang Formation is mainly characterised by lateral stacking with the ratio of the vertical subsidence (V) to horizontal slip (H) being reduced from 1/2 for E2WL to 1/6 for E2WU. In contrast, the high-angle fault confined sequence is characterised by vertical stacking with the ratio of V/H close to 1 for sequences SQ1 to SQ7. In the 3D seismic area, the features of sediment-dispersal pattern were interpreted based on an integrated analysis of paleogeomorphology, seismic reflection characteristics, stratal thickness distribution and multiple attribute clustering. The results show that the large-scale fan delta, belt-shape lacustrine deposit and bird-foot braided delta systems mainly developed in the low-angle fault confined sequences, whereas small-scale fan delta, rhombus-shaped lacustrine deposit and lobe-shaped braided delta systems inherited tectono-sedimentary architectures in the high-angle fault confined sequences.  相似文献   
Two methods of reliability analysis of soil slopes are studied, and the representative flow charts of both methods are illustrated. Method 1 can predict the reliability index and the critical probabilistic slip surface directly and it is computational efficient, but it needs the development of new codes for integrating the reliability analysis code and the slope stability code. Method 2 makes the reliability analysis code call the slope stability analysis code directly, and each code can be considered as an intact part. The main result of Method 2 is the reliability index of soil slope. Combined with the proposed method for locating the critical slip surface, Method 2 can also predict the probabilistic slip surface. Although Method 2 needs much more callings of the subprogram of slope stability analysis code, it needs not the developing of new computer program. Thus, Method 2 is easy to use and can be applied to different reliability analysis methods and slope stability analysis methods.  相似文献   
During the Cambrian, gypsum-bearing evaporites formed in the Sichuan Basin, SW China. These rocks are important for oil and gas sealing, but details of their distribution and origin are not well established. This study examines the regional distribution and origin of the gypsum-bearing evaporites using a comprehensive analysis of drilling data from 34 wells, 5 measured cross-sections in the basin and surrounding area, and 96 maps of area-survey data. Results show that in the stratigraphic succession, the gypsum-bearing evaporites occur mainly in the Lower Cambrian Longwangmiao Formation, the Middle Cambrian Douposi Formation, and the Middle-Upper Cambrian Xixiangchi Group. Geographically, the rocks are found mainly in the southeastern part of the basin, and the distribution of deposits shows an overall SW-NE trend. The sedimentary environments for evaporite formation were evaporative lagoon and inter-platform basin in a platform setting. Gypsum was generated by the underwater concentration of sea water in a strongly evaporative environment. Both an evaporative restricted platform and a mixeddeposition restricted platform model appear to be applicable to the development of gypsum in the Sichuan Basin. The gypsum-bearing evaporites with the best sealing capacity are located mostly in the southeastern part of the basin. These constraints can be applied directly to regional exploration, and have implications for the regional paleogeography and paleoclimate.  相似文献   
Landslides triggered by the 2016 Mj 7.3 Kumamoto,Japan, earthquake   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The aim of this study is to establish a detailed and complete inventory of the landslides triggered by the Mj 7.3 (Mw 7.0) Kumamoto, Japan, earthquake sequence of 15 April 2016 (16 April in JST). Based on high-resolution (0.5–2 m) optical satellite images, we delineated 3,467 individual landslides triggered by the earthquake, occupying an area of about 6.9 km2. Then they were validated by aerial photographs with very high-resolution (better than 0.5 m) and oblique field photos. Of them, 3,460 landslides are distributed in an elliptical area about 6000 km2, with a NE-SW directed 120-km-long long axis and a 60-km-long NW-SE trending short axis. Most of the landslides are shallow, disrupted falls and slides, with a few flow-type slides and rock and soil avalanches. The analysis of correlation between the landslides and several control factors shows the areas of elevation 1000–1200 m, stratum of Q3-Hvf, seismic intensity VIII and VIII+, and peak ground acceleration (PGA) 0.4–0.6 g register the highest landslide abundance. This study also discussed the relationship between the spatial pattern of the landslides and the seismotectonic structure featured by a strike-slip fault with a normal component and the volcanism in the study area.  相似文献   
准噶尔盆地玛湖凹陷百口泉组相对湖平面升降规律研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
准噶尔盆地三叠系百口泉组相对湖平面升降规律认识不清,制约了对百口泉组沉积体系分布与演化的分析。在高分辨率层序地层学理论指导下,综合钻井、测井等资料,采用传统定性分析与定量的测井小波变换分析相结合的方法,对准噶尔盆地玛湖凹陷斜坡区三叠系百口泉组进行高精度层序地层划分,将百口泉组定量划分为1个长期层序,4个中期层序,16个短期层序,126个超短期层序;对126个超短期层序进行Fisher图解的定量分析,结果显示百口泉组沉积时期湖平面升降总体表现出持续上升的特征,内部又可划分为多个次级湖平面升降旋回,百口泉组一段(T1b1)、百口泉组二段(T1b2)、百口泉组三段(T1b3)与三次湖平面持续上升过程相对应,百口泉组三段(T1b3)湖平面达到百口泉组时期的最大规模。通过对比前人研究成果和钻井地质信息,认为相对湖平面升降曲线具有很高的可信度。  相似文献   
This paper made a research about the change rule of elastic wave velocity with stress applied on rock from theoretical and experimental aspect. Firstly, a mathematical model of P-wave velocity and confining pressure of rock was set up from the point of acoustoelastic character. Effect of axial stress on P-wave velocity in granite and sandstone during uniaxial compression process was studied experimentally by using GAW-2000 rock mechanical testing system and RSM-SY5 ultrasonic wave testing system, and the relation curves of axial stress with P-wave velocity were obtained. Based on test data, acoustoelastic theoretical formulas of granite and sandstone were established and the best empirical formulas were fitted by using regression method. Meanwhile, a comparative analysis of the empirical and theoretical calculated values was carried out. Finally, the reliability of applying acoustoelastic theoretical formula in hard rock range was further verified based on the experimental data of granitic gneiss. The results show that the P-wave velocity experiences a rapid increase, gentle increase and then a sharp fall during the uniaxial compression process. The B-value in acoustoelastic theoretical formula (proportion coefficient determined by elastic modulus and third-order elastic constant) decreases exponentially with axial stress. The acoustoelastic theoretical formula can effectively reflect the relationship between rock acoustic velocity and stress within the allowable error, which can be the theoretical foundation of acoustoelastic geo-stress measurement of subsurface rock mass.  相似文献   
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