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洪海斌  郭杭  滕长胜  徐运广 《测绘科学》2015,40(1):14-17,32
在GPS/INS辅助航空摄影测量作业过程中,如果GPS失锁时间过长将会影响到整个机载POS数据后处理精度,从而影响制图效果。文章旨在研究解决传统基于位置、速度组合的松耦合导航系统在GPS失锁情况下后处理精度不高的问题,提出基于伪距、伪距率的紧耦合导航系统:在保证外符合精度前提下,后处理后的位置内符合精度达到0.05m、航向角内符合精度约为0.005deg,各项指标均满足国外GPS/INS辅助航空摄影测量系统解算精度要求。研究结果可以为解决相关问题提供参考。  相似文献   
单体牡蛎诱导变态的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了得到壳型规则、大小均一的单体牡蛎,作者以葡萄牙牡蛎(Crassostrea angulata)和长牡蛎(Crassostrea gigas)眼点幼虫为材料,从肾上腺素(EPI)浓度梯度、处理时间梯度和眼点幼虫密度梯度3个因素诱导产生不固着变态的单体牡蛎。结果表明,葡萄牙牡蛎用EPI处理24 h的最适浓度为5×10–4 mol/L,不固着变态率为72.8%,在该最适浓度下,最佳处理时间为12 h,不固着变态率为82.7%。长牡蛎用EPI处理6 h的最适浓度为5×10–5 mol/L,不固着变态率为53.2%,在该最适浓度下,最佳处理时间为8h,不固着变态率为56.8%,眼点幼虫密度在80个/m L以下EPI处理效果没有显著性差异。对长牡蛎幼虫进行后续生长测定,结果显示EPI处理组幼虫的壳长、壳高和存活率要高于对照组,表明EPI可能促进牡蛎幼虫变态长出次生壳并提高其生存能力。  相似文献   
滕丽  蔡砥  王铮 《地理科学》2008,28(4):478-482
区域溢出是一种重要的新经济现象。区域知识溢出是其中的一种形式。区域相互作用的可观察事实可能为区域知识溢出提供某种传递机制。基于人口迁移、铁路贸易两种可观察事实,采用CH模型和反事实估计法验证了中国省域尺度上的溢出是否与人口迁移或铁路贸易有关。还考虑了省域之间的产业结构相似性和贸易联系紧密性对区域知识溢出的影响。结果显示区域知识溢出与反映区域相互作用的可观察事实有关,而不是随机发生的。  相似文献   
“霞客行”科普电子地图的设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
科普电子地图作为电子地图的一种新形式,以寓教于乐的方式向用户传达丰富的信息。《霞客行》电子地图将以时间为序的游记和体现游历过程的地图相结合,配以图片、视频、音乐等多媒体资料,达到了全面介绍徐霞客旅行探险一生,体现徐霞客的人文主义精神的目的。本文通过对《霞客行》电子地图设计的讨论,提出了科普电子地图的设计基本原则和基本方案,凝练了时空索引技术,给电子地图这一媒介赋予更多的思想内涵。  相似文献   
The tectonic attributes of different blocks within orogenic belts are of great significance for the study of accretionary processes and the evolution of Earth. The Hongliuhe-Niujianzi-Baiyunshan-Xichangjing ophiolitic mélange belt(HXOMB) is distributed in the heart of the Beishan Orogen, the Shuangyingshan and Minshui-Hanshan blocks being distributed in the south and north of the HXOMB respectively, and a large number of Early Paleozoic geological units are exposed on the blocks. According to the zircon age populations of the metasandstones in the Baiyunshan area recovered in this paper, when compared with the zircon age populations of the Paleozoic metasandstones reported in the Niujuanzi and Hanshan areas, we found that the metasandstones of the Shuangyingshan Block have age peaks at c. 598 Ma, 742 Ma, 828 Ma, 941 Ma, 990 Ma, 1168 Ma, 1636 Ma, 2497 Ma with non-significant age populations of 1500–1300 Ma, showing a possible affinity with the Tarim Craton; the metasandstones of the Minshui-Hanshan Block have age peaks at c. 606 Ma, 758 Ma, 914 Ma, 1102 Ma, 1194 Ma, 1304 Ma, 1672 Ma with significant age populations of 1500-1300 Ma, showing a possible affinity with the Chinese Central Tianshan Block. Therefore, the HXOMB of the Beishan Orogen is of great significance in plate segmentation, which separates the Tarim Craton in the south and the Chinese Central Tianshan Block in the north. Based on the evolutionary process of the Hongliuhe-Xichangjing ocean in the Beishan Orogen, we believe that break-up and convergence can be recognized as having occurred twice between the Chinese Central Tianshan Block and the Tarim Craton since the Mesoproterozoic in the Beishan area. This was related firstly to the break-up of the Columbia Supercontinent and the convergence of the Rodinia Supercontinent, mainly during the Middle Mesoproterozoic to Early Neoproterozoic, and secondly to the opening and closing of the Hongliuhe-Xichangjing ocean, mainly during the Early Paleozoic.  相似文献   
针对矩形容器内液体晃荡问题,采用了时域高阶边界元方法建立自由水面满足完全非线性边界条件的数学模型。求解中采用混合欧拉-拉格朗日方法追踪流体瞬时水面,运用四阶龙格库塔方法更新下一时间步的波面和速度势。通过将计算得到的波面结果与实验数据、解析解和已发表结果对比,吻合良好,验证了本方法的准确性。进而采用谱分析方法分析了波面时间历程,得到容器各阶固有频率对液体晃荡的影响。研究发现,基频对液体晃荡的影响最大,且非线性越强,更高阶容器固有频率的影响越大。  相似文献   
During the summer of 2012, the fifth CHINARE Arctic Expedition was carried out, and a submersible mooring system was deployed in M5 station located at(69°30.155'N,169°00.654'W) and recovered 50 d later. A set of temperature, salinity and current profile records was acquired. The characteristics of these observations are analyzed in this paper. Some main results are achieved as below.(1) Temperature generally decreases while salinity generally increases with increasing depth. The average values of all records are 2.98°C and 32.21 psu.(2)Salinity and temperature are well negatively correlated, and the correlation coefficient between them is –0.84.However, they did not always vary synchronously. Their co-variation featured different characters during different significant periods.(3) The average velocity for the whole water column is 141 mm/s with directional angle of347.1°. The statistical distribution curve of velocity record number gets narrower with increasing depth. More than85% of the recorded velocities are northward, and the mean magnitudes of dominated northward velocities are100–150 mm/s.(4) Rotary spectrum analysis shows that motions with low frequency take a majority of energy in all layers. The most significant energy peaks for all layers are around 0.012 cph(about 3.5 d period), while the tidal motion in mooring area is nonsignificant.(5) Velocities in all layers feature similar and synchronous temporal variations, except for the slight decrease in magnitude and leftward twist from top to bottom. The directions of velocity correspond well to those of surface wind. The average northward volume transport per square meter is0.1–0.2 m3/s under southerly wind, but about –0.2 m3/s during northerly wind burst.  相似文献   
内蒙古东乌旗狠麦温都尔地区发育了大量的晚古生代花岗岩,主要岩石类型为二长花岗岩、正长花岗岩。SHRIMP锆石U-Pb同位素定年结果表明,二长花岗岩和正长花岗岩的成岩年龄分别为307.0±1.9 Ma和299.7±5.3 Ma,时代为晚石炭世—早二叠世。岩石地球化学特征显示,主要岩石的SiO2含量为65.65%~71.86%,具富碱(K2O+Na2O为9.59%~9.90%)、富钾(K2O/Na2O为1.00~1.73)的特点,准铝质(A/CNK为0.96~1.00),属高钾钙碱性-钾玄岩系列;岩石富集Rb、Th、K等大离子亲石元素,而亏损Nb、Ta、Sr、P、Ti等元素;稀土元素总量为82.60×10-6~177.58×10-6,(La/Yb)N为4.13~15.37,配分曲线模式略微右倾,δEu为0.44~0.87,中等-弱负铕异常,具岛弧或后碰撞高钾钙碱性花岗岩的特征,结合岩石具块状构造、晶洞构造特征显示为后碰撞花岗岩。综上所述,认为狠麦温都尔高钾钙碱性花岗岩可能为后碰撞早期伸展阶段的产物,与华北板块和西伯利亚板块碰撞作用有关,这一认识为兴蒙造山带晚古生代构造岩浆演化及古亚洲洋闭合的时限提供了新的约束。  相似文献   
采用CAP3软件对NCBI上的5296条缢蛏ESTs序列进行了微卫星特征分析。结果表明,经拼接、去冗得到非冗余EST序列3453条,含SSR位点的EST序列267条,共307个SSR位点,检出率为8.89%,平均每6.83kb出现1个SSR位点。设计了40对EST-SSR引物并进行PCR扩增,29对引物能扩增出理想的PCR产物,其中多态性引物14对。利用14对多态性引物分析了乐清湾缢蛏遗传多样性,共检测到等位基因数(Na)61个,每个位点的等位基因数为2—12个。二核苷酸、三核苷酸和四核苷酸重复是最主要的重复类型,分别占15.96%、37.13%和35.50%。乐清湾缢蛏群体观测杂合度(Ho)、期望杂合度(He)和多态信息含量(PIC)分别为0.569、0.490和0.449,表明乐清湾缢蛏遗传多样性较丰富。  相似文献   
本文详细分析了TeraScan系统反演NOAA/AVHRR卫星海表温度的过程,解决了反演过程中的海陆匹配问题和云检测过程中的误检、漏检问题,处理得到2002年(5°~45°N)、(105°~150°E)区域内的卫星海表温度数据.利用东北亚地区海洋观测系统NEAR-GOOS提供的现场海表温度数据做比较,印证NOAA/AVHRR海表温度在西北太平洋海域的精度,并分析其误差产生的来源.  相似文献   
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