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Yuxiang Ma Guohai Dong Marc Perlin Shuxue Liu Jun Zang Yiyan Sun 《Ocean Engineering》2009,36(8):595-604
This paper considers higher-harmonic forces due to wave focusing on a vertical circular cylinder. A series of experiments has been conducted in a wave flume. The first six-harmonic components of the measured wave forces are analyzed using the scale-averaged wavelet spectrum. It is noted that due to the transient nature of focused (freak) waves, Fourier analysis would not provide equivalent information to that gleaned from the analyses used herein. The results for the experiments with very steep wave crests show significant amplitudes at the fourth and fifth harmonics. These harmonics exhibit amplitudes that are the same order as the second harmonic, but much larger than those of the third harmonic. The wavelet-based bicoherence is used to detect the quadratic nonlinearity of the measured forces. And the bicoherence spectra reveal the primary mathematical reason for the existence of the striking amplitudes of the fourth and fifth harmonics: the interaction between the lower-harmonic components couple more strongly with the fourth and fifth harmonics, thus the fourth and fifth harmonics glean more energy than those of the third-harmonic components. However, the physical explanation for this remains elusive. 相似文献
中国热带6种海参骨片的种类和形态研究 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
利用扫描电子显微镜对我国6种热带海参(蛇目白尼参、玉足海参、花刺参、梅花参、子安辐肛参和巨梅花参)背脊部骨片的组成和结构进行了观察。结果表明,蛇目白尼参骨片有3种类型的花纹样体和1种杆状体;玉足海参骨片有2种类型的桌形体和1种扣形体;花刺参骨片有2种类型的桌形体、1种C形体和1种花纹样体;梅花参骨片有4种类型的杆状体;子安辐肛参骨片有1种花纹样体;巨梅花参骨片有1种杆状体、1种拟桌形体和1种颗粒体。结果显示,与之前学者光镜下观察的结果存在差异,玉足海参桌形体底盘中央是单孔而非4孔;花刺参桌形体立柱之间没有横梁连接。并发现了新的骨片类型:蛇目白尼参Ⅲ型花纹样体和杆状体;玉足海参顶部周缘小孔桌形体;花刺参顶部5簇小齿桌形体;梅花参Ⅱ型、Ⅲ型、Ⅳ型杆状体。 相似文献
4种微生态制剂对对虾育苗水体主要水质指标的影响 总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5
研究了由球形红假单胞菌(Rhodopseudomlonas sphaeroides)、噬菌蛭弧菌(Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus)及黏红酵母(Rhodotorula glutinis)制成的4种微生态制剂对中国对虾(Fenneropenaeus chinensis)育苗水质的影响.结果表明,试验组与对照组相比都能明显净化水质,试验组中以添加噬菌蛭弧菌和黏红酵母组的效果最差,添加球形红假单胞茵和噬茵蛭弧茵组的效果最好,此组水质的pH值稳定,NH4+-N明显下降,而亚硝酸盐、化学需氧量及硫化物等指标也优于其他试验组.统计分析显示,试验组与对照组相比,细菌数降低了3个数量级,添加嗜菌蛭弧菌试验组在减少异养茵(包含有害细菌)方面效果较好.同时用鳗弧菌攻毒,在5 d内,对照组的死亡率显著高于试验组(P<0.05),试验组免疫保护率为29.4%~58.5%,以添加嗜菌蛭弧菌和球形红假单胞菌组最高.建议联合使用噬菌蛭孤菌和球形红假单胞菌,混合密度初步定为2×105个/mL. 相似文献
Xuguang Hong ;Xiuqin Sun ;Minggang Zheng ;Lingyun Qu ;Jindong Zan ;Jinxing Zhang 《海洋湖沼学报(英文)》2008,26(4):375-379
Defensin is one of preserved ancient host defensive materials formed in biological evolution. As a regulator and effector molecule, it is very important in animals’ acquired immune system. This paper reports the defensin gene from the mixed liver and kidney cDNA library of abalone Haliotis discus hannai Ino. Sequence analysis shows that the gene sequence of full-length cDNA encodes 42 mature peptides (including six Cys), molecular weight of 4 323 Da, and pI of 8.02. Amino acid sequence homology analysis shows that the peptides are highly similar (70% in common) to other insects defensin. Because of a typical insect-defensin structural character of mature peptide in the secondary structure, the polypeptide named Haliotis discus defensin (hd-def), a novel of antimicrobial peptides, belongs to insects defensin subfamily. The RT-PCR result of Haliotis discus defensin shows that the gene can be expressed only in the hepatopancreas by Gram-negative and positive bacteria stimulation, which is ascribed to inducible expression. Therefore, it is revealed that the Haliotis discus defensin gene expression was related to the antibacterial infection of Haliotis discus hannai Ino. 相似文献
通过亲贝强化营养和升温促熟培育,提早栉江珧人工育苗时间;合理控制幼虫密度,前期4~5个/mL,后期2~3个/mL,严把饵料质量关,投喂新鲜无污染的饵料,科学换水与充气,及时分级筛选等系列技术措施,克服栉江珧育苗中易发生幼虫粘连的技术难题,使育苗生产顺利进行;开展了多种附着基投放的采苗方法试验,选出了铺砂浮动网箱采苗和网袋装网片附着基和细砂吊在池中采苗2种比较理想的采苗方法,提高稚贝的附着变态率,其附着变态率达30%以上,促进稚贝的生长和成活,在1 000 m3水体中育出2 mm以上的稚贝1.096亿粒。 相似文献
羊栖菜(Hizikia fusiformis)隶属褐藻门,圆子纲,墨角藻目,马尾藻科,羊栖菜属,是我国东海沿海地区重要的创汇经济海藻,2004年的产量约为6000t(干重),产品主要销往日本。除了作为海藻食品以外,羊栖菜的抽提物被发现含有抗肿瘤活性物质,具有激发免疫系统的作用,因而是一种潜在的重要海洋药物原材料。由于羊栖菜是一种多年生海藻,传统的养殖方式是从潮间带收割自然种群作为种苗,进行海上的筏式养殖,以假根形式完成渡夏,次年从假根再生的植株构成被养殖的主体。这种养殖方式决定了需要每年从自然种群或养殖种群中采集或者保留成吨的生物量作为种… 相似文献
应用高效液相色谱法研究了凡纳滨对虾(Litopenaeus vannamei)摄食诺氟沙星强化卤虫(Artemia)的药物代谢动力学。结果表明:强化4~8 h,卤虫体内的药物质量浓度达到最高,此后卤虫体内药物摄入和排除达到一个动态平衡;温度影响诺氟沙星在卤虫体内半衰期:体长3mm和6 mm的卤虫,在4,16,28℃时的半衰期分别为51.33,19.29,18.64 h和39.67,13.26,12.6 h。对虾摄食诺氟沙星强化的卤虫后,对虾组织中药物质量浓度经时过程符合一级吸收二室开放模型;投喂剂量对Tmax和Cmax影响较大,当对虾给药质量分数分别为800,400,200mg/kg时,肌肉中给药后出现最高血药的时间或达峰时间分别为0.403,0.540,0.481 h;肝胰脏中给药后出现最高血药的时间或达峰时间分别为0.826,1.839,1.469 h;肌肉中给药后的最高血药质量浓度分别为98.943,46.752,10.887 mg/L;肝胰脏中给药后的最高血药质量浓度分别为738.267,597.352,415.268 mg/L。药物在对虾肌肉的消除半衰期(约26.688 h)明显长于肝胰脏中消除半衰期(约13.988 h)。 相似文献
Changlin Chen ;Peiliang Li ;Maochong Shi ;Juncheng Zuo ;Meixiang Chen ;Haiping Sun 《海洋湖沼学报(英文)》2009,27(4):931-942
Based on the three-dimensional ECOM model, the tide, tide-induced residual current, wind-driven and density currents in the Beibu (Tonkin) Gulf and Qiongzhou Strait are diagnostically computed in fine grid. The tides and tidal currents in the Beibu Gulf and Qiongzhou Strait are well reproduced. The model results show that the semidiurnal tidal wave propagates eastward from the Beibu Gulf through Qiongzhou Strait, while diurnal tidal waves enter the strait from both the eastern and western sides and interact on the southeast coast of the strait. The formation processes of the residual currents in Qiongzhou Strait in summer (August) and winter (January) are mainly discussed. It is shown that the total residual currents (coupling effect of wind, tide and density) in the strait are westward in both summer and winter. The water volume transported from the east to west into the Beibu Gulf is 0.026 Sv in summer and 0.116 Sv in winter. Numerical experiments indicate that the dominant factor affecting the residual currents in the strait is not the wind stress but the tidal rectification. The westward tide-induced residual current, driven by the tidal rectification, is rather strong in the strait with water volume transport of 0.063 Sv. The wind in summer only reduces the westward tide-induced residual current to a certain extent, and the wind in winter approximately doubles the westward tide-induced residual current through the strait. The density current contributes little to the total residual current in both summer and winter. 相似文献
Gengxin Chen ;Yijun Hou ;Xiaoqing Chu ;Peng Qi ;Po Hu 《海洋湖沼学报(英文)》2009,27(4):943-954
We used fifteen years (1993–2007) of altimetric data, combined from different missions (ERS-1/2, TOPEX/Poseidon, Jason-1, and Envisat), to analyze the variability of the eddy kinetic energy (EKE) in the South China Sea (SCS). We found that the EKE ranged from 64 cm2/s2 to 1 390 cm2/s2 with a mean value of 314 cm2/s2. The highest EKE center was observed to the east of Vietnam (with a mean value of 509 cm2/s2) and the second highest EKE region was located to the southwest of Taiwan Island (with a mean value of 319 cm2/s2). We also found that the EKE structure is the consequence of the superposition of different variability components. First, interannual variability is important in the SCS. Spectral analysis of the EKE interannual signal (IA-EKE) shows that the main periodicities of the IA-EKE to the east of Vietnam, to the southwest of Taiwan Island, and in the SCS are 3.75, 1.87, and 3.75 years, respectively. It is to the south of Taiwan Island that the IA-EKE signal has the most obvious impact on EKE variability. In addition, the IA-EKE exhibit different trends in different regions. An obvious positive trend is observed along the east coast of Vietnam, while a negative trend is found to the southwest of Taiwan Island and in the east basin of Vietnam. Correlation analysis shows that the IA-EKE has an obvious negative correlation with the SSTA in Niño3 (5°S–5°N, 90°W–150°W). El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) affects the IA-EKE variability in the SCS through an atmospheric bridge—wind stress curl over the SCS. Second, the seasonal cycle is the most obvious timescale affecting EKE variability. The locations of the most remarkable EKE seasonal variabilities in the SCS are to the east of Vietnam, to the southwest of Taiwan, and to the west of Philippines. To the east of Vietnam, the seasonal cycle is the dominant mechanism controlling EKE variability, which is attributed primarily to the annual cycle there of wind stress curl. In this area, the maximum EKE is observed in autumn. To the southwest of Taiwan Island, the EKE is enlarged by the stronger SCS circulation, which is caused by the intrusion branch from the Kuroshio in winter. Finally, intra-annual and mesoscale variability, although less important than the former, cannot be neglected. The most obvious intra-annual and mesoscale variability, which may be the result of baroclinic instability of the background flow, are observed to the southwest of Taiwan Island. Sporadic events can have an important effect on EKE variability. 相似文献
Qilong Zhang ;Yijun Hou ;Qinghua Qi ;Xuezhi Bai 《海洋湖沼学报(英文)》2009,27(3):640-649
Based on the monthly average SST and 850 hPa monthly average wind data, the seasonal, interannual and long-term variations in the eastern Indian Ocean warm pool (EIWP) and its relationship to the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD), and its response to the wind over the Indian Ocean are analyzed in this study. The results show that the distribution range, boundary and area of the EIWP exhibited obviously seasonal and interannual variations associated with the ENSO cycles. Further analysis suggests that the EIWP had obvious long-term trend in its bound edge and area, which indicated the EIWP migrated westwards by about 14 longitudes for its west edge, southwards by about 5 latitudes for its south edge and increased by 3.52×106 km2 for its area, respectively, from 1950 to 2002. The correlation and composite analyses show that the anomalous westward and northward displacements of the EIWP caused by the easterly wind anomaly and the southerly wind anomaly over the eastern equatorial Indian Ocean played an important and direct role in the formation of the IOD. 相似文献