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The red alga Gracilariopsis lemaneiformis (Bory) is an economically valuable macroalgae. As a means to identify the sex of immature Gracilariopsis lemaneiformis, the amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) technique was used to search for possible sex- or phase-related markers in male gametophytes, female gametophytes, and tetrasporophytes, respectively. Seven AFLP selective amplification primers were used in this study. The primer combination E-TG/M-CCA detected a specific band linked to male gametophytes. The DNA fragment was recovered and a 402-bp fragment was sequenced. However, no DNA sequence match was found in public databases. Sequence characterized amplified region (SCAR) primers were designed from the sequence to test the repeatability of the relationship to the sex, using 69 male gametophytes, 139 female gametophytes, and 47 tetrasporophytes. The test results demonstrate a good linkage and repeatability of the SCAR marker to sex. The SCAR primers developed in this study could reduce the time required for sex identification of Gracilariopsis lemaneiformis by four to six months. This can reduce both the time investment and number of specimens required in breeding experiments.  相似文献   
阴山中生代地壳逆冲推覆与伸展变形作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究区属燕山—阴山中生代板内造山带西段的重要组成部分。依据变形特征和物质组成,可以分为北部构造活动带、中部隆起带和南部构造活动带3个不同的构造区。以中部隆起带为中心,在南北两侧的构造活动带中的构造样式和变形机制呈反向对称出现。逆冲构造和伸展构造在时间和空间上密切共生。在印支期—燕山早期地壳以逆冲挤压变形机制为主,形成了色尔腾山逆冲推覆体系和大青山逆冲推覆体系,而燕山晚期阶段在逆冲岩席上产生了背向伸展变形作用,形成了同构造的早白垩世呼和浩特—包头盆地和固阳盆地。  相似文献   
This study deals with general features of sediment transport in the Huangfuchuan river, an important branch river of the Yellow river, draining the Loess Plateau in China. The long-term precipitation records at 3 climate stations near the watershed have been used to assess the changes in precipitation in this region. By introducing metrics for runoff and sediment transport, long-term observations on discharge and sediment concentration at the Huangfuchuan gauging station on the Huangfuchuan river have been used to assess the changes in runoff and sediment transport in the Huangfuchuan River compared with those at the Toudaoguai and Fugu gauging stations on the Yellow river. It is found that both runoff and sediment metrics have a clearly downward trend. From July to August, the long-term sediment transport modulus at the Huangfuchuan gauging station is much higher than those at the Toudaoguai and Fugu stations on the Yellow river. The long-term average sediment transport modulus at the Huangfuchuan gauging station are high, ranging from 14000. t/(km2 y) but decreasing to 5900 t/(km2 y) over the last 10 years. Additionally, analyses on grain size distribution of suspended load in the Huangfuchuan and Yellow river have been conducted.  相似文献   
农田蒸散双层模型及其在干旱遥感监测中的应用   总被引:67,自引:4,他引:67  
该文建立了在部分植被条件下估算农田蒸散的双层模型,利用此模型和NOAA-AVHRR数据对黄淮海平原春季旱情进行了评估,并做出了干旱及蒸散分布图。对双层模型和单层模型的估算结果进行了比较,结果表明在部分植被条件下双层模型估算的精度要高。  相似文献   
内蒙古北部早元古代变质岩系的发现及其岩石学研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
肖荣阁  隋德才 《现代地质》1995,9(2):142-148
笔者参加内蒙区调工作,首次于本区发现了早元古代变质岩系。该岩系由3个岩组组成,一是花敖包特正变质岩组(Pt1bh),二是昌特敖包副变质岩组(Pt1bc),三是阿木乌苏条带状混合岩组(Pt1ba)。对各岩组的岩石学、矿物学及岩石化学的研究,表明这是一套深变质岩系,近似于下地壳岩石组合。其Rb-Sr等时线测年资料与印支期花岗岩源区年龄为17~19亿a,是目前本区发现的最古老的变质岩系,它经历了大面积混合岩化和花岗岩化作用。  相似文献   
在黑潮入侵南海强弱的问题上,到底是太平洋年代际变化(Pacific Decadal Oscillation,PDO)还是厄尔尼诺-南方涛动(El Nio-Southern Oscillation,ENSO)现象在起关键作用,目前还存在着较大争议。本文先以高盐水作为黑潮入侵强弱的示踪物,用120°E断面的高盐水数据和北赤道流分叉点(North Equator Current Bifurcation,NEC-Y)的南北变动进行相关分析,接着,进一步用学者所用的黑潮入侵指数(KI指数,Kuroshio intrusion index和NEC指数,North Equatorial Current index)与北赤道流分叉点南北变动进行相关分析。最后,用EMD(Empirical Mode Decomposition)方法和相关关系分析法分别分析了PDO指数、Nio3.4指数与北赤道流分叉点南北变动的关系并用NECP风场数据探讨其影响机制。结果表明:(1)通过对120°E断面的高盐水的KI指数、NEC指数与NEC-Y的相关分析,表明了北赤道流分叉点的南北变动能够很好地指代黑潮入侵南海的强弱;(2)通过PDO指数和Nio3.4指数与北赤道流分叉点的南北变动的相关性分析,发现PDO指数、Nio3.4指数与北赤道流分叉点的南北变动都具有较好的相关性,都在0.5水平。这些良好的相关性表明了PDO和ENSO对黑潮入侵南海的强弱都具有重要的影响;(3)当处于厄尔尼诺年(拉尼娜)时,赤道太平洋发生西(东)风异常,使得北赤道流分叉点偏北(南),使吕宋岛东侧的黑潮流速减弱(加强),黑潮入侵南海增强(减弱);当PDO处于暖(冷)阶段时,会加强热带太平洋的西(东)风异常,使得黑潮入侵南海增强(减弱)。  相似文献   
By using the ECMWF reanalysis daily data and daily precipitation data of 80 stations in Northeast China from 1961 to 2002, the impacts of moisture transport of East Asian summer monsoon on the summer precipitation anomaly in Northeast China, and the relationship between the variation of moisture budget and the establishment of East Asian summer monsoon in this region are studied. The results demonstrate that the moisture of summer precipitation in Northeast China mainly originates from subtropical, South China Sea, and South Asia monsoon areas. East China and its near coastal area are the convergent region of the monsoonal moisture currents and the transfer station for the currents continually moving northward. The monsoonal moisture transport, as an important link or bridge, connects the interaction between middle and low latitude systems. In summer half year, there is a moisture sink in Northeast China where the moisture influx is greater than outflux. The advance transport and accumulation of moisture are of special importance to pentad time scale summer precipitation. The onset, retreat, and intensity change of the monsoonal rainy season over Northeast China are mainly signified by the moisture input condition along the southern border of this area. The establishment of East Asian summer monsoon in this area ranges from about 10 July to 20 August and the onset in the west is earlier than that in the east. The latitude that the monsoon can reach is gradually northward from west to east, reaching 50°N within longitude 120°-135°E. In summer, the difference of air mass transport between summers with high and low rainfall mainly lies in whether more air masses originating from lower latitudes move northward through East China and its coastal areas, consequently transporting large amounts of hot and humid air into Northeast China.  相似文献   
Distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) is one recently developed seismic acquisition technique that is based on fiber-optic sensing. DAS provides dense spatial spacing that is useful to image shallow structure with surface waves. To test the feasibility of DAS in shallow structure imaging, the PoroTomo team conducted a DAS experiment with the vibroseis truck T-Rex in Brady’s Hot Springs, Nevada, USA. The Rayleigh waves excited by the vertical mode of the vibroseis truck were analyzed with the Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW) method. Phase velocities between 5 and 20 Hz were successfully extracted for one segment of cable and were employed to build a shear-wave velocity model for the top 50 meters. The dispersion curves obtained with DAS agree well with the ones extracted from co-located geophones data and from the passive source Noise Correlation Functions (NCF). Comparing to the co-located geophone array, the higher sensor density that DAS arrays provides help reducing aliasing in dispersion analysis, and separating different surface wave modes. This study demonstrates the feasibility and advantage of DAS in imaging shallow structure with surface waves.  相似文献   
本文报道了红藻 Gracilaria lemaneiformis委内瑞拉株的藻红蛋白基因的部分序列 ,将所得序列与其它红藻 - Rhodella violacea,Polysiphonia boldii,Griffithsia monolis,Porphyra tenera,Porphyra yezoensis及青岛产龙须菜的相应序列对齐后 ,进行了系统学研究。结果显示 ,同一属的藻红蛋白 α和 β亚基之间的间隔序列 ,从长度到核苷酸序列均非常相似 ,而同一科不同属或同一目的科间的该序列有很大的不同 ;两不同产地龙须菜的 PE基因在 β亚基上的转换多于颠换 ,说明 β亚基比 α亚基保守 ;委内瑞拉来源龙须菜与青岛产地龙须菜可能不属于同一物种 ,应为同属不同种关系 ;由藻红蛋白基因所得的系统树包括 3个与建立在形态标准上的遗传位置一致的分支 ;藻红蛋白基因序列可用于种间及更高地位的分子系统研究。  相似文献   
本文应用自行开发的计算机程序,计算了几种立式泵的六个自由度的固有频率,数值计算的结果显示了立式泵的高度及其安装尺寸的变化与其固有频率之间的关系,并分析了不同安装尺寸的隔振效率。最后,为满足立式泵的隔振要求提出了新型的泵体机座设计。  相似文献   
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