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本文通过对民国时期发生在滇西南地区的1938年5月14日澜沧MS6.0级、1941年5月16日耿马MS7.0级和1941年12月26日澜沧MS7.0级3次地震历史资料的系统收集和整理,并在前人已有研究的基础上,通过现场采访和补充调查获得的新资料,修改和完善了这3次地震的等震线图和极震区范围,并结合该区地形地貌特征和断裂最新活动性研究结果,综合分析评述了其发震构造特征。结果表明,这3次强震发生在腾冲-澜沧新生地震带附近,分别与黑河断裂、南汀河断裂西支及澜沧断裂勐遮段的新活动密切相关。  相似文献   
Soil erodibility is an essential parameter used in soil erosion prediction. This study selected the Liangshan town watershed to quantify variation in the vertical zonality of rill erodibility (kr) in China's ecologically fragile Hengduan Mountains. Soil types comprised of yellow–brown (soil A), purple (soil B), and dry-red (soil C) in a descending order of occurrence from the summit to the valley, which roughly corresponds to the vertical climate zone (i.e. cool-high mountain, warm-low mountain, and dry-hot valley sections) of the study area. With elevation, vertical soil zonality varied in both soil organic matter (SOM) content and soil particle-size fractions. A series of rill erosion-based scour experiments were conducted, using water discharge rates of 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, and 600 mL min-1. Additionally, detachment rates (Dr) were measured under three hydrological conditions (the drainage, saturation, and seepage treatments). Results show that both Dr and flow shear stress (Ʈ) values increased as discharge increased. As elevation increased, the kr values decreased, while the vertical zonality of critical shear stress (Ʈc) values showed no obvious variation. The highest kr values were observed during the seepage treatment, followed by the saturation treatment then drainage treatment, indicating that variation in vertical hydraulic gradients could significantly alter kr values. This study also found that land-use types could also alter kr and Ʈc values. Further research, however, is necessary to better quantify the effects of subsurface hydrological conditions and land-use types on kr under different soil zonalities in China's Hengduan Mountains. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
滑动速率是研究断裂运动学特征、地震活动性和区域应变分配的重要参数和依据。前人关于甘孜-玉树断裂带滑动速率的研究结果存在较大差异,因此,其晚第四纪滑动速率有待进一步调查研究。本文基于卫星影像解译和野外实地考察,对甘孜-玉树断裂带西段(玉树断裂)上典型断错地貌点进行测量分析,得到玉树断裂晚第四纪走滑速率为6.6±0.1-7.4±1.2mm/a。通过与前人对甘孜-玉树断裂带东段(甘孜断裂)滑动速率的研究结果进行对比,发现甘孜-玉树断裂带东、西段滑动速率不一致,其原因是甘孜断裂的左旋滑移在向西传递的过程中,一部分应变被分配到了巴塘盆地南缘断裂上。巴塘盆地南缘断裂的存在很好地解释了玉树断裂的走滑速率比甘孜断裂偏低的原因。但是,从区域变形来看,巴塘盆地南缘断裂分配的滑动速率恰好说明了甘孜-玉树断裂带东、西段及鲜水河断裂带的水平构造变形是协调一致的。  相似文献   
海表水温变动对东、黄海鲐鱼栖息地分布的影响   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
海表水温(SST)通常是表征鱼类栖息地分布的主要指标。本文根据1999—2007年我国大型灯光围网的鲐鱼生产统计数据,结合海洋遥感获得的SST,分析了渔汛期间鲐鱼栖息地的适宜SST范围,探讨了SST变动情况下鲐鱼栖息地的变化趋势。研究结果表明,东、黄海鲐鱼7—12月的适宜SST范围为15~30℃。根据政府气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)第四份评估报告,本文拟定4种SST上升的情况,即(1)每月平均SST+0.5℃;(2)每月平均SST+1℃;(3)每月平均SST+2℃;(4)每月平均SST+4℃。结果显示,东、黄海鲐鱼的潜在栖息有明显向北移动的趋势,并且栖息地面积逐渐减小。研究认为,全球气候变化引起的SST上升,可能会对近海鲐鱼栖息地造成严重的影响。  相似文献   
Practical implementation of Hilbert-Huang Transform algorithm   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Hilbert-Huang Transform (HHT) is a newly developed powerful method for nonlinear and non-stationary time series analysis. The empirical mode decomposition is the key part of HHT, while its algorithm was protected by NASA as a US patent, which limits the wide application among the scientific community. Two approaches, mirror periodic and extrema extending methods, have been developed for handling the end effects of empirical mode decomposition. The implementation of the HHT is realized in detail to widen the application. The detailed comparison of the results from two methods with that from Huang et al. (1998, 1999), and the comparison between two methods are presented. Generally, both methods reproduce faithful results as those of Huang et al. For mirror periodic method (MPM), the data are extended once forever. Ideally, it is a way for handling the end effects of the HHT, especially for the signal that has symmetric waveform. The extrema extending method (EEM) behaves as good as MPM, and it is better t  相似文献   
南海北部具有丰富的温度锋面和中尺度涡,它们调节着局地的热量和能量平衡。本文利用卫星海洋高度异常和海表温度数据,并基于自动探测方法,探究了2007年至2017年南海北部中尺度涡边缘的海表温度锋面(涡致锋面)特征。反气旋/气旋边缘出现锋面的概率可达20%。气旋涡在各个方向上出现锋面的概率比较均匀,反气旋涡的东北部和西南部出现锋面的概率大于西北部和东南部。中尺度涡致锋面的数量有明显的季节变化,而涡动能未表现出明显的季节变化。中尺度涡致锋区的总涡动能是中尺度涡内动能的3倍,并且反气旋涡致锋面的总涡动能明显强于气旋涡致锋面的总涡动能。中尺度涡致锋面的数量和涡动能的年际变化与厄尔尼诺南方涛动指数没有明显的相关性。本研究也讨论了中尺度涡致锋面的可能机制,但是中尺度涡对海表温度锋的贡献需要进一步定量研究。  相似文献   
李昊  苏洁 《海洋学报》2023,45(8):46-61
海冰数值模式是研究海冰动力热力状态参量及之间联系的有效途径。目前对冰厚数值模拟结果的分析远远少于对海冰范围/面积和密集度的研究,对冰速与海冰形变对冰厚分布影响的研究也尚欠缺。本文利用Los Alamos sea ice model(CICE)海冰模式模拟了1980−2018年的北极海冰变化,并使用遥感、同化冰厚数据进行比对验证,分析了模拟冰速和海冰形变对冰厚的影响,计算了冰速的散度和切变偏差对冰厚偏差的贡献。结果显示,CICE对北极70°N以北区域平均冰厚和冰速的年际变化模拟基本合理,但模拟的平均冰厚和冰速多年变化趋势均小于同化数据的变化率;模拟和观测冰厚的空间分布差异与冰速和形变率的偏差有密切联系,主要表现为波弗特海的正偏差和北极中央区至弗拉姆海峡的负偏差。泛北极区域散度和切变偏差在3月之前对冰厚偏差的贡献在13%~16%之间变化,3−4月则由16%跃变至27%。散度偏差主导了11月、12月波弗特海区域的冰厚正偏差,切变偏差主导了冬季加拿大群岛以北海域和穿极流区域的冰厚负偏差。  相似文献   
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