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The ICDP–USGS Eyreville drill cores in the Chesapeake Bay impact structure reached a total depth of 1766 m and comprise (from the bottom upwards) basement‐derived schists and granites/pegmatites, impact breccias, mostly poorly lithified gravelly sand and crystalline blocks, a granitic slab, sedimentary breccias, and postimpact sediments. The gravelly sand and crystalline block section forms an approximately 26 m thick interval that includes an amphibolite block and boulders of cataclastic gneiss and suevite. Three gravelly sands (basal, middle, and upper) are distinguished within this interval. The gravelly sands are poorly sorted, clast supported, and generally massive, but crude size‐sorting and subtle, discontinuous layers occur locally. Quartz and K‐feldspar are the main sand‐size minerals and smectite and kaolinite are the principal clay minerals. Other mineral grains occur only in accessory amounts and lithic clasts are sparse (only a few vol%). The gravelly sands are silica rich (~80 wt% SiO2). Trends with depth include a slight decrease in SiO2 and slight increase in Fe2O3. The basal gravelly sand (below the cataclasite boulder) has a lower SiO2 content, less K‐feldspar, and more mica than the higher sands, and it contains more lithic clasts and melt particles that are probably reworked from the underlying suevite. The middle gravelly sand (below the amphibolite block) is finer‐grained, contains more abundant clay minerals, and displays more variable chemical compositions than upper gravelly sand (above the block). Our mineralogical and geochemical results suggest that the gravelly sands are avalanche deposits derived probably from the nonmarine Potomac Formation in the lower part of the target sediment layer, in contrast to polymict diamictons higher in the core that have been interpreted as ocean‐resurge debris flows, which is in agreement with previous interpretations. The mineralogy and geochemistry of the gravelly sands are typical for a passive continental margin source. There is no discernible mixing with marine sediments (no glauconite or Paleogene marine microfossils noted) during the impact remobilization and redeposition. The unshocked amphibolite block and cataclasite boulder might have originated from the outer parts of the transient crater.  相似文献   
Some of the pesticides listed in the European 76/464/EC Directive and in the Directive 2000/60/EC are very polar and require special analytical methodology with respect to their extraction from water. The extraction of the organophosphorus pesticides methamidophos, omethoate, oxydemeton‐methyl, mevinphos and trichlorfon with lg POW below 1 was investigated using 21 different solid‐phase materials. Each material was tested on spiked natural water at 4 different pH values, adjusted prior to extraction. The following range of materials were tested: octadecyl silica, polymers, modified silica, ion exchange and carbon. Extraction of the above compounds from water is possible. A relationship between the octanol‐water partition coefficient and recovery rates was obtained not only for octadecyl solid phases but also for some polymeric materials. General conclusions about the use of solid‐phase materials and specific conclusions about the extraction of particular compounds were made. An optimized extraction procedure was deduced and confirmed.  相似文献   
Gradients in the sediment fauna comprising groundwater (GW) and hyporheic taxa were investigated in the sand/silt-bottomed Marbling Brook in Western Australia. The structure of sediment invertebrate assemblages from Marbling Brook sediments and the adjacent GW were studied at five sites over 1 year and hydrological interactions were characterized using a suite of abiotic factors. Although all five stream sites were upwelling, the sites differed in the degree of hydrological interactions between GW and surface water. Sediment fauna taxa abundances were not correlated with any of the abiotic factors investigated and did not change gradually with depth. Faunal assemblages in the stream sediments were distinct from faunal assemblages in alluvial GW. While water exchanged between alluvial GW and sediment water, as shown by abiotic factors, the distinct differences in faunal assemblages indicated an unpredicted complexity in the catchment with fundamentally different hydrogeological situations on the decimetre scale. Sampling in sandy sediments needs to take this small-scale variability into account.  相似文献   
During the late 1950s and early 1960s of the past century, industrial waste material highly enriched in various contaminants (heavy metals, PAHs) was dumped in the inner Mecklenburg Bay, western Baltic Sea. Large-scale shifts in the spatial distribution of heavy metals in surface sediments were mapped by geochemical monitoring in the mid-1980s and 12 years later in 1997. A further study in 2001 was designed to investigate the small-scale spatial distribution of contaminants inside, on top of, and around the historical dumping ground and to examine possible effects to benthic organisms (Arctica islandica, microbiological toxicity tests). The site is located within an area characterized by a discontinuous deposition of fine sediments, but net sedimentation rate of about 3mm/y led ultimately to a gradual coverage of the dumped material. During the first decades after the dumping, about half of the originally dumped material was already spread over the surrounding area as a result of sediment dynamics and re-suspension processes. Recent sediments of the historical dump site are still significantly enriched in heavy metals and PAHs. Microbiological toxicity test results were positive, though uptake of contaminants in mussels was found to deviate only slightly from that of a non-contaminated reference station due to a gradual dilution and decrease in bioavailability of the contaminants.  相似文献   
Magnitude and frequency of bedload transport was examined in the Lainbach River, Bavaria, using magnetically tagged particles. During the study, 18 small to moderate events and one major event occurred. About 1 per cent of the flow period exceeded the entrainment threshold and at least once every year about 50 per cent of the tagged particles were mobile. Themajor event which occurred during the study period resulted in the deposition of a thick layer of sediment in parts of the channel and passive burial of most of the recovered particles. The step–pool pattern, which characterized the study site prior to the large event, was obliterated. However, the channel recovered quickly and has returned to a new step–pool pattern. The event changed the boundary conditions by increasing the availability of loose sediment and creating higher river-bed slopes in reaches between breached check dams. As a result, movement of individual particles measured for events of both the same magnitude and duration, occurring before and after the large event, yielded different values. For events which occurred after the large event, the range and the mean distance of movement were about ten times higher.  相似文献   
Biotic structures and processes of the comparatively large and deep Lake Constance are dominated by pelagic water bodies. Therefore, much more attention has thus far been paid to the carbon cycle of pelagic habitats as compared to littoral areas. Nevertheless, there is also an ongoing debate on the importance of littoral areas for the carbon cycle in this lake. Although actually existing data are certainly insufficient for a realistic carbon budget, investigations made during the past decade provide at least a rough basis for a first evaluation. Accordingly, littoral areas appear to contribute overproportionally (related to surface) both to production as well as to degradation of organic carbon in the lake. However, the relative effect seems to be more pronounced for heterotrophic activities, mostly due to intense degradation processes in littoral sediments. Related to volume, littoral water bodies exhibited similar or slightly higher microbial activities as compared to epilimnetic pelagic water bodies, while microbial abundances and activities observed for littoral sediments exceeded the corresponding overlying water layers by one to three orders of magnitude. As was confirmed by in situ measurements microbial oxygen consumption frequently exceeded photosynthetic oxygen production in the investigated littoral sites. Moreover, significant qualitative differences between water and sediment were found for the degradation potentials of xenobiotics as was exemplified for phenol and nitrilo-triacetic acid (NTA). Overall, a buffer function at the landwater interface may be ascribed to littoral areas due to which the large pelagic water bodies of the lake may become additionally protected against loads of undesired organic substances due to high littoral degradation capacities.  相似文献   
A new assessment system for macrophytes and phytobenthos in German lakes according to the Water Framework Directive of the European Community is described. Based on biological, chemical and hydromorphological data from about 100 lake sites covering the main ecoregions, hydromorphological lake types and degradation forms, biocoenotic types could be defined. For developing a classification system the quality element macrophytes and phytobenthos was divided into two components: macrophytes and benthic diatoms. For macrophytes 4 and for benthic diatoms 4 lake types were identified. The benthic vegetation at reference conditions is described and degradation is characterised as deviation in benthic vegetation species composition and abundance from the reference biocoenosis. For classification in five ecological status classes, several metrics were developed and used in combination with existing indices. For a few of the described lake types further investigations are necessary before a classification can be developed.  相似文献   
Susanne Schneider   《Limnologica》2007,37(4):281-289
Ecological optima and ranges of submerged macrophytes are, amongst other factors, assumed to be influenced by ecoregion and flow velocity. In order to test the influence of ecoregion within Europe, species indicator values of three European macrophyte river trophic indices were compared to each other. Species indicator values of the United Kingdom (UK), French and German bioindication methods are significantly correlated with each other. The most obvious difference between the three indicator systems is the number of included indicator taxa. Two species exhibit major differences in indicator values: Callitriche hamulata has a broader ecological amplitude in Germany and France than in the UK, where it is restricted to oligotrophic rivers, while Ranunculus fluitans has a broad ecological amplitude in the UK, whereas the species is restricted to eutrophic rivers in Germany and France.

In order to test if current velocity has an influence on macrophyte trophic indicator qualities, species indicator values of a river (Trophic Index of Macrophytes, TIM) and a lake macrophyte trophic index (Macrophyte Index, MI), both of them applicable in Bavaria, Germany, were compared to each other. Species indicator values are significantly correlated. The most important difference is that different species are included in lake and river indicator lists. Only approximately 60% of the total species are used in both TIM and MI. Three species exhibit a major difference in ecological optima between rivers and lakes: Ranunculus circinatus has a broader ecological amplitude in rivers whereas the species is restricted to eutrophic lakes, Myriophyllum spicatum and Nuphar lutea show the opposite reaction.  相似文献   

Abstract The North Shore Volcanic Group in northern Minnesota is part of the Middle Proterozoic Keweenawan sequence, one of the largest plateau lava provinces in the world. The primary geochemistry of the basalts suggests that volcanism occurred in an intracontinental rift environment. The subaerial lava flows, mainly amygdaloidal olivine tholeiites and tholeiites, have undergone low-grade metamorphism from zeolite to lower greenschist facies. On the basis of alteration phases replacing the primary magmatic minerals, infilling amygdales and veins, and replacing secondary minerals, the following zones have been distinguished: (1) thomsonite-scolecite-smectite, (2) heulandite-stilbite-smectite, (3) laumontitechlorite-albite, (4) laumontite-chlorite-albite ± prehnite ± pumpellyite and (5) epidote-chlorite-albite ± actinolite zone. In addition to the overall zonation based on mineral parageneses, zonations in the composition of the Ab content of the newly formed albite replacing primary Ca-rich plagioclase and of the newly formed mafic phyllosilicates are observed within the sequence and within single flows. Mafic phyllosilicates in the upper part of the sequence (mainly smectites and mixed-layer smectite/chlorites) display high Si and Ca + Na + K contents, whereas in the lower part of the sequence the amounts of Si and Ca + Na + K are markedly lower (mainly chlorites and mixed-layer chlorite/smectites). Similar zonations are observed within the individual flows. The albite content of the newly formed plagioclase is highest, and the Si and Ca + Na + K content of the phyllosilicates lowest in the amygdaloidal flow top while the opposite is true for the massive flow interior. The above features suggest that the overall pattern is one of burial-type metamorphism associated with extension in the rift setting. In detail, the mineral assemblages are controlled not only by the stratigraphic position but also by the flow morphology controlling permeability whose effect on the assemblages is most pronounced in the stratigraphically upper parts. This suggests that at the first stages of alteration (lowest grade) the patterns of fluid flow were important effects in controlling the assemblages. At greater burial depth, assemblages are more homogeneous, perhaps representative of a more even and pervasive flow pattern. Using the observed assemblages at face value to define grade and/or facies, different conditions would be assigned within the different morphological flow portions. Thus at low-grade metamorphic conditions it is essential to integrate assemblages from different morphological flow portions in order to define satisfactorily the overall metamorphic conditions.  相似文献   
Schmidt, S., Wagner, B., Heiri, O., Klug, M., Bennike, O. & Melles, M. 2010: Chironomids as indicators of the Holocene climatic and environmental history of two lakes in Northeast Greenland. Boreas, 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2010.00173.x. ISSN 0300‐9483. Two Holocene sediment sequences from arctic lakes on Store Koldewey, an island in Northeast Greenland, were investigated for fossil chironomid assemblages. A total of 18 and 21 chironomid taxa were identified in 290‐ and 252‐cm‐long sediment sequences from Duck Lake and Hjort Lake, respectively. The chironomid assemblages were very similar in the two lakes. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) was used to compare fossil chironomid assemblages from Store Koldewey with chironomid assemblages and environmental conditions presently found in Canadian Arctic lakes and, hence, to infer environmental changes for Northeast Greenland. The first chironomids appeared at c. 9500 cal. a BP in Hjort Lake, and 500 years later in Duck Lake. Taxa typical for cold and nutrient‐poor arctic lakes dominated the earliest assemblages. Chironomid assemblages with taxa typical of higher summer air temperatures and lakes with higher nutrient availability occur between 8000 and 5000 cal. a BP. This period probably marks the regional Holocene thermal maximum, which is relatively late compared with some palaeoenvironmental records from East Greenland. One possible reason could be the location of Store Koldewey at the very outer coast, with local climatic conditions strongly influenced by the cold East Greenland Current. From around 5000 cal. a BP, chironomid assemblages in Duck Lake and Hjort Lake again became more typical of those presently found in Northeast Greenland, indicating relatively cold and nutrient‐poor conditions. This shift coincides with an increase of ice‐rafting debris off East Greenland and an intensification of the East Greenland Current.  相似文献   
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