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INTRODUCTIONInhighlyextendedregions(β>1.5-2)suchastheBasinandRangeProvinceandpasivemargins,extensionaltectonicsystemischaract...  相似文献   
This research provides a study of the behavior of vertically integrated boundary-layer winds (IBLWs). This information should be helpful for both theoretical and practical applications, e.g., boundary-layer parameterization in general circulation models, air pollution models, and low-level parachuting operations. The study concerned itself with winds integrated up to a height of 300 m in the United States. The only data suitable for studying the behavior of IBLWs for such heights were measurements taken on tall towers. An extensive search indicated that data were readily available from only four towers instrumented to or above 300 m. These were located in rural locations in Texas, Oklahoma, Nevada, and South Carolina. At each location, means and coefficients of variation of IBLWs were computed, plotted as a function of time since sunrise/sunset, and compared. The research shows that IBLWs may differ appreciably in magnitude at different locations; may have considerable universality in behavior, and may also be ‘regionally’ dependent; and that IBLWs have a pronounced diurnal variation linked to sunrise/sunset time.  相似文献   
Résumé Les auteurs utilisent toutes les données chimiques, volcanologiques, chronologiques et tectonophysiques fournies pour un certain nombre de massif continentaux (Mont-Dore et autres). La synthèse de toutes ces études montre qu'il existe deux magmas continentaux indépendants: le magma basaltique venant du manteau (sima) et le magma rhyolitique fourni par la croûte supérieure (sial). Le mélange de ces deux magmas et l'action secondaire de la' gravité et de la pneumatolyse expliquent logiquement la totalité des phénomènes géochimiques des volcans continentaux.
The authors used all the chemical, volcanological, chronological and tectonophysical data supplied for a certain number of continental mountain massifs (Mont-Dore and others). The synthesis of these studies shows that there are two independent continental magmas: the basaltic magma coming from the mantle (sima) and the rhyolitic magma supplied by the upper crust (sial). The mixing of these two magmas, with the secondary action of gravity and pneumatolysis logically explains the totality of the geochemical phenomena in continental volcanoes.

Zusammenfassung Die Autoren benutzten alle chemischen, vulkanologischen, chronologischen und tektonisch-physikalischen Daten, die von einer bestimmten Anzahl von kontinentalen Massiven (Mont-Dore und andere) entnommen wurden.Das Ergebnis dieser Studien zeigt, daß es zwei voneinander unabhängige kontinentale Magmen gibt.Das basaltische Magma, vom Sima stammend, und das rhyolitische Magma aus der oberen Sial-Kruste. Die Vermischung dieser beiden Magmen und die zusätzliche Wirkung der Gravitation und Pneumatolyse erklären auf natürliche Weise die Gesamtheit der geochemischen Phänomene des kontinentalen Vulkanismus.

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当均匀的纬圈风应力作用于赤道海洋时,在东、西边界附近由于平衡的物理过程不同,其响应特征也不同。当盛吹一个方向的风时,例如东风,东边界的温跃层会变浅(冷水),而西边界的温跃层变深。当东风吹了t0时间而改吹西风时,无论东边界的温跃层还是西边界的温跃层都要持续到2t0时间后,才改变其发展方向。这表明边界上的物理场带有长的“惯性”或长的“记忆”。但西边界信号向东传播的速度比东边界向西传播的速度要快,且振幅也大,从这个意义上讲,ElNino事件先兆从西边界附近出现后,能迅速影响到西、中太平洋,也即西边界附近更易成为ElNino事件的源地,特别是强的ElNino事件。  相似文献   
C3植物光合作用日变化的模拟   总被引:28,自引:1,他引:27  
对前人光合作用-气孔导度耦合模型进行了修正,建立了光合作用-蒸腾作用-气孔导度的耦合模型,它概括了叶片上各主要物理过程和生理过程之间的相互联系和制约关系。 用数值方法研究了不同环境因子(太阳辐射、温度、湿度和风速等)对光合作用、蒸腾作用和气孔导度的日变化及中午降低(midday depression)的影响。 主要结果是:(1)当边界层导度减小时,光合“午睡”加剧,蒸腾作用减弱,但作为反馈调节,气孔导度增加。 (2)气孔导度的最适温度最低,光合作用次之,蒸腾作用最适温度最高。当光合作用中午受到高温的胁迫时,气孔导度下降的幅度最大,光合作用次之,蒸腾作用的降幅最小。一天中,气孔导度降低的持续时间最长,蒸腾作用降低的持续时间最短。(3)空气绝对湿度越低,气孔导度越低,光合午睡越明显。蒸腾作用则决定于饱和水汽压差(Vpd)和气孔导度两个因素的相反的作用。蒸腾作用随Vpd增加而增大,但Vpd超过一定值后,反而使蒸腾作用下降。 (4)当温度在光合最适温度以上时,太阳辐射的增加使叶温增加,引起光合“午睡”的加剧和气孔导度的降低。(5)ci/cs在中午的降低表明气孔的关闭是光合作用“午睡”现象的原因。  相似文献   
巢纪平  张丽 《大气科学》1998,22(4):428-442
当均匀的纬圈风应力作用于赤道海洋时,在东、西边界附近由于平衡的物理过程不同,其响应特征也不同。当盛吹一个方向的风时,例如东风,东边界的温跃层会变浅(冷水),而西边界的温跃层变深。当东风吹了t0时间而改吹西风时,无论东边界的温跃层还是西边界的温跃层都要持续到2t0时间后,才改变其发展方向。这表明边界上的物理场带有长的“惯性”或长的“记忆”。但西边界信号向东传播的速度比东边界向西传播的速度要快,且振幅也大,从这个意义上讲,El Ni?o事件先兆从西边界附近出现后,能迅速影响到西、中太平洋,也即西边界附近更易成为 El Ni?o事件的源地,特别是强的El Ni?o事件。  相似文献   
Curves of the variation of the inclination and declination of the geomagnetic field for the Loyang region during the last 2400 years are presented. An I-D diagram of secular variation, like that for London, has been drawn for Loyang.  相似文献   
Twenty total rock Rb/Sr isochrons (λ 87Rb = 1.47 · 10?11yr?1) and many individual data, mainly obtained by the K/Ar and Rb/Sr methods, on total rocks and minerals show that the orogenic story of the Precambrian of the Anti-Atlas, which was studied in its western and central parts, began with the Eburnean orogeny (1900-1650 m.y.). Up to now there is no good evidence of an older basement, even if the rather high initial ratio (0.707–0.709) of some Eburnean granites might suggest that such a basement exists at depth. There is also no geochronological evidence of plutonism until in early Panafrican time (680 m.y.) there started a period of intense magmatic and thermal activity which was ended by the emplacement of late post-tectonic granites at 530-520 m.y.The late Panafrican acid volcanism does not generally give suitable material for Rb/Sr dating, because of the great mobility of the radiogenic strontium in such a material even under very weak thermal conditions.  相似文献   
Fe-Cr-Ni particles and veinlets have been discovered in the top 15 m of the compressed zone with abundant shatter cones below the bottom of the Ries crater. The metallic particles are less than a few microns across. They occur in various minerals along healed intergranular and locally in intragranular microfractures in quartz diorite, amphibolite and chloritized granite of the basement crystalline rocks.The particles consist of major Fe, Cr, and Ni with minor Si and Ca. Origin due to contamination is absolutely ruled out. We believe that these Fe-Cr-Ni particles are probably condensed from the vaporized impacting body which produced the Ries crater. These particles were injected with high velocity into microfractures near the top of the compressed zone, implanted in and across various minerals before these microfractures were resealed. The presence of Si and Ca as well as the fact that the Cr content is nearly twice that of Ni, led us to conclude that the Ries impacting body is very likely not an iron meteorite but a stony meteorite.  相似文献   
暴露指数反映了环境在面对极端天气事件时承受灾害的潜在风险程度。研究利用遥感影像数据、数字高程数据(DEM)、海洋水深及风力数据等, 基于暴露指数模型, 以福建省东山湾为案例研究区域, 对风暴潮灾害情景下的海岸带暴露指数及其时空演变进行分析。研究结果显示: (1)近十年来, 东山湾海岸带暴露指数总体呈下降趋势, 潜在风险程度为“中”及以上区域占比由67.14%下降至59.06%, 海岸带在面对风暴潮灾害等极端天气事件时潜在的风险程度总体降低, 海湾地貌类型差异及其形态变化是影响东山湾暴露指数产生波动的主要原因; (2)基于暴露指数评价结果, 结合海岸带开发利用现状, 研究可对东山湾海岸带生态环境的敏感区域进行识别, 并制定具有针对性的开发利用与风险防范对策, 为海岸带空间规划、生态保护修复格局的科学划定提供理论支撑, 在助力海岸带陆海统筹和可持续发展上具有重要意义; (3)研究提出的一种基于时间序列的暴露指数研究技术路线和框架, 可为海岸带脆弱性评估、海岸带韧性评估、海岸带灾害监测预警等相关研究提供新的研究视角, 在基于深度学习的海岸带灾害风险预警与灾害模拟等方面也具有较为广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   
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