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Efficiency and sustainability of grain production are now important in China. In this study, the grain production systems of Jiangsu and Shaanxi Provinces were compared, to analyze their efficiency and sustainability in terms of utilization of natural resources, inputs of purchased energy and materials, and outputs. Flows of energy and materials between environment and human society were identified, and the natural and human work involved in generating inputs as materials or energy were valued in terms of equivalent amount of solar energy required for their production using emergy method. The results showed environmental resources were continually playing a less important role in the systems, when inorganic subsidiary emergy inputs increased drastically while organic ones decreased or increased little. Deterioration of input emergy structure affected the systems‘ efficiency and sustainability, resulting in emergy investment ratios and environmental loading ratios increasing while yield ratios and sustainability indices decreasing. In general, efficiency and sustainability of grain production in Jiangsu are worse than those in Shaanxi. This analysis also suggested that inorganic subsidiary emergy should be introduced properly, and peasants in Jiangsu should utilize natural conditions wisely while those in Shaanxi pay enough attention to soil and surface water conservation.  相似文献   
This study examined the thermal effects of building‘s external wall surfaces, using observational data of spatial-temporal distribution of surface temperature, air temperature, and heat flux into and out of external surface. Results indicate that external wall surface temperature and nearby air temperature vary with the change of orientation, height and season. In general, the external wall surface temperature is lower near the ground, and is higher near the roof, than nearby air temperature. But north wall surface temperature is mostly lower than nearby air temperature at the same height; south wall surface temperature during the daytime in December, and west wall surface temperature all day in August, is respectively higher than nearby air temperature. The heat fluxes into and out of external wall surfaces show the differences that exist in the various orientations, heights and seasons. In December,south wall surface at the lower sites emits heat and north wall surface at the higher sites absorbs heat. In April, all external wall surfaces, emit heat near the ground and absorb heat near the roof. In August, west wall surface all day emits heat, and other wall surfaces just show the commensurate behavior with that in April.  相似文献   
滦县ML5.0地震前重力异常探讨   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
分析研究了2004年1月20日河北省滦县ML5.0地震孕育过程中首都圈重力场的异常变化和动态演化特征。结果表明,震前出现的重力上升-下降-上升变化是较明显的中短期异常反映;重力场动态图像较清晰地反映了研究区重力场的准均匀态-非均匀态一发震的演化过程;滦县地区重力场的异常变化形态支持了孕震体震前膨胀的理论。  相似文献   
Paleomagnetic determinations on lithologieal profiles of two paralleled long drillin gcores covering the past 130 kyr B.P., GT40 and GT60,from the Yanchi Playa in the arid Northwestern China indicate that a series of pronounced paleomagnetic excursions have been documented. By correlating our results with published regional and worldwide reports 4 excursion events out of 10 apparent reversal signals (labeled from GT-1 to GT-10) were identified as excursion events coeval with the Mono Lake Event (28.4 kyr-25.8 kyr), Laschamp Event (43.3 kyr-40.5kyr), Gaotai Event (82.8 kyr-72.4 kyr) and the Blake Event (127.4 kyr-113.3 kyr), respectively. GT-9 correlates with the above-mentioned Gaotai Event,GT-7 and GT-6 correspond to two stages of the Laschamp Event and GT-5 to the Mono Lake Event. It is noteworthy that the so-called Gaotai Event has not been reported as a pronounced paleomagnetic excursion in the Northwestern China. Every magnetic excursion event corresponds to paleointensity minima, anteceding those established abrupt paleoclimatic change events, such as the Younger Drays and the Heinrich Events (H1-H6). Here, we tentatively propose that these geomagnetic excursions/reversals can be viewed as precursors to climate abruptness. During the transitional stages when the earth‘s magnetic field shifted between a temporal normal and a negative period, the earth‘s magnetic paleointensity fell correspondingly to a pair of minima. Although more precise chronology and more convincing rock magnetic parameter determinations are essentially required for further interpretation of their intricate coupling mechanism, these results may have revealed, to some extent, that the earth‘s incessantly changing magnetic field exerts an strong influence on the onset of saw-tooth shaped abrupt climate oscillations through certain feedback chains in arid Central Asia or even North Hemispheric high latitude regions.  相似文献   
Dating data, altitude of Neolithic sites, climatic changes from sedimentary records and previous research results were collected and analyzed to detect possible connections between climatic changes and human activities in the Changjiang River Delta in the Neolithic Age. The results indicated that hydrological changes greatly impacted the human activities in the study region. Low-lying geomorphology made the floods and sea level changes become the important factors affecting human activities, especially the altitude change of human settlements. People usually moved to higher places during the periods characterized by high sea level and frequent floods to escape the negative influences from water body expansion, which resulted in cultural hiatus in certain profiles. However, some higher-altitude settlements were not the results of climatic changes but the results of social factors, such as religious ceremony and social status. Therefore, further research will be necessary for the degree and types of impacts of climatic changes on human activities in the study area at that time.  相似文献   
This paper attempts to summarize the disparities of lnternet development in China spatially-temporally. The major objective is to measure the differences between Eastern, Central and Western China. Methods of map presentation, correlation, Lorenz curve, Gini Coefficient and location quotient analysis are conductcd in this study.For convenience, the indicator of regional lnternet development is simplified as the number of domain names registered under .CN in each province. The data used are collected from the semi-annual surveys of the Statistical surrey Report on the Internet Development in China since 1999. There are several findings: 1)The number of domain names in each province (city) declines gradually from the east to the west. 2) The gap between the highest growth provinces (cities) and the lowest ones is rather large. 3) Although the absolute differences between the eastern, ccntral and western China have been enlarged, the relative diffcrences in each province (city) have remained constant.4) Provinces (cities) are classified into three types according to location quotient changes, namely, rising type,changeless type and declining type. Compared with industrial and economic growth, lnternet sector in the eastern and western China is relatively ascending, while that in the central China is descending. 5) The number of domain names at provincial level is not statistically consistent with GDP.  相似文献   
Glaciogene sedimentary rocks have been found in modem tills of the Grove Mountains, east Antarctica during the 1998 - 1999 Chinese National Antarctic Research Expedition (CHNARE). Based on the lithilogic and sedimentary features, these sedimentary rocks are correlated with Cenozoic sedimentary strata of the Pagodroma Group in the neighboring Prince Charles Mountains and the Sorsdal Formation in VestFold Hills. Sedimentary clasts contain sparsely Late Tertiary spores and pollens, including : Toroisporis ( Lygodiaceae), Osmunda, Granulatisporites ( Pteridaceae?) , Polypodiaceae, Podocarpus , Araucariaceae, Artemisia , Rhus , Nothofagidites , Proteacidites (Proteaceae) , Quercus , Fraxinoipollenites ( Oleaceae ) , Oleoidearumpollenites( Oleaceae ), Operculumpollis, and Tricolpopollenites. Most of the pollen and spores contained in these samples originate from local sources according to the conditions of their preservations as well as correlations with the microfossil assemblages found in the neighboring areas. The majority of the pollen assemblages, as represented by Podocarpus and Nothofagus, belong to the Weddellian biogeocenose, however some exotic components from the old sedimentary basement rocks may have been included during erosion of the proximal ice sheet. If the source areas of glaciogenic sedimentary rocks that bear the pollen and spores are assumed to be local, or in the up glacier areas, the pollen assemblages in these samples might represent an inland flora during a warmer period of the ice-sheet evolutionary history. The finding of the Artemisia and Chenopodiaceae in the pollen assemblages implies that they may belong to late Tertiary (most probably Pliocene). The absence of diatoms in the samples analyzed may indicate that there are no Cenozoic marine strata in the interior of the east Antarctica beyond the Grove Mountains. The significances of the finding of the Nothofagus in these pollen assemblages are discussed on the basis of current knowledge about the age, distribution and ecological conditions of this kind of fossils found in Sirius Group or other strata outcropped in Antarctica. As a preliminary conclusion, we think that the existence of the Cenozoic glaciogenenic rocks and their pollen assemblages present new evidence for a large scale glacial retreat history in Grove Mountains of east Antarctica, and thus support a dynamic East Antarctic Ice Sheet (EAIS). This is consistent with the interpretations of Webb et al. (1984).  相似文献   
农村居民点用地管理中存在的问题及对策探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
农村居民点用地管理,一直是土地管理的一个薄弱环节。笔者在县、乡两级土地管理部门从事农村居民点用地管理17年,深知农村居民点用地管理的意义并不限于保护耕地;它是满足农村居民基本居住需求的一道关口,关系广大农村地区的社会稳定,是涉及农民个人利益和集体利益、眼前利益和长远利益的一个重要结合点。在全国上下关注“三农”问题的形势下,搞好农村宅基地管理,更有着深刻的现实意义。现就农村居民点用地管理中存在的问题及对策做一探讨。  相似文献   
随着经济的快速发展和城镇化进程的加快,土地的价值日益显现出来,如何发挥市场机制合理配置土地资源,经营和管理好城镇国有存量建设用地,促进经济社会环境可持续发展,就需要认真作好土地资产经营这篇文章。  相似文献   
1 IntroductionBacteriaandtheiractivitiesplayanimportantroleintheelementalbiogeochemicalcyclesandenergytransformingintheocean (Zhenetal.1 997) .DortchandPackard(1 989) proposedthatfoodwebsintheeutrophicwatersaredominatedbythebiomassofprimaryproducerswhilefoodwebsintheoligotrophicwatersaredominatedbythebiomassofmicrobes.Heterotrophicbacteriahadbeenshowntoplayanimportantroleinthedecompositionoflarge ,rapidlysinkingorganicparticleswithinandbelowtheeuphot iczone ,andfurthertoaffecttheelementaldyn…  相似文献   
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