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一种公交换乘优化算法设计   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
目前,在智能交通系统应用中,公交查询亟待解决其算法效率和换乘两大问题。对此,本文首先在分析乘客出行因素和公交网络特性的基础上,提出了关键站点的公交网络通达矩阵,分析了直达矩阵的计算原理;其次,阐述了城市道路网络最短路径算法,引入直达矩阵和公交网络通达矩阵,设计了一种公交换乘优化算法。该算法的基本原理:利用公交网络通达矩阵来确定哪些临时标记节点是潜在的永久标记结点,并始终优先考虑直达节点作为最短路径上的节点,从而实现对经典最短路径算法--Dijkstra算法的改进;最后,通过一个案例对该算法进行验证。实验表明,该算法不仅能够获得优于Dijkstra算法的性能,而且换乘次数更加合理。该算法能够适用于一般公交网络,对于换乘代价较高的公交网络更有优势。  相似文献   
OzoneVerticalProfileCharacteristicsoverQinghaiPlateauMeasuredbyElectrochemicalConcentrationCelOzonesondes①LiuQijun(刘奇俊),Zheng...  相似文献   
香蒲、灯心草人工湿地的研究——Ⅰ.净化污水的效果   总被引:70,自引:5,他引:70  
本文研究了种植香蒲Typha angustifolia或灯心草Juncus effusus的人工湿地对城镇污水和人工不污染物的净化效果,调查了香蒲,灯心草不同季节的生长差异及高浓度污水冲击负荷对其生长的影响。香蒲,灯心草人工湿地净化城镇污水,出水水质总体上达到国家Ⅱ,Ⅲ类地面水标准,灯心草湿地对人工污水中凯氏氮,总磷,化学耗氧量地去除率维持在94%以上,氨氮的去除率为82.7%-99.7%;在正常  相似文献   
雷良奇  宋慈安 《岩石学报》1998,14(1):99-107
根据甘肃公婆泉铜矿田内4条典型地层剖面,确立了甘肃公婆泉群中-上志留统浅海相火山喷发沉积岩系的标准层和层序,并将其划分为14个韵律和5个旋回。火山喷发旋回由早→晚,火山岩岩性由安山质凝灰岩、安山岩→英安岩、钠流纹岩→石英粗面岩→安山岩,火山岩中铁族元素的丰度由高→低→最低(在石英粗面岩中)→高,形成一个较完整的演化周期。中晚期火山岩所表现出的岩性(出现碱性岩-石英粗面岩)和铁族元素丰度(出现最低值)的突变与区域北西走向断裂的深切活动有关,为铜、银等金属成矿提供主要的地球化学条件。铜、银等成矿元素主要富集在火山喷发旋回中期的英安岩中,表明火山活动中期是主要的成矿期,英安岩可作为重要的找矿标志。此外,早中期火山旋回主要发育于矿田的中西部,而晚期旋回则主要分布在矿田的东部,并且火山喷发的强度和频率增高,表明晚期火山活动中心已明显向东部迁移,因此矿田的东部仍有较大的找矿潜力  相似文献   
太阳射电宽带动态频谱仪1.10~2.06 GHz、2.6~3.8 GHz、5.2~7.6 GHz从2000年~2005年同时在3个频段上观测到复杂型频谱事件(45C爆发:双峰或多峰结构,单频辐射流量小于500 sfu)158个,有139个事件对应高能事件,其中对应X级耀斑3个,对应M级耀斑86个,对应C级耀斑44个。36个爆发对应发生日冕物质抛射(Coronal Mass Ejection,CME)事件,29个事件对应有II型爆发,20个事件对应IV型爆发。在76个事件中显示了丰富的毫秒级精细结构,有尖峰辐射(Spike)、鱼群结构(Fish)、斑马纹结构(Zebra)、纤维结构(Fiber)、漂移脉动结构(DPS)、准周期振荡(QPPS)、M型结构以及II、III型爆发等。举两例说明复杂爆发的观测特征。  相似文献   
东濮凹陷砂岩储层埋藏深、厚度薄、横向变化快,常规地震资料已不能满足储层精细描述的要求。针对该区薄砂岩储层特征,利用谱反演和分频解释技术将时间域的地震信号变换到频率域,获得较原始地震数据更加丰富的数据信息,在此基础上进行模拟退火波阻抗反演和广义多属性拟合综合预测。预测结果表明:谱反演和分频解释技术有效提高了薄储层的分辨率;模拟退火反演精确预测出薄砂岩储层的厚度;而广义多属性拟合技术精确刻画出薄砂岩储层的平面展布范围。多种方法综合最终有效预测出薄砂岩储层的空间分布规律,经钻井证实可靠。  相似文献   
食品安全、食品信息透明度、海洋环境污染、生态破坏、气候变化等是海洋水产品供应链社会责任的主要问题,但长期被我们忽视。中国是水产养殖大国,近年来我国海洋水产品供应链中食品安全问题层出不穷,如养殖环节药残超标、加工环节操作不规范、仓储与运输过程中滥用防腐剂等,严重损害消费者的身心健康。正是由于水产品供应链中的成员企业缺少履行社会责任的驱动力,才导致水产品安全问题频发。文章认为海洋水产品供应链社会责任的驱动力来源于供应链核心企业,且大型企业和中小企业的供应链社会责任压力不同;供应链市场权力的不均衡会对中小企业的社会责任表现产生不利影响,并诱发供应链成员之间的企业社会责任冲突,供应链成员企业需要在供应链社会责任中取得一个相对的平衡点来实现供应链的整体稳定。  相似文献   
Summary ?This simulation study was applied by a regional climate model (RegCM2) and forced by reasonable soil temperature and humidity disturbances, in order to examine the disastrous weather and climate-produced such disturbances that were performed in a series of experiments of different climatic zones, seasons and space/time scales, to recognize the persistence and to understand the mechanisms of their respective climatic responses under the current climatic background of China. The simulation results showed that, in regions of East Asian monsoon climate, the soil humidity disturbance (SHD) has greater impact on posterior climate responses than the temperature disturbance has. The SHD forcing exerts noticeable influence on rainfall generally. Although the centers of changed precipitation generally do not coincide with those of the disturbances, the centers are located mostly in downwind areas of the SHD core and in areas of prevailing updraft, even some places far away; with neighboring dry/moist SHD zones, a bigger rainfall increase tends to show up in the dry region instead of in the wet one. The simulation suggested that the SHD lasts for a rather long time, whose length is controlled by the presence of a positive feedback between the precipitation, the synchronous circulation patterns, the latitude and season, and the intensity of the SHD forcing. This study has found that the humidity disturbance (especially from rainfall) is in good correspondence to posterior temperature that the previous SHD enhancement leads to the subsequent temperature drop in the surface and near-surface layer, while the centers of lowered temperature can remain more than three months. Received April 3, 2001; Revised December 19, 2001  相似文献   
Comparing compositions of the fluid inclusions in volcanic rocks to the contents and isotopes of the gases in corresponding volcanic reservoirs using microthermometry, Raman microspectroscopy and mass spectrum analysis, we found that: (1) up to 82 mole% methane exists in the primary inclusions hosted in the reservoir volcanic rocks; (2) high CH4 inclusions recognized in the volcanic rocks correspond to CH4-bcaring CO2 reservoirs that are rich in helium and with a high ^3He/^4He ratio and which show reversed order of 813C in alkane; (3) in gas reservoirs of such abiotic methane (〉80%) and a mix of CH4 and CO2, the enclosed content of CH4 in the volcanic inclusions is usually below 42 mole%, and the reversed order of δ^13C in alkane is sometimes irregular in the corresponding gas pools; (4) a glassy inclusion with a homogeneous temperature over 900℃ also contains a small portion of CH4 although predominantly CO2. This affinity between gas pool and content of inclusion in the same volcanic reservoirs demonstrates that magma-originated gases, both CH4 and CO2, have contributed significantly to the corresponding gas pools and that the assumed hydrocarbon budget of the bulk earth might be much larger than conventionally supposed.  相似文献   
西宁夏季对流层臭氧垂直分布变化与气象要素的关系   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
根据臭氧、气象探空观测数据,分析了1996年7月5日至8月3日西宁(36°44’N,101°45'E,海拔高度2296m)上空对流层臭氧垂直分布变化与气象要素之间的关系。对流层臭氧浓度的增加(减少)总伴随着干、冷(暖、湿)气流的输送变化,而这又与大气垂直方向的运动是紧密联系在一起的。分析表明天气动力输送过程对对流层臭氧垂直分布变化有重要作用。  相似文献   
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