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沁水盆地南部柿庄南区块煤层气地质特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以国家科技重大专项《山西沁水盆地南部煤层气直井开发示范工程》成果为依据,以以往的地质勘查及研究成果为参考,对沁水盆地南部柿庄南区块煤层气地质特征进行分析。分析认为南部柿庄南区块构造简单,煤变质程度高、煤层厚度大、埋深适中而且分布稳定,有利于煤层气生成,煤层吸附能力较强,储层渗透率较好,煤层气保存条件好,是沁南煤层气勘探开发最有利区块之一。开发利用该区块煤层气资源,可有效改善地区能源结构、加快区域经济发展,降低后期煤炭开发风险,具有非常可观的社会及经济效益。  相似文献   
基于国内外煤层瓦斯富集的岩石物理及地球物理响应的研究成果,提出了以煤层反射波振幅、频率及衰减等动力学特征变化为主要研究对象的地震纵波预测技术方案;探讨了利用叠后Gamma拟合声波约束反演、频谱分解属性分析和叠前AVO反演、弹性阻抗反演等纵波技术预测煤层瓦斯富集性的理论依据及实现方法。上述技术在沁水盆地进行了预测尝试,其获得的含气性预测成果与探井实测的瓦斯富集情况基本吻合,初步证明了上述纵波预测技术方法在开展煤层瓦斯富集区研究方面的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   
This paper reports the concentrations of 137 Cs, hexachlorocyclohexane(HCH), dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethanes(DDT) and its main degradation products, δ13C, and organic carbon in pond sediments(0-210 cm, sectioned by 2-20 cm interval) and surface soils(the 0-3 cm horizon) collected in 2010 from Chenjia catchment, which is located in Yanting county in the hilly central Sichuan of China. α-, δ-, and γ-HCH, DDT, and DDD were not detected throughout the sediment profile. Trace concentrations of δ-HCH(0.89-29.31 ng g-1) and p,p′-DDE(1.85-6.02 ng g-1) were detected only in top 40 cm sediment. The 137 Cs fallout peak in 1963(corresponding to the 55-60 cm depth), the sedimentary signature left by the last year of HCH use in 1989(an additional indicator at 20-25 cm), and the obvious original channel bed prior to the construction of the pond in 1956 were used as temporal markers to estimate changes in average sedimentation rate between different periods due to changes in land use. Continuous, marked decrease in average sedimentation rate(i.e., 3.79, 1.35 and 1.07 cm year-1 in 1956-1963, 1963-1989, and 1989-2010, respectively)over time was observed, probably due to the reforestation, abandoning of steep sloping farmland for afforestation and natural re-vegetation(implementation of the Grain for Green Program), and the conversion of part of gently sloping farmland terraces to orchard land since the 1980 s, especially since the 1990 s. This was corroborated by the observed decrease(more negative) in δ13C of sediment towards the surface, which indicates increased relative contribution of eroded soil particles coming from slopes with increased tree cover in sediment source area. Combined use of 137 Cs, δ-HCH, and δ13C record in sediments has been demonstrated to be a powerful approach to reconstruction of response in sedimentation rate to historical land use changes.  相似文献   
The relationship between economic development and energy consumption is revealed by employing cointegration theory, the index decomposition method, and a log-linear regression approach based on a case study of Jilin Province, China. The results suggest: 1) the economic development and energy consumption are interdetermined, whose relationship is positive and long-term. The economic development is highly depending on the energy in Jilin Province. 2) Under the condition of other unchanged factors, the change of industrial energy efficiency contributes to the energy saving, while that of industrial structure increases the energy consumption. 3) The industrial structure change enhances the energy intensity, but the energy utility efficiency change lowers it. From the view of contribution to the energy consumption, the contribution of industrial structure was more than that of the energy utility efficiency in 2000-2011. 4) In 2000-2011, the comprehensive energy intensity change and hydroelectricity energy intensity change were related to all industrial structures' change, and the influencing factors about structure of oil energy intensity change were more than those of coal energy intensity change; from the impact degree, agricultural proportion decreased exerted an positive and greater effect on lowering the energy intensity of comprehensive energy and hydroelectricity, and industrial one did on coal and natural gas. Some conclusions can be drawn as follows: the major way to promote the coordinated development of the industrial economy and energy consumption is to optimize the industrial structure by increasing the proportion of the tertiary industry and low energy consumption industrial sectors and to enhance the energy utility efficiency.  相似文献   
陕北黄土高原地区极端降水事件时空分布特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以陕西省北部6个气象站点1959-2011年逐日降水数据为基础,采用百分比方法确定各站点极端降水阈值,选取极端降水量、极端降水频率、极端降水强度、暴雨量、暴雨日数、大雨量和大雨日数,分析陕北黄土高原地区极端降水事件时空变化特征,结果表明:(1)极端降水经历近30年的持续减少后,近10多年增加较快,各极端降水指数空间上均呈自东南向西北的递减趋势.(2)极端降水量2000~ 2011年最大,极端降水阈值和极端降水量自东南向西北递减分布.(3)极端降水频率以2000~ 2011年最大,极端降水强度变化趋势不明显.空间分布上极端降水频率以绥德最高,榆林最低;极端降水强度以洛川最高,横山最低.(4)暴雨量和暴雨日数均以2000~2011年最高,空间分布呈自东而西递减,分别形成以绥德和延安、横山和吴起为中心的高值和低值区域.大雨量和大雨日数以1959 ~1969年最高.空间分布上呈自南而北的递减趋势,均形成以洛川和横山为中心的高值和低值区域.  相似文献   
2013-07-10,岷江上游暴发大型群发性泥石流灾害,泥石流以淘刷、冲击、淤塞、压顶、磨蚀等方式对地震灾区公路直接造成严重破坏,其引发的溃决洪水、河床上升增大受灾范围,加重了灾害损失。分析了泥石流对道路工程的成灾方式:对桥梁工程破坏包括淤塞、淘蚀基础、冲毁等;对路面路基工程破坏包括淤埋、淘刷路基、冲毁等;对隧道工程破坏包括堵塞隧道洞口,破坏洞口墙体并引起衬砌支护结构破坏,损毁隧道内附属设施等;对明洞、棚洞工程破坏包括堵塞洞口、冲毁洞口结构,磨蚀洞顶,压顶并引起衬砌支护结构破坏,损毁排水、通风、电力附属设施等。分析了泥石流造成道路严重损失的原因,其中,公路工程选址不当、风险估计不足,桥涵过流净空不足,泥石流防灾措施不完善,泥石流的严重冲刷、冲击作用是主要原因。针对泥石流危害公路的特征和地震区泥石流防治中存在问题,提出了地震山区公路在灾后重建与道路规划中的减灾措施。  相似文献   
基于雷达监测河川径流的测量及算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
祁连山大野口流域由于水流急、河面宽,修筑量水堰有一定的难度,准确监测河川径流成了流域水量平衡和涵养水源功能机理研究的障碍。通过大野口流域雷达测流处水面比降、河川横断面面积、水力半径、流速仪实测流量、糙率和谢才系数等一系列测量和计算,可得出雷达监测水位与相应的河川径流量的函数关系式,并绘制出水位流量图。结果表明:雷达测流处水面平均比降为0.028;河川最大洪水断面宽13.4 m,高1.32 m;河川横断面糙率的平均值为0.059;雷达监测水位与相应的河川径流量的函数关系式为Q=0.0018H2-0.0206H(R2=0.9994),该关系式可有效解决修筑量水堰较难而利用雷达监测河川径流的难题。通过研究,可为中等流域尺度上进一步揭示水源涵养功能机理及其流域产流机制提供参考和科学依据,是实现未来水资源可持续开发利用的基础工作,其对认知特定区域水文过程的演变规律,保障内陆河流域水资源合理开发,维持河西地区农业可持续发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   
Abstract:Hydrological regimes influence ecological patterns and processes as well as alter rates of wetland evapotranspiration.This study aimed to investigate the impact of groundwater fluctuation on evapotranspiration of Phragmites australis.Supported by field data obtained from the Baiyangdian Lake in northern China,the variations in groundwater levels were explored,and the changes in soil water and evapotranspiration of reed were analyzed to investigate different groundwater level scenarios using HYDRUS-1D model.The results showed that soil water content,recharged by groundwater,remained stable in the lower soil layer but varied strongly in the upper layer of the soil profile;in comparison to evaporation,Phragmites australis transpiration contributed significantly more to the overall evapotranspiration rate;the high levels of evapotranspiration could be maintained when groundwater levels vary between 1.0 m and 1.8 m,while it was reduced with an increase in groundwater levels as a result of water stress conditions.The results also indicated that the evapotranspiration of Phragmites australis could maintain higher evapotranspiration rates under natural water levels.The evapotranspiration,in other words,might be the main water consumer,but it nevertheless has little effect on water levels during water shortages.The evapotranspiration of Phragmites australis responded to the changes in groundwater levels could help researchers understand water requirements of the wetlands and establish suitable water levels for the wetlands.  相似文献   
利用我国西南和华南地区131个测站1961~2010年近50 a降水和NECP资料,采用线性趋势分析、合成分析、功率谱分析等方法,基于秋季降水距平百分率,研究分析了近50 a我国西南和华南地区各级别秋旱的空间分布及时间变化特征,并初步讨论了各级别干旱形成的原因。结果表明:秋季干旱集中在川东、贵州中东部—华南,中旱、重旱、特旱主要出现在华南;近50 a来秋旱有显著增多的趋势,主要体现在轻旱的增多,而重旱和特旱趋势不明显。1960年代秋旱相对较多,1970年代初至1980年代后期秋旱较少,此后秋旱频繁,其中2002年以后秋旱突变性增多,干旱范围扩大的同时,其强度也在增强;秋旱频率具有显著的2.2 a周期,其中重旱有显著的12 a周期,特旱有显著的2.7 a周期;秋旱频率高的地方连旱频率也高,连旱高频区在川东—渝北、黔中—华南,连续5 a以上的秋旱较少,个别地方可达到6 a。700 h Pa上,西太平洋副热带高压、印缅槽、高原东部槽等是影响西南、华南地区秋季干湿的主要环流因子。  相似文献   
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