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为了解决目标数未知情况下的多目标跟踪问题,本文研究基于粒子概率假设密度滤波器(PF-PHDF)的多目标跟踪系统。针对PF-PHDF的局限性,提出一种基于随机有限集理论的模糊关联方法。该方法首先利用粒子滤波的方法估计多目标组成的随机有限集合,并用模糊C-均值聚类算法给出多目标的状态估计值和目标的个数;然后利用模糊关联算法对PF-PHDF所得到的目标状态集合进行检测和关联,有效解决了PF-PHDF无法得到目标的运动轨迹,也不能确定目标的身份的弊端;最后通过建立临时航迹滤掉了多余的杂波点并给出各个目标的运动轨迹。实验结果表明:本文方法不但能够给出各个目标的运动轨迹,而且还能提高多目标跟踪的精度。  相似文献   
南沙地区下第三系沉积特征及其与含油气性的关系   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
通过南沙调查地球物理资料和围区区域地质资料的对比,分析了南沙海区的中生代和新生代地层的划分,指出南沙东部钻井和拖网揭示的中生代上部沉积地层(白垩系)很可能延伸到南沙中部。南海裂谷期间形成的下第三系具有明显的裂谷充填特征,其构成生油岩主体。南沙西南及西部的下第三系受到走滑、拉张和挤压的影响,构造复杂,圈闭多,规模大,是主要的生油和储集岩层。在南沙东北部充填在裂谷中的下第三系受到不同程度的积压,是重要的储集岩层。南沙东部地区也是水合物形成的有利地区。  相似文献   
The isotope dilution (ID) method requires only the measurement of mass and isotopic mass ratios. For this reason, ID is considered a primary method of analysis, capable of higher precision and accuracy than comparative methods used in conventional instrumental analysis, that are based on calibration relative to reference materials. Compared to thermal ionisation mass spectrometers, inductively coupled plasma source-mass spectrometers (ICP-MS) benefit from several practical advantages, including direct liquid sampling at atmospheric pressure, a multi-element capability, high ionisation efficiency, fast scanning capability and widespread availability. These features greatly improve sample throughput, thereby allowing the isotope dilution method to be used on a routine basis. In turn, ID alleviates the need for quantitative sample handling, and thus makes separation of the analytes from matrix elements much easier. This allows ICP-MS instruments to be used under optimal conditions, because it is possible to use advanced, high efficiency sample introduction systems without resorting to large dilution factors. Moreover, the cleanliness of the sampling interface and ion optics is preserved, thereby allowing optimum instrumental performance to be maintained for extended periods, so reducing maintenance costs. Examples are given in this review to highlight the potential of isotope dilution combined with analyte separation for achieving high precision in trace element analysis of geochemical samples.  相似文献   
气候是生物赖以生存的重要条件。巧家县药山自然保护区内的气候孕育了极其独特的自然地理环境,为生物多样性提供了必要的条件。依据气候观测资料、野外实测数据及理论推算值,综合、系统地分析自然保护区气候资源特征。结果表明,保护区内光能资源、热量资源和水分资源随海拔不同,气候垂直分异明显,根据气温及景观特征,可把保护区划分为5种气候类型区:河谷亚热带气候区、低中山山麓中亚热带半湿润区、中山暖温带湿润区、高中山温带潮湿区、高山寒温带潮湿区。研究结果可为保护区自然资源的合理利用以及自然保护区管理提供科学依据。  相似文献   
Microgranular enclaves from the Los Pedroches granodiorite (LPG) (Los Pedroches Batholith, Iberian Massif, Spain) have Sr-Nd isotopic and mineral chemical compositions close to those of their host. This similarity is not related to restite unmixing, as indicated by the igneous textures of the enclaves. A number of other geological and geochemical lines of evidence, including the high REE and HFSE contents of the microgranular enclaves relative to the host granitoid, strongly suggest that this similarity cannot be explained by magma mixing. Alternatively, a crystallization process by rapid cooling within the host granitoid magma could explain the geochemical and textural characteristics of the microgranular enclaves, including shape, grain size, mineralogy, texture, chemistry and Sr-Nd isotopic composition. Such a crystallization occurred at the walls of the magma conduits through which the granitic magmas were emplaced in the upper crust. This process should be considered as an alternative hypothesis to magma mixing for the generation of some microgranular enclaves, especially where no direct evidence exists for the presence of basic magmas coeval with granitoids, and where there is a lack of isotopic contrast between hosts and enclaves. As the process is favoured by feeder-dyke related emplacement, we suggest that abundance of microgranular enclaves can be related to the mechanism of emplacement of granitoid bodies.This revised version was published online in March 2005 with corrections to the accepted date.
Teodosio DonaireEmail:
The Izera Block in the West Sudetes, which is composed of granites, gneisses (and transitional granite-gneisses) and minor mica schists, is one of the largest outcrops of Early Palaeozoic (ca. 500 Ma) metagranitoid rocks in the basement units of the Variscides of Central Europe. The Izera granites show S-type features: magmatic cordierite, relict garnet and sillimanite, lack of mafic enclaves, and absence of coexisting tonalites and diorites. The paucity of pegmatites indicates that the granitic magma was relatively dry. The S-type character of these granites is further supported by their peraluminous character (A/CNK 1.0–1.63), high content of normative corundum (up to 3.5%) and relatively high 87Sr /86Sr initial ratio. The chemical variation of these rocks was controlled by the fractional crystallization of plagioclase (CaO, Sr, Eu/Eu*), biotite and cordierite (Al2O3, MgO, FeO), zircon (Zr, Hf) and monazite (REE). Initial Nd values range from –5.2 to –6.9 (mean: –5.9, SD=0.6). These largely negative Nd values imply that the granitic magmas emplaced ca. 500 Ma were extracted from a source reservoir that was strongly enriched in LREE (i.e., with low Sm/Nd ratio) on a time-integrated basis. The relatively consistent depleted mantle model ages (1,730–2,175 Ma; mean: 1,890 Ma) is in agreement with the earlier reported presence of ca. 2.1 Ga old inherited Pb component in zircon from the closely related Rumburk granite. This points to an old (Early Proterozoic) crustal residence age of the inferred metasedimentary protoliths of the Izera granitoids, with only minor contribution to their protoliths of juvenile components of Late Proterozoic/Early Palaeozoic age. Although the Izera granites show some trace element features reminiscent of syn-collisional or post-collisional granitoids, they more likely belong to the broad anorogenic class. Our data corroborate some previous interpretations that granite generation was connected with the Early Palaeozoic rifting of the passive margin of the Saxothuringian block, well documented in the region by bimodal volcanic suites of similar age (Kaczawa Unit, eastern and southern envelope of the Karkonosze–Izera Block). In this scenario, granite magmatism and bimodal volcanism would represent two broadly concomitant effects of a single major event of lithospheric break-up at the northern edge of Gondwana.  相似文献   
黑龙江省冷害对水稻产量的影响   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
以黑龙江省为例, 比较了在大尺度范围内、利用传统的站点平均法以及基于格点水稻密度分布的泰森多边形面积权重法所得的两种省级水稻气象数据差异, 并分析了1960-2009 年内, 不同时间尺度上温度和降水的变化趋势特点。针对当地水稻低温冷害频发及其危害严重的实际情况, 对比研究了气象行业标准(QX/T 101-2009) 和国家标准中有关低温冷害的指标定义, 以及国际上较通用的有效负积温算法(GDDn-) 这三种指标在反映黑龙江省水稻冷害事件上的能力, 结果表明:气象行业标准可以较好地反映延期型冷害对水稻的影响, 而GDD指标在反映障碍型冷害上均优于气象行业及国家标准。利用时间序列模型对包含延迟型和障碍型两种冷害影响的黑龙江省水稻产量进行拟合, 回归方程的解释能力可达92% (p < 0.05)。本研究定量得出了人为因素和气象因素对黑龙江省水稻生产的影响分别占87.2%和12.8%的结论, 并检测出近年来水稻抽穗开花期障碍型冷害的波动增加趋势, 为明确今后低温冷害的防御重点提供科学参考。  相似文献   
针对GRACE月时变重力场的离散球谐系数,提出联合经验正交函数分解和多通道奇异谱分析的方法,在有效实现空间维数压缩和条带噪声去除的同时,提取、分析其动态变化特征并构建相应的变化模型。结果表明,GRACE离散球谐系数存在显著的周年项和长期趋势项变化成分,其中,周年项模态的方差贡献达到50.6%,扣除周年项成分后长期趋势项的累积方差贡献达到77.4%。以长期趋势项和周年项成分构建的非线性模型能较好地反映离散球谐系数及其反演结果的动态变化特征,其对全球陆表等效水柱高的拟合标准差介于0.3~14.0 cm,平均标准差为1.8 cm。研究结果可为分析地球重力场各参量变化特征及地球动力学变化提供重要参考。  相似文献   
Amplitude versus offset (AVO) analysis is a conventional seismic exploration technique in geophysical and lithological interpretation and has been widely used in onshore and offshore exploration. Its use in marine gas hydrate research, however, is still in initial stages. In this study, AVO analysis is applied to seismic profiles at drilling sites where hydrate samples have been recovered. The AVO responses of free gas, bottom simulating reflector (BSRs), and gas hydrates are discussed, and the AVO attributes in relation to gas hydrates are summarized. The results show that changes in intercept, gradient, fluid factor and Poisson’s ratio clearly reflect: (i) location of free gas and the BSR, and (ii) spatial relations between blank zone, BSR, gas hydrate, and free gas.  相似文献   
Two distinct Cambrian magmatic pulses are recognized in the Ossa-Morena Zone (SW Iberia): an early rift-(ER) and a main rift-related event. This Cambrian magmatism is related to intra-continental rifting of North Gondwana that is thought to have culminated in the opening of the Rheic Ocean in Lower Ordovician times. New data of whole-rock geochemistry (19 samples), Sm–Nd–Sr isotopes (4 samples) and ID–TIMS U–Pb zircon geochronology (1 sample) of the Early Cambrian ER plutonic rocks of the Ossa-Morena Zone are presented in this contribution. The ER granitoids (Barreiros, Barquete, Calera, Salvatierra de los Barros and Tablada granitoid Massifs) are mostly peraluminous granites. The Sm–Nd isotopic data show moderate negative εNdt values ranging from ?3.5 to +0.1 and TDM ages greatly in excess of emplacement ages. Most ER granitoids are crustal melts. However, a subset of samples shows a transitional anorogenic alkaline tendency, together with more primitive isotopic signatures, documenting the participation of lower crust or mantle-derived sources and suggesting a local transient advanced stage of rifting. The Barreiros granitoid is intrusive into the Ediacaran basement of the Ossa-Morena Zone (Série Negra succession) and has yielded a crystallization age of 524.7 ± 0.8 Ma consistent with other ages of ER magmatic pulse. This age: (1) constrains the age of the metamorphism developed in the Ediacaran back-arc basins before the intrusion of granites and (2) defines the time of the transition from the Ediacaran convergent setting to the Lower Cambrian intra-continental rifting in North Gondwana.  相似文献   
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