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Gracilariopsis lemaneiformis is a commercially exploited alga. Its filaceous thallus can be divided into three parts, holdfast, middle segment and tip. The growth and branch forming trend and agar content of these three parts were analyzed, respectively, in this study. The results showed that the tip had the highest growth rate and branched most, although it was the last part with branch forming ability. The holdfast formed branches earliest but slowly. Holdfast had the highest agar content. We also assessed the difference in protoplast formation and regeneration among three parts. The middle segment displayed the shortest enzymolysis time and the highest protoplast yield; whereas the tip had the strongest vitality of protoplasts formation. Juvenile plants were only obtained from the protoplasts generated from the tip. These results suggested that the differentiation and function of G. lemaneiformis was different.  相似文献   
伺服系统大多是非线性系统,难以对其建立准确的控制模型,其位置、和速度检测信号易受干扰,而小波网络具有多分辨率特性和任意逼近能力。利用其非线性映射能力对系统的输入输出关系进行模拟,将小波网络和模糊规则结合对系统的位置和速度进行辨识,动态调整网络的权值W和模糊规则,将非线性映射的问题转化为求解系统最优解,从而产生一种新的系统辨识方法,并以永磁伺服系统为例,设计了辨识的结构模型和策略,实验表明该算法可以达到较高的系统控制要求。  相似文献   
针对调研了解的江苏省有色金属矿山企业的基本情况及面临的可供开采资源不足、负债率过高、转产安置难、负担重等主要困难和问题, 在考虑矿山企业特殊性的基础上,对其改革和发展提出了加强矿产勘查、制定和完善产业政策和经济政策、加快改革和调整、加快剥离办社会职能等4个方面的建议.  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONThetoxicityofheavymetalsreleasedintotheenvironmenthasrecentlytriggeredanumberofstudiesaimingattheremovalofmetalionsfromaqueoussolutions (FourestandVolesky ,1 997;FehrmannandPohl,1 993 ;KuyucakandVolesky,1 989) .Itwasfoundthattheaccumulationofheavymeta…  相似文献   
为探究黄河流域大气污染的时空演变特征,本文从城市群角度出发,选取HCHO、NO2及SO2为诊断指标,对比分析2005—2019年七大城市群OMI观测对流层HCHO、NO2及边界层SO2柱浓度的年、季、月变化。研究揭示,流域内:①HCHO、NO2及SO2柱浓度高值区均集中在山东半岛城市群、中原城市群、晋中城市群南部和关中平原城市群东部。②HCHO柱浓度在2005—2019年呈波动上升趋势,七大城市群的月变化均呈单峰结构,且夏季高、冬季低、春季和秋季相当。③NO2柱浓度在2005—2011年呈上升趋势,仅2008年出现短暂小幅下降。2011年执行《火电厂大气污染物排放标准》(GB 13223—2011)后,呼包鄂榆、宁夏沿黄和晋中城市群开始大幅下降,山东半岛(2012年有小幅下降)、中原和关中平原城市群则在2013年《大气污染防治行动计划》实施后才开始大幅下降。月变化呈开口向上抛物线形态,浓度越高单峰结构越明显,且冬季高、夏季低、春季和秋季相当。④SO2柱浓度在2007年达到顶峰,2008年开始大幅下降,2010年后呈波动下降趋势,月变化、季变化均与NO2相似。黄河流域上游的兰西和宁夏沿黄城市群、上中游交界处的呼包鄂榆城市群空气质量较好,中游的关中平原和晋中城市群次之,中下游交界处的中原城市群和下游山东半岛城市群则较差。  相似文献   
Watershed delineation is a required step when conducting any spatially distributed hydrological modelling. Automated approaches are often proposed to delineate a watershed based on a river network extracted from the digital elevation model (DEM) using the deterministic eight‐neighbour (D8) method. However, a realistic river network cannot be derived from conventional DEM processing methods for a large flat area with a complex network of rivers, lakes, reservoirs, and polders, referred to as a plain river network region (PRNR). In this study, a new approach, which uses both hydrographic features and DEM, has been developed to address the problems of watershed delineation in PRNR. It extracts the river nodes and determines the flow directions of the river network based on a vector‐based hydrographic feature data model. The river network, lakes, reservoirs, and polders are then used to modify the flow directions of grid cells determined by D8 approach. The watershed is eventually delineated into four types of catchments including lakes, reservoirs, polders, and overland catchments based on the flow direction matrix and the location of river nodes. Multiple flow directions of grid cells are represented using a multi‐direction encoding method, and multiple outflows of catchments are also reflected in the topology of catchments. The proposed approach is applied to the western Taihu watershed in China. Comparisons between the results obtained from the D8 approach, the ‘stream burning’ approach, and those from the proposed approach clearly demonstrate an improvement of the new approach over the conventional approaches. This approach will benefit the development of distributed hydrological models in PRNR for the consideration of different types and multiple inlets and outlets of catchments. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
破碎波对近海海岸地形以及海岸建筑物影响强烈,通过物理模型实验对孤立波、规则波作用下破碎带的床面形态以及孔隙水压力进行分析。破碎波冲击海床,破碎处床面上形成沙坝和沙坑,与规则波相比,孤立波破碎时对床面的冲刷更加剧烈,床面形成的沙坝和沙坑尺度更大,且土体内孔隙水压力幅值也较大。同时研究了波面变化对孔隙水压力的影响,发现波面变化历时曲线与孔隙水压力历时曲线相似,与孔隙水压力梯度历时曲线更为相似,说明波面变化更能反映海床内部孔隙水压力梯度的变化。通过探讨波浪与海床之间相互耦合作用,发现破碎带地形变化使得波浪出现不同破碎类型,分析得出卷破波比崩破波作用下孔隙水压力幅值大。  相似文献   
通过对具有不同初始含水率和干密度的两种压实黏质砂土的脱湿曲线进行测试、分析和对比,并结合核磁共振技术,探讨了干密度、初始含水率和土样组分对压实黏质砂土脱湿过程的影响规律。利用核磁共振测得了试样在各级吸力下的T2时间(横向弛豫时间)分布曲线,定性地探讨了不同吸力下试样中的水分分布特征,揭示了干密度、初始含水率和土样组分对试样脱湿过程的微观机制影响。试验结果表明:干密度仅在低基质吸力条件下对试样脱湿过程产生重要影响,而在高吸力条件下初始含水率和试样组分起主导作用;核磁共振结果证实在压实黏质砂土中,小孔隙结构主要由初始含水率和试样组分控制,而大孔隙的结构主要取决于干密度;试样组分对压实土的内部结构和孔隙大小分布的影响比初始含水率大。  相似文献   
煤的显微煤岩学特征与焦炭强度的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
摘 要  为探讨煤的煤岩学特征与焦炭强度之间的关系‚对北京焦化厂所用华北地区26个矿 点的原料煤的煤岩学特征进行了研究‚并对10kg 小焦炉焦炭的强度进行了测定。通过对 M 40 ≥80%矿点煤的统计分析‚表明活性成分含量的最佳范围是63∙40%~69∙40%‚镜质组 平均反射率基本处于1∙12%~1∙36%之间。镜质组反射率分布图谱不仅可以直观地反映活性 成分的大致分布状况‚而且也可以反映原料煤的混合程度。  相似文献   
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