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This paper tried to reconstruct the time series (TS) of monthly average temperature (MAT), monthly accumulated precipitation (MAP), and monthly accumulated runoff (MAR) during 1901–1960 in the Kaidu River Basin using the Delta method and the three-layered feed forward neural network with backpropagation algorithm (TLBP-FFNN) model. Uncertainties in the reconstruction of hydrometeorological parameters were also discussed. Available monthly observed hydrometeorological data covering the period 1961–2000 from the Kaidu River Basin, the monthly observed meteorological data from three stations in Central Asia, monthly grid climatic data from the Climatic Research Unit (CRU), and Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 3 (CMIP3) dataset covering the period 1901–2000 were used for the reconstruction. It was found that the Delta method performed very well for calibrated and verified MAT in the Kaidu River Basin based on the monthly observed meteorological data from Central Asia, the monthly grid climatic data from CRU, and the CMIP3 dataset from 1961 to 2000. Although calibration and verification of MAP did not perform as well as MAT, MAP at Bayinbuluke station, an alpine meteorological station, showed a satisfactory result based on the data from CRU and CMIP3, indicating that the Delta method can be applied to reconstruct MAT in the Kaidu River Basin on the basis of the selected three data sources and MAP in the mountain area based on CRU and CMIP3. MAR at Dashankou station, a hydrological gauge station on the verge of the Tianshan Mountains, from 1961 to 2000 was well calibrated and verified using the TLBP-FFNN model with structure (8,1,1) by taking MAT and MAP of four meteorological stations from observation; CRU and CMIP3 data, respectively, as inputs; and the model was expanded to reconstruct TS during 1901–1960. While the characteristics of annual periodicity were depicted well by the TS of MAT, MAP, and MAR reconstructed over the target stations during the period 1901–1960, different high frequency signals were captured also. The annual average temperature (AAT) show a significant increasing trend during the 20th century, but annual accumulated precipitation (AAP) and annual accumulated runoff (AAR) do not. Although some uncertainties exist in the hydrometeorological reconstruction, this work should provide a viable reference for studying long-term change of climate and water resources as well as risk assessment of flood and drought in the Kaidu River Basin, a region of fast economic development.  相似文献   
In this study, the influence of climate change to California and Nevada regions was investigated through high-resolution (4-km grid spacing) dynamical downscaling using the WRF (Weather Research & Forecasting) model. The dynamical downscaling was performed to both the GFS (Global forecast model) reanalysis (called GFS-WRF runs) from 2000?C2006 and PCM (Parallel Climate Model) simulations (called PCM-WRF runs) from 1997?C2006 and 2047?C2056. The downscaling results were first validated by comparing current model outputs with the observational analysis PRISM (Parameter-elevation Regressions on Independent Slopes Model) dataset. In general, the dominant features from GFS-WRF runs and PCM-WRF runs were consistent with each other, as well as with PRISM results. The influences of climate change on the California and Nevada regions can be inferred from the model future runs. The averaged temperature showed a positive trend in the future, as in other studies. The temperature increases by around 1?C2°C under the assumption of business as usual over 50?years. This leads to an upward shifting of the freezing level (the contour line of 0°C temperature) and more rain instead of snow in winter (December, January, and February). More hot days (>32.2°C or 90°F) and extreme hot days (>37.8°C or 100°F) are predicted in the Sacramento Valley and the southern parts of California and Nevada during summer (June, July, and August). More precipitation is predicted in northern California but not in southern California. Rainfall frequency slightly increases in the coast regions, but not in the inland area. No obvious trend of the surface wind was indicated. The probability distribution functions (PDF) of daily temperature, wind and precipitation for California and Nevada showed no significant change in shape in either winter or summer. The spatial distributions of precipitation frequency from GFS-WRF and PCM-WRF were highly correlated (r?=?0.83). However, overall positive shifts were seen in the temperature field; increases of 2°C for California and 3°C for Nevada in summer and 2.5°C for California and 1.5°C for Nevada in winter. The PDFs predicted higher precipitation in winter and lower precipitation in the summer for both California and Nevada.  相似文献   
Mass and energy fluxes between the atmosphere and vegetation are driven by meteorological variables, and controlled by plant water status, which may change more markedly diurnally than soil water. We tested the hypothesis that integration of dynamic changes in leaf water potential may improve the simulation of CO2 and water fluxes over a wheat canopy. Simulation of leaf water potential was integrated into a comprehensive model (the ChinaAgrosys) of heat, water and CO2 fluxes and crop growth. Photosynthesis from individual leaves was integrated to the canopy by taking into consideration the attenuation of radiation when penetrating the canopy. Transpiration was calculated with the Shuttleworth-Wallace model in which canopy resistance was taken as a link between energy balance and physiological regulation. A revised version of the Ball-Woodrow-Berry stomatal model was applied to produce a new canopy resistance model, which was validated against measured CO2 and water vapour fluxes over winter wheat fields in Yucheng (36°57′ N, 116°36′ E, 28 m above sea level) in the North China Plain during 1997, 2001 and 2004. Leaf water potential played an important role in causing stomatal conductance to fall at midday, which caused diurnal changes in photosynthesis and transpiration. Changes in soil water potential were less important. Inclusion of the dynamics of leaf water potential can improve the precision of the simulation of CO2 and water vapour fluxes, especially in the afternoon under water stress conditions.  相似文献   
本文介绍省台———国家气象中心的电视会议系统的构成原理,总结省台与国家气象中心电视会商系统使用维护过程中的经验,对系统的使用和正在进行安装调试的“省—市—县”电视会商系统的使用提供借鉴。  相似文献   
为了使雷电临近预警技术在雷电灾害防御业务中更好地发挥作用,针对电子系统的雷电灾害特点,在传统被动防雷技术基础上,提出基于雷电临近预警的主动防雷技术,应用雷电临近预警和远程控制等技术,开发以B/S结构为架构的雷电临近预警应用系统。对2013年8月—2014年8月福建省泉州市4个无线电监测站的主动防雷应用效果进行两种方法的预警效果检验。检验结果表明:主动防雷技术是对被动防雷技术的一个较好的完善和补充。采用闪电数量对比分析,4个监测站的有效预警率为69%,采用预报评分方法对比分析,4个监测站的平均准确率为53%,对雷电活动发生较为集中的区域预警效果较好,对雷电活动发生较为零散的区域预警效果有所降低。  相似文献   
利用北京近郊地区南苑机场1990-2000年6-8月观测资料,分析了北京夏季对流云出现日数、出现时间、云底高、生命史等基本特征;利用北京站1995-2000年6-8月常规探空资料,分析了北京夏季对流温度和对流凝结高度的特征,尝试用对流温度预报对流云的出现,用对流凝结高度预报对流云的云高。结果表明:对流温度在局地热力对流云的预报中具有一定的指示意义,对流凝结高度能在一定程度上反映出对流云的云高。有对流云时,对流温度与实测温度之差在4℃以内的,占对流云总数的80%。在对流温度与实测温度之差≤4℃的有对流云日内,对流凝结高度与实测对流云云高之差90%以上都是在1200m以内,500m以内的也达到了53%。  相似文献   
设计了IAP (InstituteofAtmosphericPhysics,ChineseAcademyofSciences)AGCM III,对其动力框架作说明和检验 ,时间积分采用改进的非线性迭代法。用Rossby Haurwitz波对框架进行了波型检验、能量检验和波速检验。结果表明 ,非线性迭代 3次的时间积分方案具有较好的稳定性 ,能够有效地抑制短波 ,同时对长波的歪曲较小 ,且时间积分步长可放得较大 ;该框架能够较长时间地保持Rossby Haurwitz 4波波型 ,在积分过程中能够较高精度地保持总有效能量守恒 ;模式计算的Rossby Haurwitz波速为每天西传 1 5个经度 ,这与理伦值很接近。  相似文献   
本文分析了中国科学院大气物理研究所大气环流模式(IAP GCM)模式大气波谱结构(沿纬圈的谐波波谱和时域上的频率谱)及其在厄尔尼诺年的异常。结果表明,超长波是低纬波动的主要空间形式,准40天振荡在一定地理区域内显著存在,并与观测结果有一定联系,它们在厄尔尼诺年均发生明显异常。本工作对鉴定GCM性能及开发GCM的研究领域可能是一种有益的尝试。  相似文献   
利用呼和浩特市南郊1961-2008年夏季降水资料与海温、亚洲季风、西太平洋副热带高压和东亚阻塞高压等因子进行相关分析,结果表明:这些因子的异常变化,可以作为呼和浩特市南郊夏季降水的预测信号。  相似文献   
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