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济南南部广布巨厚张夏组灰岩,其中赋存优质丰富的岩溶地下水。出露众多泉水,其流量为800~8000m3/d。该文通过简述济南地区张夏组灰岩岩溶地下水的赋存条件与水文地质特征,概略计算与评价其资源量,论证开发利用这一新水源的可行性,以期为济南供水与保泉开辟新途径。  相似文献   
A particular non-stromatolitic carbonate succession making up the third member of the Mesoproterozoic Gaoyuzhuang (高于庄) Formation might demonstrate that a stromatolite decline of the Mesoproterozoic occurring at ca. 1 450 Ma besides other three events of the Proterozoic,respectively,occurred at ca. 2 000 Ma,ca. 1 000 Ma,and ca. 675 Ma. The forming duration of this non-stromatolitic carbonate succession can be generally correlative to that of a similar depositional succession in North America,i.e. a non-stromatolitic carbonate succession made up by the Helena Formation of the Belt Supergroup,which suggests that the stromatolite decline occurring at ca. 1 450 Ma may be a global event. This information endows the non-stromatolitic carbonate succession making up the third member of the Gaoyuzhuang Formation in the Yanshan (燕山) area with important significance for the further understanding of Precambrian sedimentology. The Mesoproterozoic Gaoyuzhuang Formation in Yanshan area is a set of more than 1 000 m thick carbonate strata that can be divided into four members (or subformations). The first member (or the Guandi (官地) subformation) is marked by a set of stromatolitic dolomites overlying a set of transgressive sandstones; the second member (or the Sangshu'an (桑树鞍) subformation) is a set of manganese dolomites with a few stromatolites; the third member (or the Zhangjiayu (张家峪) subformation) is chiefly made up of leiolite and laminite limestones and is characterized by the development of molar-tooth structures in leiolite limestone; the fourth member (or the Huanxiusi (环秀寺) subformation) is composed of a set of dolomites of stromatolitic reefs or lithoherms. Sequence-stratigraphic divisions at two sections,i.e. the Jixian (蓟县) Section in Tianjin (天津) and the Qiangou (千沟) Section of Yanqing (延庆) County in Beijing (北京),demonstrate that a particularly non-stromatolitic succession making up the third member of the Mesoproterozoic Gaoyuzhuang Formation is developed in the Yanshan area of North China,in which lots of grotesque matground structures (wrinkle structures and palimpsest ripples) are developed in beds of leiolite limestone at the Qiangou Section and lots of molar-tooth structures are developed in beds of leiolite limestone at the Jixian Section. The time scale of the Gaoyuzhuang Formation is deduced as 200 Ma (from 1 600 Ma to 1 400 Ma). The duration of an obvious hiatus between the Gaoyuzhuang Formation and the underlying Dahongyu (大红峪) Formation is deduced as 50 Ma to 100 Ma,thus the forming duration of the GaoyuzhuangFormation is thought as 100 Ma (1 500 Ma to 1 400 Ma). Furthermore,the age of the subface of the third member of the Gaoyuzhuang Formation that is just in the mid position of the Gaoyuzhuang Formation can be deduced as about 1 450 Ma,which is the basis to infer a stromatolite decline of the Mesoproterozoic occurring at ca. 1 450 Ma. Importantly,several features of both the molar-tooth structure and the stromatolite,such as the particular forming environment,the important facies-indicative meaning,and the episodic distribution in the earth history,might express the evolutionary periodicity of the surface environment of the earth and can provide meaningful clues for the understanding of the Precambrian world,although their origin and forming mechanism is highly contentious. Therefore,like other three stromatolitic declines,respectively,occurring at ca. 675 Ma,ca. 1 000 Ma,and ca. 2 000 Ma,the identification of the stromatolite decline occurring at ca. 1 450 Ma during the Golden Age of stromatolites (2 800 Ma to 1 000 Ma) has important meaning for the further understanding of the evolving carbonate world of the Precambrian.  相似文献   
东台吉乃尔盐湖经过长期的成盐演化和成矿过程 ,最终形成了以氯化钠化学沉积为主的蒸发盐 ,晶间卤水富含B、Li等多种元素卤水矿床 ,根据 1998年对该湖干盐滩中部所打的CK1孔钻孔剖面( 12m)及测试的几个14 C年龄 ,初步证实该盐湖上部盐层是在约 10 0 0 0aBP形成 ,未经碳酸盐和硫酸盐成盐阶段 ,盐湖形成初期即进入氯化物成盐阶段。  相似文献   
徐晗 《吉林地质》2012,(4):142-144,152
喀什至和田铁路是铁道部架子队管理模式的试验工程。由原来的施工队伍的单纯施工变为管理施工相结合,施工队伍承担起甲方的部分职责。根据地质条件、工期要求、机械设备配备状况,结合桩基设计参数,确定本工程钻孔灌注桩成孔采用旋挖钻机。钻孔桩施工工艺:施工准备→场地布置→桩孔位置的确定→泥浆制备→钻头的选用→钢筋笼制作→旋挖钻进成孔→一次清孔→钢筋笼安放→下放导管→二次清孔—混凝土灌注。  相似文献   
重力活塞取样器取样技术研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
现代海洋沉积物柱状取样技术是一套综合性的高新技术系统,它一般应该包括:优良的取样器具,方便灵活的取样操作设备,高精度的定位导航仪器和高分辨率的地形、地貌、地层探测系统等四个方面。我国和先进国家相比,取样操作设备方面差距最大,应该成为我国今后取样技术研究和发展的重点  相似文献   
无人船是海洋技术发展的产物,作为一种新型技术手段目前已在海洋调测和防务领域广泛应用.本文从无人船系统的组成、应用领域和发展现状出发,归纳总结无人船的关键技术,并研究其发展趋势.作为一种水面机动载体,无人船关键技术包括特型平台设计技术、运动控制技术和通信技术3个方面,其核心是围绕任务内容、载荷原理、使用环境特点,以应用设计、功能开发为主体的系统集成和应用.现阶段无人船主要作为传统海上工作方法的补充,在遵守、参照现有各种法规、技术标准要求的前提下,搭载已成型的船用任务载荷,按照载人船舶的作业模式、施工惯例投入各种应用.未来随着材料技术、人工智能、通信技术的发展,以及相关政策、法规的建立、健全,无人船将逐步成为一种独立的技术手段,形成一系列新的作业模式和技术方法.  相似文献   
冀西安妥岭斑岩型钼矿成矿地质条件浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
安妥岭钼矿位于燕辽钼(铜)成矿带南端,与附近的野弧斑岩型钼矿等具有相同的地质背景和成矿条件。文章阐述了古结晶基底、中生代岩体以及NNE、NW和近EW向构造与成矿的关系,提出安妥岭钼矿是在斑岩型矿床基础上,叠加了主要沿NW向构造发育的岩浆热液成矿作用所形成的具有复杂成矿系列的非典型斑岩钼矿床。  相似文献   
Feldspar and clastic debris are the most important constituent framework grains of sedimentary clastic rocks and their chemical dissolution plays an essential role in the formation and evolution of the secondary pore in the reservoir rocks. On the basis of thermodynamic phase equilibrium, this study investigates the chemical equilibrium relationships between fluid and various plagioclase and K-feldspar in diagenesis of the sediments, particularly, the impact of temperature and fluid compositions (pH, activity of K+, Na+, Ca2+ and so on) on precipitation and dissolution equilibria of feldspars. Feldspar is extremely easily dissolved in the acid pore water with a low salinity when temperature decreases. The dissolution of anorthite end-member of plagioclase is related to the Ca content of the mineral and the fluid, higher Ca either in the mineral or in the fluid, easier dissolution of the feldspar. Moreover, the dissolution of albite end-member of plagioclase is related to Na of both the mineral and fluid,  相似文献   
本文总结分析了发生在新丰江水库老震区,距1962年6.1级主震27年的1次4.5级地震的活动和特点,认为此次4.5级地震及其伴生的小震群仍系新丰江水库诱发地震序列的中晚期强余震。  相似文献   
In previous seismotectonic studies,the emphasis was placed on the inherited active fault zones.In the recent tectonic stage that essentially keeps in step with the current regional geologic environment and the stress field,however,there are also some newly generated fault zones.By studying the seismicity in North and Southwest China,it has been known that the NE-trending Tangshan-Hejian-Cixian and NW-trending Tengchong-Gengma-Lancang seismic zones are just two newly generated fault zones.As distinguished from the inherited fault zones,they are called the newly generated seismotectonic zones.This paper deals with the existence of these two seismogenic zones from their seismicity and geological structures,gives a preliminary analysis of their characteristics,and shows their significance.  相似文献   
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