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The 6^th International Symposium on Permafrost Engineering was successfully held in China in September 2004. About 150 scientists and engineers from 7 countries attended the symposium in Lanzhou on 5~7 September, and about 35 people from 6 countries participated in the field trip along the QinghaiTibet Highway/Railway on 8~13 September and the seminar in Lhasa on 14 September 2004. During the Symposium, the latest progress on permafrost engineering and the surveys, design and construction of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway were exchanged and inspected. Fifty-eight technical papers in English from the Symposium were published in the first volume of the Proceedings of the Symposium, as a supplement of the Journal of Glaciology and Geocryology, before the symposium. About 6 papers from the symposium are published in the second volume in the volume 27(1) of the Journal of the Glaciology and Geocryology, after the symposium. The Qinghai-Tibet Railway (QTR) under construction will traverse 632 km of permafrost, and the engineers are facing unprecedented engineering and environmental challenges. With the QTR under construction and to be completed in 2007, permafrost engineering has become the research focus of permafrost scientists and engineers in China. Many encouraging and promising achievements in permafrost engineering have been obtained during the past three years. However, there are still numerous engineering and environmental problems needing to be solved or resolved. In the discussions, some experts pointed out that methods, such as removal of snow cover on the embankments and toe areas, light-color embankments and side slope surfaces, awnings for shading the solar radiation, hairpin or tilted thermosyphons, could be applied to actively cool the roadbed of the QTR. Some new ideas on utilization of the natural cold reserves were proposed to protect the QTR permafrost roadbed from thawing. Many questions and answers on the survey, design, construction, operations, maintenance and environmental protection were exchanged in situ and in the Lhasa seminar with participation by some major railway designers, regulators and administrators.  相似文献   
利用钾长石粉水热合成13X沸石分子筛的实验研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
对综合利用钾长石提钾工艺中的重要高附加值副产品13X沸石分子筛的合成进行了实验研究。对福建沙县的钾长石粉加入配料NaCO3进行焙烧实验,确定培烧的最佳工艺参数为:钾长石粉:NaCO3=1:1.30(摩尔比),焙烧温度为845℃,焙烧时间为150min;优化的水热合成条件为M2O/SiO2(mo1)=1.50,H2O/M2O(mo1)=40.0,合成时间为8h,晶种加入量为9.0%。对合成样品化学成分分析、X射线物相分析、红外光谱分析、扫描电镜分析表明,合成13X沸石分子筛结晶完好,性能优良.水热反应经由溶解水合反应和聚合浓缩反应两大阶段。  相似文献   
对栗木水溪庙矿区泥盆系上统融县组灰岩的碳氧同位素进行了研究,该地区灰岩的碳氧同位素组成可提供隐伏花岗岩隆起及其相关流体的重要信息。受隐伏花岗岩侵入驱动的流体与上覆融县组灰岩发生反应的温度在110℃左右,流体的初始同位素组成为δ18OSMOW=-3‰,δ13CPDB≤-7‰,反应的水岩比值(w/r)可能小于5。这种岩浆水与大气降水的混合流体与围岩之间的水岩反应使得地表灰岩的δ18O和δ13C值降低,产生负异常。研究表明,围岩的δ18O值降低受反应的水岩比值和温度控制;δ13C值降低主要与反应的水岩比值有关。反应的温度越高,w/r值越大,灰岩的碳氧同位素负异常越明显。因此,水溪庙矿区地表出露的碳酸盐地层中的碳氧同位素变化可在地球化学勘查中用于指示下伏花岗岩岩脊的隐伏位置。  相似文献   
钾长石分解反应热力学与过程评价   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
综述了添加各种助剂分解钾长石的研究进展。对不同体系中钾长石分解反应的G ibbs自由能和能耗计算,综合考虑一次性资源、能源消耗量和烧结过程的环境相容性、产品方案等因素,结果表明:只有以石灰石、碳酸钠为配料的工艺路线具有实际工业应用价值;而唯有以碳酸钠为配料时,钾长石原料烧结过程才具有一次性资源消耗量最少、能耗最低、温室气体CO2排放量最小、且可生产高附加值产品、实现完全清洁生产等优点。因此,选择以碳酸钠为配料分解钾长石的技术路线,具有良好的工业化应用前景。  相似文献   
内蒙古河套地区土壤环境质量评价   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
土壤污染已成为抑制农业可持续发展的一个重要因素,土壤环境质量与研究区的地质条件、自然物理化学条件和人类活动有关。以河套地区多目标区域地球化学调查取得的表层土壤元素资料为依据,参照《土壤环境质量标准》(GB15618—1995)中As、Cd、Cr、Cu、Hg、Ni、Pb、Zn分级标准,对研究区土壤的单元素环境质量进行分级并评价。以单元素土壤环境质量分级为基础,以单元素中最差的级别作为该单元土壤环境质量综合分级,评价研究区的土壤综合环境质量。通过单元素评价及综合评价认为,研究区内土壤环境质量总体状况优良,大部分地区为绿色、无公害的环境。  相似文献   
黏土岩温度-渗流-应力耦合特性试验与本构模型研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高放废物处置库、垃圾填埋场等工程中常常涉及到温度场(T)、渗流场(H)和应力场(M)的耦合作用的问题。从试验和理论模型两个角度综述国内外黏土岩温度-渗流-应力耦合特性的研究进展,主要包括其传热特性、温度影响下的渗流特性、变形、强度、蠕变特性。在此基础上,重点分析了黏土岩水-热迁移模型以及热-力耦合本构模型的适应性。基于上述认识,通过试验研究了比利时Boom clay在温度作用下的强度、渗透性、蠕变性等特征。结果表明:随着温度升高,Boom clay的强度有所降低,渗透性显著增强,蠕变速率明显加快。提出了适用于Boom clay的THM耦合弹塑性损伤模型,计算结果验证了模型能合理反映温度的影响。最后,探讨了黏土岩THM耦合机理研究的不足和今后的研究方向。  相似文献   
西南山区某铁路隧道口上部广泛分布着高位危岩体,对下部隧道建(构)造物具有严重的威胁.采用Rockfall Analyst软件对该隧道上部五类不同尺寸的高位危岩体进行三维运动轨迹数值模拟,研究表明:研究区的高位危岩落石具有弹跳高度大、速度快、冲击能量高的特点;弹跳高度、运动速度与危岩落石的质量无关,冲击能量大小与落石质量...  相似文献   
杜玉霞  马巍  赵淑萍  张泽  明姣 《冰川冻土》2016,38(6):1583-1591
在使用激光位移传感器测试冻土位移中,由于测试现场环境条件恶劣,厂家给出的传感器线性度会降低,因此,需要对所有传感器在使用前应模拟使用时的环境条件重新进行标定。为验证激光位移传感器在冻土测试中的适用性,依据德国森萨帕特FT-50RLA220型激光位移传感器的结构、使用特点、技术指标,设计了由控温箱、标定支架、激光位移传感器、量块及数据采集装置组成的标定的装置,进行了不同负温条件下对激光位移传感器标定,并依据标定试验结果进行拟合参数修正,得到不同环境温度下的试验结果的线性度和迟滞特性。试验结果表明:不同的环境温度下,两个激光位移传感器与标准厂家测试曲线存在差异,不同负温条件下标定的两个激光位移传感器的拟合优度R2分别为0.999和1;线性度最大值分别为0.88%FS和0.32%FS。  相似文献   
利用2005年"绿洲系统能量和水分循环过程"野外观测实验(JTEX)资料,分析了夏季不同天气背景下的金塔绿洲小气候特征、辐射和能量平衡特征的日变化规律.结果表明:不同天气和土壤湿度背景下的辐射和能量平衡特征有较大差异.观测中发现有较大的能量不平衡差额,晴天时的能量亏损大于阴天的.  相似文献   
Abandoned mines are of high potential risk as they could be a large underground storage of pollutants(heavy metals and organic wastes, etc.). Various physical, chemical and biological reactions would take place when groundwater flows into underground spaces, which makes abandoned mine a huge potential hazard to groundwater environment. The recovery of groundwater level is one of the key elements controlling the reactions and causing such hazards. This paper simulated groundwater level recovery processes in the abandoned mines, Fengfeng coalfield by using the computer program FEFLOW. The paper integrated the pipe flow model, "three zones" model and groundwater inrush(discharge) model in the simulation of groundwater in the complex laneway-aquifer system. Groundwater flow in the laneway systems was considered pipe flow and described in Bernoulli equation. The water-bearing medium(coal seam roof) overlying the laneway systems was divided into "three zones" composed of the caving zone, fissure zone and bending zone based on the disruption degrees of previous mining. Groundwater in the Ordovician limestone aquifer(bottom of coal seam) flowing into laneway systems was considered a major inrush/recharge source, and its flow rate was calculated by an inrush(discharge) model which was newly developed in this study and incorporated into FEFLOW. The results showed that it would take approximately 95 days for groundwater in abandoned mines to recover to regional groundwater level elevation, and the total amount of water filling up would be about 1.41195×10~7 m~3, which is consistent with the actual data. The study could be of theoretical and practical significance to mitigate abandoned mines' hazards and improve mine groundwater utilization.  相似文献   
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