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For treating oily sludge, wet peroxide oxidation (WPO) and catalytic wet oxidation (CWO) were investigated. The CWO experiment was carried out in a 0.5?L batch reactor using FeCl3 as catalyst. By using WPO, the effects of reaction parameters such as residence time, temperature, H2O2 excess, and initial COD were investigated. The results demonstrated that >80?% chemical oxygen demand (COD) was removed by CWO and >90?% COD was removed by WPO. Significantly, more of COD could be removed from the oily sludge by adding H2O2 in small doses. In conclusion, WPO was much more effective in the removal of organic compounds from oily sludge.  相似文献   
随着城市化和机动化的发展,跨市轨道交通建设成为应对交通拥堵,引导土地开发与通勤结构,促进区域一体化的策略。面对轨道交通巨额建设运营成本,多层级政府管治(Multi-level Governance)下的投融资模式和溢价回收(Value Capture)策略成为推动跨市轨道交通建设的基础。目前,对跨市交通设施的溢价回收和多层级管治还缺乏系统讨论。以珠三角为例,实证分析跨市轨道交通多层级政府的合作博弈、投融资模式与溢价回收策略,重点论述由“省部合作”向“省市合作”联合开发的溢价回收策略转变。研究发现,珠三角跨市轨道交通联合开发面临土地、规划和财税等制度约束以及政府间利益博弈,省政府主导的“省市合作”交通土地综合开发模式超越单个城市政府,实现区域层面的交通溢价回收,能为中国城际轨道交通融资和多层级管治提供参考。  相似文献   
测井方法在青海木里煤田冻土研究中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究表明冻土的电阻率为非冻土的3倍,常规测井参数可用于冻土层的综合解释,而井温曲线的"U"字型与"L"字型不但可以划分不同性质的冻土层,而且能够准确的解释其冻土厚度。通过分析聚乎更、江仓、热水三个矿区的30个测温孔,发现其井田北部和南部区域,多年冻土层均有增厚的趋势,底界从北到南逐渐加深。对江仓矿区的长期观测及矿井开拓,验证了多年冻土层的总体变化范围与所获测井成果基本一致。根据对木里煤田冻土的研究,发现测井解释的多年冻土层厚度一般小于其真厚度,而季节性冻土层的解释厚度要大于其真实厚度。  相似文献   
The Chagele is a typical Pb-Zn-Cu-Mo deposit located in the western Nyainqentanglha Pb-Zn-Ag-Fe-Cu metallogenic belt (NPMB) that immediately north of the Gangdese porphyry copper belt, Tibet. The deposit contains three ore types: the porphyry (Cu) Mo ores occur as thin veins hosted in the granite porphyry; the skarn (Cu) Pb-Zn type ores are of vein-type or lenticular-type mainly occurring in the external contact zone and interstratified crack zone; and the hydrothermal vein Pb-Zn type ores are controlled by the NNE-striking faults and situated in the structural fractured zones and the up walls of fault zones. The (Cu) Pb-Zn ores consist mainly of galena, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, pyrite, malachite, showing automorphic granular, hypautomorphic to allotriomorphic granular and metasomatic-relict textures, and exhibiting mainly veined, banded, disseminated and massive structures. Hydrothermal alteration includes skarnization, silicification and limonitization. The (Cu) Mo ores consists mainly of chalcopyrite and molybdenite, and minor pyrite. The (Cu) Mo ores are characterized by scaly texture, veinlet and massive structures. It has reserves of 0.38 Mt Pb, 0.6 Mt Zn and 110.1 t Ag, with average grade of 2.08%, 3.29% and 6.07 g/t, respectively, and is considered as a deposit with huge ore-prospecting potential in western of NPMB. However, the ore-forming material and genesis of the Chagele deposit are still not clear. This paper systematically investigated the H, O, S and Pb isotopes of the Chagele deposit and compared it with the other Pb-Zn (Cu-Mo) deposits in the middle-east segment of NPMB. Isotopic geochemical analyses showed that the fluids have δ18O values of -2.2‰ to 2.9‰ and δD values of -189‰ to -157‰, respectively, indicative of mixing between magmatic and meteoric waters. The bimodal distribution of δ34 S values for sulfides (-5.6‰ to -0.8‰, the average: -3.7‰ and 1.1‰ to 2.6‰, the average: 1.8‰) indicated that sulfur of the ores were derived from both wall rocks and magma, while the Cu-Mo orebodies was mainly derived from the granite porphyry. The sulfides have 206Pb/204Pb, 207Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb values in ranges of 18.614 to 18.688, 15.657 to 15.747 and 38.988 to 39.269; similarly the granite porphyries have 206Pb/204Pb, 207Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb values of 18.663 to 19.058, 15.643 to 15.664, and 39.002 to 39.559, respectively, implying that both of them were originated from the upper crust. The H-O-S-Pb isotopic characteristics of the Chagele deposit are similar to those of the Pb-Zn polymetallic deposits in the mid-east NPMB, suggesting that these deposits have similar ore-forming fluid and material sources. It can be concluded that the Chagele deposit is a typical porphyry type Mo deposit + skarn type-hydrothermal vein type of Cu-Pb-Zn deposit. Moreover, we argue that the mineralization is not only confined to the mid-east NPMB, the western segment of the belt with similar tectonic-magmatism also has high potential of ore mineralization. © 2018, Science Press. All right reserved.  相似文献   
We investigated the developmental expression pattern of AmphiCaM in cephalochordate amphioxus (Branchiostoma belcheri tsingtauense). We cultured and sampled the animals at different developmental stages (eggs and larvae), and used in-situ hybridization and northern blotting to document the spatial and temporal changes in AmphiCaM expression. The alimentary tract dominates the development from the late neurula stage to the adult stage. AmphiCaM expression increased significantly in the alimentary tract during the late neurula stage and remained elevated in the adults. Our results indicate that AmphiCaM is involved in the differentiation of the alimentary tract in amphioxus; and furthermore, provide an insight into the change in function of CaM genes during evolution.  相似文献   
新疆古牧地断裂全新世的断错活动   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
新疆古牧地断裂是一条全新世活动断裂,全新世以来有4 次明显的断错活动,历次活动的TL时间分别为11.03±0.89 kaB.P.,9.73±0.79 kaB.P.,8.32±0.67 kaB.P.和6.82±0.54~4.87±0.39 kaB.P.,断错活动间隔为1.3±0.1~2.0±0.15 ka。全新世时期累积垂直断距大于5.03m ,平均活动速率大于0.41 m m /a  相似文献   
波浪荷载作用下砂土变形特性的模拟试验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用新研制的“土工静力-动力液压三轴-扭转多功能剪切仪”模拟波浪荷载作用,对福建标准砂进行了4组三轴一扭转耦合振动剪切试验,以研究海床砂土在波浪荷载作用下的变形特性及其对砂土初始密度和固结压力的依赖性。试验结果表明,应力-应变呈现出良好的双曲线关系,与等效线性模型理论相吻合;阻尼比和模量随应变幅值的变化规律均依赖于土体的初始密度和固结压力;归一化后的E/Emax-ε及G/Gmax-γ曲线对相对密度和固结压力仍具有明显的依赖性;但完全归一化后的E/Emax-ε/εr及G/Gmax-γ/γr的关系曲线则与固结压力无关。  相似文献   
本文根据区域地质构造资料和区域地震活动特征,分析了新疆吉林台水电站区域稳定性。研究结果表明,该站不利之处是位于天山近代总隆起中喀什河断陷谷地内,喀什河活断裂又从库坝区附近通过。但坝址座落在石炭系组成的小断块上,喀什河断裂8级大震的重复发生间隔为2600—4000年,预测今后百年内库坝区发生直下型大震的可能性极小,其地震基本烈度为Ⅷ度是适宜的。  相似文献   
珠江口盆地作为南海北部陆缘勘探程度较高的含油气盆地,断裂特征分析对认识盆地演化模式和油气成藏机理至关重要。根据高分辨率地震数据和钻井资料对盆地西南部开平凹陷进行精细地震地质解释,依据断裂级别与规模将该区断裂构造类型划分为一级控盆断裂、二级控凹断裂、三级控带断裂以及四级控圈断裂;在地震剖面上识别出“Y”字型断层、阶梯状断层及卷心型断层等多种剖面组合样式;根据断裂平面分布图识别出平行式、雁列式、斜交式3种平面组合类型;定量统计断裂走向特征可知,在右旋应力场作用下,自始新世到早中新世断裂走向持续发生近NE→EW→近NW向的顺时针旋转,且断裂活动性逐渐减弱。并认为受印度‒欧亚板块碰撞、太平洋板块俯冲后撤和古南海持续南移的影响,盆地形成典型的伸展拉张应力场环境,促成始新世‒渐新世期间近NE向、EW向和中新世期间发育的近NW向3组断裂发育。对开平凹陷的地质构造特征加以解释补充,为南海北缘洋陆过渡带的发育特性和成因机制提供参考。  相似文献   
The study on the earthquake-resistant performance of a pile-soil-structure interaction system is a relatively complicated and primarily important issue in civil engineering practice. In this paper, a computational model and computation procedures for pile-supported structures, which can duly consider the pile-soil interaction effect, arc established by the finite clement method. Numerical implementation is made in the time domain. A simplified approximation for the seismic response analysis of pile-soil-structure systems is briefly presented. Then a comparative study is performed for an engineering example with numerical results computed respectively by the finite clement method and the simplified method. Through comparative analysis, it is shown that the results obtained by the simplified method well agree with those achieved by the finite element method. The numerical results and findings will offer instructive guidelines for earthquake-resistant analysis and design of pile-supported structures.  相似文献   
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