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该文以提高车载激光扫描数据高程精度为出发点,分析了扫描数据的误差来源。该文提出多种控制点布设方案,以京沪高速部分路段激光扫描数据为例,统计并分析各个控制点布设方案改正结果,为以后车载激光数据外业控制点布设提供参考。  相似文献   
利用2008年夏季中国第三次北极科学考察获得的营养盐、叶绿素a、温度和盐度等数据资料,结合现场营养盐添加实验的结果讨论西北冰洋加拿大海盆北部营养盐对浮游植物生长的限制作用。结果表明:由于融冰水稀释作用,加拿大海盆B80站约20m深度存在较强的盐跃层,阻碍了水体上下混合。较低浓度的溶解无机氮(DIN)和硅酸盐(分别为0.31μmol/L和0.94μmol/L)以及严重偏离Redfield比值的N/P、N/Si比值(分别为0.42和0.32)表明加拿大海盆表层水体存在N和Si限制。根据现场营养盐加富实验各培养组叶绿素a浓度变化、营养盐吸收总量差异和浮游植物种群结构,进一步表明氮是北冰洋海盆首要限制营养盐,而Si则抑制了硅质生物的生长。同时,较小的硝酸盐半饱和常数(Ks)证明即使在营养盐充足的情况下北冰洋海盆浮游植物生长速率也处于较低水平。计算得到各培养组营养盐吸收比例(N/P比值)均大于Redfield比值,可能是培养实验过程中以微型、微微型浮游植物为主,硅藻等小型浮游植物为辅造成的。  相似文献   
华北地区地震和深部构造关系及其破裂机制探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张路 《地震》2012,32(3):87-97
华北地区的地震活动格外活跃, 其地壳深部构造的独特性决定了其地震活动性。 多条地学断面和地震剖面等地球物理研究表明, 华北地区的地震带(即活动构造带)一般均存在低速体或上地幔上隆; 华北强震区的地球物理详细勘测发现, 强震区也都存在低速体或上地幔上隆。 应用应力摩尔圆和库伦破裂准则, 利用上涌模型和地壳减薄模型研究地壳岩石破裂机制, 结果表明, 存在上地幔上隆和低速体的地区的地壳岩石比其它地区更易于发生破裂。 华北地区的地壳深部构造决定了地震的空间分布格局。  相似文献   
In this study, we examine the maximum net extraction rate from the novel arrangement of an injection‐extraction well pair in a coastal aquifer, where fresh groundwater is reinjected through the injection well located between the interface toe and extraction well. Complex potential theory is employed to derive a new analytical solution for the maximum net extraction rate and corresponding stagnation‐point locations and recirculation ratio, assuming steady‐state, sharp‐interface conditions. The injection‐extraction well‐pair system outperforms a traditional single extraction well in terms of net extraction rate for a broad range of well placement and pumping rates, which is up to 50% higher for an aquifer with a thickness of 20 m, hydraulic conductivity of 10 m/d, and fresh water influx of 0.24 m2/d. Sensitivity analyses show that for a given fresh water discharge from an inland aquifer, a larger maximum net extraction is expected in cases with a smaller hydraulic conductivity or a smaller aquifer thickness, notwithstanding physical limits to drawdown at the pumping well that are not considered here. For an extraction well with a fixed location, the optimal net extraction rate linearly increases with the distance between the injection well and the sea, and the corresponding injection rate and recirculation ratio also increase. The analytical analysis in this study provides initial guidance for the design of well‐pair systems in coastal aquifers, and is therefore an extension beyond previous applications of analytical solutions of coastal pumping that apply only to extraction or injection wells.  相似文献   
大亚湾海域锥状斯氏藻赤潮及其与孢囊的关系   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
用沉积物捕捉器取样,研究了大亚湾海域2000年6~9月孢囊(Cyst)种群动态,同时 分析了浮游植物种群动态。研究期间(8~9月)该海域发生了一起大规模的锥状斯氏藻赤潮。 赤潮前一个月,锥状斯氏藻孢囊的平均日形成率为2.05× 105cysts/(m2·d),丰度为50.22%, 该时期以有性生殖产生的静止期孢囊为主;在赤潮盛期的8,9月初,孢囊的平均日形成率达到 2.01 ×106cysts/(m2·d),丰度为96.97%,此时期的孢囊多为营养细胞所形成的暂时性孢囊; 赤潮结束后,由于环境条件的恶化,暂时性孢囊的形成达到高峰,平均日形成率为1.24×l07 cysts/( m2·d),丰度为99.53%。结果表明大亚湾丰富的孢囊是潜在的种源(Seed bed),2000年 的夏季、秋李持续高温(>25℃),台风减少及风力减弱等有利锥状斯氏藻的环境条件诱发孢 囊萌发,开始了该种类的赤潮。  相似文献   
Wetlands in China: Feature, value and protection   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The estimated total area of wetland in China is more than 25.9 million hectares including about 11.9 million hectares of marshes and bogs, 9.1 million hectares of lake and about 2.2 million hectares of coastal salt marshes and mudflats. The area of wetland is equivalent to 2.7% of the land surface. China also has 2.7 million hectares of shallow sea water (less 5m in depth at low tide). Marshes and bogs are equivalent 1.3% of the land surface. Only three provinces (regions)—Qinghai, Xizang (Tibet) and Heilongjiang — have a larger total area of marsh and bog. According to the structure, type and development of wetland in different river basins, wetland can be classified nine main regions. The experiments indicate that the coefficient of the marsh to regulate flood is similar to that of lakes. Wetlands occupy 17.8% of the Sanjiang Plain area, the annual carbon contribution is 0.78 × 104t. Carbon released from marsh soil return into atmosphere is 3.95 × 106t/a. At present there is a sharp contradiction between population growth and natural resources shortage, causing wetland to be exerted with huge pressures and serious threats. Foundation item: Under the auspices of the Key B Item of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (KZ951-B1-201-02). Biography: LU Xian-guo (1957 —), male, a native of Changchun City, Jilin Provice, professor. His research interests include wetland process and environmental effect.  相似文献   
After the survey of pollution sources, a study on surface water quality assessment and forecast is given by means of grey system method, fuzzy mathematical method and multiple-index method. Based on it, aquatic environment quality features, treatment measures and environmental strategies of the area are proposed. The quality of aquatic environment of 5 rivers in the Tumen River area is studied. The results show that the pollution of surface water is serious; water quality of most rivers is between grade IV and V except the Hunchun River, being higher than grade IV standard; pollution levels of most rivers have been basically controlled except the of Burhatong River, which is deteriorating gradually. Pollutants of the rivers are comparatively regular, mainly are SS, COD, BOD, AR-OH, NH3-N. The main pollution trades are chemical fibre industry, pulp and paper making industry and mining industry. If the growth rate of gross industrial product is higher than 25 percent under the encouraging-model of regional exploitation, the pollutants’ load will overtake the bearing capacity of aquatic environment. Thus some protection program against pollution must be worked out in order to achieve the harmonious development of economy society and environment. A project from “Studies on Earlier Stage of Regional Development” of the Chinese Academy of Sciences  相似文献   
以萨德湿地为例,使用ENVISAT和Jason2卫星测高数据利用改进的阈值法进行回波重定,反演萨德湿地水位。结果显示:萨德湿地的恒定水域水位变化规律。通过对比萨德湿地和维多利亚湖的水位变化可以发现,维多利亚湖对萨德湿地南部水域水位有巨大的影响,且影响与人类活动(尤其是欧文瀑布大坝的水能发电)有很大的关系,而位于大坝下游的阿尔伯特湖水位变化和萨德湿地南部水域水位变化有很强的相关性。  相似文献   
为了探索康滇地轴以西地质条件复杂地区的油气资源潜力,通过面积性地质调查工作与钻孔资料、分析测试资料结合,对盐源—宁蒗地区下泥盆统黑色页岩开展综合研究。研究表明:盐源—宁蒗地区早泥盆世古地理主要受康滇古陆及古特提斯构造域的构造活动控制,靠近金-箐断裂地区发育滨岸-潮坪相,古隆起围限区出现局限海湾相,远离隆起的西北部地区发育台地、陆棚、盆地相;大瓜坪组(早泥盆世晚期)发育黑色页岩(局部地区发育硅质泥岩),在羊排喜—岩口一带分布较为稳定、厚度大(20~100m),普遍含钙质,有机碳含量较高,具较高的脆性矿物含量,热演化程度适中,是重要的烃源岩和页岩气富集有利层位;黑色页岩主要发育在局限海湾环境中,羊排喜—岩口—茅坪子一线是盐源—宁蒗地区黑色页岩富集区。  相似文献   
走滑断控油气藏作为一种全新类型油气藏,其勘探潜力已初步显现。在对中国三大海相克拉通盆地内部走滑断裂发育特征与控藏作用开展对比分析的基础上,揭示了塔里木盆地、四川盆地、鄂尔多斯盆地内部走滑断裂空间结构与活动特征的相似性与差异性,并结合盆地动力学演化特征探讨了不同盆地内部走滑断裂成因机制,系统分析了三大盆地内部走滑断裂的控藏作用:(1)中国三大海相克拉通盆地内部均发育中小尺度滑移距走滑断裂,普遍具有“纵向分层,平面分段,垂向多期叠加”的空间结构特征。(2)三大克拉通盆地内部走滑断裂体系具有成因、分布和期次的差异性。塔里木盆地内部走滑断裂体系形成时间早,演化时间长,在盆地北部具有“南北对接,东西分区”特征;鄂尔多斯盆地西南缘受燕山期(侏罗纪—白垩纪)陆内挤压影响,形成了北西西向走滑断裂体系;四川盆地受控于二叠纪峨眉山大地幔柱影响,在盆地内部先存基底断裂基础上,形成了北西向、北西西向、近东西向张扭型走滑断裂。(3)中国三大海相克拉通盆地内部走滑断裂对油气成藏和富集具有重要的控制作用。在控储方面,受断裂-流体耦合改造控制,可形成断控缝洞型储集体、断-溶缝洞型或断控裂缝-孔隙型储集体;在控圈方面,在碳酸盐岩地层中可形成断控缝洞型、断溶缝洞型岩性圈闭;在控运方面,走滑断裂产状高陡,可直接沟通烃源岩和储层,构成重要的油气垂向输导体系。  相似文献   
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