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黄海、东海底栖生物的生态特点   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
黄海和东海,连同渤海,是面积广阔的陆缘海,绝大部分区域的深度不超过160m,超过200m的深水区范围很小,东海平均深度370m,黄海平均深度44m ,渤海只有18m。黄海、东海的海底地形、海流系统和水团结构都相当复杂。强大的高温高盐黑潮暖流水和以长江为主体的低盐冲淡水占主导地位。北部的黄海冷水则是在特殊的地理和气候条件下形成的夏季低温水团,而台湾暖流和黄海暖流对局部海域水文状况也有一定的影响。它们的存在及其相互作用决定了黄海和东海海域的底栖动物区系性质。此外,海底沉积物结构类型及其理化性质对底栖动物的组成和分布也有相当大的影响,不同种的分布式样明显地反映了粗、细、软、硬底质的分布轮廓;而有些底内动物的活动又对沉积物的物理纹层和化学特点产生一定的影响。 黄海、东海底栖动物种类很多,有的种数量很大,不少种(虾类)是具有经济价值的渔业捕捞对象,或是经济鱼虾的天然饵料,有些又可作为水团、海流的指示种,与生物资源的开发利用以及海洋生物科学的发展有密切关系。本文根据多年调查资料,系统反映中国东部近海大型底栖动物的概貌和生态特点,内容包括种类和群落组成、分布及其与水文和沉积环境的关系。  相似文献   
三峡工程对长江口区无脊椎动物资源影响的预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长江大量径流给其河口及邻近海域带来丰富的营养物质,维持了长江河口生态系统的巨大生产力,并使之成为多种重要经济鱼虾类的索饵和产卵场。长江口生态环境的变化,对我国最大、最重要的浙江舟山渔场和江苏吕四渔场的渔业资源有举足轻重的影响。三峡工程的兴建将使长江入海径流量及其季节分配有很大改变,也不可避免地影响到河口和近海的海洋环境、经济动物的组成及资源状况。为研究长江口无脊椎动物资源结构及其分布特征,以及预测三峡工程对自然生态环境的影响,于1985年9月至1986年8月进行了无脊椎动物资源底拖网试捕调查。本文系统整理调查所得资料,结合历史资料进行分析研究。  相似文献   
羊栖菜茎部愈伤组织再生苗的解剖学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用石蜡切片法对羊栖菜纵裂主枝上愈伤组织再生苗的发生过程进行了形态解剖学观察。发现此种成苗方式是在主枝 (茎 )或假根处由外皮层分裂形成愈伤组织 ,再由愈伤组织分化成苗的一种无性繁殖方式。愈伤组织形成再生苗有望成为羊栖菜人工养殖种苗的来源之一。  相似文献   
解决山东水资源短缺的对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘洪滨 《海岸工程》1995,14(4):37-42
分析了山东省水资源现状和存在的主要问题,针对山东省水资源的严重短缺,提出了在传统用水、治水的基础上,实施人工增雨工程,直接利用海水和海水淡化与节约用水,建立节水型社会,调整水源结构,更新用水观念,开发新水源,综合用水,综合治水的路子,只有这样才能长久解决水危机。  相似文献   
王风范  耿敏 《海洋预报》1995,12(2):61-66
本文以9414、9415号两个连续北上台风为例,证明能量场的分布与台风移向有着明显的对应关系。  相似文献   
重力异常垂向一阶导数的一种简便算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用拉格朗日插值导出了重力异常垂向一阶导数的计算公式,给出了地面以及地面之上不同高度的求导系数。该公式可以计算地面上的重力垂向一阶导数,还可以直接计算地面之上任意高度上的垂向一阶导数。鉴于该公式除系数不同外,与上延公式完全相同,因此,程序设计尤为简单。使用本公式对模型数据和实际资料进行了处理,证明了本算法的实用性。  相似文献   
介绍了高放废物处置库天然类比研究的主要内容,重点阐述了类比研究中涉及的地球化学问题,包括核素溶解度和化学形态研究、核素迁移速率研究、核素迁移影响因素研究,并总结相关问题研究取得的成果和认识.  相似文献   
The northern margin of the Qaidam Basin is one of the main oil-gas exploration areas in western China, where source rocks are composed mostly of Middle and Lower Jurassic dark mud shale, carbargillite and coal. A large number of subsurface and outcrop samples differing in lithology with different types of organic matter were selected for resource evaluation, research and calculation. And among them, 13 samples were used for simulation experiment on hydrocarbon generating potential of various source rocks. At first, two kinds of heating modes were compared through simulation experiment, including single temperature-step heating and continual heating. Perhaps, the process of hydrocarbon generation and expulsion occurred naturally between a close system and an open system. In addition, the first heating mode was convenient, and all its reaction products were involved in the whole thermal evolution, and the final simulation experimental results were basically in consistency with the natural evolution trend Therefore, the first heating mode was adopted and the hydrocarbon yield of every sample was worked out. According to the type and lithology of organic matter and the hydrocarbon yield of samples for simulation experiment, hydrocarbon generation and expulsion mode with three kinds of lithology and five types of source rock has been established to provide the basis for hydrocarbon generation evaluation, research and resource calculation.  相似文献   
Object based image analysis (OBIA) is an approach increasingly used in classifying high spatial resolution remote sensing images. Object based image classifiers first segment an image into objects (or image segments), and then classify these objects based on their attributes and spatial relations. Numerous algorithms exist for the first step of the OBIA process, i.e. image segmentation. However, less research has been conducted on the object classification part of OBIA, in particular the spatial relations between objects that are commonly used to construct rules for classifying image objects and refining classification results. In this paper, we establish a context where objects are areal (not points or lines) and non-overlapping (we call this “single-valued” space), and propose a framework of binary spatial relations between segmented objects to aid in object classification. In this framework, scale-dependent “line-like objects” and “point-like objects” are identified from areal objects based on their shapes. Generally, disjoint and meet are the only two possible topological relations between two non-overlapping areal objects. However, a number of quasi- topological relations can be defined when the shapes of the objects involved are considered. Some of these relations are fuzzy and thus quantitatively defined. In addition, we define the concepts of line-like objects (e.g. roads) and point-like objects (e.g. wells), and develop the relations between two line-like objects or two point-like objects. For completeness, cardinal direction relations and distance relations are also introduced in the proposed context. Finally, we implement the framework to extract roads and moving vehicles from an aerial photo. The promising results suggest that our methods can be a valuable tool in defining rules for object based image analysis.  相似文献   
评价生物气生成量、生成期的元素平衡法及其应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
生物气的生成期对其成藏有至关重要的制约作用,但目前国内外尚缺少可信、有效方法来对此进行评价。针对这一难题,考虑到无论生物气的生成机理如何,都是一个有机元素之间的物质平衡过程,文章探索并建立了评价生物气生成量的元素平衡法,并利用松辽盆地大量的实际分析数据,对这一评价方法(模型)进行了标定和应用。结果表明,松辽盆地生物气的生成可能主要发生在800m以浅的埋深条件下;区内源岩生物气的生成量约为285.0×1012m3;生物气的主要生成期在嫩江组沉积末期之前。  相似文献   
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