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利用ArcGIS对莆田沿海地区的地形、下垫面属性和排水设施及排水运作方式进行预处理,建立台风降水、风暴潮共同影响下的莆田沿海地区内涝模型。应用雷达估算降水及自动雨量站数据计算的热带气旋"南玛都"过程面雨量,以及此次暴雨过程沿岸海区和河口的时变水位作为模型的边界条件,对莆田地区风暴潮灾害风险进行评估试验。针对2011年9月1日热带气旋"南玛都"造成的莆田沿海地区风暴潮及暴雨灾害,利用暴雨内涝模型进行评估试验研究,将模拟结果与实况灾情进行对比,结果表明模型能够较客观地反映"南玛都"过程降水和风暴潮共同作用的灾害情况。  相似文献   
基于企业微观数据,定量刻画高铁开通前后站区产业空间格局变动,并诊断和确定在不同阶段的关键驱动要素及其贡献度。结果表明,高铁站区产业空间具有明显的圈层结构,但“以高铁站点为中心的向心集聚”在高铁开通初始阶段尚不明显,开发强度并不随着与站点距离增加而降低,核心区的开发强度小于影响区。除了圈层空间分异之外,产业分层集聚态势凸显,与高铁乘客的商务特征相对应的商务服务业在高铁开通后空间集聚程度明显高于其他几类产业;批发零售业、居民服务业和科技服务业与高铁开通相关性不明显;交通运输业和住宿餐饮业作为交通站区的基础服务产业,相关程度介于以上两类之间。从内外两方面驱动因素构建的高铁站区产业空间格局变动模型分析得出,除了交通条件、外部规模经济等传统区位因素外,产业属性、地价对高铁站区产业空间格局的变动有较大影响。  相似文献   
对具有不同地质历史背景的3类40Ar/39Ar法样品中的40Ar和39Ar释出特征进行对比,研究结果表明,40Ar/39Ar法样品中的40Ar、39Ar释气曲线主要表现为以下3种形式:完全重合型、过剩氩型和不规则型。当40Ar与39Ar释气曲线呈完全重合型时,40Ar/39Ar法全熔年龄代表了岩体的形成年龄;当40Ar、39Ar释气曲线是过剩氩型时,40Ar/39Ar法全熔年龄则大于岩体的形成年龄;当40Ar与39Ar释气曲线呈不规则型时,表明样品中的放射成固氩(40Ar*)发生了丢失,其全熔年龄一般较岩体的形成年龄小。对于40Ar、39Ar释气曲线呈过剩氩型的样品,40Ar/39Ar法年龄谱通常呈马鞍形,且马鞍形年龄谱的底部年龄一般都具有地质意义,代表了岩体的形成年龄。对于40Ar、39Ar释气曲线呈不规则型的样品,对其年龄谱的解释应持谨慎态度。  相似文献   
福建南部沿岸水域尖头斜齿鲨的食性   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
王军  丘书院 《台湾海峡》1996,15(4):400-406
对福建南部沿岩水域尖头斜齿鲨食性的分析表明:尖头斜齿鲨以硬骨鱼类,头路类,长尾类和口足类为主要食料,其营养级为3.45,年平均饱满指数为9.45‰,摄食率为76%,其雌鱼在分娩期间仍有摄食,但强度降低,雌、雄个体食物组成无明显差异,幼鱼摄食强度大于成鱼。  相似文献   
Heavy metal pollution is hazardous for the environment and human health. However,there are few studies of heavy metal pollution caused by historic metallurgical activity. The Laoniupo site in the Bahe River valley, Guanzhong Basin, China, was an important settlement of the Shang Culture(1600–1046 BCE). We studied two stratigraphic profiles at the Laoniupo site, which were used for measurements of magnetic susceptibility, heavy metal concentrations, and AMS ~(14) C ages to provide evidence of copper smelting activity at the site during the Shang Dynasty. The Nemerow Pollution Index and Geoaccumulation Index were calculated to assess the heavy metals record(Cu, Zn, Ni, Pb, Cr, and As) in the topsoil on the loess tableland. According to the Single Pollution Index, the topsoil was slightly polluted by As and unpolluted by Cu, Zn, Ni, Pb and Cr; according to the Nemerow Composite Pollution Index the topsoil was mildly polluted; and according to the Geoaccumulation Index, the topsoil was moderately polluted by As, slightly polluted by Cu, and unpolluted by Zn, Ni, Pb and Cr. The main cause of the heavy metal pollution in the topsoil is the presence of copper slag in the cultural layers that was disturbed by modern farming activity.  相似文献   
Zhou  Jian  Dai  Yong  Khandelwal  Manoj  Monjezi  Masoud  Yu  Zhi  Qiu  Yingui 《Natural Resources Research》2021,30(6):4753-4771
Natural Resources Research - Backbreak is an adverse phenomenon in blasting operation, which can cause, among others, mine walls instability, falling down of machinery, drilling efficiency...  相似文献   
于2007年和2014年的丰水期和枯水期分别测量了南沙红树林湿地公园一期、二期及其附近河涌8个采样点的水体温度、pH、DO、COD、BOD5、TP和TN等物化指标。通过对比监测结果和倍斜率聚类评价结果发现:研究区水质总体上处于-Ⅲ级或-Ⅳ级的“尚清洁”状态;红树林湿地公园一期2008年对外开放后至2014年,水环境指标中pH变化范围不大,DO、COD含量有所下降,BOD5、TP和TN含量均呈增加趋势;2007年南沙红树林湿地公园一期采样点W1、W2、W3水质优于河涌采样点W7和W8,河涌采样点W7和W8水质优于红树林湿地公园二期采样点W4、W5、W6;2014年南沙红树林湿地公园二期采样点W4、W5、W6水质优于红树林湿地公园一期采样点W1、W2、W3和河涌采样点W7、W8;8个采样点中水质改善最明显的是二期采样点W6,水质下降最明显的是一期采样点W3;丰水期河涌水质2014年较2007年有所好转,但红树林湿地公园水质无论枯水期亦或丰水期,多数情况下优于河涌水质;研究区域水环境质量的时空差异总规律为2007~2014年南沙红树林湿地公园二期水质好转,一期水质有所下降。  相似文献   
徐州都市圈工业结构转型及其影响效应分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在GIS空间分析技术支持下,采用工业结构转型相关指数方法,深入分析了2000~2012年徐州都市圈工业结构转型的时空演化特征及其对区域发展的影响效应。发现:近10 a来徐州都市圈工业转型速度、高级化呈较快提升趋势,且与工业经济增长明显相关,但合理化程度下降;竞争优势行业和主导产业均呈向资本技术密集型行业演化趋势,但主导产业的支撑作用有待增强;空间上呈现先集聚后扩散趋势,不同行业空间集聚程度各异,形成了沿东陇海工业集聚发展轴;工业专业化分工呈现以徐州为核心向外技术水平下降的圈层式垂直分工格局;工业高级化和区域工业占有率对经济增长促进作用显著,而对能源消耗和工业SO2排放抑制作用明显,但不同尺度区域影响存在差异。  相似文献   
Landslides and debris flows occurr in China frequently and cause disastrous losses of life and property. The risk assessment of landslides and debris flows and their spatial variations were comparatively analyzed in this paper, which has great significance for disaster prevention. This article selected 1 km×1 km grid as the assessment unit and with support of GIS technique, analyzed landslide and debris-flow risk distribution and their spatial variations from 2000 to 2010. The research results indicated that the spatial distribution of risk classes in 2000 and 2010 was obviously discrepant. Overall, taking the Heihe-Tengchong population density line as the boundary, the west of the line is mainly low risk area; the east of the line is mainly high risk area. Compared with the risk of 2000, the risk values of 2010 increased, with the high risk area and low risk area enlarged, moderate risk area reduced. The moderate risk area is the most unstable and sensitive risk area, and its risk class variation is significant. However, China is not a region with the high risk of landslide and debris-flow hazard at present. In the following next 10 years, the risk of landslides and debris flows in China will continue to increase.  相似文献   
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