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目的:探讨甲状旁腺腺瘤(PA)的4D-DECT影像特征及物质成分信息,评价其定位及定性诊断价值。资料和方法:回顾性分析经手术及病理证实的53例PA患者的临床资料及4D-DECT影像资料,逐一观察并记录CT征象,分别对病变与邻近组织的CT衰减值(HU)、碘浓度、Rho、Z值及DEI进行测定及比较分析。结果:53例患者中,52例(98.11%)为单发病灶,1例(1.89%)为多发病灶,共计病灶54枚,其中32枚(59.26%)位于气管-食管旁沟,10枚(18.52%)为异位腺瘤,22枚(40.74%)可见“短线征”,14枚(25.93%)可见“极血管征”;动脉期(90 kV)图像PA与甲状腺CT值无明显差异,平扫、动脉期(混合0.5、150 kV)及静脉期(90 kV、混合0.5、150 kV)图像中PA、甲状腺及淋巴结CT值均有差异。动脉期及静脉期淋巴结的碘浓度、Z值及DEI明显低于PA及甲状腺,静脉期PA的碘浓度、Z值及DEI明显低于甲状腺;动脉期及静脉期甲状腺Rho明显高于PA,动脉期PA的Rho明显高于淋巴结。结论:4D-DECT可较好地显示PA的影像学特征,还可以提供病变的碘浓度等多种物质成分信息,有助于提高PA的诊断准确性。  相似文献   
The mechanism of the disruption, both lithospheric thinning and oceanization of the commonly accepted long‐term‐stable Archaean craton, is still an open question. The available models, all imply a bottom to top process. With the construction of a 1660‐km‐long transect across the eastern North China Craton (NCC), we demonstrate that both the P‐wave velocity and density in the lowermost crust beneath the central section are significantly higher than in the corresponding parts of the south and north sections on the transect. These features are interpreted as geophysical signature of lower crustal underplating, which supplies sufficiently high gravitational potential energy to trigger lateral flow of the lower crust. This magma underplating‐triggered bilateral lower crust flow may facilitate the lithospheric thinning by means of asthenosphere upwelling and decompression melting, which infill the gap produced by the lower crust flow. The underplating‐triggered lower crustal flow can provide an alternative mechanism to explain the NCC lithosphere disruption, which highlights the crustal feedback to Archaean lithosphere disruption, from top to bottom.  相似文献   
黄林宏  宋丽莉  李刚  王丙兰  张永山 《气象》2016,42(12):1522-1530
国际电工委员会编制的《风力发电机组设计要求》(IEC 61400-1)推荐了针对风电机组安全等级评估的极端风速和湍流强度特征值估算方法,因其简单便捷,在风电领域被广泛采用。利用全国风能资源专业观测网的193座测风塔观测数据,对IEC推荐的极端风速计算方法与我国规范推荐的基于极值I型概率分布方法进行比较,发现两种方法计算的193座塔70 m高度层50年一遇10 min平均最大风速,仅有7座测风塔较为一致,差异在±1%;IEC推荐方法的计算结果多数偏小,其中偏小10%以上的测风塔有121座,偏小30%以上的有44座测风塔,而偏大10%以上的只有9座测风塔;IEC方法计算的极值风速大幅度偏小的测风塔主要分布在台风影响的东南沿海地区,偏差较小的测风塔主要分布在西北和华北地形平缓区域,但同时偏大10%以上的测风塔也多分布在这一地区。以目前行业领域普遍采用的以15 m·s~(-1)风速的平均湍流强度作为风电机组选型指标,与严格按照规范,以15 m·s~(-1)风速段所有样本湍流强度的90%分位数处的值作为指标进行风电机组等级确定作对比,发现193座塔中有46座塔的选型是不安全的,甚至相差两个等级。  相似文献   
Hao Li  Ling Bian  Teng Wang 《国际地球制图》2016,31(10):1058-1077
Geospatial services with different functions are assembled together to solve complex problems. Different taxonomies are developed to categorize these services into classes. As differences in granularity and semantics exist among these taxonomies, the identification of services across different taxonomies has become a challenge. In this paper, an approach to identify geospatial services across heterogeneous taxonomies is proposed. Using formal concept analysis, existing heterogeneous taxonomies are decomposed into semantic factors and their various combinations. With these semantic factors, a super taxonomy is established to integrate the original heterogeneous taxonomies. Finally, with the super taxonomy as a cross-referencing system, geospatial services with classes in original taxonomies are identifiable across taxonomies. Experiments in service registries and a social media-based spatial-temporal analysis project are presented to illustrate the effectiveness of this approach.  相似文献   
Du  Yao  Ma  Teng  Deng  Yamin  Shen  Shuai  Lu  Zongjie 《Hydrogeology Journal》2018,26(4):1047-1059
Hydrogeology Journal - Quantifying groundwater/surface-water interactions is essential for managing water resources and revealing contaminant fate. There has been little concern on the exchange...  相似文献   
A modified mixed-differenced approach for estimating multi-GNSS real-time clock offsets is presented. This approach, as compared to the earlier presented mixed-differenced approach which uses epoch-differenced and undifferenced observations, further adds a satellite-differenced process. The proposed approach, based on real-time orbit products and a mix of epoch-differenced and satellite-differenced observations to estimate only satellite clock offsets and tropospheric zenith wet delays, has fewer estimated parameters than other approaches, and thus its implementing procedure is efficient and can be performed and extended easily. To obtain high accuracy, the approach involves three steps. First, the high-accuracy tropospheric zenith wet delay of each station is estimated using mixed-differenced carrier phase observations. Second, satellite clock offset changes between adjacent epochs are estimated using also mixed-differenced carrier phase observations. Third, the satellite clock offsets at the initial epoch are estimated using satellite-differenced pseudorange observations. Finally, the initial epoch clock results and clock offset changes are concatenated to obtain the clock results of the current epoch. To validate the real-time satellite clock results, multi-GNSS post-processing clock products from IGS ACs were selected for comparison. From the comparison, the standard deviations of the GPS, GLONASS, BeiDou and Galileo systems clock results are approximately 0.1–0.4 ns, except for the BeiDou GEO satellites. The root mean squares are about 0.4–2.3 ns, which are similar to those of other international real-time products. When the clock estimates were assessed based on a pseudo-kinematic PPP procedure, the positioning accuracies in the East, North and Up components reach 5.6, 5.5 and 7.6 cm, respectively, which meet the centimeter level and are comparable to the application of other products.  相似文献   
邓腾  丁正鹏  许德如 《地球科学进展》2021,36(10):1077-1091
碳质黑色页岩形成于各个不同地质历史时期的海洋缺氧水体中,通常可视作潜在的成矿物质来源,目前对于碳质黑色页岩的研究主要集中在传统能源矿产领域,其与金矿床相关成矿机制的关联尚缺乏系统性的深入研究.在总结近10年造山型金矿中碳质黑色页岩研究成果的基础上,归纳前人对碳质黑色页岩的来源、形成环境和过程、地球化学特征以及其与造山型金矿化的成矿物质来源、元素迁移—活化—沉淀机制关系的认识:①碳质黑色页岩主要形成于海洋静闭极度缺氧环境;②碳质黑色页岩比普通黑色页岩更富集金、银、钼、钒、镍和铬等稀有金属;③碳质黑色页岩能够通过地层的区域变质运动释放金元素进入深部变质成矿流体;④碳质黑色页岩通常相对其他岩层在构造活动中更易形成容矿构造并作为强力还原剂导致金的沉淀;⑤碳质黑色页岩能够作为显著的找矿标志指导找矿.然而,这些认识不仅与造山型金矿床的传统成因模式存在一定的差异,而且也将引起传统找矿勘查评价准则的改变.目前,我国对于造山型金矿床中碳质物的研究仍较为薄弱,亟待开展该领域的研究,为找矿勘察工作提供科学依据.  相似文献   
The eruption of the Anak Krakatau volcano,Indonesia,on 22 December 2018 induced a destructive tsunami(the Sunda Strait tsunami),which was recorded by four nearby tidal gauges.In this study we invert the tsunami records and recover the tsunami generation process.Two tsunami sources are obtained,a static one of instant initial water elevation and a time-dependent one accounting for the continuous evolution of water height.The time-dependent results are found to reproduce the tsunami recordings more satisfactorily.The complete tsunami generation process lasts approximately 9 min and features a two-stage evolution with similar intensity.Each stage lasts about 3.5 min and elevates a water volume of about 0.13 km3.The time,duration and volume of the volcano eruption in general agree with seismic records and geomorphological interpretations.We also test different sizes of the potential source region,which lead to different maximum wave height in the source area,but all the results of time-dependent tsunami sources show the robust feature of two stages of wave generation.Our results imply a time-dependent and complex process of tsunami generation during the volcano eruption.  相似文献   
Yu  Zhi  Shi  Xiuzhi  Zhou  Jian  Chen  Xin  Miao  Xiaohu  Teng  Bing  Ipangelwa  Timo 《Natural Resources Research》2020,29(2):843-865
Natural Resources Research - A large ore loss and dilution can be expected when using a pre-blast ore boundary for shovel guidance because of the movement and re-distribution of ore in the muck...  相似文献   
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