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GLONASS carrier phase and pseudorange observations suffer from inter-channel biases (ICBs) because of frequency division multiple access (FDMA). Therefore, we analyze the effect of GLONASS pseudorange inter-channel biases on the GLONASS clock corrections. Different Analysis Centers (AC) eliminate the impact of GLONASS pseudorange ICBs in different ways. This leads to significant differences in the satellite and AC-specific offsets in the GLONASS clock corrections. Satellite and AC-specific offset differences are strongly correlated with frequency. Furthermore, the GLONASS pseudorange ICBs also leads to day-boundary jumps in the GLONASS clock corrections for the same analysis center between adjacent days. This in turn will influence the accuracy of the combined GPS/GLONASS precise point positioning (PPP) at the day-boundary. To solve these problems, a GNSS clock correction combination method based on the Kalman filter is proposed. During the combination, the AC-specific offsets and the satellite and AC-specific offsets can be estimated. The test results show the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed clock combination method. The combined clock corrections can effectively weaken the influence of clock day-boundary jumps on combined GPS/GLONASS kinematic PPP. Furthermore, these combined clock corrections can improve the accuracy of the combined GPS/GLONASS static PPP single-day solutions when compared to the accuracy of each analysis center alone.  相似文献   
基于立体相机成像模型并结合相机参数对嫦娥三号导航相机3维测图能力进行分析,利用摄影测量原理和误差传播定律对巡视器30 m范围内的DEM精度进行了理论分析,推导出导航相机立体影像获得的采样点精度公式,并绘制了DEM的平面精度图和高程精度图;同时使用多线程技术开发了基于导航相机立体影像的地形快速重建算法,利用多线程技术完成影像的特征匹配和密集匹配,并通过分块内插生成DEM。该技术应用于嫦娥三号任务中,有力地支持了嫦娥三号遥操作路径规划相关任务。  相似文献   
In this paper, we intent to use the remotely sensed MODerate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) data and China’s Environment Satellite (HJ-1) data for extracting the corn cultivated area over a regional scale. The high resolution HJ-1 data was to extract corn distribution at a small scale class with Support Vector Machine (SVM). The mean Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) time series curve of corn from MODIS was derived for the reference area and validated in a larger area. The MODIS-EVI time series curve derived from the reference area instead of the MODIS-EVI time series curve derived from the study area after validation, which was taken as the standard MODIS-EVI time series curve in for generating a standard MODIS-EVI image of corn. The mean absolute distance (MAD) between the standard MODIS-EVI image of corn and the MODIS-EVI time series image was used to detect the maximum possible extent of corn distribution in the study area. The results showed that the overall accuracy of the method was 82.17 %, with commission and omission errors of 16.85 and 15.40 %, respectively; at the county level, the satellite-estimated corn area and statistical data were well correlated (R 2?=?0.85, N?=?50) for the whole Jilin Province. It indicated that the MODIS data integrated with higher spatial resolution of HJ-1 satellite data could be utilized to enhance the extraction accuracy of corn cultivated area at a larger scale.  相似文献   
本文通过对服务器集群和虚拟化技术的研究,设计了一种基于虚拟化的地理信息服务器集群架构,在此基础上,对地理信息服务软件系统进行了优化,并应用于天地图?四川的建设。通过相应的性能测试对比分析,采用虚拟化的“天地图?四川”服务器集群架构,能有效提高地理信息服务功能的可用性和性能。  相似文献   
应用ArcGIS软件中的Topo to Raster工具、MATLAB软件中的人工神经网络及Surfer软件中自然邻点法,本文对使用差分GPS测量的青藏高原不同地区的冰碛垄数据进行了数字地貌模拟,从模拟精度、准确度、地貌晕渲、易操作性及后期定量分析等方面进行了分析对比。结果表明ArcGIS中的Topo to Raster工具较其他两种方法有较好的模拟精度;综合考虑各方面因素,ArcGIS软件在冰碛垄地貌的定量研究中具有优势。  相似文献   
经纬仪测量设备能够获取卫星及星上仪器设备安装的角度和位置等精测数据,而从测量数据本身不易直观分析出航天器壳体结构和星上设备安装的精度。为此设计了一种基于Unity的航天器精测数据可视化模型——U-SAM。本文在分析目前航天器精测数据可视化存在问题的基础上;重点阐述和论证结合立方镜准直测量原理设计U-SAM可视化模型的方法;并测试了基于U-SAM模型的可视化效果。结果表明,基于该模型对测量数据可视化能够形象、直观、快速地反映测量数据目前具有的或在随后的测量过程中可能出现的误差趋势,从而指导工作人员对设备总装、测量手段等进行不断地调整和优化。该模型能够高效地对测量数据进行诊断,检测测量数据的正确性和有效性为航空航天部门提供技术支持,减轻测量工作强度,提高工作效率。  相似文献   
提出了一种纹理自适应的影像连接点提取方法,有针对性地解决沙漠地区无人机影像对比度低、相似性强、纹理信息不均衡,经常会造成连接点过少甚至提取、匹配失败的突出问题。该方法利用影像金字塔进行粗匹配,建立影像之间近似单应变换关系;通过对原始影像分块计算灰度共生矩阵的熵来评估影像纹理指标,并据此实现特征点的自适应提取与匹配。实验表明,该方法能够得到数量较多、分布均匀、可靠性强的同名点。  相似文献   
针对仅利用无线信号源和其发射信号强度定位会丢失待测位置与信号源之间固有空间关系的问题,提出了利用已知位置接收信号源发射的无线信号强度测量未知点的低成本室内定位方法。该方法深入分析了待定位点和无线信号源以及信号覆盖范围之间的空间关系,充分利用RCC-8空间关系模型进行无线定位。实验结果表明,采用这种融合空间拓扑关系的基于无线信号强度的室内定位方案能够优化定位流程,并在测得位置中反映待测点和信号源之间的相对空间关系。  相似文献   
针对传统空间查询无法满足地理数据交互式可视化对处理时间要求的问题,以窗口查询为例,提出了一种空间近似查询处理方法。该方法包括预处理和查询两步:在预处理阶段,利用分布化的线简化算法对空间对象进行顾及误差的预处理采样,将采样过程及误差值用树型结构保存;在查询阶段,以豪斯多夫距离定义数据可视化的误差,进行误差可知的顶点即时采样与截取,从而实现针对可视化应用的高效的空间近似查询处理。在Hadoop集群上利用77GB的OpenStreetMap数据集进行了实验,证实了本方法的效力与效率。  相似文献   
由于SAR影像具有乘性相干斑噪声,某些对光学影像有较好检测性能的边缘检测算子,对于SAR影像并不适用,因此本文提出了一种将改进后的Ratio算子与Canny算子相组合的新方法。首先采用多种客观评价指标,得出经典方法中的Lee滤波能有效去除噪声,且最大限度保留了梯度信息,适用于边缘检测;然后对边缘检测具有恒虚警特性的Ratio算子进行改进,改进后的算子更利于影像归一化处理;最后利用改进后的Ratio算子与Canny算子组合成新方法。试验结果证明,组合后的新方法显著提高了边缘检测正确率和定位精度,改善了边缘连续性,具有一定的有效性和实用性。  相似文献   
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