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桐柏山太白顶、殷店和天河口一带,发育有大量的L构造岩,拉伸线理极其发育,面理较弱,线理产状向南东东倾伏,倾伏角为1°~20°。桐柏山L构造岩具有以下主要特征:在三维空间上,L构造岩强烈发育杆状构造,这种“杆”状构造是由大量沿X轴方向定向排列连在一起的椭球体矿物构成的,其变形机制主要为石英的颗粒边界迁移和长石的位错蠕变,形成的平均压力为0.59GPa,平均温度为550 ℃~600 ℃,形成于中-高温-中压环境,变质相为高绿片岩相到低角闪岩相,形成深度大致在15~20 km,属于中地壳的产物。L构造岩在桐柏山的发现可能反映了桐柏山造山带中桐柏杂岩岩块相对两侧榴辉岩岩片具有近东西向挤出构造的特征。  相似文献   
重力流是自然界中广泛存在的一种流体形式,不同学者基于不同切入点往往会提出多种重力流的划分方案。采用浊流和碎屑流的二分方案,对浊积岩和砂质碎屑流岩的沉积特征展开综述和探讨,旨在进一步概括这2类岩石的沉积特征,明确具有指示意义的最典型相标志。研究表明,在野外露头和钻井岩心中,可以通过以下典型特征鉴别浊积岩和砂质碎屑流岩: 砂岩内若发育以正粒序为特征的递变层理,则应该将其认定为浊积岩;若砂岩内发育泥岩撕裂屑、漂浮状泥砾或不含任何层理构造(块状砂岩),则应该将其认定为砂质碎屑流岩。这些特征是鉴别浊积岩和砂质碎屑流岩最可靠的标志。此外,变形层理、爬升波纹交错层理、波状层理、平行纹层、冲刷侵蚀界面、岩性突变界面和槽模等沉积构造也具有一定指示意义,出现这些特征时需要结合沉积背景、岩相的垂向组合关系和地球物理等资料进行综合判断。  相似文献   
三江平原沼泽地碳循环初探   总被引:35,自引:1,他引:35  
马学慧  吕宪国 《地理科学》1996,16(4):323-330
在三江平原多年考察与研究的基础上,通过典型沼泽的定位观测,估算了三江平原沼泽土壤中的碳储量,探讨了沼泽植物对大气CO2的固定,碳素自沼泽土壤向大气的转移,沼泽近地气层CO2流,以及沼泽植物-土壤-大气之间的碳素流动。  相似文献   
During recent decades, more frequent flood-drought alternations have been seen in China as a result of global climate change and intensive human activities, which have significant implications on water and food security. To better identify the characteristics of flood-drought alternations, we proposed a modified dry-wet abrupt alternation index (DWAAI) and applied the new method in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River Basin (YRB-ML) to analyze the long-term spatio-temporal characteristics of dry-wet abrupt alternation (DWAA) events based on the daily precipitation observations at 75 rainfall stations in summer from 1960 to 2015. We found that the DWAA events have been spreading in the study area with higher frequency and intensity since 1960. In particular, the DWAA events mainly occurred in May and June in the northwest of the YRB-ML, including Hanjiang River Basin, the middle reaches of the YRB, north of Dongting Lake and northwest of Poyang Lake. In addition, we also analyzed the impact of El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) on DWAA events in the YRB-ML. The results showed that around 41.04% of DWAA events occurred during the declining stages of La Niña or within the subsequent 8 months after La Niña, which implies that La Niña events could be predictive signals of DWAA events. Besides, significant negative correlations have been found between the modified DWAAI values of all the rainfall stations and the sea surface temperature anomalies in the Nino3.4 region within the 6 months prior to the DWAA events, particularly for the Poyang Lake watershed and the middle reaches of the YRB. This study has significant implications on the flood and drought control and water resources management in the YRB-ML under the challenge of future climate change.  相似文献   
三角洲感潮河段洪潮水位频率分析方法的初步研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据珠江三角洲感潮河段年最高洪潮水位存在长期上升趋势的事实,提出了河口区感潮河段洪潮水位频率分析一种新的计算方法,新方法的分析结果表明,未来不同年代同频率的设计洪潮水位各不相同,也存在相应的长期变化趋势。以灯笼山站为例,新方法计算的2030年和2050年的百年一遇设计洪潮水位分别为3.12m和3.28m,比传统频率分析方法计算的结果分别高出0.24m和0.40m。建立有关部门在制定河口区的防洪标准时,根据洪潮水位的长期变化趋势作相应的动态调整,以适应河口区洪潮水位变化的实际情况。  相似文献   
Tectonic geomorphology in the Hexi Corridor, north-west China   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The Hexi Corridor is a Cenozoic foreland basin system at the north-eastern margin of the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau. Active faults, having clear geomorphological expression, are mainly NW-trending reverse-sinistral faults and NNW-trending reverse-dextral faults. From the south-west to the north-east, landforms can be divided into three parallel zones arranged along the WNW faults. Longitudinally, three transverse uplifted blocks divide the Hexi Corridor into four subbasins. North-eastward motion of the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau and eastward motion of the north-east part of the Plateau resulted in compressive and shear deformations and controlled the geomorphological pattern in the Hexi Corridor.  相似文献   
 全球气候变暖给整个地球的生态环境带来巨大的影响,在全球气候变暖背景下,绿洲热场的变化严重影响绿洲的生态稳定性,利用遥感卫星影像来监测热场分布规律具有很强的现实意义。采用Landsat7 ETM+热红外波段定量反演晴空状态下干旱区典型绿洲地表真实温度,运用影像叠加分析、直方图比对、缓冲区分析、空间自相关分析及剖面线分析方法,分析其热场分布规律。结果表明,绿洲热场分布具有显著的正的空间自相关特性,Moran’s I值为0.5489,z检验值为48.44,同时呈现出显著的局部空间集聚现象; 就全局而言,热场分布规律为水体温度<耕地温度<林草地温度<城镇温度<裸地温度<盐碱地温度,均温分别为21.65 ℃、27.86 ℃、35.59 ℃、36.52 ℃、40.06 ℃、42.07 ℃; 就局部而言,盐碱地温度低于周边裸地温度,盐碱地平均温度比周边300 m、900 m、1 500 m缓冲区裸地的均温分别低0.59 ℃、0.44 ℃、0.26 ℃。水体、城镇、盐碱地、裸地的温度波动较小,热力景观单一,热场分布均匀,而耕地和林草地的温度梯度大,热力景观复杂多样,热场分布极不均匀。绿洲荒漠交错带的面积较大,它可以降低荒漠对绿洲的热力侵蚀,对保护绿洲有重要作用。  相似文献   
中国土壤动物生态地理研究进展(英文)   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
This review summarizes main research findings in soil fauna eco-geography in China in the past 30 years.The subject areas and main results were overviewed including biodiversity and eco-geological distribution of soil fauna communities.Studies of ecological distributions of soil fauna and dynamic ranges in space from tropical,subtropical to temperate regions,and in categories from forest,grassland,desert,wetland,farmland to urban ecosystems,the responses and indications of soil fauna to soil environments.Ef...  相似文献   
研究农地整理对农户农地投入意愿的影响,对完善农地整理绩效评价和农地整理政策意义重大。依据湖北省3个县(市、区)的188份农地整理区域农户抽样调查数据,构建Logistic模型进行农地整理对农户农地投入意愿的影响分析。结果表明:(1)农户对农地整理的满意度是影响农户流动资本投入意愿和固定资本投入意愿的关键因素,农户对农地整理的满意度越高,其流动资本投入意愿越弱,固定资本投入意愿越强;(2)农地整理的效果在不同土地规模、不同年龄和不同兼业类型农户中有所差异,土地规模大、非老龄、纯农户以及第一类兼业农户的固定资本投入意愿更强。  相似文献   
中国东部植被NDVI对气温和降水的时空响应(英文)   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
Temporal and spatial response characteristics of vegetation NDVI to the variation of temperature and precipitation in the whole year,spring,summer and autumn was analyzed from April 1998 to March 2008 based on the SPOT VGT-NDVI data and daily temperature and precipitation data from 205 meteorological stations in eastern China.The results indicate that as a whole,the response of vegetation NDVI to the variation of temperature is more pronounced than that of precipitation in eastern China.Vegetation NDVI maxi...  相似文献   
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