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中国县域乡村地域多功能格局及影响因素识别   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
论文以中国大陆县域为研究单元,构建乡村地域多功能评价指标体系,利用熵权法、半变异函数和地理探测器等模型,对2000—2015年中国乡村多功能指数进行综合测评,揭示中国县域乡村地域多功能的空间分异特征,定量识别乡村地域多功能空间分异的影响因素。研究结果表明:① 中国乡村地域多功能在空间上呈现出平原、东部沿海等地区高值集聚,高原、山地等地区低值集聚,各县域乡村地域多功能整体呈现出逐渐提升态势;② 经济发展功能和社会保障功能对乡村地域多功能的贡献率逐渐增大,农业生产功能和生态保育功能对乡村地域多功能的贡献率逐渐减小;③ 2000—2015年,中国大陆范围内县域乡村地域多功能空间自相关范围和强度总体呈现减小的趋势,随机性因子成为乡村地域多功能空间分异的主要驱动力;④ 县域经济整体发展水平和财政收入是影响乡村地域多功能空间分异的主导因素;各影响因素之间的两两交互作用会增强乡村地域多功能的空间分异;社会环境因素对乡村地域多功能空间分异的影响程度逐渐上升,自然环境因素的影响程度逐渐下降。  相似文献   
The exponential increase of ecosystem utilization has instigated a serious conflict between ecosystem services and residents’ needs. The Belt and Road Initiative has greatly influenced Laotian production and living, and the scientific assessment of the consumption of ecosystem services in Laos is important for exploring residents’ influence on the ecosystem. Based on data for the Laotian consumption of agricultural products, fruits and livestock products during 1961-2013, normalized by either harvest index or feed conversion ratio, this study draws three main conclusions. 1) Ecosystem service consumption in Laos is centered on the consumption of farmland, forestry and grassland ecosystem services, which account for over 80%, over 10% and under 2%, showing downward, upward and constant trends, respectively. The consumption of these ecosystem services shows a trend of increasing first, then fluctuating, and finally increasing. 2) The consumption of ecosystem services in Laos was characterized by the mode of “dominance of consumption of the farmland ecosystem services” from 1961 to 2008, and the mode of “balanced development of consumption of farmland, forest and grassland ecosystem services” from 2008 to 2013, with a trend of transformation from the former into the latter. 3) The formation and change in the consumption mode of Laotian ecosystem services have been affected by both supply and trade. Laos developed agriculture mainly during the period from 1961 to 2008, forming the mode of “dominance of consumption of the farmland ecosystem services”. This development benefited from the enriched varieties of imports as well as the increased value of trade and import volume. However, the consumption of ecosystem services in Laos after 2008 changed from the mode of “dominance of consumption of the farmland ecosystem services” to one of “balanced development of consumption of farmland, forest and grassland ecosystem services”. This study provides an empirical reference for research on the consumption of ecosystem services.  相似文献   
海洋有害藻华研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
浮游植物不仅是食物链的基础环节,也在生物地球化学循环中起着重要作用。然而,某些种类在一定条件下会过度增殖富集形成有害藻华(因造成水色变为红、绿、褐、金等颜色,所以俗称为赤潮、绿潮、褐潮、金潮等),结果严重影响当地经济、海洋生态系统、全球生物地球化学循环甚至人类健康。近年来,随着水体富营养化、全球气候变化等现象加剧,有害藻华(Harmful Algal Bloom,HAB)的暴发规模和频次呈逐年增加趋势,且相关研究已成为环境生态学领域的热点。本文主要以典型海洋HAB生物为线索,从物种分布、生物监测、主要影响因素、分子机制及防治等方面概述了近十年HAB的主要研究进展,总结了现有研究的优点和不足,并对未来HAB研究做了相关展望。近十年的研究进展主要体现在:(1)不断有新的HAB物种被发现或鉴定,HAB藻类系统分类也不断被更新;(2)鉴定、检测方法包括DNA分析、生物传感器研发应用等有较大改进;(3)藻类毒素生物合成通路的研究有一定进展;(4)在HAB生态学与海洋学研究持续发展的基础上,分子机制及现代组学发展较迅速。然而, HAB发生的关键环境诱因和生物学(特别是生化与分子)机制仍然不是很清楚,缺乏一个可用来预测HAB暴发的关键因子。笔者认为,一方面是因为HAB的复杂性、种类及生态系统的特异性,另一方面是研究缺乏系统性与完整性。因此未来有必要加强对每一个重要的HAB原因种开展系统、持续的研究,类似于生物科学领域里的模式种研究,并且有必要开展综合性的研究,如实验室单种培养、中尺度模拟及现场生态研究相结合,整合现代组学、传统生理生态学和现场实时连续观测等技术。  相似文献   
为了解山东半岛南北两侧的烟台崆峒岛(KTD)海域和日照东港(DG)海域真核浮游生物群落特征,采用高通量测序技术,以18S rDNA V4区为目标基因,对2017年10月至2018年7月两海域的真核浮游生物多样性进行了检测;同期测定两海域的环境因子(溶解氧、氨氮含量等10个理化指标),并与真核浮游生物丰富度做相关性分析。实验结果表明:通过高通量测序技术共鉴定出浮游生物455种,其中,KTD海域共检测出真核浮游生物36个门类424种;DG海域共检测出真核浮游生物34个门类365种。绿藻门(Chlorophyta)、硅藻门(Diatomea)是两海域浮游植物中整体丰度最高的门类。KTD海域,绿藻门各月丰度在3.0%—21.3%之间,其中2018年7月(K1807)最高,达到了21.3%;硅藻门各月丰度在2.0%—16.59%之间,其中2018年2月(K1802)最高,达到了16.59%。DG海域,绿藻门各月丰度在2.0%—12.3%之间,其中2017年11月份(D1711)最高,达到了12.3%;硅藻门各月丰度在2.0%—47.0%之间,其中1月(D1801)最高,达到了47.0%。占优势地位的浮游动物主要是节肢动物门类的物种,其每月丰度分别在6.0%—38.9%和7.6%—48.6%之间。环境因子相关性分析表明水温、DO、pH、硅酸盐、硝酸盐氮等环境因子为影响该海域浮游生物群落结构的主要因子。研究结果对了解双壳经济贝类养殖区饵料组成及其在时空的变化,对海岸带食物网、生态基础管理和海洋经济贝类养殖生产等方面提供数据支撑。  相似文献   
鉴于新疆地区对中国乃至中亚有着特殊的战略意义,本文针对不同数据源及分类系统在土地覆被数据的空间分布上缺乏互通性问题,结合2010年目视解译土地利用现状遥感监测数据、GlobeLand30和GlobCover2009共3种土地覆被数据,采用类型相似分析、类型混淆分析、混淆矩阵分析、空间一致性分析4种方法开展精度评价及一致性分析,以期对土地覆被数据在中国西北干旱区的适用性及适用范围提供有效建议。结果表明,3种土地覆被数据对新疆地区土地覆被类型构成基本一致,且对裸地类型的辨识度最高;新疆地区中高度一致区域占新疆总面积的95%;3种数据两两对比时,总体精度在64.11%~72.57%之间,其中目视解译数据/GlobeLand 30组合表现出最高水平,且仍有提高空间,反映出目前相同卫星传感器是提升精度评价结果的重要因素之一,且不同分类系统、分类方法、空间分辨率及卫星过境时间等因素对精度评价结果也会产生巨大影响。为解决此类问题,利用多源土地覆被遥感数据的融合技术提高数据精度,或是利用深度学习对遥感影像资料进行精确地解译和判读,将是今后全球土地覆被制图及应用领域的主要发展趋势。  相似文献   
Decreasing fish resources in estuaries is a subject of anthropogenic activities.Studies of the spatiotemporal distribution of fish eggs and larvae can help identify the status and processes underlying recruitment in a fishery.As the fifth largest river estuary in the world,the Huanghe(Yellow)River estuary(HRE)is a typical estuary that has been seriously affected by human activities.Annual surveys on ichthyoplankton and environmental factors were conducted in the months of May of 2005 and 2009-2016 in the HRE to investigate the spatiotemporal distribution of fish eggs and larvae and the associated influencing factors.A total of 23 and 20 species of eggs and larvae,respectively,were collected.The dominant orders were Perciformes(51.2%)and Clupeiformes(25.6%).The average number of fish species eggs and larvae were 6.0 and 4.1 in average abundance of 0.91 and 0.13 ind./m~3,respectively.The dominant species were mainly low-commercial-value small-sized fishes,such as Clupanodon punctatus,Hare,ngula zutnasi,and Acanthogobius,whereas certain traditional commercial fishes,such as Trichiurus lepturus,and Clupea pallasii,were not seen.Analysis of the fish egg and larval community revealed four temporal assemblages and two spatial assemblages.Salinity was the main factor on the spatial distribution of ichthyoplankton communities,the species number and Shannon-Weiner diversity index(H')of the fish egg and larval community near the river mouth with lower salinity were significantly lower than the community far away from the river mouth with higher salinity.In addition,increases of water temperature promoted the number and abundance of fish species eggs,and the areas of abundant prey tended to have a more diversified and abundant of ichthyoplankton species.In overall,overfishing,dam construction,and other human activities were the main drivers that led to the substantial decline in fishery resources in the HRE.  相似文献   
Pseudodiapto,mus dubia is a calanoid copepod abundant in the mariculture ponds of southern China.However,our understanding of the population dynamics of P.dubia in aquaculture ponds is limited.In this study,groups of larval P.dubia were each fed a different microalgal species,and the effects of these different diets on development,survival,and reproduction were assessed.The five microalgae used were species common in aquaculture farms in China,and included two chlorophytes(Chlorella saccharophila and Platymonas subcordiformis),one golden microalga(Isochrysis zhan.jiangensis),and two diatoms(Chaetoceros muelleri and Cyclotella meneghinia,na).Our results indicated that C.saccharophila was not a suitable food for larval P.dubia,as all larvae fed this microalga died at stage Ⅲ(as copepodites).The survival rates of P.dubia larvae fed C.muelleri,Ⅰ. zhanjiangensis,and P.subcordiformis were significantly higher than that of larvae fed C.meneghiniana.In the adult stage,copepods fed C.muelleri,I. zhanjiangensis,and C.meneghiniana produced more nauplii(430-566 nauplii/female),had higher intrinsic growth rates(0.2-0.253/d),and better longevity(59-60 days)than those fed P.subcordiformis.Our results therefore suggest that P.dubia has different nutritional needs and food preferences at different life stages.For example,P.subcordifonnis was suitable for developing larvae but not for breeding adults,while C.meneghiniana was suitable for breeding adults but not for developing larvae.Both C.muelleri and I.zhanjiangensis were excellent foods for P.dubia throughout the entire life cycle.  相似文献   
刘冲  罗宇 《海洋测绘》2019,39(2):50-53
常规波束形成技术以其稳健性好、计算量低等特点得到广泛应用,但其空间分辨率受阵元个数限制,不能突破瑞利限。因此,常规波束形成技术应用于高精度浅水多波束测深仪时,存在空间分辨率不足和旁瓣干扰等问题。对比研究了最小方差无失真(MVDR)及多重信号分类(MUSIC)波束形成在浅水多波束测深仪中的应用,给出了浅水多波束测深仪的常规波束形成、MVDR和MUSIC处理方法,并结合能量法和相位法两种底检测测深算法,处理了iBeam8120浅水多波束测深仪外场数据,验证了本文方法的性能。  相似文献   
根据2004—2014年的全球海洋Argo网格数据集(BOA_Argo)和ECMWF ERA-Interim再分析资料,计算了冬季太平洋副热带东部海区的水团变性率及水团形成率,对南北太平洋副热带东部新生成模态水的年际变化及其形成机制进行了研究。结果表明:北太平洋副热带东部模态水(NPESTMW)和南太平洋副热带东部模态水(SPESTMW)的新生成体积及核心密度在2004—2014年具有明显的年际变化:NPESTMW主要经历了2005—2009年和2010—2013年2次持续4~5a的体积和密度增加过程,其中体积最大值出现在2009年,最小值则出现在2005和2014年。南半球SPESTMW则经历了2007—2009年和2010—2013年共两次持续3~4a的体积和密度减小过程,其中体积的最小值出现在2009、2013年,最大值出现在2010年。合成分析发现,由冬季海面热通量异常引起的深混合层内与模态水密度相当的水团表层形成率异常,可能是导致NPESTMW和SPESTMW新生成水体积年际变化的重要因素;同时,SPESTMW新生成水的年际变化受局地风应力旋度的年际变化影响明显。  相似文献   
针对检索词库构建困难、数据请求量受限制等相关问题,该文提出一种基于独立覆盖率排序和空间自适应剖分的深网POI信息搜索方法,通过候选检索词初步构建、贪婪式探测搜索、检索词优化降维、空间自适应剖分爬行等主要流程,利用逐步逼近POI搜索的最大覆盖最优解,实现对深网POI信息的全量获取,大幅度提高深网POI数据的召回率与采集效率,该方法对于丰富地理信息资源、提升空间信息服务与内容管理能力具有重要意义。  相似文献   
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