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The Lauzanier area represents the northernmost extension of the Annot Sandstone series and contains deposits between 650 and 900 m-thick. This basin was active from upper Bartonian or lower Priabonian to early Rupelian. It is composed of two superposed units separated by a major unconformity. The sediment supply is due to channelled flows coming from the south. Flow processes include mass flow to turbidity currents. The size of the particles and the absence of fine-grained sediment suggest a transport over a short distance. The Lower Unit is made of coarse-grained tabular beds interpreted as non-channelled lobe deposits. The Upper Unit is made of massive conglomerates interpreted as the channelled part of lobes. These lobe deposits settle in a tectonically confined basin according to topographic compensation that occurs from bed scale to unit scale. The abrupt progradation between the lower and the upper unit seems related to a major tectonic uplift in the area. This uplift is also suggested by a change in the petrographic nature of the source and an abrupt coarsening of the transported clasts.This field example allows providing high resolution analysis for depositional sedimentary sequences of terminal lobe deposits in a coarse-grained turbidite system. The outcrop analysis shows the lateral evolution of deposits and the system progradation allows a longitudinal analysis of facies evolution by superposing on the same outcrops the channelled lobe system and the non-channelled lobe system. These results of high-resolution outcrop analysis can be extrapolated to results obtained on sedimentary lobes in recent deep-sea turbidite system that are either restricted to cores, or with a lesser resolution (seismic).  相似文献   
This paper reports results from two scaled centrifuge modelling experiments, designed to simulate thaw‐related geli?uction. A planar 12° prototype slope was modelled in each experiment, using the same natural ?ne sandy silt soil. However two different scales were used. In Experiment 1, the model scale was 1/10, tested in the centrifuge at 10 gravities (g) and in Experiment 2, the scale was 1/30, tested at 30 g. Centrifuge scaling laws indicate that the time scaling factor for thaw consolidation between model and prototype is N2, where N is the number of gravities under which the model was tested. However, the equivalent time scaling for viscous ?ow is 1/1. If geli?uction is a viscosity‐controlled ?ow process, scaling con?icts will therefore arise during centrifuge modelling of thawing slopes, and rates of displacement will not scale accurately to the prototype. If, however, no such scaling con?icts are observed, we may conclude that geli?uction is not controlled by viscosity, but rather by elasto‐plastic soil deformation in which frictional shear strength depends on effective stress, itself a function of the thaw consolidation process. Models were saturated, consolidated and frozen from the surface downwards on the laboratory ?oor. The frozen models were then placed in the geotechnical centrifuge and thawed from the surface down. Each model was subjected to four freeze–thaw cycles. Soil temperatures and pore water pressures were monitored, and frost heave, thaw settlement and downslope displacements measured. Pore water pressures, displacement rates and displacement pro?les re?ecting accumulated shear strain, were all similar at the two model scales and volumetric soil transport per freeze–thaw cycle, when scaled to prototype, were virtually identical. Displacement rates and pro?les were also similar to those observed in earlier full‐scale laboratory ?oor experiments. It is concluded therefore that the modelled geli?uction was not a time‐dependent viscosity‐controlled ?ow phenomenon, but rather elasto‐plastic in nature. A ?rst approximation ‘?ow’ law is proposed, based on the ‘Cam Clay’ constitutive model for soils. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Forest degradation is a global phenomenon and while being an important indicator and precursor to further forest loss, carbon emissions due to degradation should also be accounted for in national reporting within the frame of UN REDD+. At regional to country scales, methods have been progressively developed to detect and map forest degradation, with these based on multi-resolution optical, synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and/or LiDAR data. However, there is no one single method that can be applied to monitor forest degradation, largely due to the specific nature of the degradation type or process and the timeframe over which it is observed. The review assesses two main approaches to monitoring forest degradation: first, where detection is indicated by a change in canopy cover or proxies, and second, the quantification of loss (or gain) in above ground biomass (AGB). The discussion only considers degradation that has a visible impact on the forest canopy and is thus detectable by remote sensing. The first approach encompasses methods that characterise the type of degradation and track disturbance, detect gaps in, and fragmentation of, the forest canopy, and proxies that provide evidence of forestry activity. Progress in these topics has seen the extension of methods to higher resolution (both spatial and temporal) data to better capture the disturbance signal, distinguish degraded and intact forest, and monitor regrowth. Improvements in the reliability of mapping methods are anticipated by SAR-optical data fusion and use of very high resolution data. The second approach exploits EO sensors with known sensitivity to forest structure and biomass and discusses monitoring efforts using repeat LiDAR and SAR data. There has been progress in the capacity to discriminate forest age and growth stage using data fusion methods and LiDAR height metrics. Interferometric SAR and LiDAR have found new application in linking forest structure change to degradation in tropical forests. Estimates of AGB change have been demonstrated at national level using SAR and LiDAR-assisted approaches. Future improvements are anticipated with the availability of next generation LiDAR sensors. Improved access to relevant satellite data and best available methods are key to operational forest degradation monitoring. Countries will need to prioritise their monitoring efforts depending on the significance of the degradation, balanced against available resources. A better understanding of the drivers and impacts of degradation will help guide monitoring and restoration efforts. Ultimately we want to restore ecosystem service and function in degraded forests before the change is irreversible.  相似文献   

Groundwater is used by 3?million inhabitants in the coastal urban city of Douala, Cameroon, but comprehensive data are too sparse for it to be managed in a sustainable manner. Hence this study aimed to (1) assess the potability of the groundwater; (2) evaluate the spatial variation of groundwater composition; and (3) assess the interaction and recharge mechanisms of different water bodies. Hydrogeochemical tools and methods revealed the following results in the Wouri and Nkappa formations of the Douala basin, which is beneath Douala city: 30% of water samples from hand-dug wells in the shallow Pleistocene alluvium aquifer were saline and highly mineralized. However, water from boreholes in the deeper (49–92 m depth) Palaeocene aquifer was saline-free, less mineralized and potable. Water in the shallow aquifer (0.5–22 m depth) was of Na+-K+-Cl?-NO3? type and not potable due to point source pollution, whereas Ca+-HCO3? unpolluted water dominates in the deeper aquifer. Water in the deep and shallow aquifers indicates the results of preferential flow pass and evaporative recharge, respectively. Possible hydrogeochemical processes include point source pollution, reverse ion exchange, remote recharge areas and mixing of waters with different chemical signatures.
EDITOR D. Koutsoyiannis ASSOCIATE EDITOR M.D. Fidelibus  相似文献   
This study confirmed the ability of the Dempster–Shafer theory (DST) and the Dezert–Smarandache (Free DSm model) theory to significantly improve the quality of maps of regenerating forest stands in southern Quebec, Canada compared to a classical Maximum Likelihood Algorithm (MLA). The proposed approach uses data fusion methods that allow the integration of remotely sensed imagery with conventional maps of ecophysiographic features. While the MLA provided an overall accuracy of 82.75%, the DST and Free DSm models had overall accuracies of 90.14% and 91.13% respectively. In addition, this study showed that the data fusion methods can model the influence of biophysical parameters (e.g., surface deposits and drainage) on the growth potential of regenerating forest stands. This study illustrates the importance of the mass function allocation for each ancillary data source. We found that a Bayesian belief configuration provided results equivalent to those obtained when representing data uncertainty. This demonstrates the difficulty in modelling uncertainty associated with each ancillary source.  相似文献   
Coastal flooding is a significant risk on the shores of Languedoc-Roussillon. The storms that periodically hit the coast can generate strong swells and storm surges. Most beach resorts, built on a low elevation dune ridge, are periodically flooded during major storms. Although risks zoning regulations take into consideration coastal flood hazards, the delineation of vulnerable areas is still insufficient and the commonly accepted threshold is regularly exceeded during most severe storms. This paper presents a method to improve the assessment of extreme storm-related water levels. It relies on fieldwork carried out in the Leucate commune (Aude), which is particularly exposed to the risk of sea level rise. It considers both storm surges and wave phenomena that occur within the surf zone (set-up and swash), calculated from the Simulating WAves Nearshore (SWAN®) numerical wave model and the Stockdon formula. Water levels reached during several recent storm events have been reconstructed and simulations of submerged areas were carried out by numerical modelling.  相似文献   
In 1986, carbon dioxide gas exploded from Lake Nyos and killed about 1,800 people. After that disaster, various administrative and research activities have been conducted to mitigate subsequent disasters. However, none of those endeavors have characterized the groundwater chemistry to identify hydrogeochemical processes that control the water chemistry, and the quality of the water for domestic and agricultural uses that support the lives of un-official resettlers around Lake Nyos. Conventional hydrochemical techniques coupled with statistical and graphical analysis were therefore employed to establish the baseline hydrochemical conditions, assess processes controlling solutes distribution in shallow groundwater in the Lake Nyos catchment and explore its usability. Groundwater samples were analyzed for their physical and chemical properties. The wide ranges of electrical conductivity and total dissolved solid values reveal the heterogeneous distribution of groundwater within the watershed. The relative abundance of major dissolved species was Ca > Mg > Na > K for cations and HCO3 >>> Cl > SO4 > NO3 for anions. Piper diagram classified almost all water samples into mixed CaMg–HCO3 water type. Major ion geochemistry reveals that, in addition to silicates weathering (water–rock interaction), ion exchange processes regulate the groundwater chemistry. Principal component analysis supports the occurrence of water rock interaction. Hierarchical cluster analysis showed that the chemistry of groundwater in the study area is controlled by three main factors, and suggests no hydraulic connectivity between deep lake water and groundwater in the catchment. The quality assessment of the groundwater showed that groundwater parameters are within the acceptable limit of the World Health Organization and Nigeria guidelines for drinking and domestic uses, and water found to be good for irrigation.  相似文献   
Satellite altimetry has become an important discipline in the development of sea-state forecasting or more generally in operational oceanography. Météo-France Marine and Oceanography Division is much involved in altimetry, in which it is also one of the main operational customers. Sea-state forecasts are produced every day with the help of numerical models assimilating Fast Delivery Product altimeter data from ESA ERS-2 satellite, available in real-time (3–5 h). These forecasts are transmitted to seamen as part of safety mission of persons and properties, or specific assistance for particular operations. With the launch of ENVISAT (from ESA, launched on 1 March 2002, to take over the ERS mission) and JASON-1 (from CNES/NASA, launched on 7 December 2001, successor of TOPEX/Poseidon), we have an unprecedented opportunity of improved coverage with the availability in quasi-real-time of data from several altimeters. The objective of this study is to evaluate the impact of using multisources of altimeter data in real-time, to improve wave model analyses and forecasts, at global scale. Since July 2003, Météo-France injects the wind/wave JASON-1 Operational Sensor Data Record on the WMO Global Transmitting System, making them available in near real-time to the international meteorological community. Similarly, fast delivery altimeter data of ENVISAT will improve coverage and contribute to the constant progress of marine meteorology. For this purpose, significant wave height time series were generated using the Wave Model WAM and the assimilation of altimeter wave heights from two satellites ERS-2 and JASON-1. The results were then compared to Geosat Follow-On (GFO, U.S. Navy Satellite) and moored buoy wave data. It is shown that the impact of data assimilation, when two (ERS-2 and JASON-1) or three (ERS-2 with JASON-1 and GFO) sources of data are used instead of one (ERS-2), in term of significant wave height, is larger in wave model analyses but smaller in wave model forecasts. However, there is no improvement in terms of wave periods, both in the analysis and forecast periods.  相似文献   
We are studying the young clusters Tr37 and NGC7160 in the Cep OB2 region as part of a program to understand the evolution of accretion disks at the ages of disk dissipation and planet formation. Here, we present the first identifications of low mass (spectral types K-M) members of the clusters and study the presence and characteristics of their accretion disks, finding evidences of disk evolution. Using optical photometry and spectroscopy, we have identified ~70 members in Tr37 and ~20 in NGC7160, confirming age estimates of 3 and 10 Myr respectively. Accretion rates are ~10?8 M yr?1 in Tr37. We have not found any accreting members in NGC7160, suggesting that disk accretion generally ends before the age of 10 Myr, which is consistent with the results from other populations.  相似文献   
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