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荧光标记微卫星分析人工饲养中华绒螯蟹的遗传多样性   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
分析中华绒螯蟹的遗传多样性,采集来自无锡、苏州和上海人工养殖样品102个,运用毛细管电泳检测荧光标记(FAM或HEX)的10个中华绒螯蟹微卫星DNA位点。在所有的3个群体中,单一位点等位基因数从15~42个,平均值为22.9;多态信息含量(PIC)和有效等位基因数(E)分别高达0.826和7.699。结果表明10个位点均为高度多态位点,中华绒螯蟹人工养殖群体具有较高的遗传多样性。欧氏遗传距离、遗传相似性和群体各亚群体内固定系数(Fst)平均值分别为0.439,0.825和0.099,结果显示不同的人工养殖群体之间也存在较大的遗传多样性。除上海群体在同步突变模式(SMM)下,近期不会有瓶颈(P=0.35);所有群体在SMM和无限等位基因模式(IAM)下均有显著或极显著的瓶颈(P〈0.01或0.05),结果说明科学的品种保护计划的迫切性。本研究首次选择遗传标记微卫星DNA评估中华绒螯蟹的遗传多样性,并采用高精度的毛细管电泳检测技术,将对中华绒螯蟹的品种保护和合理利国提倡科学依据。  相似文献   
河北省雾的气候特征及趋势研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
周贺玲  李丽平  乐章燕  李元华 《气象》2011,37(4):462-467
为了研究河北省雾的气候特征及变化趋势,用1965-2006年河北省49个代表站的气象观测资料,采用相关分析、趋势分析以及Mann-Kendall检验等统计方法,分析了雾的时空特征、日变化规律和长期变化趋势.结果发现:河北省年平均雾日数为15 d,平原的雾日数多大于20 d,高原、山区、丘陵的雾日一般小于10 d;秋、冬季是雾的多发季节,11月雾发生频率最高为15.7%,除夏季外的其他季节,平原的雾日数一般最多;20世纪70年代初是河北省雾的明显转折点,雾日在1965-1971年处于偏少期,而1971年后经历了偏多一偏少一偏多三个阶段;凌晨5时雾生的频率最高为22.2%,早上8时雾消的频率最高为18.8%,3 h以内的短时雾最易出现;河北省雾日有一定的变化趋势,除了山前平原区站点多数为正趋势外,其他地形区测站则一般呈现为负趋势.  相似文献   
1997年1月6日爆发的日冕物质抛射(CME)到达地球时引起了强烈的地球物理效应,CME在行 星际空间传播时,广州的多方向μ介子望远镜观测到银河宇宙线强度的变化. 本文采用 小波分析方法分析了磁暴前后广州台宇宙线强度的频谱变化特征,结果表明,在磁暴前 宇宙线周期为16~32h的信号发生了较明显的变化,其中周期为24~32h的周期特征过去没有 被报道过. 广州台垂直方向宇宙线强度的谱在磁暴发生前48h就出现明显的变化,比各向异 性分析方法得到的时间提前量更大. 同时还分析了几个方向宇宙线强度的最强信号以及达到 最大值的时间,并进行了简要的分析与讨论.  相似文献   
通过对潘集矿区构造特征及矿区构造应力场分析,对潘集背斜两翼的潘北井田和潘一井田中的层滑构造进行研究,将矿区分为10个主层滑区及29个层滑亚区。研究结果显示:矿区层滑构造的产生与南北向主应力场及大型断裂所构建的局部应力场密切相关;层滑构造导致矿区形成近东西向薄煤带,发育以Ⅱ和Ⅲ类型为主的构造煤;层滑构造多发育在背斜两翼,且以断滑型和揉皱型为主,而在背斜核部则以断裂型为主;在纵向上,层滑构造类型也具有明显的规律性,在相对浅的区域,层滑构造以断裂型为主,往下是断滑型,而在较深部位及断裂构造交汇处,则主要表现为揉皱型。  相似文献   
Bulk-rock geochemical compositions of hypabyssal kimberlites,emplaced through the Archaean Kaapvaal craton and ProterozoicNamaqua–Natal belt, are used to estimate close-to-primarymagma compositions of Group I kimberlites (Mg-number = 0·82–0·87;22–28 wt % MgO; 21–30 wt % SiO2; 10–17 wt% CaO; 0·2–1·7 wt % K2O) and Group II kimberlites(Mg-number = 0·86–0·89; 23–29 wt %MgO; 28–36 wt % SiO2; 8–13 wt % CaO; 1·6–4·6wt % K2O). Group I kimberlites are distinguished from GroupII by their lower Ba/Nb (<12), Th/Nb (<1·1) andLa/Nb (<1·1) but higher Ce/Pb (>22) ratios. Thedistinct rare earth element patterns of the two types of kimberlitesindicate a more highly metasomatized source for Group II kimberlites,with more residual clinopyroxene and less residual garnet. Thesimilarity of Sr and Nd isotope ratios and diagnostic traceelement ratios (Ce/Pb, Nb/U, La/Nb, Ba/Nb, Th/Nb) of Group Ikimberlites to ocean island basalts (OIB), but more refractoryMg-numbers and Ni contents, are consistent with derivation ofGroup I kimberlites from subcontinental lithospheric mantle(SCLM) that has been enriched by OIB-like melts or fluids. Sourceenrichment ages and plate reconstructions support a direct associationof these melts or fluids with Mesozoic upwelling beneath southernAfrica of a mantle plume(s), at present located beneath thesouthern South Atlantic Ocean. In contrast, the geochemicalcharacteristics of both on- and off-craton Group II kimberlitesshow strong similarity to calc-alkaline magmas, particularlyin their Nb and Ta depletion and Pb enrichment. It is suggestedthat Group II kimberlites are derived from both Archaean andProterozoic lithospheric mantle source regions metasomatizedby melts or fluids associated with ancient subduction events,unrelated to mantle plume upwelling. The upwelling of mantleplumes beneath southern Africa during the Mesozoic, at the timeof Gondwana break-up, may have acted as a heat source for partialmelting of the SCLM and the generation of both Group I and GroupII kimberlite magmas. KEY WORDS: kimberlite; geochemistry; petrogenesis; mantle plumes; South Africa  相似文献   

磁暴期间电离层行为是电离层物理的重要研究内容.本文利用美国Millstone Hill非相干散射雷达以及GPS-TEC数据资料,分析了2002年10月13-17日和22-26日磁暴事件期间电离层电子密度响应在不同高度存在的差异.结果表明:正、负相暴电子密度的变化幅度随高度变化趋势相同,但不同高度上响应的时间、相位和幅度存在差异;负相暴最大变化幅度所在高度值同静时峰高值非常吻合,二者有很好的线性关系,但正相暴最大变化幅度所在高度值同静时峰高值无关,波动较大,意味着电离层正相暴响应更易到达各个高度上;特别地,22-26日负相暴在能量初次耦合进入电离层时高高度有极小的变化,其最大绝对变化量仅为低高度的4%.大气成分和风场的共同作用是两次负相暴发生的主要原因,但前者成分效应明显,后者动力学作用明显,有时甚至700 km以上电离层的贡献也是不可忽略的.

The petrogeny of the leucite-bearing rocks occurring in theRoman and Birunga volcanic regions is reappraised using previouslypublished data. It is shown by means of Principal Latent VectorVariation Diagrams (Le Maitre, 1968) that the chemical analysesof rocks from the two provinces form complementary suites withina well defined trend, which can be interpreted in terms of low-pressurecrystal differentiation. The potential role of the basic compositionsof the trend as parent material is examined in the light ofrecent experimental evidence and a possible evolutionary modelis proposed involving polybaric crystallization.  相似文献   
基于GIS技术,利用GPS测量数据和1962年地形图分别建立两期DEM,通过对比重点研究了四工河4号冰川1962-2009年冰舌区的表面高程变化特征。结果表明:1962-2009年间,冰舌区平均减薄15±10 m,年均减薄约0.32±0.2 m,冰储量亏损达(14.3±9.5)×10-3km3,折合水当量(12.9±8.6)×10-3km3。不同海拔、坡度区间冰面高程变化差异显著,海拔较低、坡度较缓区域的变化最为强烈。在气候变暖的趋势下,四工河4号冰川发生强烈消融,标志着博格达峰地区的冰川正处于物质严重亏损的状态,直接影响到流域水资源状况。  相似文献   
Geochemical data are presented for primitive alkaline lavasfrom the Chyulu Hills Volcanic Province of southern Kenya, situatedsome 100 km east of the Kenya Rift Valley. In addition to theirprimitive compositions, a striking and ubiquitous feature isa strong but variable depletion in K relative to other highlyincompatible elements when normalized to primitive mantle values.Semi-quantitative models are developed that best explain thepetrogenesis of these lavas in terms of partial melting of asource that contained residual amphibole (but not phlogopite).The presence of amphibole implies a source in the subcontinentallithosphere rather than the asthenosphere. It is suggested thatthe amphibole is of metasomatic origin and was precipitatedin the lithospheric mantle by infiltrating fluids and/or meltsderived from rising mantle plume material. A raised geothermas a consequence of the continued ascent of the plume materialled to dehydration melting of the metasomatized mantle and generationof the Chyulu Hills lavas. It is proposed that the Chyulu HillsVolcanic Province represents an analogue for the earliest stagesof continental rift initiation, during which interaction betweena plume and initially refractory lithosphere may lead to thegeneration of lithospheric melts. KEY WORDS: rift-related alkaline volcanism; residual amphibole; subcontinental lithosphere  相似文献   
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