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Radio relics in galaxy clusters can be electrons accelerated at cluster merger shocks or adiabatically compressed fossil radio cocoons or dying radio galaxies. The spectral evolution of radio relics is affected by the surrounding thermal plasma. We present a low frequency study of three radio relics representing environments of dense cluster core (A4038), cluster outskirts (A1664) and filaments (A786). The properties of the relics are found to be consistent with the effect of confinement by external medium if the effects of projection are ignored.  相似文献   
The intra-cluster and inter-galactic media that pervade the large scale structure of the Universe are known to be magnetized at sub-micro Gauss to micro Gauss levels and to contain cosmic rays. The acceleration of cosmic rays and their evolution along with that of magnetic fields in these media is still not well understood. Diffuse radio sources of synchrotron origin associated with the Intra-Cluster Medium (ICM) such as radio halos, relics and mini-halos are direct probes of the underlying mechanisms of cosmic ray acceleration. Observations with radio telescopes such as the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope, the Very Large Array and the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope have led to the discoveries of about 80 such sources and allowed detailed studies in the frequency range 0.15–1.4 GHz of a few. These studies have revealed scaling relations between the thermal and non-thermal properties of clusters and favour the role of shocks in the formation of radio relics and of turbulent re-acceleration in the formation of radio halos and mini-halos. The radio halos are known to occur in merging clusters and mini-halos are detected in about half of the cool-core clusters. Due to the limitations of current radio telescopes, low mass galaxy clusters and galaxy groups remain unexplored as they are expected to contain much weaker radio sources. Distinguishing between the primary and the secondary models of cosmic ray acceleration mechanisms requires spectral measurements over a wide range of radio frequencies and with high sensitivity. Simulations have also predicted weak diffuse radio sources associated with filaments connecting galaxy clusters. The Square Kilometre Array (SKA) is a next generation radio telescope that will operate in the frequency range of 0.05–20 GHz with unprecedented sensitivities and resolutions. The expected detection limits of SKA will reveal a few hundred to thousand new radio halos, relics and mini-halos providing the first large and comprehensive samples for their study. The wide frequency coverage along with sensitivity to extended structures will be able to constrain the cosmic ray acceleration mechanisms. The higher frequency (>5 GHz) observations will be able to use the Sunyaev–Zel’dovich effect to probe the ICM pressure in addition to tracers such as lobes of head–tail radio sources. The SKA also opens prospects to detect the ‘off-state’ or the lowest level of radio emission from the ICM predicted by the hadronic models and the turbulent re-acceleration models.  相似文献   
We summarize the main elements of a ground-motion model, as built in three-year effort within the Earthquake Model of the Middle East (EMME) project. Together with the earthquake source, the ground-motion models are used for a probabilistic seismic hazard assessment (PSHA) of a region covering eleven countries: Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Cyprus, Georgia, Iran, Jordan, Lebanon, Pakistan, Syria and Turkey. Given the wide variety of ground-motion predictive models, selecting the appropriate ones for modeling the intrinsic epistemic uncertainty can be challenging. In this respect, we provide a strategy for ground-motion model selection based on data-driven testing and sensitivity analysis. Our testing procedure highlights the models of good performance in terms of both data-driven and non-data-driven testing criteria. The former aims at measuring the match between the ground-motion data and the prediction of each model, whereas the latter aims at identification of discrepancies between the models. The selected set of ground models were directly used in the sensitivity analyses that eventually led to decisions on the final logic tree structure. The strategy described in great details hereafter was successfully applied to shallow active crustal regions, and the final logic tree consists of four models (Akkar and Ça?nan in Bull Seismol Soc Am 100:2978–2995, 2010; Akkar et al. in Bull Earthquake Eng 12(1):359–387, 2014; Chiou and Youngs in Earthq Spectra 24:173–215, 2008; Zhao et al. in Bull Seismol Soc Am 96:898–913, 2006). For other tectonic provinces in the considered region (i.e., subduction), we adopted the predictive models selected within the 2013 Euro-Mediterranean Seismic Hazard Model (Woessner et al. in Bull Earthq Eng 13(12):3553–3596, 2015). Finally, we believe that the framework of selecting and building a regional ground-motion model represents a step forward in ground-motion modeling, particularly for large-scale PSHA models.  相似文献   
Crop growth information represented through temporal remote sensing data is of great importance for specific agriculture crop discrimination. In this paper, the effect of various indices was empirically investigated using temporal images for cotton crop discrimination. Five spectral indices SR (Simple Ratio), NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation index), TNDVI (Transformed Normalized Difference Vegetation Index), SAVI (Soil-Adjusted Vegetation Index) and TVI (Triangular Vegetation Index) were investigated to identify cotton crop using temporal multi-spectral images. Data used for this study was AWIFS (coarser resolution) for soft classification and LISS-III (medium coarser) data for soft testing from Resourcesat-1 (IRS-P6) satellite. The mixed pixel (i.e. multiple classes within a single pixel) problem had been handled using soft computing techniques. Possibilistic fuzzy classification approach is used to handle mixed pixels for extracting single class of interest. The classification results with respect to various indices were compared in terms of image to image fuzzy overall classification accuracy. It was observed that temporal SAVI indices database with data set-2 outperformed other temporal indices database for cotton crop discrimination. Temporal SAVI indices database gave highest fuzzy overall accuracy of 93.12% with data set-2 in comparison to others.  相似文献   
In this study, an attempt has been made to evaluate the temporal variations in specific stream power and the total energy available for geomorphic work during the monsoon season for the Tapi River, in central India. Continuous daily discharge data (1978–1990), hydraulic geometry equations and the relationship between discharge and water surface slope were used to compute the daily specific stream power (ω) for the Savkheda gauging site in the lower Tapi Basin. The total amount of energy generated by all the monsoon flows was estimated by integrating the area under the ω-graph derived for the monsoon season.The analyses of the 13-year daily discharge data reveal that the average and maximum ω values range from 4–20 W m− 2, and 22–964 W m− 2 respectively. Specific stream power duration curve derived for the site shows that for 25% of the time the power per unit area is > 10 W m− 2. Furthermore, unit stream power was found to be above the Williams' [Williams, G.P., 1983. Paleohydrological methods and some examples from Swedish fluvial environments. I. Cobble and boulder deposits. Geografiska Annaler 65A, 227–243.] threshold of pebble-movement (1.5 W m− 2), cobble-movement (16 W m− 2) and boulder-movement (90 W m− 2) for 71%, 15% and 2% of the time, respectively. Computations further indicate that the total amount of energy generated by the flows during the monsoon season is in the range of 37 MJ (deficit monsoon years) to 256 MJ (excess monsoon and/or flood years). Large floods have one-third share in the total monsoon energy expenditure. In the absence of appropriate data on the yearwise geomorphic effects, the geomorphic work was evaluated in terms of the total suspended sediment load transported. The total monsoon sediment load is strongly related to the total monsoon energy. The results of the study indicate that the average flow competence and capacity are remarkably higher during wetter monsoon seasons and flood years than during the shorter and drier monsoon seasons.The present analyses demonstrate that the flows are geomorphically effective for a greater part of the monsoon season, except during the deficient monsoon years, and there is little doubt that large-magnitude floods are effective agents of geomorphic change in monsoonal rivers.  相似文献   
Contiguous multi‐proxy analyses (X‐radiography, diatom, pollen, and microcharcoal) have been conducted on the fills of early, mid‐, and mid‐late Holocene features at Kuk Swamp, Upper Wahgi Valley, Papua New Guinea. The features are associated with key periods of archaeological interest: plant exploitation (ca. 10,000 cal yr B.P.), earliest cultivation (6950–6440 cal yr B.P.), and earliest ditches (ca. 4000 cal yr B.P.). The analyses are designed to clarify uncertainties regarding the reliability and association of different samples within feature fills for the interpretation of human activities on the wetland in the past. Methodologically, these investigations have clarified site formation processes, including pedogenesis within feature fills, which enable a better determination of archaeological associations for different samples within those fills. Substantively, the results provide higher resolution interpretations of paleoenvironments and past human activities on the wetland margin. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
Geomorphic effects of floods are a function of several controlling factors, such as magnitude, frequency, rate of sediment movement, flood power, duration of effective flows, sequence of events and the channel geometry. In this paper, these measures of effectiveness have been evaluated for the monsoon-dominated, flood-controlled and incised Tapi River, India by defining four flow categories: low flows, moderate flows, floods and large floods. Ratios between effectiveness parameters of moderate flows on one hand and the floods, large floods and maximum floods on the other, were computed to understand the relative importance of moderate and large flows. In addition to this, stream-power graphs for large floods were constructed, and the changes in channel form were analyzed by using multi-date cross-sections. The results of the study indicate that the morphological characteristics of the bedrock as well as the alluvial channels of the monsoonal and incised Tapi River are maintained by large-magnitude, but low frequency floods that occur at long intervals. Because the channel is incised the effectiveness of large flows is accentuated. The incised channel form enhances the role of large floods by reducing the width–depth ratio, and by increasing the velocity as well as the energy per unit area. The low and moderate flows are superior to high-magnitude flows, only in terms of suspended sediment transport and frequency of occurrence. Another conclusion is that the suspended sediment carried by flows may not be the most appropriate criterion for measuring the geomorphic effectiveness of flows, particularly for monsoonal rivers.  相似文献   
The study reveals significant rise in air temperature in the northwest Himalayan (NWH) region by about 1.6°C in the last century, with winters warming at a faster rate. The diurnal temperature range (DTR) has also shown a significantly increasing trend. This appears to be due to rise in both the maximum as well as minimum temperatures, with the maximum increasing much more rapidly. The results are in contrast to the findings in the Alps and Rockies where the minimum temperatures have increased at an elevated rate. Conforming to the global trends, the study confirms episodes of strong warming and cooling in the NWH in the last century. Real warming appears to have started from late-1960s and highest rate of increase was experienced in the last two decades. The study also shows teleconnections between temperatures and an epochal behaviour of the precipitation till late-1960s. These teleconnections seem to have weakened gradually since then and rapidly in the post-1991 period, indicating the waning effect of the natural forcings in this period.  相似文献   
The Earthquake Model of Middle East (EMME) Project aimed to develop regional scale seismic hazard and risk models uniformly throughout a region extending from the Eastern Mediterranean in the west to the Himalayas in the east and from the Gulf of Oman in the south to the Greater Caucasus in the North; a region which has been continuously devastated by large earthquakes throughout the history. The 2014 Seismic Hazard Model of Middle East (EMME-SHM14) was developed with the contribution of several institutions from ten countries. The present paper summarizes the efforts towards building a homogeneous seismic hazard model of the region and highlights some of the main results of this model. An important aim of the project was to transparently communicate the data and methods used and to obtain reproducible results. By doing so, the use of the model and results will be accessible by a wide community, further support the mitigation of seismic risks in the region and facilitate future improvements to the seismic hazard model. To this end all data, results and methods used are made available through the web-portal of the European Facilities for Earthquake Hazard and Risk (www.efehr.org).  相似文献   
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