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地理表达研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
地理表达是地理学的一个基本问题,也是地理信息科学研究面临的一个重大挑战.从地理表达机理、内容和形式的角度,对近期地理表达研究进行了总结.本质上,地理表达是一个空间认知、信息转换与信息传输的交互过程.地理表达内容涉及地理实体及其空间关系、不确定性、地理动态及地理本体等方面.地理表达形式经历了从自然语言、地图到GIS的演变...  相似文献   
为了阐明滨海湿地不同密度柽柳(Tamarix chinensis)林的生长动态,探索滨海湿地柽柳林的密度合理性,在黄河三角洲莱州湾南岸的山东昌邑海洋生态特别保护区内,利用标准木树干解析法,对10a生的3种密度(2400株/hm2、3 600株/hm2和4400株/hm2)的柽柳林地上生物量、林木生长动态和基径分布特征进行研究.结果表明,3种密度林分的地上生物量、树高生长量和林木基径生长过程差别较大.随着林分密度增大,林木单株生物量和基径减小,但单位面积林分生物量增加;树高、基径的速生期都出现滞后现象.3种密度林分基径分布的偏度系数(SK)差别较大;密度为3 600株/hm2林分的SK值为0.085,接近正态分布,林分密度结构和基径分布较为合理;密度为2 400株/hm2和4 400株/hm2林分的SK值分别为-0.842和0.303,偏离正态分布,林分密度结构不合理.密度为2 400株/hm2林分的峰度系数(K)为0.017,林木生长相对整齐;密度为3 600株/hm2和4 400株/hm2林分的K值相差不大;密度因素对林木分化作用较小.若不考虑10a间的林木间伐利用,该区柽柳人工造林合理的初植密度建议为3 600株/hm2(株行距约2.0 m×2.0 m).  相似文献   
湖南铲子坪金矿床地质特征及成因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
湖南铲子坪金矿床位于雪峰弧形构造带西南段,是雪峰-金山巨型弧形推覆剪切金锑钨成矿带的重要组成部分,形成于碰撞或后碰撞地质背景下的走滑和逆冲构造事件中.文章通过总结前人系统的硫、铅、氧、氢同位素地球化学特征及成矿时代的研究,并进行了成矿流体特征的研究,在此基础上探讨了铲子坪金矿的成矿物质来源.研究结果显示,铲子坪金矿床矿石略富轻硫,具典型的岩浆硫+变质岩混合硫源特征,铅为壳幔混合铅,主要来自造山带.成矿期流体包裹体均一温度范围主要为140~220℃和260~300℃,盐度w(NaCleq.)范围主要为4%~10%和20%~24%,具有两个阶段成矿的特征,成矿流体为中低温、中低盐度、H2O-CO2-NaCl流体体系,存在流体沸腾现象,成矿流体主要来源于岩浆水,同时有大气降水的加入.成矿物质和成矿流体的来源为地层变质岩叠加印支期的岩浆作用.通过综合分析,初步认为铲子坪金矿床与造山型金矿相似,但具有一定特殊性.  相似文献   
The lower valley of Changjiang, from Wuhan of the Hubei Province in the west to Zhenjiang of the Jiangsu Province in the east, contains more than 200 polymetallic (Cu–Fe–Au, Mo, Zn, Pb, Ag) deposits and is one of the most important metallogenic belts in China. This metallogenic belt, situated at the northern margin of the Yangzi craton and bordered by the Dabieshan ultrahigh pressure metamorphic belt to the north, consists mainly of Cambrian–Triassic marine clastic sedimentary rocks and carbonate and evaporite rocks, which overlay a Precambrian basement and are intruded by Yanshanian (205 to 64 Ma) granitoid intrusions and subvolcanic complexes. Repeated tectonism from Late Proterozoic to Triassic resulted in extensively developed networks of faults and folds involving the Cambrian–Triassic sedimentary strata and the Precambrian basement. The Yanshanian granitoid intrusions and subvolcanic complexes in the Lower Changjiang metallogenic belt are characterized by whole-rock δ18O of +8‰ to +10‰, initial 87Sr/86Sr of 0.704 to 0.708, and εNdt from −10 to −17 and have been interpreted to have originated from mixing between juvenile mantle and old crustal materials. Also, the Yanshanian granitoids exhibit eastward younging and increase in alkalinity (i.e., from older calc–alkaline in the west to younger subalkaline–alkaline in the east), which are related to oblique collision between the Yangzi and Sino-Korean cratons and tectonic evolution from early compressional to late extensional or rifting regimes. Most polymetallic deposits in the Lower Changjiang metallogenic belt are clustered in seven districts where the Yanshanian magmatism is particularly extensive: from west to east, Edong, Jiurui, Anqing–Guichi, Luzhong, Tongling, Ningwu and Ningzhen. Mineralization is characterized by the occurrence of three distinct types of orebodies in individual deposits: orebodies in Yanshanian granitoid intrusions, skarn orebodies at the contact zones between the Yanshanian intrusions and Late Paleozoic–Early Mesozoic sedimentary rocks, and stratabound massive sulfide orebodies in the Late Paleozoic–Early Mesozoic sedimentary strata. The most important host sedimentary strata are the Middle Carboniferous Huanglong Formation, Lower Permian and Lower–Middle Triassic carbonate and evaporite rocks. The intrusion-hosted and skarn orebodies exhibit well-developed zonation in alteration assemblages, metal contents, and isotopic compositions within individual deposits, and apparently formed from hydrothermal activities related to the Yanshanian magmatism. The stratabound massive sulfide orebodies in the Late Paleozoic–Early Mesozoic sedimentary strata have long been suggested to have formed from sedimentary or volcano-sedimentary exhalative processes in shallow marine environments. However, extensive research over the last 40 years failed to produce unequivocal evidence for syngenetic mineralization. On the basis of geological relationships and isotope geochemical characteristics, we propose a carbonate-hosted replacement deposit model for the genesis of these stratabound massive sulfide orebodies and associated skarn orebodies. This model suggests that epigenetic mineralization resulted from interactions between magmatic fluids evolved from the Yanshanian intrusions with carbonate and evaporite wall rocks. Mineralization was an integral but distal part of the larger hydrothermal systems that formed the proximal skarn orebodies at the contact zones and the intrusion-hosted orebodies. The stratabound massive sulfide deposits of the Lower Changjiang metallogenic belt share many features with the well-studied, high-temperature, carbonate-hosted replacement deposits of northern Mexico and western United States, particularly with respect to association with small, shallow granitoid complexes, structural and stratigraphic controls on mineralization, alteration assemblages, geometry of orebodies, metal association, metal zonation and isotopic systematics.  相似文献   
依据数据库建库标准、建库流程、数据质量控制措施等方法和流程,构建了大洋洲地区铁、锰、铜、铝、金、镍、铀、稀土元素矿产地数据库。通过对矿产地数据特征与地学多源信息的综合分析,总结区域成矿规律,提供了矿产资源预测的基础数据。形成的数据库管理系统对资料管理、查询、利用更方便,表达更直观,分析和总结更有效。  相似文献   
This study carried out comprehensive analysis on sedimentology, magnetic susceptibility(χlf) and color data of the continental sediments of the Liupanshan Group in Central China so as to obtain climatic change information during the 129.14–122.98 Ma interval. Based on the results of the ?lf and of the redness(a*), the section can be divided into two segments:(1) 129.14–126.3 Ma, with the lowest ?lf values and strongly variable relatively high values of redness and(2) 126.3–122.98 Ma, with high ?lf values and relatively low redness. Analysis of the lithology and facies as well as the magnetic minerals and their contents points to a detrital origin of the magnetic minerals and this allow us to interpret the relationship between magnetic susceptibility variations and climate changes. Our study shows that the climate was significantly dry and hot during the whole studied interval although the interval between 126.3 Ma and 122.98 was a little bit cooler with increased humidity.  相似文献   
广西百朗地下河水和沉积物中有机氯农药的分布特征   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
为了解典型岩溶地区广西乐业百朗地下河表层水和沉积物中有机氯农药的分布特征,采集地下河不同断面的水和沉积物样品,利用气相色谱仪测定了19种有机氯农药。结果表明:(1)百朗地下河表层水中19种有机氯农药总量(∑OCPs)浓度为1.95~71.45ng/L,HCHs和DDTs浓度分别为未检出至58.40ng/L和未检出至0.44ng/L;(2)沉积物中∑OCPs浓度为0.75~14.85ng/g,HCHs和DDTs浓度分别为0.11~3.52ng/g和0.03~2.90ng/g;(3)地下河表层水和沉积物中有机氯农药的分布与吸附作用、环境温度以及和地下河连通的天坑的底部的土壤侵蚀有关,即因温差作用,大气沉降的有机氯农药易富集在天坑底部(“冷陷阱效应”),并在土壤侵蚀作用下向水体移动,使地下河沉积物中有机氯农药浓度升高;(4)百朗地下河出口沉积物吸附系数最低,但水中有机氯农药浓度较高且种类最多,推测可能是地下河沉积物中因有机氯农药被释放而引起二次污染;(5)表层沉积物中大多数断面的异狄氏剂浓度及乐业县城附近断面的DDTs和DDD浓度在风险评估低值与风险评估中值之间,表明百朗地下河处于较低的生态风险水平;(6)目前,流域部分断面尚有新的γ-HCH(林丹)和DDTs农药输入。由于有机氯农药长期累积,可能对地下河生态系统造成危害,应采取防治措施。   相似文献   
大竹蛏(Solen grandis)和长竹蛏(Solen strictus)是2种重要的经济贝类。对大竹蛏和长竹蛏的线粒体全基因组进行比较分析。结果表明,2种竹蛏的线粒体基因组具有相似的组成结构、AT含量、基因大小和相同的基因排列顺序,然而两者的蛋白质编码基因的序列以及起始、终止密码子存在较大差异。非同义替换率与同义替换率的比值(Ka/Ks)显示,蛋白质编码基因cox1,cox2和cox3承受较强的选择压力,而nad2,nad3和nad6则承受较小的选择压力。2种竹蛏最长非编码区序列并不保守,但都含有发卡结构和(TA)12微卫星序列。长竹蛏最长非编码区中还存在另外一段串联重复序列。结果显示,2种竹蛏线粒体基因组存在明显差异,线粒体基因组可以做为区分大竹蛏和长竹蛏的重要分子标记。  相似文献   
在粤东地区分别选取位于榕江断裂的玉湖场地、位于博美-潮安-三饶断裂的广太场地、位于黄岗水断裂的饶平场地,进行断层气体测量.得到氡含量的数据并分析了其分布特征,得到粤东地区氡气背景值在50~80 Bq/L左右,饶平场地的汞背景值在35 ng/m3左右,推测出广太场地和饶平场地内两条断裂穿过的位置.  相似文献   
分别用25、50、100、200和400μg/L的3-甲基胆蒽(3-MC)对斑马鱼进行水浴染毒,于第7天和第14天采集各染毒组和对照组活鱼的肝、鳃、心、肠和肾,进行病理组织学检查。结果发现,一定剂量的3-MC能导致肝细胞变性,胞浆内出现脂肪滴,严重时肝细胞坏死解体,界限模糊;心肌细胞萎缩坏死;肠粘膜上皮细胞纹状缘不整齐,有的脱落;鳃丝结构异常,鳃小片表面粗糙,上皮细胞不完整;肾小管上皮细胞肿胀,细胞界限不清,管腔内均质红染。供试斑马鱼的病理组织变化与3-MC的作用剂量和作用时间存在一定的关系。  相似文献   
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