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Mangroves are an important terrestrial carbon reservoir with numerous ecosystem services. Yet, it is difficult to inventory mangroves because of their low accessibility. A sampling approach that produces accurate assessment while maximizing logistical integrity of inventory operation is often required. Spatial decision support systems (SDSSs) provide support for integrating such a sampling design of fieldwork with operational considerations and evaluation of alternative scenarios. However, this fieldwork design driven by SDSS is often computationally intensive and repetitive. In this study, we develop a cyber-enabled SDSS framework to facilitate the computationally challenging fieldwork design that requires the efficacious selection of base camps and plots for the inventory of mangroves. Our study area is the Zambezi River Delta, Mozambique. Cyber-enabled capabilities, including scientific workflows and cloud computing, are integrated with the SDSS. Scientific workflows enable the automation of data and modeling tasks in the SDSS. Cloud computing offers on-demand computational support for interoperation among stakeholders for collaborative scenario evaluation for the fieldwork design of mangrove inventory. Further, this framework allows for harnessing high-performance computing capabilities for accelerating the fieldwork design. The cyber-enabled framework provides significant merits in terms of effective coordination among science and logistical teams, assurance of meeting inventory objectives, and an objective basis to collectively and efficaciously evaluate alternative scenarios.  相似文献   
采用顶空固相微萃取技术(HS-SPME)、气相色谱-质谱联用技术(GC-MS)对‘马瑟兰’葡萄果实中芳香物质成分进行分析,分别在萌芽期、新梢旺长期、开花期、果实第1次膨大期、副梢旺长期和果实第二次膨大期一次性施入氮肥,以不施氮肥作为对照(CK),研究不同施氮时期对果实芳香物质组分及含量的影响。结果表明:‘马瑟兰’葡萄果实中共检测出40种芳香物质成分,总含量为1 789.49—3 320.29 μg·kg-1,其中有11种特征香气成分,以醇类和醛类化合物为主,氮素施用时期对果实芳香物质的成分和含量均有显著的影响;施氮可改变果实的香味特征,果实第二次膨大期施氮果实中芳香物质总含量最高且种类较多,有利于提高醇类、醛类及烷烃类化合物含量;该处理改变了果实以草香味为主的香味特征,此时花香和脂膏香最为浓郁;开花期施氮果实中草香、脂膏香和花香基本平衡,同时增加了果香味的比例。通过氮素施用时期可调控葡萄果实芳香物质的形成,进而改善果实的酿造品质。  相似文献   
Analyses of desertified land and land use change in Naiman County of Inner-Mongolia showed that there was a fluctuated in-crease of rain-fed cropland in the period from 1951 to 1960, then decreased until the middle of the 1990's, then increased again, while irrigated cropland consistently increased. The woodland and build-up land consistently increased while grassland area de-creased. The area of water body increased from 1975 to 1995 and then decreased while river beach decreased. Wetland change fluctuated with a maximum of 303.53km2 in 1995 and a minimum of 62.08 km2 in 2002. Invasion of cropland into river beach does not only change land coverage on the beach, but also the hydrological process of the river systems and deeply influence wa-ter availability. The correlation between cropland and underground water table is negative and significant. Increase of irrigated cropland is the primary cause of water availability reduction. Water table reduction is negatively correlated to cropland. The total desertified land has decreased since 1975. A rapid increase occurred before 1959, but it is difficult to assess the change of deserti-fication due to lack of data from 1959 to 1975. Changes of different types of desertified lands were different. There is no signifi-cant correlation between land use and different types of desertified land, but there is a significant negative correlation between woodland and total desertified land. The correlation between grassland and total desertified land is positive and significant. There is a significant correlation between different land cover and key factors such as water body and annual precipitation, river beach and runoff, area of shifting dune and annual precipitation, and cropland and underground water table. Desertification reversion in Naiman County is fragile and will be even much more fragile due to population growth, rapid land use and climate change. This will lead to continued invasion of irrigated cropland into more fragile ecosystems and reduction of water availability.  相似文献   
以粤港澳大湾区为例,基于时空影像融合模型(STI-FM),提出大区域多源LST(Land Surface Temperature,LST)影像融合拼接模型(Multi-source Image Fusion Stitching Model,MI-FSM),消除时间不同、天气差异的影响,生成覆盖大湾区的中高分辨率地表温度数据。首先,应用STI-FM融合MODISLST与Landsat LST,将不同时相的多幅LandsatLST合成为具有统一特定时相的LST影像。然后,对合成的LST影像进行镶嵌处理,实现粤港澳大湾区多幅Landsat 8 LST图像的拼接。为了验证STI-FM在研究区的适用性,选取研究区中心“夏-夏、冬-夏”2组Landsat 8 LST图像,将合成的Landsat LST与验证数据进行对比与评价,结果表明:STI-FM在研究区具有较强的适用性。对精度进行评价,验证模型的可靠性,结果表明:不同时相MODISLST图像间拟合程度较高,其回归分析的确定系数(M)均在0.6-0.9之间,RMSE均<1.5;最后对整体以及局部细节的目视分析表明:融合拼接的成果较为理想。  相似文献   
分析了内蒙古典型草原与荒漠草原NDVI的变化,探讨了干旱对NDVI的影响,建立了NDVI与气象因子的回归模型。结果表明:2000-2016年内蒙古典型草原与荒漠草原NDVI呈现波动变化,变异较小。干旱对典型草原区的羊草(Leymus chinensis)群落与大针茅(Stipa grandis)群落NDVI影响显著(P<0.05);与正常年份相比,干旱导致羊草群落与大针茅群落NDVI降低约23%。5-8月降水量和干燥度指数影响内蒙古典型草原羊草群落与大针茅群落NDVI;荒漠草原区羊草+短花针茅(Stipa breviflora)群落与沙生针茅(Stipa plareosa)群落NDVI的主要影响因子分别为年均气温与5-8月平均气温;5-8月降水量和年均气温是影响典型草原和荒漠草原NDVI的重要因子。基于气象因子的NDVI回归模型能够较好地对区域NDVI进行估测。生长季降水是影响典型草原NDVI的关键因素,而气温显著影响荒漠草原NDVI。在未来气候变化的背景下,内蒙古典型草原NDVI对干旱的响应会更加敏感。  相似文献   
本文尝试在新加坡经济发展与转型的基本背景下,理解新加坡建设“特色全球城市”的目标;探讨在该目标的驱动下曾一度衰落的新加坡河滨河区如何实现空间功能的转变与再生,成为兼具社会开放性与包容性、全球化与本土化的空间载体,并推动新加坡城市的可持续发展与“特色全球城市”目标的实现;最后总结了其对于“建设美丽中国”目标下中国城市滨水空间开发的借鉴与启示。  相似文献   
为了探究沙地植物群落结构特征对极端干旱的响应,通过野外模拟试验开展了极端干旱(生长季减雨60%与干旱60 d)对沙质草地和固定沙丘植物群落丰富度、地上生物量和叶性状等群落结构特征影响的研究.结果表明:(1)生境变化对植物群落地上生物量和叶干物质含量(LDMC)具有显著影响(P<0.05),草地地上生物量和LDMC显著高...  相似文献   
调查了科尔沁沙地流动沙丘、半固定沙丘和固定沙丘18个样地的物种组成,测定了28种植物的叶面积(LA)、比叶面积(SLA)和叶干物质含量(LDMC)等3个植物功能性状,并用性状梯度分析法对3个功能性状在群落水平上的变化进行了分解,研究了沙丘固定过程中的植物功能性状的尺度变异及其与生境变化的关系。结果表明:(1)随着沙丘的固定,群落平均LA逐渐增大,群落平均SLALDMC在半固定沙丘上最小;(2)群落平均SLA的生态位宽度随着沙丘固定程度依次减小,流动、半固定沙丘植物群落的适应能力较固定沙丘更强;(3)沙丘固定过程中物种性状值的变化与群落内共生植物种性状间变异的关联相比于群落间性状的变异更密切。沙丘固定导致了物种LALDMC较强的正相关关系,两性状在群落间的依赖性比群落内的强。物种在群落内和群落间采取不同的策略来适应沙丘固定过程生境的变化。  相似文献   
Soil moisture is a critical state affecting a variety of land surface and subsurface processes. We report investigation results of the factors controlling vertical variation of soil moisture and sand transport rate of three types of dunes on the southeastern margin of the Mu Us Sandy Land. Samples were taken from holes drilled to a depth of 4 m at different topographic sites on the dunes, and were analyzed for soil moisture, grain-size distribution and surface sediment discharge. The results show that: (1) The average soil moisture varies in different types of dunes, with the following sequences ordered from highest to lowest: in the shrubs-covered dunes and the trees-covered dunes the sequence is from inter-dunes lowland to windward slope to leeward slope. The average moisture in the bare-migratory sand dunes is sequenced from inter-dunes lowland to leeward slope to windward slope. (2) Vegetation form and surface coverage affect the range of soil moisture of different types of dunes in the same topographic position. The coefficient of variation of soil moisture for shrubs-covered dunes is higher than that of other types of dune. (3) The effect of shrubs on dune soil moisture is explained in terms of the greater ability of shrubs to trap fine-grained atmospheric dust and hold moisture. (4) The estimated sand transport rates over sand dunes with sparse shrubs are less than those over bare-migratory dunes or sand dunes with sparse trees, indicating that shrubs are more effective in inhibiting wind erosion in the sandy land area.  相似文献   
黄河以北地区东线引江问题的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南水北调东线一期工程1990年完成后,长江之水将被引至黄河南岸的东平湖,设计入东平湖的流量为50立方米/秒[1]。第一期工程完成后,要不要扩大调水规模,把江水北送过黄河?江水调过黄河以后环境后效如何?引江穿黄与黄河水沙资源利用的关系如何?这些问题关系到南水北调东线第二期工程的规划与最终调水的规模,本文从黄河以北地区的现实情况出发,对几个有关的问题进行了分析。  相似文献   
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