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利玛原甲藻腹泻性毒素的生物学测定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1994年和1995年分季度从海南省三亚海区采集附生于褐藻上的利玛原甲藻Prorocentrumlima(Ehrenberg)Dodge,经丙酮提取。提取液用pH=3的水除去麻痹性贝毒(PSP),取残留液注入小白鼠(BaB/C纯系),有腹泻性贝毒(DiarrheticShellfishPoisoning即DSP)中毒的症状出现。初步确定此种藻中提取的毒素为DSP。  相似文献   
作为大洋典型地貌特征的海山,其邻近的海洋生境并不被人熟知。依据2014年冬季对热带西太平洋Y3海山及其邻近海域的综合调查,首次探讨了该海山区海水中营养盐的分布特征及其与生态环境的耦合关系。结果表明Y3海山区是典型的热带寡营养海域。在50~125 m的深度,温跃层和高盐区双重作用对底部高浓度营养盐向上输送的阻碍,是导致真光层上部营养盐浓度较低的重要原因;同时,浮游植物和异养细菌的消耗也加剧了该区域营养盐的缺乏。Y3海山突出的地形地貌对营养盐的分布产生重要的影响,海山对流经的海流产生阻碍,形成上升流,使底部高浓度的营养盐突破温跃层和高盐区的阻碍向上输送,从而使海山周围营养盐的平均浓度高于远离海山的海域。相关性分析显示,Y3海山区真光层中营养盐浓度与温度、盐度、叶绿素a浓度和异养细菌丰度分别呈负相关、正相关、负相关(除NO2-N外)和负相关关系。海山区特殊的营养盐分布及其与生态环境的耦合是其成为一种独特的大洋生态系统的重要因素。  相似文献   
径向基函数算法中插值参数对DEM精度的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以多重对数径向基函数插值算法中的插值参数为研究对象,选取了5种不同地貌类型的离散点数据,使用中误差度量指标,研究光滑因子、搜索点数、搜索方向对DEM插值精度的影响,给出插值参数的“最优”取值区间,消除插值参数选择的随意性,更好地指导DEM建模的运用。  相似文献   
作为关键生态保护区域边界线,生态红线划定当前已经上升为中国国家层面战略部署,然而当前生态红线的研究尚处于探索阶段,对于如何针对红线区域具体设计法规保障、制定管理规则、限定开发行为等方面的研究较为匮乏。鉴于英国已经较为成熟的科研专用区相关保护管理的历史经验,梳理和定位了英国科研专用区的3个发展阶段,探讨了各个发展阶段的基本原则、管理机制和实施保障的演变过程,总结英国科研专用区的规划与管理经验,提出了完善法律保障与规程规范、实施统一监管和区域统筹、并行生态补偿与保护自住、签订标准化管理协议、加强公众参与与研讨机制、提升资金保障与使用效率等对我国生态红线区管理与保障的有益借鉴。  相似文献   
刘洋  李兰海  杨金明  陈曦  张润 《遥感学报》2018,22(5):802-809
积雪深度是大量气候、水文、农业及生态模型的重要输入变量。选用欧空局Sentinel-1主动微波数据,利用合成孔径雷达SAR(Synthetic Aperture Radar)差分干涉测量技术的二轨法,根据积雪相位与雪深之间的转换关系,反演新疆天山中段的巴音布鲁克盆地典型区的积雪雪深分布,提出了基于InSAR二轨差分的雪深估计方法,反演得到2016年12月18日的空间分辨率为13.89 m的雪深分布。研究表明:(1)对Sentinel-1数据进行正确的预处理以后,可以应用SAR差分干涉测量技术的二轨法反演区域雪深分布。但由于像对相干性和积雪状态的差异,积雪深度超过10 cm,可以获取较准确的雪深反演结果,R=0.65,反演误差的均方根误差RMSE=4.52 cm,平均相对误差为22.42%,反演雪深结果均比实测结果略偏低;而当雪深小于10 cm时,雪深反演值较实测值存在较大的误差,相对误差均高于34.52%,且反演雪深值均比实测值偏高。(2)雪深反演精度受高程及实际雪深的差异影响显著,另外雪深反演精度也受限于干涉像对相干性。结果表明,对于获取区域积雪雪深,InSAR技术较光学及被动微波遥感具有非常广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   
Dam removal is becoming an effective approach for aquatic biodiversity restoration in damming river in order to balance the aquatic ecosystem conservation with large-scale cascade damming. However, the effects of dam removal on fish communities in Asian mountainous rivers, which are dominated by Cypriniformes fishes, are still not well known. To determine whether dam removal on a mountainous river benefit restoration of fish diversity, we investigated the response of fish assemblage to dam removal using a before-after-control-impact design in two tributaries of the Lancang River(dam removal river: the Jidu River, and control river: the Fengdian River). Fish surveys were conducted one year prior to dam removal(2012) and three years(2013–2015) following dam removal. We observed rapidly and notably spatio-temporal changes in fish biodiversity metrics and assemblage structure, occurring in the Jidu River within the first year after dam removal. Overall, fish species richness, density and Shannon-Wiener diversity all increased immediately in above-and below-dam sites, and maintained a stable level in subsequent years, compared to unchanged situation in the control river. All sites in the Jidu River experienced shifts in fish composition after dam removal, with the greatest temporal changes occurred in sites below-and above-the former dam, resulting in a temporal homogenization tendency in the dam removed river. These findings suggest that dam removal can benefit the recovery of habitat conditions and fish community in Asian mountainous rivers, but the results should be further evaluated when apply to other dammed rivers since the dam age, fluvial geomorphology and situation of source populations could all affect the responses of fish assemblages.  相似文献   
In phase Ⅱ of the Regional Climate Model Inter-comparison Project (RMIP) for Asia, the regional climate has been simulated for July 1988 through December 1998 by five regional climate models and one global variable resolution model. Comparison of the 10-year simulated precipitation with the observations was carried out. The results show that most models have the capacity to reproduce the basic spatial pattern of precipitation for Asia, and the main rainbelt can be reproduced by most models, but there are distinctions in the location and the intensity. Most models overestimate the precipitation over most continental regions. Interannual variability of the precipitation can also be basically simulated, while differences exist between various models and the observations. The biases in the stream field are important reasons behind the simulation errors of the Regional Climate Models (RCMs). The cumulus scheme and land surface process have large influences on the precipitation simulation. Generally, the Grell cumulus scheme produces more precipitation than the Kuo scheme.  相似文献   
CMIP5/AMIP GCM simulations of East Asian summer monsoon   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) is a distinctive component of the Asian climate system and critically influences the economy and society of the region.To understand the ability of AGCMs in capturing the major features of EASM,10 models that participated in Coupled Model Intercomparison Project/Atmospheric Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5/AMIP),which used observational SST and sea ice to drive AGCMs during the period 1979-2008,were evaluated by comparing with observations and AMIP Ⅱ simulations.The results indicated that the multi-model ensemble (MME) of CMIP5/AMIP captures the main characteristics of precipitation and monsoon circulation,and shows the best skill in EASM simulation,better than the AMIP Ⅱ MME.As for the Meiyu/Changma/Baiyu rainbelt,the intensity of rainfall is underestimated in all the models.The biases are caused by a weak western Pacific subtropical high (WPSH) and accompanying eastward southwesterly winds in group Ⅰ models,and by a too strong and west-extended WPSH as well as westerly winds in group Ⅱ models.Considerable systematic errors exist in the simulated seasonal migration of rainfall,and the notable northward jumps and rainfall persistence remain a challenge for all the models.However,the CMIP5/AMIP MME is skillful in simulating the western North Pacific monsoon index (WNPMI).  相似文献   
本文基于新疆哈密地区1∶5万板房沟幅和小柳沟幅区域地质调查新成果,对东天山北部古生代的重大构造事件以及演化历史进行了系统的梳理。基于下志留统与奥陶系之间角度不整合、下石炭统与泥盆系之间平行不整合以及上石炭统二道沟组与下伏岩系之间的角度不整合的确定,揭示奥陶纪与志留纪之交、泥盆纪与石炭纪之交以及晚石炭世期间存在几次重大构造事件。结合古生代不同时期沉积大地构造背景转换、岩浆活动构造环境转换以及构造变形格式转换的地质新纪录,提出奥陶纪与志留纪之交的造山事件为北部阿尔曼太洋闭合导致准噶尔—吐哈地块与阿尔泰地块碰撞的响应;泥盆纪与早石炭世之间的造陆构造事件可能是北部卡拉麦里洋盆初始汇拢碰撞的响应,其平行不整合以及下伏的志留纪—泥盆纪较稳定环境的沉积序列预示着介于卡拉麦里洋盆与南部北天山洋盆之间的准噶尔—吐哈地块为古亚洲洋盆体系中相对刚性的稳定陆块区,研究区作为准噶尔—吐哈地块的北部被动陆缘受卡拉麦里洋盆汇聚的影响较小;晚石炭世的造山事件则表现为响应卡拉麦里洋盆闭合后周缘前陆盆地的演化,是早石炭世沿卡拉麦里缝合带发生陆块碰撞以来挤压构造作用峰期的产物,其奠定了东天山北部北西-南东向构造基本格局。本文还重新界定莫钦乌拉断裂为北天山构造带(准噶尔—吐哈地块)与东准噶尔构造带的构造-地层分区界线,推断其为卡拉麦里缝合带向南东的延伸,并讨论了早石炭世受控不同构造体制的沉积和岩浆纪录的空间差异性,认为早石炭世北部莫钦乌拉山区域为与北侧卡拉麦里洋盆闭合后周缘挤压前陆盆地的发育过程,而南部博格达—哈尔里克山则总体呈现为响应南侧北天山洋盆闭合后的碰撞后伸展裂谷发育过程。  相似文献   
降水条件对基坑开挖的变形特性具有重要影响。为了研究悬挂式止水帷幕结合承压非完整井组成的墙井系统条件下基坑开挖过程中的变形问题,以某悬挂式止水帷幕深基坑为例,通过定义降水井和地表渗流边界条件建立了考虑分级降水和基坑开挖实际工况的三维流固耦合有限元数值分析模型,使用现场监测数据与数值模拟结果互相验证的方法研究了悬挂式止水帷幕情况下基坑开挖过程中地下连续墙变形和地表沉降的变化特征,对比分析了悬挂式止水帷幕和落底式止水帷幕条件下的地表沉降。结果表明:在不同分级降水情况下,降水深度初次达到场地第一承压水含水层降水期间产生的地下连续墙水平位移增量最大,地表沉降也主要在这一期间产生;悬挂式止水帷幕情况下的地表沉降最大值约为落底式止水帷幕的2.7倍,最大值位置距地下连续墙边缘的距离比落底式止水帷幕大0.85 m;地下连续墙水平位移峰值处,降水期间产生的位移占28%,地表沉降峰值处,降水期间产生的沉降占49%;使用悬挂式止水帷幕时,距地下连续墙边缘12倍开挖深度处,地表沉降与地表沉降峰值的比值为0.1、该距离比落底式止水帷幕大13 m左右。研究成果对确定深基坑降水方案、保证深基坑开挖施工安全具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   
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