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In this work, we study groundwater system temporal scaling in relation to plant water use and near‐river‐stage fluctuations in riparian zones where phreatophytes exist. Using detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA), we investigate the influence of regular diurnal fluctuations due to phreatophyte water use on temporal scaling properties of groundwater level variations. We found that groundwater use by phreatophytes, at the field site on the Colorado River, USA, results in distinctive crossovers (slope changes when the plots are fitted with straight lines) in the logarithm plots of root‐mean‐square fluctuations of the detrended water level time series versus time scales of groundwater level dynamics. For groundwater levels monitored at wells close to the river, we identified one crossover at ~1 day in the scaling characteristics of groundwater level variations. When time scale exceeds 1 day, the scaling properties decrease from persistent to close to 1/f noise, where f is the frequency. For groundwater levels recorded at wells further away from the river, the slope of the straight line fit (i.e. scaling exponent) is smallest when the time scale is between 1 and 3 days. When the time scale is < 1 day, groundwater variations become persistent. When the time scale is between 1 and 3 days, the variations are close to white noise, but return to persistent when the time scale is > 3 days. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
地理信息网络共享的研究和应用进展   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
地学信息对地学研究具有非常重要的作用。本文结合目前互联网上地学信息共享的现状探讨了地理信息网络共享的意义,对基于元数据和网络地理信息系统的地学数据共享的两种机制做了综述,认为地学元数据的可视化查询检索和网络数据融合服务是地理信息网络共享的重要发展方向,最后探讨了将来地理信息网络共享的主要特点。  相似文献   
Groundwater level fluctuations are affected by surface properties due to complex correlations of groundwater-surface water interaction and/or other surface processes, which are usually hard to be accurately quantified. Previous studies have assessed the relationship between groundwater level fluctuations and specific controlling factors. However, few studies have been conducted to explore the impact of the combination of multiple factors on the groundwater system. Hence, this paper tries to explore the localized and scale-specific multivariate relationships between the groundwater level and controlling factors (such as hydrologic and meteorological factors) using bivariate wavelet coherence and multiple wavelet coherence. The groundwater level fluctuations of two wells in areas covered by different plant densities (i.e., the riparian zone of the Colorado River, USA) are analyzed. Main findings include three parts. First, barometric pressure and river stage are the best factors to interpret the groundwater level fluctuations at small scales (<1 day) and large scales (>1 day) at the well of low-density plants stand, respectively. Second, at the well of high-density plants stand, the best predictors to control the groundwater level fluctuations include barometric pressure (<1 day), the combination of barometric pressure and temperature (1-7 days), temperature (7-30 days), and the combination of barometric pressure, temperature, and river stage (>30 days). The best predictor of groundwater head fluctuations depends on the variance of the vegetation coverage and hydrological processes. Third, these results provide a suite of factors to explain the groundwater level variations, which is an important topic in water-resource prediction and management.  相似文献   
民勤盆地地下水供需分析及对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文分析了民勤盆地水文地质条件和地下水资源的特点、开发现状,阐述了地下水开发利用中存在的主要问题.在此基础上提出了民勤盆地地下水开发利用的对策与建议.  相似文献   
The characteristics of karst aquifers are difficult to be determined due to their heterogeneous physical properties and lack of hydrogeological information. In this case study, we applied two methods for a comparative analysis of storage and drainage characteristics in upstream, midstream, and downstream of Houzhai cave stream basin. In the first method, Minimum Smoothed Method (MSM) is used to determine the proportion of baseflow to the total flow (Baseflow Index, BFI). In the second method, a bicarbonate‐base two‐end member mixing model is used to quantify the slow flow component and fast flow component. For both methods, slow flow and quick flow are quantified at three sampling sites, which provide useful information for the analysis of storage and drainage characteristics. The results from flow separation method and hydrogeochemical analysis show a consistently increasing trend of the proportion of slow flow to total flow from the upstream to downstream which indicates that the voids of highly conductive conduits and well‐connected fissures decrease along the flow paths in the Houzhai cave stream basin in southwest China. The upstream areas have a low proportion of baseflow which indicates a high drainage capacity due to high permeable conduits and well‐connected fissures. The downstream areas, on the contrary, have a high proportion of baseflow which indicates a high storage capacity and slow infiltration due to the predominant presence of matrix and poorly‐connected fissures. These numerical methods provide alternative ways to investigate the storage and drainage characteristics of karst aquifers where direct measurement are not available.  相似文献   
Changes in climate are expected to lead to changes in the characteristics extreme rainfall frequency and intensity. In this study, we propose an integrated approach to explore potential changes in intensity-duration-frequency (IDF) relationships. The approach incorporates uncertainties due to both the short simulation periods of regional climate models (RCMs) and the differences in IDF curves derived from multiple RCMs in the North American Regional Climate Change Assessment Program (NARCCAP). The approach combines the likelihood of individual RCMs according to the goodness of fit between the extreme rainfall intensities from the RCMs’ historic runs and those from the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) North American Regional Reanalysis (NARR) data set and Bayesian model averaging (BMA) to assess uncertainty in IDF predictions. We also partition overall uncertainties into within-model uncertainty and among-model uncertainty. Results illustrate that among-model uncertainty is the dominant source of the overall uncertainty in simulating extreme rainfall for multiple locations in the U.S., pointing to the difficulty of predicting future climate, especially extreme rainfall regimes. For all locations a more intense extreme rainfall occurs in future climate; however the rate of increase varies among locations.  相似文献   
采用先进的技术和创新的模式,设计了土地卫片执法检查系统。在了解卫片执法检查现状的基础上,结合卫片执法检查工作的新形势、新政策,介绍了系统的关键技术,提出了系统的卫片执法业务逻辑设计,对系统的管理、填报、展示、统计、汇总、调查、取证等主要功能及组成进行了设计与实现,创新了图斑精细划分、智能比对分析和快速主动核查的卫片执法检查模式,提升了卫片执法检查工作的效率和核查精度。  相似文献   
海河流域气象和水文降水资料对比分析及时空变异   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
褚健婷  夏军  许崇育  李璐  王中根 《地理学报》2009,64(9):1083-1092
选用海河流域上国家气象局30个气象站1958-2007年共50年的日降水资料,以及水文部门248个雨量站1995-2004年共10年的资料,采用线性回归、5年滑动平均、Mann-Kendall趋势分析、Kolmogorov-Smirnov检验、Z检验和F检验等方法,在充分考虑两套降水资料优势的基础上,分析了海河流域降水的时空变化特征。发现:(1) 海河流域气象站和雨量站的年降水量基本都符合正态分布,其均值和方差在统计意义上相等;两套资料的相关程度较高,气象站日降水资料可以用来延长水文站资料;(2) 在1958-2007年,除春季降水量略有增加外,海河流域的降水整体上呈减少趋势,夏季和全年减少趋势非常明显,而且1980年后呈加速减少;(3) 海河流域夏季和全年的降水分布形势相似,以太行山和燕山为界,分为山前多雨带、山前平原区少雨带以及山后少雨带,而且降水从南向北,从沿海到内陆逐渐减少;冬季水汽含量最少,基本上呈南多北少的分布;春秋季的分布特征相似,表现为冬夏季的过渡状态。近50年来,五台山地区和太行山前的部分地区降水减少趋势明显。  相似文献   
人工智能和专家系统在地学中的应用综述   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
本文所指的地学是以地理学为主包括地质、气象、水文等以地球表层为研究对象的学科,其研究对象具有多因素相互作用的复杂性。本文在回顾了地理学/地学研究方法发展过程的基础上,分析了人工智能、专家系统、地理信息系统的相互关系,综述了专家系统在地学中的应用实例,最后分析了地学专家系统的发展趋势。  相似文献   
1 IntroductionManymeteorologistsandoceanographerspaidmuchattentiontothestudyofthemechanismofENSOformanyyears,suchasBjerknes(1 966) ,Wyrtki(1 975) ,McCreary(1 983 ) ,Philander(1 984) ,ZhangandChao(1 993 )andMcCPhaden(1 998)havemadegreatdevelopmentinthestudyofENSO .Especiallyinthe 1 990’s,withtheincreasingofthedatainthedeepocean ,thesomeonearguedthattheENSOepisodehadcloserelation shipwiththeeasterntransportationoftheanomalousseasurfacetemperatureinthewestPacific(LiandMu 1 999;Huang 2…  相似文献   
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