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By using the methods of qualitative and quantitative analysis, the species composition and dominant genus of harmful, ciliates in young abalone culture ponds are studied. Totally 68 species of ciliates, belonging to 3 classes, 16 orders and 46 genus, are found. The dominant ciliate species are Aspidisca leptaspis, Vorticella sp. and Euplotes rariseta. During the young abalone cultivation, the numbers of young abalones increase first,and then show a trend of decreasing. The relationship between the density and composition of ciliates and the density of algae in the young abalone culture ponds is also discussed.  相似文献   
海马齿对锌的耐性与富集特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了了解盐生植物海马齿(Sesuvium portulacastrum)对Zn的耐性和富集特征,采用1/2 Hoagland营养液水培实验,进行不同质量浓度Zn处理(0 mg/L、10 mg/L、20 mg/L、30 mg/L、50 mg/L、90 mg/L和300 mg/L)30 d后,测定海马齿的株高、叶面积和生物量;并测定其根、茎和叶的Fe、Mg、Cu和Zn含量;计算耐性指数、富集系数、转运系数和移除率。结果表明,Zn质量浓度为0~50 mg/L时,海马齿能正常生长;当Zn质量浓度大于50 mg/L时,海马齿生长受到抑制;当Zn质量浓度大于90 mg/L时,海马齿出现死亡,完全致死的Zn质量浓度为300 mg/L。Zn处理显著抑制了根部对Fe的吸收,促进了叶对Mg的吸收。海马齿Zn含量最高的部位为根。海马齿的Zn富集系数远大于1,转运系数小于1。海马齿对Zn的移除作用主要体现在生物量大且富集能力强的地上部分。海马齿适用于修复Zn质量浓度小于90 mg/L水域的污染。  相似文献   
罗怀洁  谭鉴荣 《气象科技》2007,35(3):451-452
目前,国产自动气象站所用的气压传感器是芬兰Vaisala公司的Ptb220型气压传感器,该传感器具有精度高、稳定性好等特点,在各厂家生产的自动站中均有应用。但在检定过程中发现有个别传感器会出现超差或使用一段时间后产生漂移,用现有的检定手段无法消除误差。经与Vaisala公司技术人员多次沟通和大量实验,找出一套行之有效的调试方法,可以将气压传感器的误差用参数设置的方法设置到传感器内存中,将其控制在要求范围内,下面详述此方法,以供参考。  相似文献   
利用中二层非线性原始方程海洋模式,研究海洋在自身不同热力结构下对热带气旋的响应。计算结果表明,初始混合层(ML)深度和层结强度对海表温(SST)和ML深度变化起着十分重要的作用。初始ML深度对海流量值影响较大,层结强度则较小。东海陆架区特殊的海洋热力结构,极易造成SST下降。海洋对7002号台风响应的模拟结果与观测资料较一致。  相似文献   
本文通过相关普查,分析了影响夏季西太平洋副热带高压的北太平洋海温场和北半球500hPa高度场的前期特征,找出了影响1994夏季酉太平洋副热带高压异常的强信号及其所在区域.以较高的信度和精度建立了夏季逐月副高强度和脊线位置两特征量的预报方程,进一步发现,中、东部太平洋海温场存在与副高强度高相关的对偶相关区,该区同前一年6月加利福尼亚寒流和北赤道暖流间形成的海温梯度相对应,而初夏副高脊线位置则决定于前一年10~12月赤道东太平洋一线的海温分布.  相似文献   
五台地区高凡群对于华北克拉通早前寒武纪变质地层层序建立具有重要意义。本文对高凡群磨河组开展了地球化学和锆石年代学研究。变质沉积岩稀土总量为(132.78~231.84)×10-6(样品W1927的稀土总量为1016.55×10-6),轻重稀土分离弱((La/Yb)N=4.5~12.5),具明显负铕异常(δEu=0.37~0.62),稀土模式与太古宙后泥砂质碎屑沉积岩十分类似。一个白云石英片岩样品(D004)的变质原岩中存在大量2.7 Ga、2.54~2.5 Ga、2.3 Ga和2.18 Ga碎屑锆石,最年轻锆石可能来自同时代火山岩。一个含黄铁矿白云片岩样品(W1927)的最年轻锆石年龄为2194 Ma,被认为代表了岩石形成时代。结合前人研究,可把高凡群形成时代限定在<2176 Ma和2350 Ma之间,碎屑物质主要来自恒山、五台、阜平、云中山、吕梁地区新太古代—古元古代变质基底或更远的地区。  相似文献   
X-ray stars have been studied since the beginning of X-ray astronomy. Investigating and studying the chromospheric activity from X-ray stellar optical spectra is highly significant in providing insights into stellar magnetic activity. The big data of LAMOST survey provides an opportunity for researching stellar optical spectroscopic properties of X-ray stars. We inferred the physical properties of X-ray stellar sources from the analysis of LAMOST spectra. First, we cross-matched the X-ray stellar catalogue (12254 X-ray stars) from ARXA with LAMOST data release 3 (DR3), and obtained 984 good spectra from 713 X-ray sources. We then visually inspected and assigned spectral type to each spectrum and calculated the equivalent width (EW) of H\(\alpha\) line using the Hammer spectral typing facility. Based on the EW of H\(\alpha\) line, we found 203 spectra of 145 X-ray sources with H\(\alpha\) emission above the continuum. For these spectra we also measured the EWs of H\(\beta\), H\(\gamma\), H\(\delta\) and Ca ii IRT lines of these spectra. After removing novae, planetary nebulae and OB-type stars, we found there are 127 X-ray late-type stars with H\(\alpha\) line emission. By using our spectra and results from the literature, we found 53 X-ray stars showing H\(\alpha\) variability; these objects are Classical T Tauri stars (CTTs), cataclysmic variables (CVs) or chromospheric activity stars. We also found 18 X-ray stars showing obvious emissions in the Ca ii IRT lines. Of the 18 X-ray stars, 16 are CTTs and 2 are CVs. Finally, we discussed the relationships between the EW of H\(\alpha\) line and X-ray flux.  相似文献   
本文应用ECOM模式,设计1个控制试验,研究理想河口环流和盐水入侵的动力过程.数值计算结果表明,盐水入侵产生盐度锋面,在锋面处底层存在着向陆的密度流,为保持断面上质量连续,上层的流速趋于增大;近口门附近底层流有偏南分量,表明有横向环流存在.在口门外因斜压和底形的作用,产生明显的上升流.盐水入侵在空间上具有不对称性,高盐水位于北岸的下层.在拦门沙上游出现上下2个相反方向的横向环流,而在口门处只出现1个顺时针方向的横向环流.从动力机制上分析了盐水入侵的空间不对称性和横向环流的产生.  相似文献   
Data taken in two large scale ocean observations in China in summer 1959 and 1982 were used to analyze the residual current off the Changjiang (Yangtze) River mouth. The currents at surface off the mouth in July 1959 and 1982 flow northeastward and eastward due to the river discharge, the current speed was larger in 1982 than in 1959. All the bottom currents flow landward due to baroclinic effect. The surface current was controlled by the river runoff and the Taiwan Warm Current (TWC). A return current at surface off the mouth was observed in September 1959. In general, the bottom currents were controlled by the TWC in most study area in addition to the runoff near the mouth. Although driven by 3-D model with the monthly averaged forces (river discharge, wind stress, baroclinic effect, open boundary water volume flux and tidal mixing) in August, the simulated circulations were basically consistent with the observed ones with episodic time manner.  相似文献   
中国南部夏季季风降水水汽来源的稳定同位素证据   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summer monsoons (South Asian monsoon, South China Sea monsoon and Subtropical monsoon) are prominent features of summertime climate over southern China. Dif- ferent monsoons carry different inflow moisture into China and control the temporal and spatial distributions of precipitation. Analyses of meteorological data, particularly wind, tempera- ture and pressure anomalies are traditional methods of characterizing moisture sources and transport patterns. Here, we try to utilize the evidence from stable isotopes signatures to trace summer monsoons over southern China. Based on seven CHNIP (Chinese Network of Iso- topes in Precipitation) observatory stations located in southern China, monthly composite precipitation samples have been collected and analyzed for the composition of δ^18O during July, 2005. The results indicated that the spatial distributions of δ^18O in precipitation could properly portray the moisture sources together with their transport pathways. Moreover, the amount effect, altitude effect, temperature effect and the correlation between δ^18O vs. relative humidity were discussed.  相似文献   
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