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J. Veverka  J. Goguen  S. Yang  J. Elliot 《Icarus》1979,37(1):249-255
The problem of comparing laboratory spectra of sulfur-containing binary mixtures with the spectrum of Io is discussed. For the satellite, the observable is the geometric albedo as a function of wavelength, whereas in the laboratory one often measures some other type of albedo. In a previous paper we demonstrated that for pure sulfur the multiplicative factor which converts the laboratory albedos to geometric albedos can be strongly wavelength dependent. The present paper demonstrates that this is also true for binary sulfur-containing mixtures. Furthermore, there is no universal conversion factor applicable to all binary mixtures, nor can the factor be interpolated for a particular mixture from the conversion factors of the two end members. The conversion factor is a function not only of the specific composition of a binary mixture, but of the relative particle size distributions of the two components, and must be measured specifically for each individual sample if a quantitative comparison between a laboratory sample and Io's surface is desired.  相似文献   
李双成  赵志强  高阳  王仰麟 《地理研究》2008,27(6):1243-1252
由于人口的快速增加和经济要素的大量聚集,城市是下垫面性质改变最为显著的区域。本文应用定量递归分析技术对1999~2006年逐旬的1km SPOT-VEGETATION NDVI数据进行分析,以期揭示NDVI时间系列的非线性动态特征及其空间格局。研究结果表明,深圳市的NDVI时间系列的RQA特征值居于随机系列和确定性系列之间,属于含有随机成分的确定性系列。不同覆被类型下NDVI系列的特性不同,林地区的NDVI系列规则性最高,农地区次之,建设用地区最差,表明人类活动作为一种噪声对于NDVI系列性质的扰动。用二阶Rényi熵作为NDVI系列的可预测性指标,其空间格局表现为海拔高、坡度大、林地分布集中的西北和东南部可预测性高,而海拔相对低、建设用地相对集中的中南部地区可预测性低。  相似文献   
深圳农民工集聚空间的演变特征及影响机制   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
周春山  杨高  王少剑 《地理科学》2016,36(11):1643-1653
以2000年、2010年人口普查数据和2008年珠江三角洲外来农民工问卷调查为基础数据,以街道为单元,运用数理统计分析和GIS空间技术揭示深圳农民工集聚空间演变特征及其影响机制。研究发现: 深圳农民工以青年为主体,具有受教育水平高、职业转型模式多样、留城意愿较低和社会空间分异度较高等特征。 农民工规模呈现西北部最高、中部其次、沿海最低的地带性分布规律,农民工高密度地区主要分布在工业集中区和城市中心区;热点区(高聚集区)集中在西部和北部的宝安区和龙华新区,冷点区(低聚集区)则分布在南部的中心城区,与传统制造业布局相一致。 农民工空间演化格局相对稳定,全市农民工分布重心逐步向西北偏移;全市农民工集中度略有上升,热点区基本稳定,冷点区有所扩大;农民工人口密度高值由“1个高中心+1个外围中心”逐步演变为“1个高中心+2个外围中心”;农民工空间变化差异较大,增长演变类型呈多样化。 深圳农民工分布的时空演变特征与常住人口存在较为明显的差异。 农民工集聚空间的分布演变受住房因素、就业机会、交通条件、社会网络、城市规划共同影响。  相似文献   
以P-350吸附于DA_(201)树脂上,制得了P-350浸渍树脂,通过柱层析法,试验了树脂吸附和解脱Ag,Cd的条件和干扰离子的影响。建立了P-350浸渍树脂分离-富集Ag,Cd体系,并应用于岩石样品分析中,效果较好。  相似文献   
基于2005—2019年中国266个地级及以上城市的面板数据,采用SBM-DEA模型评价城市绿色创新水平,刻画城市绿色创新的空间演变格局,最后构建空间杜宾模型实证分析不同类型的环境规制视角下城市绿色创新的溢出效应。研究结果显示:(1)时序发展上,研究期内城市绿色创新呈现东部地区、中部地区、西部地区、东北地区依次减弱的态势,总体上表现为“双M”型波动上升趋势,未来具有较大的增长潜力;(2)空间演化上,城市绿色创新在空间分布格局上存在明显的区域异质性,整体表现为东部地区主导发展的特征;(3)城市绿色创新在正式环境规制视角下存在正向溢出效应,在非正式环境规制视角下未产生显著溢出效应。  相似文献   
康雷  杨兆萍  韩芳 《中国沙漠》2022,42(1):158-166
基于国家级和自治区级非物质文化遗产(简称非遗)资源空间数据,集成相关自然地理环境和社会经济文化数据,采用最邻近分析、核密度估计和全局空间自相关分析,研究新疆非遗的空间分布规律和集聚特征,采用地理探测器模型深入探究影响新疆非遗空间分布的自然因素、经济因素和社会文化因素。结果表明:新疆非遗空间分布呈现北多南少的特征,主要集中在喀什、伊犁、塔城、巴州和乌鲁木齐等地(市、州);新疆非遗在空间上具有明显的集聚特征,不同类型非遗的集聚程度也有差异,在空间上形成了乌鲁木齐-吐鲁番-库尔勒为核心的一级组团、伊宁和喀什为核心的二级组团以及以塔城、哈密和阿克苏为中心的若干三级组团。新疆非遗空间分布受自然因素、经济因素、社会文化因素的综合影响:社会文化因素(0.5494)>经济因素(0.4597)>自然因素(0.2285)。自然因素和经济因素、社会文化因素的协同效应对非遗空间分布的影响更明显。  相似文献   
Seed long-distance dispersal(LDD) events are typically rare, but are important in the population processes that determine large-scale forest changes and the persistence of species in fragmented landscapes. However, previous studies focused on species dispersed via animal-mediated LDD, and ignored those dispersed by wind. The aim of this study was to assess the effects of canopy openness, edge, seed source, and patch tree density on the LDD of seeds by wind in forest. We collected birch seeds, a typical wind-dispersed species, throughout a larch plantation. We then assessed the relationship between birch LDD and each factor that may influence LDD of seeds by wind including distance to edge, canopy openness size, distance to mature forest, and the tree density of the larch plantation. We used univariate linear regression analysis to assess the influence of those factors on birch LDD, and partial correlations to calculate the contribution of each factor to LDD. The results showed that both canopy openness and edge had significant influences on birch LDD. Specifically, a negative relationship was observed between distance to edge and birch LDD, whereas there was a positive correlation between canopy openness size and LDD. In contrast, the distance to the mature forest was not correlated with birch LDD. Our results suggest that patch tree density could potently affect the probability of LDD by wind vectors, which provides novel and revealing insights regarding the effect of fragmentation on wind dynamics. The data also provide compelling evidence for the previously undocumented effect of habitat fragmentation on wind-dispersed organisms. As such, these observations will facilitate reasonable conservation planning, which requires a detailed understanding of the mechanisms by which patch properties hamper the delivery of seeds of wind-dispersed plants to fragmented areas.  相似文献   

中国地震学会地震预报专业委员会和四川省地震局于2023年8月15—19日在四川省康定市联合举办了中国地震预报论坛2023年度学术交流大会,来自全国地震行业内、外8所大学、4个中科院直属科研院所与23个地震行业直属科研院所及省市级分支机构共35个单位的100余名代表参加了此次会议。学术交流设置了12个专题;会前征集到论文96篇,会期交流报告78个,其中口头报告23个,张贴展板55个;23个口头报告中,大会特邀报告6个;从55个张贴报告中,评选出优秀报告6个,最佳设计创意报告1个。为了配合活断层野外识别的科普培训,本次大会将原计划以 “制约地震三要素的因素与地震三要素预报的瓶颈问题” 为主题的大会圆桌讨论改成了 “鲜水河断裂带高震级危险性分析” 的专题培训讲座,讲座之后再适时举行了 “如何强化高危险区的临震监测与临震跟踪预报能力” 的专题讨论。对2022年泸定6.8级地震的交流讨论提出了新的科学问题。大会不仅重视学术交流,还兼顾了科学传播的普及,利用当地的科普资源,因地制宜地组织了为期一天的鲜水河断裂带活动特征的野外识别科普培训。地震预报论坛学术交流大会全体与会代表参加了此次野外实训活动,活动中邀请了著名的鲜水河断裂带活动特征研究专家现场授课,增强了地震预报与地震地质领域的跨学科交流,强化了学术交流的效果。

Surface melt has great impacts on the Greenland Ice Sheet (GrlS) mass balance and thereby has become the focus of significant GrlS research in recent years. The production, transport, and release processes of surface meltwater are the keys to understanding the poten- tial impacts of the GrlS surface melt. These hydrological processes can elucidate the following scientific questions: How much melt- water is produced atop the GrlS? What are the characteristics of the meltwater-formed supraglacial hydrological system? How does the meltwater influence the GrlS motion? The GrlS supraglacial hydrology has a number of key roles and yet continues to be poorly understood or documented. This paper summarizes the current understanding of the GrlS surface melt, emphasizing the three essential supraglacial hydrological processes: (1) meltwater production: surface melt modeling is an important approach to acquire surface melt information, and areas, depths, and volumes of supraglacial lakes extracted from remotely sensed imagery can also provide surface melt information; (2) meltwater transport: the spatial distributions of supraglacial lakes, supraglacial sarams, moulins, and crevasses demonstrate the characteristics of the supraglacial hydrological system, revealing the meltwater transport process; and (3) meltwater release: the release of meltwater into the englacial and the subglacial ice sheet has important but undetermined impacts on the GrlS motion. The correlation between surface runoff and the GrlS motion speed is employed to understand these influences.  相似文献   
本文通过对成都10个重污染日进行天气学分析,将污染浓度与气象要素进行聚类、研究了重污染日形成原因及污染浓度与气象要素的关系。在此基础上,建立了SO_2、TSP日平均浓度分级预报方程。  相似文献   
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