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2021年5月22日2时4分,青海省玛多县发生7.4级地震,距震中26 km的野马滩大桥及周边区域为此次地震极震区(地震烈度Ⅹ度,面积约69 km2),受损尤为严重。桥梁表现为落梁式破坏,房屋不同程度受损。对极震区内野马滩大桥及周边房屋进行实地调查与震灾分析,并提出灾后重建及震灾防御相关建议,包括组织专业人员进行灾区房屋安全鉴定,建议牧民居住建筑采用轻钢式结构,建议原地重建野马滩大桥并增加限位装置及连梁装置。  相似文献   
为了探测苏鲁超高压变质带的岩石圈结构实施了山东日照到滨洲剖面的宽频带地震探测,于2003~2005年使用REFTER130-01型和CMG-6TD型三分量地震仪(频宽50~60s).以10~25km间距布设了25个台站观测近三年时间.由远震地震层析反演结果得到了华北板块、超高压变质带、扬子板块清晰的P波速度图像.华北板块具有简单的低速体形态,越过郯庐断裂向超高压变质带扩张,并平稳地由郯庐断裂向北延伸直到黄河以北的古城镇.Moho面和岩石圈深度分别为30~35km,75~80km;扬子板块为高速体,界于两者之间的苏鲁超高压变质带地壳的平均速度大于两侧板块,剖面上从日照到五莲-烟台断裂范围内除地壳为高速体外,30~60km深度范围内有一个高速体和一个低速体拼会在一起,构成了超高压变质带岩石圈最突出的构造特征.此高速体应为榴辉橄榄岩等超基性岩组成,它可能属于折返回来又被移动的超高压变质岩组合体,并与华北板块基底直接接触,超高压变质带的下界面深度为60km.下界面平直,可能意味着正在消退的造山带的山根,或是造山带的下一层Moho面?郯庐断裂带地壳出露的共四条带,比较陡的产状向深部延伸,并逐步向南倾,TLF2~TLF4在岩石圈底界处合并.  相似文献   
1976年唐山地震发震断裂的活动性研究   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
震后野外考察及航空摄影发现的地裂缝带,说明唐山断裂与1976年唐山7.8级大地震的发震构造有密切关系。用卫星遥感信息和浅层地震勘探结果对唐山断裂的活动性做了新的研究。卫星图像解释结果表明:震前一年多时间内,NE向的唐山断裂被NNW向断裂截切而NWW向断裂受到牵引,因而显示出右旋走滑的活动形迹。浅层地震勘探结果则证明,唐山断裂是倾向NW,高倾角的右旋走滑正断层,它断错了全新统(Q4)、晚更新统(Q3)、中更新统(Q2)和早更新统(Q1)地层  相似文献   
NewEvidenceforEastwardExtensionofLateHercynian-EarlyIndosinianQinlingSeaDuYuansheng;FengQinglai;YinHongfu(FacultyofEarthScien...  相似文献   
利用以色列特拉维夫大学二维面对称分档云模式(two-dimensional slab-symmetric detailed spectral bin microphysical model of Tel Aviv University),对2016年9月4日16:00(北京时)前后我国华东地区的一次暖性浅对流云降水过程进行模拟,模式模拟的强回波中心高度和最大回波强度范围与观测基本一致。并在此基础上进行了小于1 μm的吸湿性核的播撒减雨试验,分别考虑了不同播撒时间、不同播撒高度以及不同播撒剂量的敏感性测试。结果表明:在云的发展阶段早期播撒能起到更好的减雨效果,播撒时间越早对大粒子生长过程的抑制作用越强,随着播撒时间向后推移,受抑制作用最显著的粒径段向小粒径端偏移;在云中心过饱和度大的区域下方进行播撒,减雨效果更加明显,当播撒剂量为350 cm-3时,地面累积降水量减少率可达23.3%;另外,随着播撒剂量的增加,减雨效果更加显著,甚至能达到消雨的效果。因此,在暖性浅对流云中合理地播撒小于1 μm的吸湿性核能达到较好的减雨或消雨效果。  相似文献   
桂林毛村地下河流域雨季与旱季定量示踪分析   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
以典型岩溶地区广西桂林市毛村地下河流域为例,基于在线高分辨率监测进行雨季与旱季定量示踪试验,精细刻画流域内含水介质特征。根据示踪试验研究及毛村地下河系统内地下水的径流和分布特征,可将毛村地下河系统划分为社更岩、扁岩地下河系统,大冲里-背地坪系统和大岩前落水洞-毛村出口系统。这三个子系统分布于毛村流域的上游和下游,其示踪剂浓度历时曲线为陡升陡降的尖峰,地下管道相对单一,无较大岔道和溶潭发育。各段地下河水动力作用以对流作用为主,且水流一般呈现为紊流流态。雨季流速快、流量较大,平均运移时间短,示踪剂回收率比旱季高。流域中游含水介质相对均匀,无管道发育,地下水主要赋存于溶蚀裂隙。   相似文献   
根据1957与1982年两个时期的地形图并结合1995与2008年的遥感卫星影像提取城镇建设用地专题信息,利用ArcGIS建立广佛都市区城镇建设用地数据库,采用分形维度的计算方法,对广佛都市区城市蔓延的情况进行测度和分析。结果表明广佛都市区三个发展阶段城镇建设用地面积增长速度并不均匀,具有加速发展的特点。四个测度年份的分形维数分别为1.645 4,1.628 5,1.558 6和1.527 0,均在1~2之间,分形维数呈递降趋势,总体下降了0.118 4,城市发展模式由紧凑型逐渐向松散型演变,存在城市蔓延情况,而且城市发展模式以年均0.14%的速度从紧凑型向松散型演变。广佛都市区城市蔓延的地域分异较为明显,具有较强的空间集聚性和中心向心性,广州和佛山毗邻地区以及中心城区是城市蔓延的活跃区和集中区,1982-1995年间研究区内蔓延速度比1995-2008年间要快。通过深入分析发现,经济快速发展、城市人口的持续增长、交通道路网络的建设是广佛都市区快速扩张和城市蔓延的基本动力因素之一,开发区土地扩张,进一步加剧了无序扩张和城市蔓延。  相似文献   
对矿产资源开发进行整合是集中解决矿山布局不合理,实现规模化、集约化开发的重要手段,是调整矿业结构、促进矿业经济增长方式转变的有效途径。潍坊市滨海新区通过对卤水资源进行整合,初步实现了卤水资源的规模化开采和集约化经营,并在培育矿业龙头企业的基础上,注重矿业产业链的延伸和完整化,构建生态海洋化工产业集群,从而形成比较优势和核心竞争力,促进区域矿业经济发展。  相似文献   
Quantitative assessment of vulnerability is a core aspect of wetland vulnerability research. Taking Baiyangdian (BYD) wetlands in the North China Plain as a study area and using the ‘cause-result’ model, 23 representative indicators from natural, social, sci-tech and economic elements were selected to construct an indicator system. A weight matrix was obtained by using the entropy weight method to calculate the weight value for each indicator. Based on the membership function in the fuzzy evaluation model, the membership degrees were determined to form a fuzzy relation matrix. Finally, the ecological vulnerability was quantitatively assessed based on the comprehensive evaluation index calculated by using a composite operator to combine the entropy weight matrix with the fuzzy relation matrix. The results showed that the ecological vulnerability levels of the BYD wetlands were comprehensively evaluated as Grade II, Grade Ⅲ, Grade IV, and Grade Ⅲ in 2010, 2011-2013, 2014, and 2015-2017, respectively. The ecological vulnerability of the BYD wetlands increased from low fragility in 2010 to general fragility in 2011-2013, and to high fragility in 2014, reflecting the fact that the wetland ecological condition was degenerating from 2010 to 2014. The ecological vulnerability status then turned back into general fragility during 2015-2017, indicating that the ecological situation of the BYD wetlands was starting to improve. However, the ecological status of the BYD wetlands on the whole is relatively less optimistic. The major factors affecting the ecological vulnerability of the BYD wetlands were found to be industrial smoke and dust emission, wetland water area, ammonia nitrogen, total phosphorus, rate of industrial solid wastes disposed, GDP per capita, etc. This illustrates that it is a systematic project to regulate wetland vulnerability and to protect regional ecological security, which may offer researchers and policy-makers specific clues for concrete interventions.  相似文献   
We examined the effect of solar ultraviolet radiation B (UVB, 280–315 nm) on photosynthesis of natural phytoplankton assemblages in the temperate Changjiang River Estuary (CRE) in the East China Sea (ECS), and the subtropical Zhujiang River Estuary (ZRE) in the South China Sea (SCS) from August 2002 to April 2003. The short-term effect of UVB was assessed by exposing samples in quartz tubes/bottles to solar radiation under three treatments: (1) natural sunlight (NS) with UVB (NS-UVB); (2) photosynthetically active radiation (PAR, NS cut off UVB); and (3) NS with additional artificial UVB (NS + A-UVB). Solar UVB apparently inhibited phytoplankton photosynthesis rates. In the temperate CRE-ECS, solar UVB reduced surface phytoplankton photosynthesis by about 28% in August and February, while in the subtropical ZRE-SCS the inhibition was only 22% in September and October. In the CRE-ECS, phytoplankton in the stratified water column displayed stronger UVB inhibition when deeper water samples were exposed to surface UVB. Phytoplankton in the mixed water column did not show strong UVB inhibition, while light shift exposure of deeper phytoplankton in the same water column to surface light produced similar results, indicating that mixing moderates UVB effects. In the ZRE-SCS, surface phytoplankton showed greater photoinhibition in January (sunny). However, in April (cloudy), phytoplankton showed little UVB inhibition. Incubation for a short time without UVB showed a large increase in Chl a at two stations in the ZRE-SCS, but a large decrease at the other station in the presence of UVB. In contrast, in the CRE-ECS, a similar incubation experiment without UVB showed a decrease in Chl a, and small UVB inhibition of Chl a at two stations. Nutrient conditions might have played a role in the difference of UVB inhibition between the two regions as the ZRESCS had relatively high concentrations of all nutrients while PO4 was only 0.21 μM at one of the CRE-ECS stations. The results suggest that phytoplankton in temperate waters would be more responsive to variation of UVB than ones in subtropical waters.  相似文献   
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