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An abnormally high temperature produces a stress response in turbot causing large economic losses in the turbot aquaculture industry of China.A genetic improvement of the upper thermal tolerance(UTT)of turbot could allow cultured fish to adapt.A genetic evaluation of UTT is required for determining the practicability of including this trait into a breeding program.In this study,data were recorded from a temperature tolerance test conducted on 3 200 individual turbots from 32 full-sib groups.A cross-sectional linear model and a cross-sectional threshold probit model were used to analyze the test-period survival and a cross-sectional threshold logit model was used to analyze the test-day survival.In addition,phenotypic and genetic correlations between body weight and survival data were estimated.The estimated heritability values obtained from the cross-sectional linear model(CSL),the cross-sectional threshold(probit)model(THRp),and the cross-sectional threshold(logit)model(THR1)were 0.247 9±0.108 3,0.288 3±0.161 2,and 0.106 9±0.045 2,respectively.The correlation coefficients among the full-sib family estimated breeding values(EBVs)obtained from the three models were greater than 0.998 6 and all models produced an almost identical family ranking.The accuracies of selection obtained with the CSL,THRp,and THR1 model were0.773 8,0.775 4,and 0.784 4,respectively,the greatest from the THR1 model.The genetic correlations between body weight and survival data EBVs from the CSL,THRp,and THR1 models were 0.020 1,-6.201 1 ×10-4,and-3.115 4×10-4,respectively,and the phenotypic correlations between the two traits were-0.837 1 and-0.667 1,respectively.The findings of this study provide background information to determine the best strategy of selection for the genetic improvement of UTT in turbot.  相似文献   
Zhang  Bailin  Sun  Piling  Jiang  Guanghui  Zhang  Ruijuan  Gao  Jiangbo 《地理学报(英文版)》2019,29(10):1713-1730
Journal of Geographical Sciences - The cultivation of mountainous land results in water loss and soil erosion. With rapid urbanization and industrialization in China, labor emigration relieves the...  相似文献   
全球气候变化导致全球海洋酸化、冰雪融化、气温持续升高、极端天气发生频率增多,进而对社会经济系统产生深远影响。随着气候变化的加剧,抵抗气候风险能力较强的工业领域也遭受了严重的损失。目前,工业领域的脆弱性不断加深,工业经济损失的绝对量也在不断增长,定量评估工业经济损失是制定应对气候变化政策的重要依据,通过梳理当前的研究进展,可以为工业经济的评估提供思路和方法。因此,本文对工业领域受气候变化影响的正负面效应进行概述,发现不同工业部门受到气候变化的影响略有不同,部分区域的采矿业对气温升高的响应为正向,但风暴、干旱以及降雨会破坏采矿业的正常生产经营活动;制造业大多是室内作业,抵抗极端气候的能力相对较强,部分产业反应机制复杂;建筑业的损失多集中在间接损失,通过电力成本提高等反馈;电力、热力及水的生产和供应业在遭受极端气候时会出现传输供应损失,且作为碳排放最大的行业,其减排成本短期内会影响该部门的经济增长。工业部门为了应对气候变化付出了较大的适应和减缓成本,因此通过模型量化评估工业经济的损失,有利于制定合理的政策,保证工业经济平稳有序的增长。  相似文献   
安徽庐枞盆地是长江中下游成矿带的重要矿集区,其深部火山岩基底性质不明,制约了矿产勘探的开展。通过对庐枞火山岩盆地中段1∶5万高精度重磁数据及大地电磁测深数据进行再处理,探讨该区地球物理场的特征及其地质意义。结果表明:庐枞火山岩盆地位于NE向古生代地层褶皱带的“鞍部”,火山岩厚度与重力剩余异常幅值变化具有较好的对应关系;火山岩之下主体为隐伏侵入岩,呈似厚层状,底界面厚度为3~4 km,黄屯—枞阳断裂与罗河断裂是主要的深部岩浆通道。推断盆地内三叠系—石炭系主体被侵位,部分泥盆系—志留系在隐伏侵入岩之下发育。研究成果可为庐枞盆地基础地质研究及找矿预测提供参考。  相似文献   
黑方台马兰黄土固结条件下孔隙变化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
甘肃临夏地区的黑方台由于长期的农业灌溉导致台缘滑坡频发,整个台面普遍下沉3m以上。文章通过原状黄土的增湿固结实验、压汞试验和环境扫描电镜等对黑方台顶部和底部的原状黄土进行孔隙特征的分析。黑方台顶部黄土颗粒排列极为疏松、孔隙较大、黏土含量较低。底部黄土排列较为紧密,具有一定的孔隙,黏土含量较高。顶部黄土在固结实验中,21%含水量的黄土发生孔隙比突降,黄土的微观结构强度此时迅速减小或丧失。然而底部黄土没有发生明显的突变,水敏性不强。利用压汞试验确定了黑方台顶部黄土的孔隙主要压缩区间为孔径大于100m、孔径5~20m之间; 底部黄土的孔隙主要压缩区间为孔径大于100m、孔径1~10m之间。而且孔径小于0.1m的孔隙随含水量的升高具有增加的趋势。  相似文献   
配油套是全液压钻机动力头中重要密封元件,其密封性能直接影响到液压系统的容积效率。通过计算受热、受压作用下的配油套与主轴变形导致的密封间隙变化量,并采用CFD技术对变形后的配油套密封间隙内部流场进行仿真分析,得到配油套密封间隙内压力分布情况,以及配油套泄漏量与工作压力、温度的关系。研究结果对设计配油套工作压力,确定工作温度的适用范围具有参考价值。  相似文献   
影响河北两次相似路径台风的湿位涡对比分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
利用常规的探空和地面资料以及NCEP/NCAR全球再分析资料,对9711号台风温妮和0509号台风麦莎的变性过程和影响河北暴雨过程的湿位涡场进行了诊断分析。结果表明:温妮变性再加强过程是一个温带气旋强烈发展的过程,主要与高层湿位涡扰动下传、热带气旋低压环流两者之间的相互作用有关。而麦莎变性过程中,没有高层湿位涡扰动下传和热带气旋低压环流之间的相互作用过程,无再加强过程。对流层中低层MPV1〈0、MPV2〉0区域对应暴雨区,对此类暴雨具有较好的指示意义;对流层高层高值湿位涡下传,有利于位势不稳定能量的储存和释放,使降水增幅。  相似文献   
As a member of the Chinese modeling groups,the coupled ocean-ice component of the Chinese Academy of Sciences’Earth System Model,version 2.0(CAS-ESM2.0),is taking part in the Ocean Model Intercomparison Project Phase 1(OMIP1)experiment of phase 6 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project(CMIP6).The simulation was conducted,and monthly outputs have been published on the ESGF(Earth System Grid Federation)data server.In this paper,the experimental dataset is introduced,and the preliminary performances of the ocean model in simulating the global ocean temperature,salinity,sea surface temperature,sea surface salinity,sea surface height,sea ice,and Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation(AMOC)are evaluated.The results show that the model is at quasi-equilibrium during the integration of 372 years,and performances of the model are reasonable compared with observations.This dataset is ready to be downloaded and used by the community in related research,e.g.,multi-ocean-sea-ice model performance evaluation and interannual variation in oceans driven by prescribed atmospheric forcing.  相似文献   
为评价滨海地区海(咸)水入侵区不同类型地层渗透性,提出振荡试验适宜模型选择方法。利用Geoprobe系统对不同平面位置地层实施了气压式振荡试验,部分点位进行了分层测试;利用配线法计算地层渗透系数。结果表明:当试验目标层为承压含水层时,利用Butler模型分析欠阻尼振荡试验,KGS模型分析过阻尼振荡试验,均可获得良好的计算结果;当试验目标层为弱透水层时,KGS模型可用于过阻尼振荡试验的数据分析,但计算结果会受到相邻高渗透性含水层以及钻孔编录不准确的影响。地层渗透性等级未知条件下,需根据地层类型、介质岩性、测试井结构和水位恢复过程曲线特征选择适宜的振荡试验分析模型,以准确获取地层渗透系数值。  相似文献   
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