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The rock masses of hydro-fluctuation belt experience seepage pressure following impoundment in the Three Gorges Reservoir; its creep behaviors are significant for reservoir bank slopes. To study the creep behaviors under seepage pressure (0, 1.45, and 1.75 MPa), we performed creep tests using representative landslide sandstone in the Three Gorges Reservoir and investigated the sandstone creep behaviors under the coupling effects of seepage pressure and stress. Previous researches on rocks have usually regarded the creep constitutive parameter as a constant; however, in this study, a nonlinear, nonstationary, plastic-viscous (NNPV) creep model which can describe the curve of sandstone creep tests is proposed. The rock-creep parameters under three levels of seepage pressure were identified, and theoretical curves using the NNPV model agreed well with the experimental data, indicating that the new model cannot only describe the primary creep and secondary creep stages under varying seepage pressures but also, in particular, perfectly describes the tertiary creep stage. Finally, the sensitivity of the NNPV model parameters is analyzed, and the result shows that the nonstationary coefficient α and the nonlinear coefficient m are main parameters affecting the tertiary creep stage.  相似文献   
Bastnäsite is the end member of a large group of carbonate–fluoride minerals with the common formula (REE) CO3F·CaCO3. This group is generally widespread and, despite never occurring in large quantities, represents the major economic light rare earth element (LREE) mineral in deposits related to carbonatite and alkaline intrusions. Since bastnäsite is easily altered and commonly contains inclusions of earlier‐crystallised minerals, in situ analysis is considered the most suitable method to measure its U‐Th‐Pb and Sr‐Nd isotopic compositions. Electron probe microanalysis and laser ablation (multi‐collector) inductively coupled plasma‐mass spectrometry of forty‐six bastnäsite samples from LREE deposits in China, Pakistan, Sweden, Mongolia, USA, Malawi and Madagascar indicate that this mineral typically has high Th and LREE and moderate U and Sr contents. Analysis of an in‐house bastnäsite reference material (K‐9) demonstrated that precise and accurate U‐Th‐Pb ages could be obtained after common Pb correction. Moreover, the Th‐Pb age with its high precision is preferable to the U‐Pb age because most bastnäsites have relatively high Th rather than U contents. These results will have significant implications for understanding the genesis of endogenous ore deposits and formation processes related to metallogenic geochronology research.  相似文献   
四川盆地中二叠统栖霞组勘探发现系列油气,资源潜力巨大。但广安地区中二叠统栖霞组的岩石学特征及沉积环境研究薄弱。在野外地质调查的基础上,结合室内岩石学、岩相学等综合分析,对广安地区栖霞组碳酸盐岩岩石特征、沉积相类型及其古地理展布特征进行了系统研究。结果表明:广安地区栖霞组主要发育亮晶颗粒灰岩、亮晶生物碎屑灰岩、微晶生物碎屑灰岩、微晶颗粒灰岩、生物碎屑微晶灰岩、含生物碎屑微晶灰岩和泥晶灰岩7种岩石类型;碳酸盐岩颗粒主要以生物碎屑为主,部分层位发育球粒;古生物化石以三叶虫、腕足和有孔虫为主,同时可见棘皮类和藻类;栖霞组沉积期主要为碳酸盐岩台地沉积环境,其中栖霞组晚期(栖二段)台缘滩和台内滩较为发育,为该区油气成藏提供了有利条件。  相似文献   
瞬变电磁法(transient electromagnetic method,TEM)是金属矿探查的有效手段。超导瞬变电磁法采用高灵敏度低温超导量子干涉器件(superconducting quantum interference device,SQUID)直接接收瞬变电磁二次场,具有本征噪声低(5~7 fT/√Hz)和带宽大(>200 kHz)等特点,勘探浅层分辨率高、探测深度大,优势明显。本文将SQUID系统与商用EM67系统进行了异常环对比实验,验证了以SQUID代替感应线圈作为接收装置的优势与实用性;将该方法应用于内蒙古四子王旗大井坡北部区域的电磁勘探工作,获取了高质量探测数据,反演结果显示浅层和中深层(> 2 000 m)为连续性低阻层;在已有地质资料和物探资料的基础上,结合反演结果可知,测线附近浅层500 m存在北东向断裂带,并推断深部2 000 m处分布着同向断裂带。  相似文献   
In this paper, 183 chemical analyses of clinopyroxenes are collected from mantle-derived inclusions inCenozoic basalts of eastern China. Through synthetic studies of the relevant data, their mineral chemistry andgeological significance are discussed. Based on the composition fo clinopyroxenes the authors conclude that theCenozoic upper mantle in eastern China is of the continental, primitive, metasomatic and high-temperaturetypes and is related to rift structural environment and variation in composition of basalts. The geobarometry ofclinopyroxenes indicates that Cenozoic basalts of eastern China are derived from the asthenosphere and thatthe average depth of faults progressively increases from south to north and from east to west.  相似文献   
作者通过对我国东部新生代玄武岩中巨晶Cpx的109个样品的化学成分的统计、计算及投影,研究了Cpx巨晶的产状、物性及矿物化学的主要特征,并对其成因信息提出了自己的看法。Cpx巨晶的成分以A1_2O_3、A1~(v1)较高而Ti、Mg'中等为特征。但在“反应边”中,A1_2O_3、Na_2O、A1、A1~(v1)则明显降低。我国巨晶以普通辉石为主,而透辉石、次透辉石及顽透辉石少见。国内不同地区的Cpx巨晶成分也略有不同:华南区巨晶的Wo较高而A1_2O_3较低;华北区Fs、A1_2O_3较高;而东北区En较高而A1_2O_3中等。有关Cpx巨晶的成因信息,作者的观点是:(1)巨晶Cpx是寄主玄武岩浆在上地幔中结晶的产物,而不是地幔解体的捕虏晶。(2)我国巨晶Cpx的结晶温度是1021—1209℃,压力为1.4—3.2GPa,所以,Cpx巨晶的结晶深度为48—104Km。(3)我国东部新生代玄武岩均产于大陆板块内部,以碱性玄武岩成分为主,而拉斑玄武岩较少。  相似文献   
东昆仑驼路沟钴(金)矿床是青海省发现的首个独立大型喷流沉积型矿床,说明容矿围岩为一套海相火山-沉积岩系。本文在野外调查的基础上,对该矿区短沟矿段YM1坑口的硅质钠长岩进行岩石学、LA-ICP-MS锆石UPb年代学及Hf同位素分析。结果表明,区内钠长岩的形成年龄为(457.3±4.6)Ma,佐证了该矿区喷流作用成岩与成矿的同时性;另外获得9.20~1.10 Ga和2.40~2.50 Ga的2个年龄集中区,说明了研究区基底演化和源区物质的复杂性。Hf同位素显示为两个集中区,其中年龄峰值422~459 Ma的锆石获得εHf(t)值为-0.61~12.72,表明锆石母岩主要为新生的地壳物质,指示硅质钠长岩的形成与海底火山喷发作用密切相关;另外0.85~1.10 Ga的锆石εHf(t)值为-15.09~-0.07,其锆石母岩中主要为再造的古老地壳,表明该区基底源区物质的复杂性。通过区域对比分析,认为驼路沟矿区含矿火山-沉积岩系形成时代与钠长岩年龄、成矿年龄非常接近,喷流沉积时代应为晚奥陶世。  相似文献   
扬子克拉通北缘中元古代—新元古代地质构造演化一直是地学界研究的热点。本文报道了大别造山带红安地块康家湾混杂岩中榴闪岩岩块和含石榴子石白云钠长片岩基质中锆石U-Pb年龄和Hf同位素组成。结果表明,康家湾混杂岩中榴闪岩岩块的原岩形成时间为1064±10 Ma,且经历了183±3 Ma的流体作用过程;中元古代锆石Hf同位素组成(εHf(t)=4.7~12.3)接近当时的亏损地幔值,指示榴闪岩原岩(玄武质岩石)可能来自亏损的地幔源区部分熔融作用;混杂基质中碎屑锆石年龄谱可大致分为2576 Ma、2065~1698 Ma、1071~560 Ma和254~156 Ma四组,暗示其物源可能主要来自于近源的秦岭-大别造山带前寒武纪基底;基质中最年轻的岩浆锆石年龄为~240 Ma,表明康家湾混杂岩的最终就位时间可能在晚三叠世到早侏罗世之间。综合秦岭-大别造山带新元古代构造演化过程,本研究认为大别造山带红安地块与扬子克拉通庙湾蛇绿岩、神农架弧等共同构成了一套中元古代末期—新元古代早期岛弧增生造山体系,从而支持扬子克拉通可能由一系列微陆块逐渐拼合而成。  相似文献   
Since the 1980s, there have been continuous increases in the coverage of marine protected areas (MPAs) in China, and a total of 158 MPAs have been declared. The MPA system in China is characterized by (1) decentralised designation and management with reduced control from the central government; (2) a dominance of de jure fully protected MPAs that are often implemented as de facto multiple-use areas; and (3) a lack of objective evaluation processes. To improve China's MPA system requires an appropriate integration of fully protected and multiple-use MPAs, and an approach that balances the advantages of top-down and bottom-up approaches.  相似文献   
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