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利用第29次南极科考期间在普里兹湾海区释放的8个Argos漂流浮标所获的总计662 d的数据,对普里兹湾及其邻近海域的表层海流特征进行了分析,并和以前的研究结果进行对比,结果表明:普里兹湾西部和北部表层海流基本呈现向西的流动,说明此地区的表层海流以沿南极大陆的逆时针沿岸流为主。普里兹湾东部海流呈现先向南再向西或先向南再向北的流动,普里兹湾西北部海流呈现向南的流动。8个浮标平均流速在0.02—0.20 m·s~(-1)之间,最大流速为1.57 m·s~(-1),流速1.0 m·s~(-1)的大流速区主要集中在普里兹湾、克洛斯角外侧、达恩利角外侧海域,流速1.5 m·s~(-1)的大流速区只出现在普里兹湾、克洛斯角外侧两处海域。 相似文献
基于GIS的地震应急态势标绘技术研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
提出了地震应急态势标绘元素的分类体系,并设计基于此体系的态势标绘元素的可视化符号库,此符号库包括:基元符号层、单元符号层和表现符号层。研究了态势标绘元素基于GIS的显示方法与实现流程,采用基于哈希表的虚拟图层控制器实现态势符号的显示管理。建设南京市地震突发事件救灾应急平台,在平台中实现态势标绘模块。通过实际应急演练,验证了本研究的态势标绘技术的可行性和有效性。 相似文献
地壳上层的结构特征和变形样式在垂直方向上的变化远远大于其在水平维度上的分异。川东褶皱带自晚古生代以来地史演化统一、地层展布稳定,之后新生代盆、山演化分异幅度较大,使得不同深度的地层和基底得以出露,不同地壳深度层次的构造样式得以展示,这为研究应力的垂向分异,提供了很好的条件。本文基于地壳垂直方向上变形几何的不守恒、构造脱耦以及构造层次的概念,通过野外构造现象的详细解析、野外脆性破裂产状统计、断裂之间交切关系以及活动性质观察等综合分析,结合遥感图像研究,对川东褶皱区隔挡式褶皱和隔槽式褶皱形成提出了新的解释模型。以华蓥山与齐岳山为界,川东褶皱带被分为3个呈叠置关系的区域。研究表明华蓥山以西(Ⅰ区)没有发生强烈的构造变形,变形深度最小(<2 km); 华蓥山与齐岳山之间(Ⅱ区)构造样式为在北北东向剪切作用下形成的陡立构造面理,变形深度为2~5 km; 而齐岳山以东(Ⅲ区)的构造样式是发育轴向北东的宽缓褶曲,变形深度为4~6.6 km。研究分析后得出,川东褶皱带在晚古生代以来,没有经历过大幅度的地壳垂向运动和明显的旋转运动,而白垩纪以后,发育了早期北北东向和晚期北东向的两期构造变形。Ⅱ、Ⅲ两区的构造样式发育于同一应力场(北西-南东主应力场),而晚期北东向断裂活动是形成上述3个区域呈现出断块并置的原因。另外,由于后期不同断块抬升和剥露的差异,使3个区域迥异的构造样式呈现在地表。这一认识对研究油气相关的构造圈闭、固体多金属矿产相关的矿床深度问题以及大地构造学等问题都有创新意义。 相似文献
????TEQC????????GPS????????????????????????????????????м????????????????MP1??MP2??CSR?????????????????IGS??????????????????飬?ó???1????????????????????????з??????仯,???????????仯?????,??????????????????????????????????????Χ?????????????Χ?????????£?2?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????и???????????????3??“????”?????30????????90%????IGS????????????????????????????Χ?????????????? 相似文献
徐晖 《武汉大学学报(信息科学版)》1990,15(1):1-11
在假定形变区域为分块连续弹性体的基础上,本文提出一个所谓虚拟形变速率参数形变模型,由它的特例可推出常见的单点位移形变模型。之后又讨论和研究了平面监测网的观测数据滤波问题,设计出一个虚拟形变速率参数卡尔曼滤波器,具体做了这几项工作:(1)在所提出的形变模型下,推导出平面监测网的状态方程;(2)解决了初始状态及其方差阵的估计问题;(3)在极大似然的原则下,得到了动态噪声方差阵的逐次修正公式。在对两个模拟网的几种不同方案进行试算之后,本文提出了几点结论和建议。 相似文献
在30kbar和900℃条件下,用等化学计量氧化物混合物合成了11个斜方辉石系列的样品,并对合成的样品进行了X射线粉晶分析和红外光谱分析。分析结果表明,晶胞参数和红外光谱随化学成分的改变而产生复杂的变化。不仅晶胞参数b和M而且频率ν_(670cm)-1和M之间存在很好的线性相关关系,通过用最小二乘法所拟合的相关方程可容易地测定斜方辉石的成分,但是α和c与M之间只有较差的线性关系,而ν_(450cm)-1和M以及ν_(380cm)-1和M之间并无简单的线性相关关系,这可归因于Fe~(2+)在M_1和M_2位置的有序分布。 相似文献
The environment evolution of Wuliangsuhai wetland since 1986 is analyzed based on the remote sensing principle. The total water area of Wuliangsuhai lake has been increased during the past 17 years. The open water area had an increasing trend before 1987, and the trend was decreasing up to 1996, then the trend has increased again since 2000; the variation of the water area with dense aquatic weed is basically contradictory to the variation of open water area. The natural reed area had been decreased before 1987, and then it has been increased. The areas of shallow water and swamp have been slightly increased, in fact, the variations are quite steady. The artificial reed area has been increased since the reed plantation was started in 1988. The relationships of the water environment, the climate, hydrology and different types of areas are discussed, and then the technological measures for sustainable development and utilization of Wuliangsuhai lake water environment are proposed. 相似文献
Longfei Han Youpeng Xu Chaogui Lei Liu Yang Xiaojun Deng Chunsheng Hu Guanglai Xu 《地理学报(英文版)》2016,26(6):694-706
Evolution of river systems under the background of human activities has been a heated topic among geographers and hydrologists. Spatial and temporal variations of river systems during the 1960s–2010s in the Yangtze River Delta (YRD) were investigated based on streams derived from the topographic maps in the 1960s, 1980s and 2010s. A list of indices, drainage density (Dd), water surface ratio (WSR), ratio of area to length of main streams (R), evolution coefficient of tributaries (K) and box dimension (D), were classified into three types (quantitative, structural, and complex indices) and used to quantify the variations of stream structure. Results showed that: (1) quantitative indices (Dd, WSR) presented decreasing trend in the past 50 years, and Dd in Wuchengxiyu, Hangjiahu and Yindongnan have decreased most, about 20%. Structurally, the Qinhuai River basin was characterized by significant upward R, and K value in Hangjiahu went down dramatically by 46.8% during the 1960s–2010s. Decreasing tendency in D was found dominating across the YRD, and decreasing magnitude in Wuchengxiyu and Hangjiahu peaks for 7.8% and 6.5%, respectively in the YRD. (2) Urbanization affected the spatial pattern of river system, and areas with high level of urbanization exhibited least Dd (2.18 km/km2), WSR (6.52%), K (2.64) and D (1.42), compared to moderate and low levels of urbanization. (3) Urbanization also affected the evolution of stream system. In the past 50 years, areas with high level of urbanization showed compelling decreasing tendency in quantitative (27.2% and 19.3%) and complex indices (4.9%) and trend of enlarging of main rivers (4.5% and 7.9% in periods of the 1960s–1980s and the 1980s–2010s). In the recent 30 years, areas with low level of urbanization were detected with significant downward trend in Dd and K. (4) Expanding of urban land, construction of hydraulic engineering and irrigation and water conservancy activities were the main means which degraded the river system in the YRD. 相似文献