Isotopic measurements in polar ice core have shown a succession of rapid warming periods during the last glacial period over Greenland. However, this method underestimates the surface temperature variations. A new method based on gas thermal diffusion in the firn manages to quantify surface temperature variations through associated isotopic fractionations. We developed a method to extract air from the ice and to perform isotopic measurements to reduce analytical uncertainties to 0.006 and 0.020 for δ15N and δ40Ar. It led to a 16±1.5 °C surface temperature variation during a rapid warming ( yr). To cite this article: A. Landais et al., C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004).相似文献
On a global scale, peridotitic garnet inclusions in diamonds from the subcratonic lithosphere indicate an evolution from strongly sinusoidal REEN, typical for harzburgitic garnets, to mildly sinusoidal or “normal” patterns (positive slope from LREEN to MREEN, fairly flat MREEN–HREEN), typical for lherzolitic garnets. Using the Cr-number of garnet as a proxy for the bulk rock major element composition it becomes apparent that strong LREE enrichment in garnet is restricted to highly depleted lithologies, whereas flat or positive LREE–MREE slopes are limited to less depleted rocks. For lherzolitic garnet inclusions, there is a positive relation between equilibration temperature, enrichment in MREE, HREE and other HFSE (Ti, Zr, Y), and decreasing depletion in major elements. For harzburgitic garnets, relations are not linear, but it appears that lherzolite style enrichment in MREE–HREE only occurs at temperatures above 1150–1200 °C, whereas strong enrichment in Sr is absent at these high temperatures. These observations suggest a transition from melt metasomatism (typical for the lherzolitic sources) characterized by fairly unfractionated trace and major element compositions to metasomatism by CHO fluids carrying primarily incompatible trace elements. Melt and fluid metasomatism are viewed as a compositional continuum, with residual CHO fluids resulting from primary silicate or carbonate melts in the course of fractional crystallization and equilibration with lithospheric host rocks.
Eclogitic garnet inclusions show “normal” REEN patterns, with LREE at about 1× and HREE at about 30× chondritic abundance. Clinopyroxenes approximately mirror the garnet patterns, being enriched in LREE and having chondritic HREE abundances. Positive and negative Eu anomalies are observed for both garnet and clinopyroxene inclusions. Such anomalies are strong evidence for crustal precursors for the eclogitic diamond sources. The trace element composition of an “average eclogitic diamond source” based on garnet and clinopyroxene inclusions is consistent with derivation from former oceanic crust that lost about 10% of a partial melt in the garnet stability field and that subsequently experienced only minor reenrichment in the most incompatible trace elements. Based on individual diamonds, this simplistic picture becomes more complex, with evidence for both strong enrichment and depletion in LREE.
Trace element data for sublithospheric inclusions in diamonds are less abundant. REE in majoritic garnets indicate source compositions that range from being similar to lithospheric eclogitic sources to strongly LREE enriched. Lower mantle sources, assessed based on CaSi–perovskite as the principal host for REE, are not primitive in composition but show moderate to strong LREE enrichment. The bulk rock LREEN–HREEN slope cannot be determined from CaSi–perovskites alone, as garnet may be present in these shallow lower mantle sources and then would act as an important host for HREE. Positive and negative Eu anomalies are widespread in CaSi–perovskites and negative anomalies have also been observed for a majoritic garnet and a coexisting clinopyroxene inclusion. This suggests that sublithospheric diamond sources may be linked to old oceanic slabs, possibly because only former crustal rocks can provide the redox gradients necessary for diamond precipitation in an otherwise reduced sublithospheric mantle. 相似文献
As the latest drought has swept over the southwestern United States, most local and regional water providers have had to rely on ground water to meet their water demands as surface water supplies have diminished. In areas near major population centers this situation has continued to put strain and stress on already over-drafted regional aquifers. Metropolitan centers throughout the southwestern United States, as exemplified by Las Vegas, Nevada; Phoenix and Tucson, Arizona; and El Paso, Texas, have a history of over drafting their available ground water resources. How these stressed aquifers should be managed is an urgent issue. In El Paso, Texas long-term groundwater mining in the transboundary Hueco bolson aquifer has resulted in large water level drawdowns within the basin, particularly in several well fields. This situation has promoted the intrusion of brackish water into fresh water zones, and consequently reduced the volume of fresh water stored in the aquifer. Management of this aquifer is made more complex as the water resources of the region are shared across the United States/Mexico boundary and the transboundary region continues to grow rapidly. This paper describes the current situation within the Hueco bolson due to over drafting and continued reliance on the fresh water in storage and describes how understanding the dynamics of the aquifer as a complex system can offer managerial perspectives that can be used to establish operational procedures and programs for bringing drawdowns into equilibrium, increasing the longevity of the aquifer, gradually restoring water quality, and offering the hope of utilization of the resource in a sustainable manner.
Resumen A medida que la última sequía ha pasado ligeramente sobre el suroeste de Estados Unidos la mayoría de abastecedores locales y regionales de agua han tenido que depender del agua subterránea para satisfacer sus demandas de agua debido a que las fuentes de agua superficial han disminuido. En áreas cerca de centros poblados principales esta situación ha continuado ejerciendo presión en los ya sobre explotados acuíferos regionales. Los centros metropolitanos en todo el suroeste de Estados Unidos, por ejemplo Las Vegas, Nevada; Fénix y Tucson, Arizona; y El Paso, Texas tienen una historia de sobre explotar los recursos de agua subterránea disponibles.La gestión de estos acuíferos estresados constituye un problema urgente. En El Paso, Texas el minado de agua subterránea a largo plazo en el acuífero transnacional Hueco bolsón ha resultado en varios campos de pozos. Esta situación ha promovido la intrusión de agua salobre hacia zonas con agua fresca y reducido consecuentemente el volumen de agua fresca almacenado en el acuífero. El manejo de este acuífero se hace más complejo debido a que los recursos hídricos de la región son compartidos a través del límite Estados Unidos/México y la región transnacional continúa creciendo rápidamente. Este artículo describe la situación actual dentro del Hueco bolsón debido a la sobre explotación y continua dependencia en el agua fresca almacenada y describe como el entendimiento de la dinámica del acuífero como un sistema complejo puede ofrecer perspectivas de gestión que pueden utilizarse para establecer procedimientos operacionales y programas que conduzcan al equilibrio de los descensos, aumentando la longevidad del acuífero, gradualmente restaurando la calidad del agua, y ofreciendo la esperanza de utilizar el recurso de manera sostenible.
Résumé Alors que la dernière sécheresse a atteint toute la partie Sud-Ouest des Etats-Unis, la plus part des distributeurs deau, locaux et régionaux, doivent sapprovisionner en eau souterraine dés lors que les niveaux des eaux de surface ont diminués. Dans les zones proches des grands centres densément peuplés, cette situation a continuée a altérée des aquifères déjà surexploités. Les centres métropolitains du Sud-Ouest des Etats-Unis (Las Vegas dans le Nevada, Phoenix et Tucson dans lArizona, El Paso au Texas) sont connus historiquement pour surexploités leurs ressources en eaux souterraines. Il devient urgent de définir un mode de gestion de ses aquifères surexploités. A El Paso dans le Texas, le minage de laquifère transfrontalier engendre un rabattement important dans le bassin, et plus particulièrement autour des zones de captage. Cette situation a induit lintrusion deaux saumâtres dans des zones deaux douces, et a par conséquent réduit le volume deau douce stockée et exploitable dans laquifère. La gestion de cet aquifère est par ailleurs complexifiée par la situation transfrontalière, dautant que la zone frontalière connaît une croissance rapide. Cet article décrit la situation actuelle dans la vallée fermée du Hueco, due au sur-rabattement et à lexploitation continue des eaux douces, et décrit comment la compréhension de laquifère, vu comme un système complexe, peut offrir des perspectives de gestion amenant à des procédures opérationnelles et à des programmes à long terme permettant de ramener à léquilibre la baisse des niveaux deau. Ainsi la longévité de laquifère sera mieux garantie, la qualité de leau sera graduellement restaurée et lutilisation de leau respectera le souci de développement durable.
The gulf pipefish,Syngnathus scovelli, is the dominant syngnathid found in coastal regions of the Gulf of Mexico and is the only species in this region known to
occur in both freshwater and saltwater habitats. Relatively little is known about the population and reproductive cycles ofS. scovelli, particularly for those found in low salinity environments. The focus of the current study was to collect population structure
and reproductive data forS. scovelli from a low salinity habitat, Meaher Park, located at the mouth of Mobile Bay, Alabama. Sampling was conducted twice a month
from January 2003 to January 2004. Environmental parameters, as well as population and reproductive parameters, were collected.
Water temperature was the primary abiotic factor associated with both the appearance ofS. scovelli and their breeding cycle. Based on gonadosomatic (GSI) and brood pouch somatic indices (BPSI), females and males were reproductively
active throughout the summer. Peaks in male GSI and BPSI were consistent with the subsequent appearance of a large number
of juveniles in early fall. These event coincided with the higher temperatures seen during late summer and early fall. Sex
ratios (male : female 1 : 1.64) and operational sex ratios (1 : 4.09) indicated that this was a female biased population.
Although there was no difference in the average size of males and females in this population, the largest individuals collected
were female. The female-biased sex ratio supports previous genetic analyses suggesting thatS. scovelli exhibits true sex-role reversal and that operational sex ratios are a reliable indicator of the intensity of mating competition
and sex roles. 相似文献
Plasma PFCs were measured in 157 bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) sampled from two US southeast Atlantic sites (Charleston (CHS), SC and Indian River Lagoon (IRL), FL) during 2003-2005. ∑PFCs, perfluoroalkyl carboxylates (∑PFCAs), perfluoroalkyl sulfonates (∑PFSAs) and individual compounds were significantly higher in CHS dolphins for all age/sex categories compared to IRL dolphins. Highest ∑PFCs concentrations occurred in CHS juvenile dolphins (2340 ng/g w.w.); significantly higher than found in adults (1570 ng/g w.w. males; 1330 ng/g w.w. females). ∑PFCAs were much greater in CHS dolphins (≈ 21%) compared to IRL dolphins (≈ 7%); ∑PFSAs were 79% in CHS dolphins versus 93% in IRL dolphins. PFOS, the dominant compound, averaged 72% and 84%, respectively, in CHS and IRL dolphins. Decreasing PFC levels occurred with age on the bioaccumulation of PFCs in both sites. These observations suggest PFC accumulation in these two dolphin populations are influenced by site-specific exposures with significantly higher levels in CHS dolphins. 相似文献
This paper examines fluctuations in water level over a Caribbean reef flat at Punta Galeta, Panamá. In an analysis of approximately ten years of records, the mean diurnal range of the tides was 24·5 cm and varied <2 cm from year to year. Daily mean water levels varied erratically over a range of approximately 30 cm. Monthly mean water levels fluctuated seasonally over a range of about 10 cm and were consistently higher than those at the regional tidal reference station at Cristóbal. On days with more wave action, water levels at Galeta increased relative to those at Cristóbal, suggesting that waves were ‘pumping’ water onto the reef flat. The monthly mean water levels at the two sites were not correlated, indicating that tidal data from conventional stations in deeper water cannot be extrapolated to reef flats, except as estimates of minimum potential water levels.Most of the reef flat was within 6 cm vertical span just below mean lower low water. The highest elevations within this range were exposed above water level for an average of 918 hours per year, as compared with 144 hours per year at the lowest elevation. Most exposures lasted less than 10 hours, with a modal duration of 3–5 hours; however, exposures longer than 12 hours occurred at nearly all elevations in all years. Exposures of the reef flat were most frequent between February and June and between August and November, a pattern apparently caused by a combination of seasonal oscillations of regional sea levels, the annual pattern of the solstitial tides, and waves generated by seasonal trade winds.The fluctuations in water levels apparently affected the abundances of some species of sea urchins on the reef flat. Populations of Lytechinus variegatus and Diadema antillarum declined or disappeared from the reef flat during seasons of repeated subaerial exposures, but recolonized the habitat in periods of higher water levels. Although they are reported to suffer heavy mortality during emersion, Echinometra lucunter and E. viridis did not exhibit reductions in abundance that were synchronous with the seasonal exposures of the reef flat. 相似文献