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针对城市公共设施的传统选址方法较少考虑空间维度因素的问题,该文提出了基于地理信息系统(GIS)多准则的城市公共设施选址模型,利用GIS多准则技术基于空间维度分析了城市自然环境和人文要素等综合影响下的公共设施选址方法,并以城市垃圾楼选址为例进行了实例应用。实验结果表明:该方法不仅充分考虑了城市复杂的地理环境,还深度探究了影响城市公共设施选址的综合性因素。  相似文献   
基于WACCM+DART的临近空间SABER和MLS臭氧观测同化试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究在WACCM+DART(Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model,Data Assimilation Research Test-Bed)临近空间资料同化预报系统中加入SABER(Sounding of the Atmosphere using Broadband Emission Radiometry)和MLS(Microwave Limb Sounder)臭氧观测同化接口,并以2016年2月一次平流层爆发性增温(SSW)过程为模拟个例进行了SABER和MLS臭氧观测同化试验,得出以下结论:同化SABER和MLS臭氧体积浓度观测得出的WACCM+DART臭氧分析场能够较真实反映SSW期间北极上空平流层臭氧廓线随时间的演变特征,且与ERA5(Fifth Generation of ECMWF Reanalyses)再分析资料描述的臭氧变化特征具有很好的一致性;基于SABER和MLS臭氧观测的WACCM臭氧6 h预报检验表明同化臭氧观测对臭氧分析和预报误差的改善效果主要体现在南半球高纬平流层和北半球中高纬平流层中上层-中间层底部;基于ERA5再分析资料的WACCM+DART分析场检验表明同化SABER和MLS臭氧体积浓度资料可在提高北半球高纬地区上平流层-中间层底部臭氧场分析质量的同时减小该地区上平流层-中间层底部温度场和中间层底部纬向风场的分析误差;基于MLS臭氧资料的臭氧中期预报检验表明相对控制试验同化SABER和MLS臭氧体积浓度资料能更好改善0~5 d下平流层和中间层底部臭氧的预报效果。  相似文献   
通过对陕西省各实习基地地学实习内容、模式与特点的分析,在分析系统框架、开发方式、开发平台等的基础上,探索建立基于WebGIS的地学实习教辅系统,并对主要功能模块的具体实现方法进行研究。结果表明,利用WebGIS、Java EE、HTML/CSS及ArcGIS图像编辑等技术实现地学实习教辅系统的开发,可对陕西省各实习地点教学素材进行有效管理、教学实习地点展现,并提供师生互动交流平台。  相似文献   
Effects of hypoxia on the dopamine concentration and the immune response of White Shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei were studied. The results showed that hypoxia had significant effects on the concentration of dopamine (DA) in the haemolymph, haemocyte count, phenoloxidase activity, phagocytic activity of haemocytes and bacteriolytic and antibacterial activity in the haemolvmph (P<0.05). The concentration of the dopamine in haemolymph reached its maximum in the 3.0 and 1.5mgL-1 DO groups at 12h and 6h, and then returned to normal after 24h and 12h, respectively. All immune parameters decreased with the reduction of dissolved oxygen. Total haemocyte count (THC), the hyaline cells and semi-granular cells in the 3.0mgL-1 DO group became stable after 12h,while granular cells did so after 24h, The THC and different haemocyte count (DHC) in the 1.5mgL-1 DO group became stable alter 24h. Phenoloxidase activity and bacteriolytic activity in the 3.0 and 1.5mgL-1 DO groups reached their stable levels after 24 h and 12 h respectively, while phagocytic activity and antibacterial activity became stable after 24 and 12, and 36 and 24 It, respec-tively. It was also indicated that the changes of dopamine concentrations in haemolymph, haemocyte count and phenoloxidase activ-ity were obviously related to the exposure time under hypoxic conditions.  相似文献   
Evaporation (E) rate and precipitation (P) rate are two significant meteorological elements required in the ocean baroclinic modeling as external forcings. However, there are some uncertainties in the currently used E/P rates datasets, especially in terms of the data quality. In this study, we collected E/P rates data from ERA-40, NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis, HOAPS for the Bohai Sea and nine routine stations around Laizhou Bay, and made comparisons among them. It was found that the differences in E/P rates between land and sea are remarkable, which was due to the difference in underlying surfaces. Therefore, the traditional way of using E/P rates acquired on land directly at sea is not correct. Since no final conclusion has been reached concerning the net water transport between the Bohai Sea and the Yellow Sea, it is unfeasible to judge the adequacy of the four kinds of data by using the water budget equation. However, the E/P rates at ERA-40 sea points were considered to be the optimal in terms of temporal/spatial coverage and resolution for the hindcast of salinity variation in the Bohai Sea. Besides, using the 3-D hydrodynamic model HAMSOM (HAMburg Shelf Ocean Model), we performed numerical experiments with different E/P datasets and found that the E/P rates at sea points from ERA-40 dataset are better than those from NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis dataset. If NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis E/P rates are to be used, they need to be adjusted and tested prior to simulation so that more close-to-reality salinity values can be reproduced.  相似文献   
应用ESDA并结合标准差指数(S)、变异系数(V)等方法,从空间相关的视角分析新疆各县市农林牧渔业人均产值的空间差异。结果显示:以农林牧渔业人均产值来计算的新疆县域间的农林牧渔业人均产值呈现北疆高于东疆、南疆的空间差异。2003-2012年间:新疆县域农林牧渔业人均产值的空间自相关测度Moran's I呈曲线性增减态势,表明农林牧渔业人均产值的空间集聚性呈曲线性波动,但农林牧渔业人均产值的年增长率逐年上升。从局部自相关分析来看,区域间呈现两个极端化较为明显,说明新疆农林牧渔业人均产值在空间分布上具有不均衡性。  相似文献   
Water level fluctuation of is an important ecological character of lakes in monsoon climate zone.It is the key driver to seasonal change of the wetlands and associated habitats,which provide vital inhabiting conditions for different species in summer and winter,or,wet season and dry season.Due the hydrologic regime changes in the recent years after the operation of Three Gorges Dam,in 2012,the government of Hunan province proposed Chenglingji Hydraulic Project,aiming at water level control in dry season at Chenglingji,where the outlet of Dongting Lake located.Through different operations on water retreat process,five scenarios on the water level control from 21 m to 24 m were set in the plan.The potential ecological impacts of the project are under enormous public concern.To analyze potential impacts from different scenarios of water level control on the wetlands,this paper studied the topography of Dongting Lake bed and wetlands in dry season,by using Digital Elevation Model(DEM)and 15 images from HJ satellite and 1 image from Landsat TM.The wetlands at water levels of 19 m to 27 m were analyzed.The study revealed that there were 4 terrain steps on Dongting Lake bed from the West Dongting Lake to East Dongting Lake.Water level control at Chenglingji would increase area of open water in East Dongting Lake and Hengling Lake areas,while its effect on South Dongting Lake and West Dongting Lake areas due to higher terrain was weaker.Particularly,the area percentages of South Dongting Lake area did not change with water level fluctuation,due to its 2 elevation steps.The area percentages of various types of the wetlands in Dongting Lake area during the processes of water level rising and retreating were quite different,even in the relatively close water level interval.The retreating area of open water in autumn was larger than that during the spring flooding.The 23 m was the key water level,a turning point of the area change of the wetlands in Dongting Lake area.Areas of open water,mudflat,meadows and their percentages changed significantly at water levels above 23 meters,with increasing of open water area and shrinking of meadow area,their areas would decrease 30 000 ha.As the key habitats for wintering geese,the area of meadows was from near 70 000 ha to 10 000 ha.Among 5 scenarios,the impact of the scenario at 21 m elevation on wetlands was the weakest.However,water level dropping was still postponed than that of natural hydrological process in the scenarios.It resulted in longer inundation of large area of lakebed at elevation of 22-23 m,increasing habitats for aquatic biodiversity but reducing area of the meadows,where is the key habitat for wintering geese.All the other water level control scenarios would cause large area of inundation of lakebed in dry season and dramatic change of wetlands.To maintain the natural wetlands in Dongting Lake area,the Chenglingji Hydraulic Project should be considered in a more cautious way and further researches were needed on the response of aquatic biodiversity and wintering water birds.  相似文献   
采用溶液共混法制备出硼酸镁晶须(MBOw)、硼酸钙晶须(Ca BOw)、硼酸铜铝晶须(Cu Al BOw)、碱式硫酸镁晶须(MOSw)、碳酸钙晶须(Ca CO3w)及硫酸钙晶须(Ca SO4w)增强的PVC复合材料,研究不同晶须对PVC力学性能的影响。采用扫描电镜分析PVC复合材料的拉伸断面及晶须分散情况。结果表明,除MOS外其它晶须对PVC的拉伸强度和弹性模量有不同程度的提高,MBOw对PVC复合材料的增强效果最显著,当MBOw含量为20%时,所得复合材料力学性能最佳,拉伸强度和弹性模量与纯PVC比较分别提高了38.08%和71.43%。  相似文献   
利用四川省地面逐小时降水观测资料,对国家气象信息中心研制的空间分辨率分别为0.01°和0.05°的三套逐时融合降水实况分析产品,在2019年8月20~22日引发雅安宝兴洪涝灾害的区域性暴雨天气过程中的表现进行评估分析。结果表明:三套融合降水实况分析产品的强降水落区和走向与站点实况基本一致,能较好地反映降水强弱变化和时空分布特征。三套融合降水实况分析产品的平均晴雨准确率都在85%以上,与站点实况的相关系数均在0.8以上,但均较站点实况存在不同程度的低估。相对而言,融合雷达、卫星、站点数据的0.01°产品最优,融合雷达、卫星、站点数据的0.05°产品次之,只融合卫星、站点数据的0.05°产品最差,可见融合站点数据能在一定程度上改善融合降水实况分析产品的质量。总体而言,融合降水实况分析产品的质量较高,在灾害性天气过程中可作为站点实况的有效补充。  相似文献   
青海祁漫塔格地区斑岩铜矿的成矿条件和远景   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
文章对青海祁漫塔格地区斑岩铜矿成矿带的成矿地质条件进行了研究,其形成于造山带汇聚阶段中后期的活动陆缘环境,与驱龙斑岩铜矿对比具有相类似的成矿地质条件,找矿远景很大.特别是卡而却卡、乌兰乌珠尔、鸭子沟、尕怒大门等地区具有斑岩铜矿成矿的广阔前景,有希望找到新的大型超大型铜矿床.通过对乌兰乌珠尔矿床的解剖,该矿区构造裂隙发育,岩石蚀变强烈.具典型的"斑岩型"蚀变分带:由中心向外依次为强硅化带??硅化钾化带??绢英岩化带??青磐岩化带.成矿元素以铜为主,伴有铅、锌、锡等多种有用组分.岩浆岩、热液蚀变作用、热液运移和矿质沉淀的构造空间控制了矿床的产出.为进一步在该区找矿指明了方向.  相似文献   
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