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针对当前铁路运营的实际情况,设计并实现了基于MSP430F13x系列单片机的货车防盗报警系统.详细介绍了系统的原理和软、硬件设计.系统在货车遭遇破封的情况下触发报警器,并将报警信息以无线电信号发射出去.接收机接收报警信息并将其在LCD上显示出来,以便民警即时处理.经实际应用证明系统性能良好.  相似文献   
地理数据的不确定性研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
目前地理数据不确定性是制约遥感(RS)与地理信息系统(GIS)发展的主要因素之一,直接影响地理数据分析的空间决策支持系统输出的可信度。如何识别、量化、跟踪、减少、可视化表达地理数据不确定性,已引起地理信息科学领域专家的广泛重视,成为3S领域新的研究热点。本文先阐述地理数据不确定性研究的重要性,然后分析地理数据不确定性产生的根源,最后提出开展地理数据不确定性研究的方法及地理数据不确定性的优先研究领域。  相似文献   
选取中国沿海海洋站中与验潮室并址的22个GNSS基准站近9 a的观测资料,利用最大似然估计法分析各站时间序列的噪声特性,建立最优噪声模型;然后顾及有色噪声,利用最优噪声模型估计测站速度,并与纯白噪声模型和GLOBK获取的速度及误差进行对比分析。结果表明:1)沿海海洋站的GNSS时间序列均含有有色噪声,各分量的噪声特性不完全一致,E方向和U分量均以白噪声+闪烁噪声为主,N分量以白噪声+闪烁噪声和白噪声+一阶马尔科夫噪声+随机漫步噪声为主。2)全国沿海3个海区N、E分量的白噪声和闪烁噪声基本呈现越往南噪声越大的规律,南海海区U分量的白噪声和闪烁噪声最大。3)顾及有色噪声的速度中误差是仅考虑白噪声和GLOBK估计的速度中误差估计值的5~10倍,这种差异比内陆观测站的要大。4)在对海洋站GNSS时间序列进行速度分析时,为获取正确的速度值,应该先准确判断噪声的类型,再顾及有色噪声的影响估计测站速度。  相似文献   
The present work was carried out to evaluate the safety of shrimp(Solenocera crassicornis)treated with different concentrations of sodium metabisulfite(SMB)by soaking or spraying during frozen storage.Shrimps soaked in higher concentrations of SMB showed higher sensory scores,lower total color differences,and better anti-melanosis effects than shrimps in the control and other treatment groups throughout frozen storage(−18℃).Lower total volatile basic nitrogen and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances and higher salt soluble protein contents were detected in shrimp soaked with high doses of SMB compared with other samples.In addition,lower counts of total aerobic plates and psychrotrophic bacteria were observed in shrimp treated by soaking with higher doses of SMB than those in control shrimp and shrimp treated with other methods during frozen storage(−18℃).However,the SO2 content of 5%SMB-soaked samples exceeded the maximum allowable limit of 100mgkg−1.Overall,the use of 1.5%SMB soaking to treat shrimp results in good antioxidant and antimicrobial effects and,thus,may be suggested to preserve S.crassicornis under frozen conditions.The results of this study present important guidance on the use of SMB to maintain the quality of marine-trawling shrimp from manufacturing to consumption.  相似文献   
使用FY-3C气象卫星GNSS掩星数据反演得到2017-03-01~2018-02-28大气温度廓线,并估计对流层顶高度变化;然后利用探空气球数据和ERA5模型数据进行验证;最后以2°×2°的空间分辨率将中国区域划分为608个网格,针对每一个单元格,分别计算对流层顶参数,建立格网模型,分析中国区域对流层顶参数的时空分布...  相似文献   
土地利用变化受到地形地貌、自然环境、城市规划和经济发展等的影响,预测其未来情景对政策调整具有重要的参考意义。元胞自动机模型是模拟和预测不同规划政策下土地利用变化的常用方法。本文基于GlobeLand30数据集,利用浙中城市群2000-2010年土地利用变化校准FLUS模型,并模拟2010年土地利用格局,其总体精度、Kappa系数和图形优化(FOM)分别为89.74%、82.69%和29.86%。采用马尔可夫链预测2030年各类型土地总量,利用FLUS预测一般条件下(常规情景)和城市轨道交通规划站点影响下(轨交情景)浙中城市群未来土地格局。结果表明,在5 km范围内城市轨道交通站点对建设用地增长影响较大,在该区域轨交情景比常规情景面积增加45.25 km^2、且主要发生在城市边缘区。建设用地扩张主要通过侵占优质农田实现,轨交情景5 km范围内农田转化为建设用地比常规情景增加33.34 km^2,建设用地扩张强度高于常规情景,其中最低扩张强度以上占比高于常规情景3.70%。景观指数表明,2种情景中林地、草地和水域格局具有较高相似性。本研究表明,综合使用FLUS、遥感、GIS等技术方法,能够准确模拟和预测不同规划条件下未来土地利用格局,并为规划和政策调整提供高可信空间数据。  相似文献   
A total of 67 samples from the upper and lower sediment traps in the central South China Sea were analyzed, which were collected during 1993~1996. It is indicated that the distribution of stable isotope values, surface primary productivity, fluxes of total particulate matter, carbonate, biogenic opal, organic carbon, planktonic foraminiferal species and their total amount exhibit obviously seasonal and annual fluctuations. High values of the fluxes occurred in the prevailing periods of the northeastern and southwestern monsoons, and the low values occurred during the periods between the two monsoons. The fluxes of some planktonic foraminiferal species (Globigerinoides sacculifer, G. ruber, Globigerinita glutinata, Neogloboquadrina dutertrei) and their percentages also exhibit two prominent peaks during the prevailing periods of the northeastern and southwestern monsoons respectively, while those of Globigerina bulloides, Globorotalia menardii and Pulleniatina obliquiloculata only exhibit one peak in the prevailing periods of the northeastern monsoon. In addition, fluxes and percentages of Globigerinoides sacculifer and Globorotalia menardii as well as the fluxes of carbonate and total amount of planktonic foraminifera decrease gradually from 1993 to 1996, and those of Globigerina bulloides, Globigerinita glutinata and biogenic opal increase gradually from 1993 to 1996. The fluxes of carbonate and organic carbon in the upper trap are higher than those in the lower one. The study indicates that the seasonal and annual variations of the sediment fluxes and planktonic foraminiferal species are mainly controlled by the changes of surface primary productivity and hydrological conditions related to the East Asian monsoon. The lower carbonate and organic carbon fluxes in the lower trap are related to the dissolution.  相似文献   
长江中下游典型浅水湖泊沉积物水界面磷与铁的耦合关系   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
龚梦丹  金增锋  王燕  林娟  丁士明 《湖泊科学》2017,29(5):1103-1111
目前普遍认为磷铁耦合关系是P迁移的主要机制,但大部分研究结果并未提供直接的原位证据.为了探索沉积物剖面磷(P)与铁(Fe)的耦合关系,利用Zr O-Chelex薄膜扩散梯度技术(ZrO-Chelex DGT),分别对太湖、巢湖、鄱阳湖和洞庭湖4个浅水湖泊沉积物有效态Fe和P进行高分辨采样和分析.结果表明,不同湖区有效态Fe和P浓度在沉积物-水界面处开始增加,之后波动变化,垂向异质性较强,但两者浓度变化同步.有效态P和Fe浓度的相关分析结果证明两者浓度具有显著的线性相关.室内厌氧培养实验进一步表明,Fe~(3+)的还原性促使Fe~(2+)与铁结合态磷的释放,促使DGT有效态P与Fe同步变化.该结果表明沉积物P的二次迁移和释放受Fe氧化还原过程的控制,为铁磷耦合关系提供了直接证据.  相似文献   
Chronostratigraphic Subdivision and Correlation of the Permian in China   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Since the principle of multiple stratigraphic classification has been widely accepted by Chinese stratigraphers, various new Permian chronostratigraphic units have been proposed in China, and they need to be redefined. The establishment of a new global chronostratigraphic scheme of the Permian, compilation of Permian lithostratigraphic units and updating of Permian biostratigraphic sequences of China makes it possible to present a revised regional chronostratigraphic succession for the Permian System in China. This succession consists of three series and eight stages. The Chuanshanian Series includes two stages, the Zisongian and the Longlinian; the Yanghsinian (Yangxinian) Series is subdivided into the Chihsian (Qixiaan) and the Maokouan Subseries, of which the former comprises the Luodianian and the Xiangboan Stage, and the latter the Kufengian (Gufengian) and the Lengwuan Stage; the Lopingian (Lepingian) Series includes the Wuchiapingian (Wujiapingian) and the Changhsingian (Changxingian) Stage.  相似文献   
图像控制点数据库的设计与实现   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
地面控制点数据是航天航空图像摄影测量几何处理的必需数据。文中首先比较了控制点数据的存储管理方式,即采用文件系统方式与数据库方式的优缺点;接着分析了控制点图像数据的特征,从而提出了图像控制点数据的数据库存储方案,讨论了图像控制点数据库的查询方法;最后结合文中的方法,设计并且实现了一个控制点图像数据库管理与应用实验系统。通过分析认为,建立控制点图像数据库是重复利用控制点资源的有效途径。  相似文献   
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