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Various zircons of Proterozoic to Oligocene ages (1060-31 Ma) were analysed by laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry. Calibration was performed using Harvard reference zircon 91500 or Australian National University reference zircon TEMORA 1 as external calibrant. The results agree with those obtained by SIMS within 2s error. Twenty-four trace and rare earth elements (P, Ti, Cr, Y, Nb, fourteen REE, Hf, Ta, Pb, Th and U) were analysed on four fragments of zircon 91500. NIST SRM 610 was used as the reference material and 29Si was used as internal calibrant. Based on determinations of four fragments, this zircon shows significant intra-and inter-fragment variations in the range from 10% to 85% on a scale of 120 μm, with the variation of REE concentrations up to 38.7%, although the chondrite-normalised REE distributions are very similar. In contrast, the determined age values for zircon 91500 agree with TIMS data and are homogeneous within 8.7 Ma (2 s ). A two-stage ablation strategy was developed for optimising U-Pb age determinations with satisfactory trace element and REE results. The first cycle of ablation was used to collect data for age determination only, which was followed by continuous ablation on the same spot to determine REE and trace element concentrations. Based on this procedure, it was possible to measure zircon ages as low as 30.37 0.39 Ma (MSWD = 1.4; 2 s ). Other examples for older zircons are also given.  相似文献   
Simplified equations of fluid mud motion, which is described as Bingham-Plastic model under waves and currents, are presented by order analysis. The simplified equations are non-linear ordinary differential equations which are solved by hybrid numerical-analytical technique. As the computational cost is very low, the effects of wave current parameters and fluid mud properties on the transportation velocity of the fluid mud are studied systematically. It is found that the fluid mud can move toward one direction even if the shear stress acting on the fluid mud bed is much smaller than the fluid mud yield stress under the condition of wave and current coexistence. Experiments of the fluid mud motion under current with fluctuation water surface are carried out. The fluid mud transportation velocity predicted by the presented mathematical model can roughly match that measured in experiments.  相似文献   
FW-300型非开挖导向钻机给进机构的设计   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
指出了对非开挖钻机给进机构的基本要求,着重介绍了FW-300型非开挖导向钻机机构的设计思想及主要部件设计。  相似文献   
Chevkinite specimen from a rare-earth mineral deposit in Sichuan,southwest ofChina have been studied in detail by means of transmission electron microscope(TEM).The selected area electron diffraction(SAED)and convergent beam electron diffraction(CBED)patterns,obtained from different crystal zone axis direction,proved coineidently that the space group of chevkinite is C2/m.Fringe lattice image obser-vation showed the mineral crystal is structurally uniform in microscale,and it is anideal specimen for electron diffraction analysis.The mineral studied here is similar to theone from Bayan Obo,Inner Mongolia,China,in chemical composition and REE distri-bution.The chemical formula of the crystal is(Ce,La,…,Ca)_4 Fe~2-(Fe,Ti,Nb)_2O_8 (Si_2O_7)_2 .From our study,we come to the conclusion that the space group of the natu-ral chevkinite is C2/m,instead of P2_1/a as synthetic one.Up to now,chevkinitecompositionally similar to the synthetic one,in which the complete replacements of Ce,La by Nd and Fe by Mg or Co o  相似文献   
本文研究了我国历史与现今中强以上地震的发震时刻与倾斜固体潮的关系。结果表明,地震发震时刻位于震中区当天倾斜固体潮的峰值时段上。孤立型地震的发震时刻往往与震中区倾斜固体潮极大值对应;原地重复发生的地震,其发震时刻所处的倾斜固体潮背景相同;逼近地震与主震发震时刻的倾斜固体潮背景相同的占70%;大震后有60%的强余震与主震发震时刻的倾斜固体潮背景相同。据此,成功地预报了门源6.4级地震后的较大余震。  相似文献   
基于遗传小波神经网络的海底声学底质识别分类   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
分割海底声纳探测图像,提取单元特征向量进行主成份分析,选取均值、标准差、对比度、相关系数、能量及同质性作为训练特征向量,构建小波神经网络。利用遗传算法优化小波神经网络的初始权值及小波参数,对砂、礁石、泥3种底质类型分别进行训练,并得到3种底质的测试精度都在90%以上,优于单独利用小波神经网络进行训练时的测试精度,克服了小波神经网络训练时易陷入局部极小的固有缺陷,表明基于遗传算法的小波神经网络可有效用于海底底质声纳图像的识别和分类。  相似文献   
本文讨论了16个红外强PG类星体的红外辐射能谱。我们假设这些活动星系核的红外谱是由非热辐射机制和尘埃的热辐射共同产生的,通过对红外包的最佳拟合,我们发现大多数PG类星体的红外包位于7一24μ的中远红外区,尘埃的热辐射机制能很好地产生观测到的红外包。通过模拟能定量地说明尘埃产生的热致辐射在这些天体的红外谱中的相对重要性,在模型与观测值之间的拟合中,我们得到了在这些天体中核加热的尘埃区的大小、尘埃的分布等模型参数。  相似文献   
将巴颜喀拉地块和四川地块作为研究对象,用块体边界上的GPS位移作为输入数据,应用边界元法计算得到块体边界上的应力,再用求解出的边界应力计算块体内部的位移与应变.结果发现巴颜喀拉块体南北向为张应变作用;块体西侧张应变量较大,向东逐渐减小,到龙门山东侧应变几乎减弱为零.南北向张应变向东的迅速减弱,使得龙门山断层产生闭锁,闭锁使龙门山断裂聚集起巨大的应变能,应变能的大量积累可能是导致汶川地震发生的根本原因.  相似文献   
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