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微小卫星由于平台体积、重量、能源等限制,其上搭载的姿态、位置测量设备精度不高,导致其直接对地定位误差较大。通过对某微小卫星嵩山地区的多景面阵影像进行姿态角常差检校,发现姿态角系统误差随时间线性变化的规律。为了提高定位精度,本文提出一种针对面阵的顾及姿态线性误差的偏置矩阵和二维探元指向角几何检校模型。相对于传统的姿态角常差检校模型,本文方法考虑了姿态角系统误差随时间线性变化的规律。试验结果表明,经过内外方位元素检校后,卫星的定位精度从数十千米提升到十米以内,相对于传统的常差模型,本文提出的检校模型有效地消除了姿态随时间线性变化的系统误差。  相似文献   
基于概率和位移的框支剪力墙结构抗震性能评估方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文严格按照中国规范设计出典型的带转换层部分框支剪力墙钢筋混凝土结构,通过弹塑性分析程序IDARC2D对该结构进行多个地震动作用下的大震弹塑性时程分析,得到结构及各个构件的反应量的统计特征,再参照美国基于性能抗震设计规范ASCE-41-06的结构与构件变形限值作为性能指标,计算出结构和各个构件的可靠度和可靠指标,作为评价结构抗震性能的标准,总结归纳出基于概率和位移的抗震设计方法的思路.最后运用该方法,对7、8度烈度区的框支剪力墙结构进行可靠性分析,通过对比分析,研究考虑内力增强措施、层间位移角控制条件、竖向构件轴压比限制条件、层刚比控制准则和竖向构件最小配筋率等因素对不同抗震烈度区的框支剪力墙结构的可靠性的影响,从而评价中国规范抗震措施和构造措施的有效性.  相似文献   
以1990、2000、2005、2010、2014、2017年遥感影像为数据源,采用人机交互的方式提取杭州湾各时期大陆岸线。通过对岸线长度和类型、岸线变化速率,以及岸线变化区域类型的变化情况统计,综合分析杭州湾大陆岸线时空变迁规律。研究表明,20世纪90年代以来,杭州湾大陆岸线整体向海一侧推进,自然岸线保有率持续下降。围填海等工程建设是导致岸线变化的主要因素,加强对围填海工程的管控和海岸线保护与利用管理,可以进一步优化资源配置,促使科学合理的海岸带格局的形成。  相似文献   
华南后讯期降水的年际变化   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
本文研究了近30多年来(1951——1984)华南后讯期降水的年际变化。结果表明:(1)华南后讯期降水有3年周期变化和10年尺度的长期变化;(2)夏季西太平洋副热带高压轴线南北位置和西脊点西伸位置的年际变化与华南后讯期降水有密切联系。当副高位置偏北偏东时,华南后讯期降水偏多。反之,降水偏少。 利用1974—1983年的月平均OLR资料研究了热带辐合带对华南后讯期降水的影响。结果表明,华南后讯期降水多年和少年热带辐合带的位置和强度有显著差异。多雨年热带辐合带位置偏北强度偏弱,少雨年则相反,热带辐合带位置偏南强度偏强。   相似文献   
华南气温变化与ENSO的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文用合成统计方法和谱分析方法探讨了华南气温与ENSO的关系。结果表明,厄尔尼诺年前一年冬季、当年春季和前汛期华南气温以偏冷为主;厄尔尼诺年当年冬季、次年春季和前汛期华南气温以偏暖为主。反厄尔尼诺年冬春季和前汛期华南气温变化与厄尔尼诺年相反。谱分析表明,广州月平均气温2—3年的振荡周期与ENSO关系密切。   相似文献   
Scientific objectives and payloads of Chang’E-1 lunar satellite   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
China plans to implement its first lunar exploration mission Chang’E-1 by 2007. The mission objectives are
–  • to obtain a three-dimensional stereo image of the lunar surface,
–  • to determine distribution of some useful elements and to estimate their abundance
–  • to survey the thickness of lunar soil and to evaluate resource of3He and
–  • to explore the environment between the Moon and Earth.
To achieve the above mission goals, five types of scientific instruments are selected as payloads of the lunar craft. These include stereo camera and spectrometer imager, laser altimeter, microwave radiometer, gamma and X-ray spectrometers and space environment monitor system. In order to collect, process, store and transmit the scientific data of various payloads a special payload data management system is also included. In this paper the goals of Chang’E-1 and its payloads are described  相似文献   
Multi‐proxy indices retrieved from sediments in Lake Chaonaqiu, an alpine lake on the western Loess Plateau (LP) of China, were used to reconstruct a precipitation history over the last ~300 years. The results correlate well with records from tree rings and historical documents in neighboring regions. We show that the lake oscillated between two states, i.e. wetter climatic conditions, which favored denser vegetation cover, and promoted weaker catchment soil erosion; and drier climatic conditions, which lead to less vegetation coverage, correlate with stronger surface soil erosion. Several intensive soil erosion events were identified in the sediment cores, and most of these occurred during decadal/multi‐decadal dry periods, and correlate well with flood events documented in historical literature. The results of this study show that soil erosion by flood events is particularly intense during dry periods, and further highlights the role of vegetation cover in the conservation of water and soil in small lake basins on the Chinese LP. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
戴劭勍  江辉仙  李佳佳  苏娴  吴娟  任引 《地理科学》2018,38(8):1235-1244
以Walk Score、CGT模型为测度,用Pearson相关系数、广义线性模型、广义地理加权回归模型分析H市城区步行环境对两抢一盗警情的影响。研究发现: H市城区可步行性对两抢一盗警情的影响可能以正相关作用为主,可步行性越好,两抢一盗警情案发次数可能越高。步行环境对于两抢一盗警情案发次数和嫌疑人居住地概率的影响可能均有空间异质性。在不同区域步行环境对两抢一盗案发次数与嫌疑人居住概率的影响各异。主要交通枢纽站及交通干道沿线区域步行环境较好,模型结果显示两抢一盗案发次数与嫌疑人居住概率也较高。具有较健全的安保系统,且对人员出入进行控制的高级酒店、商厦、旅游景区等区域步行环境较好,模型结果显示两抢一盗案发次数与嫌疑人居住概率较低。  相似文献   
不同湖泊盆地构造以及流域水文过程的差异导致湖泊沉积物粒度的指示意义有所不同。文章以云南程海表层岩芯为研究对象,分析取自不同水深的表层岩芯沉积物粒度(1 cm、5 cm以及137Cs-峰层位)和碳酸盐含量(2cm、5cm以及137Cs-峰层位),探讨其与水深的空间相关性;通过对垂直钻孔岩芯粒度的分析,并结合过去50余年来的湖泊水位记录,探讨沉积物"粒度-水深"在时间尺度上的关系。结果表明:1)在空间分布上,沉积物平均粒径和水深呈显著反相关关系,即程海沉积物平均粒径随水深增加(减小)而变细(变粗),且该"粒度-水深"空间分布模式得到沉积物碳酸盐含量空间分布规律的支持;2)在时间尺度上,水深的时段沉积物粒度细,水浅的时段沉积物粒度粗;与"粒度-水深"的空间关系一致。我们推测上述"粒度-水深"的时空变化关系与湖泊面积变化导致的采样点与岸边/河口的距离有关。在此基础上,进一步分析了程海近千年的沉积物粒度与水位变化关系:中世纪暖期和现代暖期粒度偏粗,程海处于低湖面;小冰期程海沉积物平均粒度偏细,对应于高湖面。上述基于"粒度-水深"关系推导的水位变化与我们前期基于岸边地质证据得出的水位变化,以及历史文献记载的水位变化一致,验证了本文获得的"粒度-水深"关系的可靠性。  相似文献   
Phytoplankton diversity and abundance were determined in ballast water from 26 vessels in the Shanghai Yangshan Deep-Water Port from April 2015 to January 2016. In total, 84 species of phytoplankton were identified, belonging to 43 genera and 5 phyla. Bacillariophyta (75.0%, including 30 genera and 63 species) were the dominant algae in the ballast water. Their density ranged from (5.55±9.62) SD to (1.878±0.872)×10 3 cells/L, with a mean of 410.1 cells/L. Nine potentially harmful phytoplankton taxa were detected: Ceratium furca , Ce . marcroceros , Leptocylindrus danicus , Coscinodiscus radiatus , Co . granii , Prorocentrum micans , Melosira sulcata , Meuniera membranacea and Skeletonema costatum . Our survey and identification results showed that Microcystis aeruginosa , Ankistrodesmus falcatus and Scenedesmus survived in the high-salinity ballast water, even though they are freshwater species. We identified the common features of surviving phytoplankton and impacts on the phytoplankton assemblage of ballast water age and source. Our goal was to understand the adaptative mechanisms of phytoplankton in ballast water, providing statistical and theoretical support for future ballast water research and suggesting a scientific basis of ballast water management and inspection of vessels entering the port.  相似文献   
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