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The petrological parameters Na8 and Fe8, which are Na2O andFeO contents in mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) melts correctedfor fractionation effects to MgO = 8 wt%, have been widely usedas indicators of the extent and pressure of mantle melting beneathocean ridges. We find that these parameters are unreliable.Fe8 is used to compute the mantle solidus depth (Po) and temperature(To), and it is the values and range of Fe8 that have led tothe notion that mantle potential temperature variation of TP= 250 K is required to explain the global ocean ridge systematics.This interpreted TP = 250 K range applies to ocean ridges awayfrom ‘hotspots’. We find no convincing evidencethat calculated values for Po, To, and TP using Fe8 have anysignificance. We correct for fractionation effect to Mg# = 0·72,which reveals mostly signals of mantle processes because meltswith Mg# = 0·72 are in equilibrium with mantle olivineof Fo89·6 (vs evolved olivine of Fo88·1–79·6in equilibrium with melts of Fe8). To reveal first-order MORBchemical systematics as a function of ridge axial depth, weaverage out possible effects of spreading rate variation, local-scalemantle source heterogeneity, melting region geometry variation,and dynamic topography on regional and segment scales by usingactual sample depths, regardless of geographical location, withineach of 22 ridge depth intervals of 250 m on a global scale.These depth-interval averages give Fe72 = 7·5–8·5,which would give TP = 41 K (vs 250 K based on Fe8) beneathglobal ocean ridges. The lack of Fe72–Si72 and Si72–ridgedepth correlations provides no evidence that MORB melts preservepressure signatures as a function of ridge axial depth. We thusfind no convincing evidence for TP > 50 K beneath globalocean ridges. The averages have also revealed significantcorrelations of MORB chemistry (e.g. Ti72, Al72, Fe72,Mg72, Ca72, Na72 and Ca72/Al72) with ridge axial depth. Thechemistry–depth correlation points to an intrinsic linkbetween the two. That is, the 5 km global ridge axial reliefand MORB chemistry both result from a common cause: subsolidusmantle compositional variation (vs TP), which determines themineralogy, lithology and density variations that (1) isostaticallycompensate the 5 km ocean ridge relief and (2) determine thefirst-order MORB compositional variation on a global scale.A progressively more enriched (or less depleted) fertileperidotite source (i.e. high Al2O3 and Na2O, and low CaO/Al2O3)beneath deep ridges ensures a greater amount of modal garnet(high Al2O3) and higher jadeite/diopside ratios in clinopyroxene(high Na2O and Al2O3, and lower CaO), making a denser mantle,and thus deeper ridges. The dense fertile mantle beneath deepridges retards the rate and restricts the amplitude of the upwelling,reduces the rate and extent of decompression melting, givesway to conductive cooling to a deep level, forces melting tostop at such a deep level, leads to a short melting column,and thus produces less melt and probably a thin magmatic crustrelative to the less dense (more refractory) fertile mantlebeneath shallow ridges. Compositions of primitive MORB meltsresult from the combination of two different, but geneticallyrelated processes: (1) mantle source inheritance and (2) meltingprocess enhancement. The subsolidus mantle compositional variationneeded to explain MORB chemistry and ridge axial depth variationrequires a deep isostatic compensation depth, probably in thetransition zone. Therefore, although ocean ridges are of shalloworigin, their working is largely controlled by deep processesas well as the effect of plate spreading rate variation at shallowlevels. KEY WORDS: mid-ocean ridges; mantle melting; magma differentiation; petrogenesis; MORB chemistry variation; ridge depth variation; global correlations; mantle compositional variation; mantle source density variation; mantle potential temperature variation; isostatic compensation  相似文献   
利用全国681个站的沙尘天气观测资料分析得出,2004年春季中国北方的沙尘天气明显偏少、偏弱,主要表现在:(1)2004年春季681个站累计的沙尘天气日数2 080 d,相当于历史平均值的46.9%,是近四十余年中第三个偏少年份。沙尘暴的总面积约190万km2,仅为历史平均值的37.3%。(2)危害性较大的沙尘暴和强沙尘暴过程6次,不足2001年的一半。(3)4月和5月沙尘天气明显偏少导致整个春季显著偏少。沙尘天气出现时,PM10浓度相对增加,空气质量恶化,但与历史上较典型的强沙尘暴个例相比,PM10浓度增加的幅度不大。进一步分析表明,2004年春季沙尘天气偏少、偏弱的主要原因是大气动力条件不足,是比较特殊的一个年份。  相似文献   
宁夏夏季降水性层状云微结构观测分析   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:10  
牛生杰  马铁汉 《高原气象》1992,11(3):241-248
鄂西磷矿的分布与产状受神农架背斜和黄陵背斜控制,为荆襄式晚震旦世沉积型磷块岩矿床。受浅海台地台坪亚相,磷块岩、泥(页)岩、白云岩含磷建造和水下隆起古构造等控制。晚震旦世陡山沱期磷矿评价标志为:上震旦统陡山沱阶;浅海台地台坪亚相;磷块岩、泥(页)岩、白云岩含磷建造;成矿地段陡山沱阶厚度一般小于200m,最佳150~50m;水下隆起带;磷块岩矿床一般分布在冰碛砾岩为0m的区域;含磷建造等深线一般小于1000m。评价结果表明,荆襄、宜昌、新华、神农架和保康磷矿区的深部及外围具有较好的资源远景,资源潜力大。  相似文献   
We obtain the preliminary result of crustal deformation velocity field for the Chinese continent by analyzing GPS data from the Crustal Motion Observation Network of China (CMONOC), particularly the data from the regional networks of CMONOC observed in 1999 and 2001. We delineate 9 technically active blocks and 2 broadly distributed deformation zones out of a dense GPS velocity field, and derive block motion Euler poles for the blocks and their relative motion rates. Our result reveals that there are 3 categories of deformation patterns in the Chinese continent. The first category, associated with the interior of the Tibetan Plateau and the Tianshan orogenic belt, shows broadly distributed deformation within the regions. The third category, associated with the Tarim Basin and the region east of the north-south seismic belt of China, shows block-like motion, with deformation accommodated along the block boundaries only. The second category, mainly associated with the borderland of the Tibetan Plateau, such as the Qaidam, Qilian, Xining (in eastern Qinghai), and the Diamond-shaped (in western Sichuan and Yunnan) blocks, has the deformation pattern between the first and the third, i.e. these regions appear to deform block-like, but with smaller sizes and less strength for the blocks. Based on the analysis of the lithospheric structures and the deformation patterns of the regions above, we come to the inference that the deformation modes of the Chinese continental crust are mainly controlled by the crustal structure. The crust of the eastern China and the Tarim Basin is mechanically strong, and its deformation takes the form of relative motion between rigid blocks. On the other hand, the northward indentation of the Indian plate into the Asia continent has created the uplift of the Tibetan Plateau and the Tianshan Mountains, thickened their crust, and raised the temperature in the crust. The lower crust thus has become ductile, evidenced in low seismic velocity and high electric conductivity observed. The brittle part of the crust, driven by the visco-plastic flow of the lower crust, deforms extensively at all scales. The regions of the second category located at the borderland of the Tibetan Plateau are at the transition zone between the regions of the first and the third categories in terms of the crustal structure. Driven by the lateral boundary forces, their deformation style is also between the two, in the form of block motion and deformation with smaller blocks and less internal strength.  相似文献   
We continuously monitor the long-term seismic velocity variation of one of the major ruptured faults of the devastating 2008 Mw7.9 Wenchuan earthquake in China from July 2009 to January 2012,jointly using accurately controlled routinely operated signal system active source and seismic noise-based monitoring technique.Our measurements show that the temporal velocity change is not homogeneous and highly localized in the damaged fault zone and the adjacent areas.Velocity variations from the active and passive methods are quite consistent,which both are characterized by ±0.2 % seasonal variation,with peak and trough at winter and summer,respectively.The periodic velocity variation within fault zone exhibits remarkably positive correlation with barometric pressure with stress sensitivity in the order of 10-6Pa-1,suggesting that the plausible mechanism might be the crack density variation of the shallow subsurface medium of the damaged fault zone in response to the cyclic barometric pressure loading.  相似文献   
为研究地震作用下地裂缝场地建筑结构的动力响应特征,以西安地裂缝场地为研究背景,分别考虑独立基础、片筏基础、桩基础和桩筏基础上的框架结构,对结构峰值加速度、层间位移等动力响应特征及其影响因素和影响规律进行系统研究。研究结果表明:(1)地裂缝附近场地上的结构加速度响应和层间位移响应具有明显的放大效应,动力响应峰值随着距地裂缝距离的增大逐渐减小,最终趋于稳定,放大效应的影响范围约为24 m,此范围内的结构需提高抗震设防水平;(2)结构的峰值加速度随层高的增大而增大,整体呈现出“S”形,层间位移角随层高的增大先增大后减小,二者均表现出明显的“上盘效应”,即上盘结构响应强于下盘,且随着输入地震动强度的增大,上、下盘结构动力响应差异进一步扩大,上盘效应愈发显著;(3)片筏基础、桩基础和桩筏基础结构的加速度响应接近,而独立基础结构的加速度与前三者差异明显,但随着楼层的增大,基础形式对结构层间位移角的影响逐渐减弱;(4)上、下盘结构的峰值加速度、峰值位移大小及峰值出现的时间等存在一定差异,这是由于地震波经过地裂缝时发生复杂的反射和折射,结构受到非一致性激励造成的。  相似文献   
Landslides are one of the most serious geological disasters in the world and happen quite frequently in the Three Gorges. Landslide prediction is a very important measure of landslide prevention and cure in the Three Gorges. Traditional methods lack in sufficiently mining the various complex information from a landslide system. They often need much manual intervention and possess poor intelligence and accuracy. An intelligent method proposed in this paper for landslide prediction based on an object-oriented method and knowledge driving is hopeful to solve the above problem. The method adopted Landsat ETM+ images, 1:50,000 geological map and 1:10,000 relief map in the Three Gorges as the data origins. It firstly produced the key factors influencing landslide development and used multi-resolution segmentation algorithm to segment the image objects based on the key landslide factors of engineering rock group, reservoir water fluctuation, slope structure and slope level. Secondly, the method chose some sample objects and adopted the decision tree algorithm C5.0 to mine the landslide forecast criteria according to the factor values of each sample object. Finally, under knowledge driving the method classified the image objects and realized landslide susceptibility analysis and intelligent prediction in the Three Gorges. The method proposed in this paper is object-oriented. Results of a real-world example show that: (1) the object-oriented method possesses much more compact knowledge representation, higher efficiency, more continuous classifying result and higher prediction accuracy compared with the pixel-oriented method; (2) it possesses the overall accuracy of 87.64% and kappa coefficient of 0.8305 and is more accurate than the other seven methods (such as the pixel-oriented methods of Parallelpiped, Minimum Distance, Maximum Likelihood, Mahalanobis Distance, K-means and Isodata and the object-oriented method of Nearest Neighbor); (3) about 46.97% landslides lie in the high susceptibility region, 24.24% landslides lie in the moderate susceptibility region, 27.27% landslides lie in the low susceptibility region and 1.52% landslides lie in the very low susceptibility region. Therefore the method can effectively realize landslide susceptibility analysis and provides a new idea for landslide intelligent and accurate prediction.  相似文献   
A new estimate of the fracture parameters of earthquakes is provided in this paper. By theMuskhelishvili method (1953) a number of basic relations among fracture-mechanics parameters are derived. A scheme is proposed to evaluate the slip weakening parameters in terms of fault dimension, average slip, and rise time, and the new results are applied to 49 events compiled in the earthquake catalogue ofPurcaru andBerckhemer (1982). The following empirical relations are found in the paper: $$\begin{gathered} \frac{{\tau _B - \tau _f }}{{\tau _\infty - \tau _f }} = 2.339 \hfill \\ {{\omega _c } \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{\omega _c } {W = 0.113}}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} {W = 0.113}} \hfill \\ \log G_c \left( {{{dyne} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{dyne} {cm}}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} {cm}}} \right) = 2 \log L (km) + 6.167 \hfill \\ \log \delta _c (cm) = 2 \log L (km) - 1.652 \hfill \\ \end{gathered} $$ whereG c is the specific fracture energy,ω c the size of the slip weakening zone,δ c the slip weakening displacement,τ B ?τ f the drop in strength in the slip weakening zone,τ ?τ f the stress drop,L the fault length, andW the fault width. The investigation of 49 shocks shows that the range of strength dropτ B ?τ f is from several doze to several hundred bars at depthh<400 km, but it can be more than 103 bars ath>500 km; besides, the range of the sizeω c of the strength degradation zone is from a few tenths of a kilometer to several dozen kilometers, and the range of the slip weakening displacementδ c is from several to several hundred centimeters. The specific fracture energyG c is of the order of 108 to 1011 erg cm?2 when the momentM 0 is of the order of 1023 to 1029 dyne cm.  相似文献   
A Paleozoic ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic (UHPM) belt extends along the northern margin of the Qaidam Basin, North Tibetan Plateau. Eclogites in the Yuka eclogite terrane, northwest part of this UHPM belt, occur as blocks or layers of varying size intercalated with granitic and pelitic gneisses. These eclogites have protoliths geochemically similar to enriched-type mid-ocean ridge basalts (E-MORB) and oceanic island basalts (OIB). On the basis of Ti/Y ratios, they can be divided into low-Ti and high-Ti groups. The low-Ti group (LTG) eclogites exhibit relatively low TiO2 (most <2.5 wt%) and Ti/Y (<500) but comparatively high Mg# (48–55), whereas the high-Ti group (HTG) eclogites have high TiO2 (most >2.5 wt%) and Ti/Y (>500) but lower Mg# (46–52). Zircons from two eclogite samples gave a magmatic crystallization (protolith) age of ∼850 Ma and a UHPM age of ∼433 Ma. The occurrence, geochemical features and age data of the Yuka eclogites suggest that their protoliths are segments of continental flood basalts (CFBs) with a mantle plume origin, similar to most typical CFBs. Our observation, together with the tectonic history and regional geologic context, lend support for the large scale onset of mantle plume within the Rodinia supercontinent at ∼850 Ma. The Qaidam block is probably one of the fragments of the Rodinia supercontinent with a volcanic-rifted passive margin. The latter may have been dragged to mantle depths by its subducting leading edge of the oceanic lithosphere in the Early Paleozoic.  相似文献   
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