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新型环境矿物材料——堇青石质泡沫陶瓷的研制   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以聚氨脂泡沫塑料为前驱体,高岭土、铝土矿和滑石为原料,经配方和工艺设计,制备了以堇青石为主晶相的泡沫陶瓷,制成品密度为0.310-0.447g/cm^3,气孔率为81.7%-87.6%,孔径为0.2-0.5mm,平均抗压强度为0.98MPa。探讨了烧成温度对材料气孔率、抗压强度和吸水率等性能的影响。  相似文献   
We have investigated non‐Darcian flow to a vertical fracture represented as an extended well using a linearization procedure and a finite difference method in this study. Approximate analytical solutions have been obtained with and without the consideration of fracture storage based on the linearization procedure. A numerical solution for such a non‐Darcian flow case has also been obtained with a finite difference method. We have compared the numerical solution with the approximate analytical solutions obtained by the linearization method and the Boltzmann transform. The results indicate that the linearized solution agrees generally well with the numerical solution at late times, and underestimates the dimensionless drawdown at early times, no matter if the fracture storage is considered or not. When the fracture storage is excluded, the Boltzmann transform solution overestimates the dimensionless drawdown during the entire pumping period. The dimensionless drawdowns in the fracture with fracture storage for different values of dimensionless non‐Darcian hydraulic conductivity β approach the same asymptotic value at early times. A larger β value results in a smaller dimensionless drawdown in both the fracture and the aquifer when the fracture storage is included. The dimensionless drawdown is approximately proportional to the square root of the dimensionless time at late times.  相似文献   
王为  黄日辉 《第四纪研究》2018,38(2):472-484
大鹏半岛海岸"仙人石"及周边的花岗岩石蛋是大鹏半岛海岸旅游的重点景点之一,一直被认为是典型的海蚀柱。调查发现仙人石所在海岸为现代潮滩,波浪动力极弱,不足以形成海蚀地貌,而且,石蛋的凹槽朝向并不指向大海,其海拔高度变化很大,因而不是在某一海面上形成的,难以用波浪作用来解释其成因。文章根据野外调查的结果认为,"仙人石"和周围石蛋形成是花岗岩化学风化的结果,起源于其所在位置的花岗岩出露后先是经受化学风化而形成突岩地貌,其后进一步的化学风化使突岩崩塌形成了仙人石及散落在周围的石蛋。散落的石蛋和仙人石下部被风化残积物及土壤掩埋。石蛋被埋在地面以下部分因更加潮湿而产生较强的风化作用,并导致石蛋下部形成凹槽。冰后期海平面上升后海水和地表径流冲刷了地表物质和降低原始地面,使凹槽得以出露。仙人石附近的花岗岩深度风化剖面说明大鹏半岛具有形成突岩的物质基础,大鹏半岛中生代燕山期花岗岩入侵之后因新构造运动被抬升出露则是突岩形成的地质背景。  相似文献   
博斯腾湖湖泊沉积物光释光年代测量*   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
使用光释光年代学的单片再生法测量了博斯腾湖沉积剖面中碳酸盐泥及粉砂质泥底部的浅湖相灰色粉细砂和风成沙的年龄,对剖面上部碳酸盐层中陆生植物残体进行了AMS 14 C测年。通过不同测片的等效剂量(De)值的分布状况评价了样品的晒褪程度,选择不随灵敏度校正后的自然释光信号变化的相对集中的等效剂量(De)值计算了样品的埋藏年龄。通过这些年龄结果的对比,发现石英矿物的OSL年龄和AMS 14 C年龄在地层上是一致的,表明尽管在浅湖相细砂中存在不完全晒褪,但根据相对较小而集中的De值计算得到的年龄结果是可靠的。这些年龄结果和地层资料揭示末次冰消期以来至早全新世,博斯腾湖处于无水干盆地向深水湖泊转化的浅水湖泊状态,现代深水博斯腾湖大约形成于距今8ka前后。  相似文献   
Atmospheric circulation anomalies over the Ural Mountains are crucial indicators of the anomalous downstream weather and climate over East Asia. Here, we provide a new perspective on the mechanism of Ural circulation anomalies. We use a simple theoretical model to determine that the relationship between the solar forcing and three Ural circulation patterns, namely, neutral type, trough anomaly and ridge anomaly, is a nonlinear relationship following the supercritical pitchfork bifurcation theory. The theory predicts that when the total solar irradiance (TSI) is below a critical value, trough and ridge anomalies represent duplex equilibria and are equally likely to occur at the same TSI. Based on 180 winter months record, we have estimated the bidimensional probability density of TSI and the monthly mean geopotential height at 500 hPa or zonal wind at 850 hPa over the Ural Mountains. Results show that Sc = 1360.9 W m−2 is a critical value of TSI, the neutral type pattern is the single circulation regime when TSI > Sc, whereas trough and ridge anomaly patterns are duplex circulation regimes when TSI < Sc. Besides, when TSI < Sc, during the same TSI range, trough and ridge anomaly events occur at nearly the same frequencies. These results generally agree with the theoretical model. We demonstrate that trough and ridge anomalies, as duplex equilibria, result from the large-scale zonal flow interacting with the Ural Mountains. Low TSI tends to strengthen the large-scale zonal flow over the Ural Mountains, hence inducing either a trough anomaly or ridge anomaly.  相似文献   
硅藻土的热谱特征   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
对广东省海康县等国内外23个硅藻土样品进行了DTA、TG分析。研究结果:海康县卜昌、美国和日本硅藻土呈现了典型的蛋白石DTA曲线和X射线衍射谱,说明样品纯度较高;徐疗县峙头、九亩和云南等地的硅藻土除了蛋白石的DTA和X射线衍射谱外,还含有较多数量的伊利石、蒙脱石和高岭石。取自九2和田洋硅藻土矿床钻孔样品的DTA曲线含有较多数量的有机持。根据TG曲线对不同埋深硅藻土中有机质含量计算表明,有机质含量与  相似文献   
应用撑柱粘土矿物治理赤潮灾害的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
最初,人们利用蒙皂石层间阳离子的可交换性,将水合羟基-聚合金属离子插入到层间 ,并进一步加热脱羟.脱羟基后在层间域形成柱状金属氧化物群,从而将蒙皂石层间撑开,这就是所谓的撑柱蒙皂石.它在保持粘土层状结构的同时,在主客体物质协同作用下,还获得一些新的物化性质或功能.现在关于撑柱的概念已有所扩展,凡是向粘土层间插入有机阳离子或无机-有机阳离子的都称之为撑柱.  相似文献   
云南乐红铅锌矿床氧化带中异极矿的矿物学特征及其意义   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
云南乐红铅锌矿床氧化带十分发育,呈细脉或葡萄状产于氧化矿石中的白色矿物曾被认为是菱锌矿,笔者对该矿物作了物理、光学性质,化学发,X射线衍射,红外光谱及失重和差热分析研究,确定其为异极矿。其晶体化学式为Zn3.98(Si2.01Al0.01)2.02O7(OH)晶胞参数a=0.8380(4)nm,b=1.0718(7)nm,c=0.5125(6)nm。对异极矿矿物学特征的全面  相似文献   
为了解江苏某材料厂金属冶炼活动引发的重金属污染风险,采集周围农田土壤、小麦和水稻籽实样品,确定Mo含量及其在土壤中的形态,采用地质累积指数和富集因子指标评价土壤中钼的污染风险,采用健康风险指数评价小麦、稻米中Mo的健康风险。结果表明,农田土壤中Mo含量在0.50~63.2 mg/kg之间,其平均值5.70 mg/kg远高于全省平均值0.65 mg/kg,表层土壤出现了中度—高度富集,近70%的样点受到不同程度的钼污染,污染范围距该厂300 m,污染深度>1.5 m。土壤中的Mo具有较高的生物有效性,在小麦、水稻籽实中显著富集,主要与土壤具有较高的全Mo含量以及土壤呈碱性有关。基于EPA的健康风险评估方法,食用当地稻米、小麦会产生较大的健康风险。  相似文献   
阮广招  黄金灿 《探矿工程》1999,(4):14-15,21
深基坑支护设计与施工是当前城市高层、超高层建筑突显的技术难题。通过工程实例,从设计方案的选择到施工、监测,提供了有益的经验。  相似文献   
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