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In this work, we examined the carbonate parameters, i.e. total alkalinity (TA), pH, and partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2), and the air–sea CO2 flux (FCO2) in the continental shelves of the southern Yellow Sea (SYS) and East China Sea (ECS), based on two field surveys conducted in April and August of 2011. Surface pCO2 showed significant spatial variations, ranging from 246 to 686 µatm in spring (average ± standard deviation = 379 ± 95 µatm) and from 178 to 680 µatm in summer (384 ± 114 µatm). During the spring cruise, the central SYS (pCO2 < 240 µatm) and the Changjiang estuary (pCO2 < 300 µatm) were under-saturated with CO2, while the southern SYS and the southwestern ECS were supersaturated (pCO2 = 420–680 µatm). In summer, however, the CO2-supersaturated waters (pCO2 = 380–680 µatm) occupied a relatively wide area, including the nearshore of the SYS and the Changjiang estuary, whereas pCO2-deficient water (pCO2 = 220–380 µatm) was observed only at the offshore ECS. In general, the entire SYS and ECS area behaved as a sustained CO2 sink, with average FCO2 of ?3.9 and ?2.1 mmol m?2 d?1 in spring and summer, respectively. Phytoplankton production was the driving force for CO2 absorption, especially during the spring cruise. In addition, we found that typical water mixing processes and decomposition of terrestrial material were responsible for the release of CO2 in three turbidity maximum regions.  相似文献   
Organic carbon (OC) in definitely small area sediments(according to marine dimension)offthe Huanghe River Estuary is investigated in order to evaluate the feature of regional difference of physical and chemical properties in marginal sea sediments.The distributions of OC in sediments with natural grain size and the relationship with the pH,Eh,Es and Fe^3 /Fe^2 are discussed.In addition,OC decomposition rates in surfacial/subsurfacial sediments are estimated.OC concentrations range from 0.26% to 1.8%(wt)in the study area. Significant differences in OC content and in horizontal distribution as well as various trends in surfacial/subsurfacial sediments exhibit the feature of regional difference remarkably in marginal sea sediments. The complicated distribution of OC in surface sediments is due to the influence of bacterial activity and abundance, bioturbation of benthos and physical disturbance. The OC decomposition rate constant in surfacial/subsurfacial sediments ranges from 0.009 7 to 0.076 a^-1 and the relatively high values may be mainly related to bacteria that are mainly responsible for OC mineralization;meio-and macrofauna affect OC degradation both directly, through feeding on it, and indirectly through bioturbation and at the same time coarse sediments are also disadvantageous to OC preservation.In almost all the middle and bottom sediments the contents of OC decrease with the increase of deposition depth, which indicates that mineralization of OC in the middle and bottom sediments has occurred via processes like SO4^2- reduction and Fe-oxide reduction.  相似文献   
中国边缘海是海—陆—气圈进行物质和能量交换最活跃的海域之一,重建中国边缘海海洋生态环境演变对深入探析人类活动和气候变化的耦合作用意义重大,海洋沉积物生物标志物为定性/定量揭示海洋生态环境演变提供有效手段,可为预测人类活动影响下的海洋生态环境演变趋势提供科学支撑。本文总结归纳目前海洋沉积物中常用的古菌、细菌和真核来源生物标志物在海陆来源、化学结构、分布规律与功能等方面的特征,分析了不同生物标志物类型在重建海洋温度、酸碱度、氧化还原环境和浮游植物演变过程中的应用状况,剖析了多参数生物标志物在重建中国边缘海生态环境演变中存在的问题。总体而言,利用生物标志物重建中国边缘海生态环境演变的研究大多还停留在定性描述水平;由于对生物标志物母源生物及其适应机制认识不足会导致对生物标志物指标的解译存在偏差,进而影响海洋环境重建结果的准确性;此外,多种重要海洋环境演变参数并未建立起有效的生物标志物指标。未来的海洋生态环境重建研究应从结合新技术新方法厘清生物来源,整合大数据分析方法构建有更精确对应关系的校正公式以实现定量反演和准确预测,同时结合功能微生物群落筛选出更具独特性的新型生物标志物等方面开展研究。  相似文献   
曲宝晓  宋金明  袁华茂 《海洋学报》2018,40(10):119-130
通过对沉积物中粒度组成、总有机碳(TOC)、总氮(TN)、碳氮比(TOC/TN)和碳、氮稳定同位素丰度(δ13C、δ15N)等的分析,结合沉积年代学信息与端元混合模型结果,解析了百年尺度下大亚湾沉积物中不同来源有机质的演变过程及控制因素。结果表明,大亚湾沉积物特性在20世纪70年代末至80年代初发生了显著改变:在此之前,TOC、TN、δ13C和δ15N表现稳定,陆源与海源有机碳的比例维持在3∶7,而自此之后,TOC与TN含量显著升高,TOC/TN持续下降,在1980—2000年和2010年至今都出现了陆源有机碳比例升高,海源有机碳比例降低的现象。上述显著变化表明大亚湾海洋环境自20世纪70年代末至80年代初已经发生了重大变化。近20年来GDP与沉积柱中TN和δ15N呈现出的显著正相关,与TOC/TN呈现出的显著负相关,表明沿岸经济的迅猛增长,水产养殖业的快速发展,周边人口的急速增加等人为活动,是造成大亚湾生态环境变化的重要原因。未来的研究应更密切关注人为活动对海湾生态环境的影响,通过法律法规约束行为,加强海湾生态环境保护与修复治理工作。  相似文献   
通过对黄河口新生湿地沉积物岩芯中常量元素、稀土元素以及重金属分布特征的研究,探讨了滨海湿地沉积物中金属元素的环境指示意义。结果表明,大部分金属元素的分布模式类似,均在40 cm左右出现明显的低值区,这主要是由黄河携带而来的大量陆源物质的输入造成的。沉积物粒度组成以及有机质含量对金属元素的分布影响显著。常量元素中,Na2O与其他元素变化趋势相反,反应了潮汐对滨海湿地的侵蚀作用;黄河口新生湿地沉积物单个稀土元素的含量大小顺序与黄河沉积物和渤海沉积物基本一致,稀土元素总量则高于黄河沉积物而低于渤海沉积物,表明黄河口湿地沉积物具有河流泥沙和海水颗粒物双重来源,而轻重分异比的变化则反映了物质输入的改变;而在较高的有机质和粘土含量的影响下,黄河口新生湿地沉积物中重金属发生了明显的富集。  相似文献   
本研究测定了粤港澳大湾区典型海域—大亚湾沉积物中主要重金属元素的含量水平与污染状况。利用我国海洋沉积物质量标准和模糊综合评价法,系统探讨了大亚湾海洋沉积物质量的历史演变过程,为我国大湾区可持续发展提供了科学理论支持。结果表明,大亚湾海域的重金属污染状况在过去近百年经历了3个主要变化阶段:(1)20世纪80年代之前,大部分重金属含量较低,沉积物质量处于一类等级,与重金属污染相关的生态风险较小,对沉积物生态风险贡献最高的元素为Cr,最低的为Cd;(2)1980?2000年间,大亚湾沉积物中的重金属含量明显高于背景值,表明该阶段出现了较为严重的重金属污染,使近岸海域的沉积物质量等级处于二类与三类,但大亚湾外部海域沉积物受污染影响较小,仍处于一类等级,在此期间,Cu取代Cr成为最主要的污染元素;(3)2000年以后,沉积物重金属的污染水平显著降低,生态风险迅速下降,沉积物质量等级恢复到了一类水平,Cr是这一阶段最主要的污染元素。  相似文献   
氧化还原敏感元素(Redox Sensitive Elements,RSE)如V、Cr、Mo、U等,通常在氧化条件下呈溶解态,在还原沉积环境中除Fe、Mn外,RSE被还原成低价态转移至沉积物中富集积累,因此可以利用氧化还原敏感元素在沉积物中的富集情况反演沉积环境的氧化还原状况。本文通过研究东海内陆架季节性低氧海区Zb7沉积柱中氧化还原敏感元素V、Cr、Ni、Cu、Zn、Mo、U的垂直分布、富集特征和比值,探究沉积环境氧化还原状况;发现RSE/Al和富集系数自1978年以来呈增加的趋势,但自2009年开始有所降低,整体RSE富集系数均小于3,未见明显富集。RSE比值V/Cr<2、Ni/Co<5、U/Th<0.75、0.25<(Cu+Mo)/Zn<0.55,以及MoEF/UEF比值主要分布在0.08~0.3倍海水Mo/U值之间,均指示氧化的沉积环境。RSE/Al与Fe/Al、Mn/Al具有显著的相关性,表明RSE在剔除陆源碎屑输入后,主要通过与Fe、Mn氧化物结合进入沉积物,也指示氧化的沉积环境。研究结果与该区域溶解...  相似文献   
The Jiaozhou Bay is characterized by heavy eutrophication that is associated with intensive anthropogenic activities. Four core sediments from the Jiaozhou Bay are analyzed using bulk technologies, including sedimentary total organic carbon(TOC), total nitrogen(TN), the stable carbon(δ~(13)C) and nitrogen(δ~(15) N) isotopic composition to obtain the comprehensive understanding of the source and composition of sedimentary organic matter and further shed light on the environmental changes of the Jiaozhou Bay on a centennial time scale.Results suggest that the TOC and TN concentrations increase in the upper core, having indicated a probable eutrophication process since the 1920 s in the inner bay and the 2000 s in the bay mouth. The TOC and TN concentrations outside the bay have also changed since 1916 owing to the variation of terrigenous input.Considering TOC/TN ratio, δ~(13) C and δ~(15) N, it can be concluded there is a mixture of terrigenous and marine organic matter sources in the study area. A simple two end-member(terrigenous and marine) mixing model usingδ~(13) C indicats that 45%–79% of TOC in the Jiaozhou Bay is from the marine source. The environmental changes of the Jiaozhou Bay are recorded by geochemical proxies, which are influenced by the intensive anthropogenic activities(e.g., extensive use of fertilizers, and discharge of sewage) and climate changes(e.g., rainfall).  相似文献   
The sinks/sources of carbon in the Yellow Sea(YS) and East China Sea(ECS), which are important continental shelf seas in China, could exert a great influence on coastal ecosystem dynamics and the regional climate change process. The CO_2 exchange process across the seawater-air interface, dissolved and particulate carbon in seawater, and carbon burial in sediments were studied to understand the sinks/sources of carbon in the continental shelf seas of China. The YS and the ECS generally have different patterns of seasonal air-sea CO_2 exchange. In the YS, regions west of 124°E can absorb CO_2 from the atmosphere during spring and winter, and release CO_2 to the atmosphere during summer and autumn. The entire YS is considered as a CO_2 source throughout the year with respect to the atmosphere, but there are still uncertainties regarding the exact air-sea CO_2 exchange flux. Surface temperature and phytoplankton production were the key controlling factors of the air-sea CO_2 exchange flux in the offshore region and nearshore region of the YS, respectively. The ECS can absorb CO_2 during spring, summer, and winter and release CO_2 to the atmosphere during autumn. The annual average exchange rate in the ECS was-4.2±3.2 mmol m~(-2) d~(-1) and it served as an obvious sink for atmospheric CO_2 with an air-sea exchange flux of 13.7×10~6 t. The controlling factors of the air-sea CO_2 exchange in the ECS varied significantly seasonally. Storage of dissolved inorganic carbon(DIC) and dissolved organic carbon(DOC) in the YS and the ECS were 425×10~6 t and 1364×10~6 t, and 28.2×10~6 t and 54.1×10~6 t,respectively. Long-term observation showed that the DOC content in the YS had a decreasing trend, indicating that the "practical carbon sink" in the YS was decreasing. The total amount of particulate organic carbon(POC) stored in the YS and ECS was10.6×10~6 t, which was comparable to the air-sea CO_2 flux in these two continental shelf seas. The amounts of carbon sequestered by phytoplankton in the YS and the ECS were 60.42×10~6 t and 153.41×10~6 t, respectively. Artificial breeding of macroalgae could effectively enhance blue carbon sequestration, which could fix 0.36×10~6–0.45×10~6 t of carbon annually. Organic carbon(OC) buried in the sediments of the YS was estimated to be 4.75×10~6 t, and OC of marine origin was 3.03×10~6 t, accounting for5.0% of the TOC fixed by phytoplankton primary production. In the ECS, the corresponding depositional flux of OC in the sediment was estimated to be 7.4×10~6 t yr~(-1), and the marine-origin OC was 5.5×10~6 t, accounting for 5.4% of the phytoplankton primary production. Due to the relatively high average depositional flux of OC in the sediment, the YS and ECS have considerable potential to store a vast amount of "blue carbon."  相似文献   
基于沉积物AMS14C定年,研究了近千年来台湾以东黑潮主流区沉积物的稀土元素组成变化特征及赋存形态,探讨了该区近千年来稀土来源。台湾东黑潮主流区近千年来沉积物中稀土元素总量平均为119.82μg/g,低于上陆壳和中国黄土的稀土元素平均含量,与冲绳海槽较为接近;轻重稀土元素比值平均为11.30,明显富集轻稀土,具有明显的陆源属性。研究区沉积物稀土元素对球粒陨石和上地壳标准化配分模式均表现为轻稀土富集重稀土相对亏损,且具有弱的Ce正异常。根据定年结果及稀土元素变化特征趋势将柱状沉积物分为3层:0~8.5、8.5~21.5和21.5~30cm,随深度增加稀土元素总量的平均值逐渐增大,轻重稀土元素比值逐渐减小,Ce正异常程度逐渐减弱。稀土元素赋存形态分析表明,La、Ce、Pr、Nd 4种轻稀土元素主要为天然陆源,其他稀土元素受氧化还原环境影响相对较大。稀土元素主要存在于残渣态中,其次为铁锰氧化物结合态,残渣态对台湾以东黑潮主流区沉积物中总稀土元素的配分模式起决定性作用,也是造成Ce正异常的关键赋存形态。近千年来沉积物中稀土元素变化与沉积物粒度关系不大,物质来源较为稳定,台湾东部河流输入是研究区沉积物中稀土元素的最重要来源,亚洲大陆风尘输送对稀土元素的贡献较小。  相似文献   
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