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青藏高原西北缘盆山过渡带陡坡地貌的形成时代与成因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
平均海拔大于4500 m的青藏高原,是通过高原边缘的陡坡地貌与海拔低于1500 m的周缘盆地或平原相连接的,这些围绕高原的陡坡地貌是何时、如何形成的呢?本文通过对西昆仑山中段北缘主逆冲断层上盘陡坡地貌区9件磷灰石样品的裂变径迹年龄与长度分析表明:在海拔3900~4635 m的陡坡地貌中的裂变径迹样品年龄为6.2±1.4 Ma~0.9±0.3 Ma,呈现“上新下老”的反序分布特征; 而通过热历史模拟显示约5 Ma,约3~2 Ma,约2~1 Ma 和约1 Ma该地区出现多阶段的隆升与剥露。结合前人研究成果和野外地质的观察认为,现今青藏高原西北缘陡坡地貌的形成是中新世晚期以来高原边界叠瓦状断裂系经历了约8 Ma、约5 Ma、约3~2 Ma、约2~1 Ma和约1 Ma多阶段后展式逆冲运动的结果,这为青藏高原周缘陡坡地貌的形成和青藏高原的隆升时代与型式提供了关键的热年代学约束。  相似文献   
隧道衬砌空洞探地雷达图谱正演模拟研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张鸿飞  程效军  高攀  周鑫鑫 《岩土力学》2009,30(9):2810-2814
探地雷达作为一种高效、先进的无损检测设备,能够对隧道衬砌实施连续扫描,实时获得雷达图谱。然而,由于探地雷达在我国的应用时间还非常短暂以及雷达图谱的复杂性,隧道衬砌空洞探地雷达图谱的辨识还存在一定的问题。据此,通过不同环境的试验得到空洞雷达图谱特征,并利用二维时域有限差分法对衬砌空洞雷达图谱进行正演模拟。采用VC++语言编写探地雷达正演模拟程序,对隧道衬砌检测中常见的几种空洞模型进行正演模拟,得出模拟波形和图谱,并与实测隧道衬砌空洞的探地雷达波形和图谱进行对比。结果表明,模拟图谱与实测结果相似,具有较明显的空洞特征。良好的结果也验证了二维时域有限差分法(2D-FDTD)正演模拟的可行性。  相似文献   
从宏观和微观两方面对不同变质程度煤所形成焦炭的结构、构造进行了深入研究。从气煤到肥煤阶段(Ro,m:0.77%~1.16%),焦炭气孔壁厚度逐渐增大;进入焦煤阶段(Ro,m>1.16%),焦炭气孔壁厚度降低。气煤、13焦煤形成的焦炭结构以各向同性体为主,焦煤、肥煤炼出的焦炭以粒状镶嵌结构为主。由气煤和高变质程度的焦煤形成的焦炭,其气孔以微孔和大孔为主,气孔分布标准差Ds最大;肥煤炼出的焦炭,其气孔分布大小较均一;13焦煤和低变质程度的焦煤成焦后,气孔分布状况介于上述二者之间  相似文献   
The Atmospheric Environmental Monitoring Network successfully undertook the task of monitoring the atmospheric quality of Beijing and its surrounding area during the 2008 Olympics.The results of this monitoring show that high concentrations of PM2.5 pollution exhibited a regional pattern during the monitoring period(1 June-30 October 2008).The PM2.5 mass concentrations were 53 μg m 3,66 μg m 3,and 82 μg m 3 at the background site,in Beijing,and in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban agglomerations,respectively.The PM2.5 levels were lowest during the 2008 Olympic Games(8-24 August):35 μg m 3 at the background site,42 μg m 3 in Beijing and 57 μg m 3 in the region.These levels represent decreases of 49%,48%,and 56%,respectively,compared to the prophase mean concentration before the Olympic Games.Emission control measures contributed 62%-82% of the declines observed in Beijing,and meteorological conditions represented 18%-38%.The concentration of fine particles met the goals set for a "Green Olympics."  相似文献   
水阳江洪峰与强降水   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
用1964-1999年水阳江水位和雨量资料,分析水阳江水位、面雨量变化规律和洪峰出现特征。结果表明,6月平均面雨量为241.5mm,7、8月平均面雨量分别为186.5mm、155.7mm。宣城出现13次超警戒水位过程;新河庄出现25次超警戒水位过程,且连续超警戒水位日数长。洪峰出现前一周为连阴雨天气,一周平均面雨量为164.5mm。季内日面雨量存在60天周期变化现象,新河庄日平均水位存在60-120天周期变化;1999年宣城日平均水位的小波分析结果为60天周期变化,与新河庄日平均水位功率谱分析结果一致。  相似文献   
魏绍远  林锡怀 《气象科学》1998,18(3):214-221
本文利用数值模拟的诊断分析结果对出现在江苏地区冬季的一次强对流风暴的成因进行了研究,结果表明,在河套气旋缓慢东移过程中,冷锋前暖区较长时期的大雾天气及下湿上干的湿度分布为强风暴的产生准备了大气层结不稳定的条件,中尺度辐合流场对强风暴的产生起了触发作用。对流云的下沉辐散气流是雷暴向前传播的重要机制。  相似文献   
微型无人驾驶飞机探空初步试验研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
对具有自动导航,自动驾驶功能的微型无人驾驶飞机探空的可行性进行了初步研究。设计了水平空速归零测风方式,利用全球定位系统测风,进行了微型无人驾驶飞机探测试验。研究表明,微型无人驾驶飞机可成为一种方便,经济,灵活的探空工具。  相似文献   
In this study, the influence of climate change to California and Nevada regions was investigated through high-resolution (4-km grid spacing) dynamical downscaling using the WRF (Weather Research & Forecasting) model. The dynamical downscaling was performed to both the GFS (Global forecast model) reanalysis (called GFS-WRF runs) from 2000?C2006 and PCM (Parallel Climate Model) simulations (called PCM-WRF runs) from 1997?C2006 and 2047?C2056. The downscaling results were first validated by comparing current model outputs with the observational analysis PRISM (Parameter-elevation Regressions on Independent Slopes Model) dataset. In general, the dominant features from GFS-WRF runs and PCM-WRF runs were consistent with each other, as well as with PRISM results. The influences of climate change on the California and Nevada regions can be inferred from the model future runs. The averaged temperature showed a positive trend in the future, as in other studies. The temperature increases by around 1?C2°C under the assumption of business as usual over 50?years. This leads to an upward shifting of the freezing level (the contour line of 0°C temperature) and more rain instead of snow in winter (December, January, and February). More hot days (>32.2°C or 90°F) and extreme hot days (>37.8°C or 100°F) are predicted in the Sacramento Valley and the southern parts of California and Nevada during summer (June, July, and August). More precipitation is predicted in northern California but not in southern California. Rainfall frequency slightly increases in the coast regions, but not in the inland area. No obvious trend of the surface wind was indicated. The probability distribution functions (PDF) of daily temperature, wind and precipitation for California and Nevada showed no significant change in shape in either winter or summer. The spatial distributions of precipitation frequency from GFS-WRF and PCM-WRF were highly correlated (r?=?0.83). However, overall positive shifts were seen in the temperature field; increases of 2°C for California and 3°C for Nevada in summer and 2.5°C for California and 1.5°C for Nevada in winter. The PDFs predicted higher precipitation in winter and lower precipitation in the summer for both California and Nevada.  相似文献   
该文针对贵州CD型号新一代多普勒天气雷达反射率因子,采用C#编程,经坐标转换后处理成三维网格数据,基于双线性内插值法,实现任意方向雷达反射率因子垂直剖面制作,结合贵阳雷达分析,结果表明双线性内插值法放大后的图像质量较高,解决了因垂直剖面图像较小不利于显示及放大的问题。  相似文献   
常规处理方法往往漏掉一些有价值的薄油气储层。利用频率域反槽积方法、贝叶斯反褶积方法、反褶积与光滑滤波组合(DFSN)方法和分辨率匹配与非线性拟合方法对测井曲线进行了提高纵向分辨率处理,测井曲线的纵向分辨率可提高1~4倍,一些结果得到了证实,为准确地定量评价薄储居提供了较可靠的参数  相似文献   
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