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研究区位于莱州湾南畔,为查明该区域的地质构造,采用大地电磁测深等探测方法在该区进行勘探。通过对大地电磁勘探剖面视电阻率断面图和三维反演结果的分析研究,结合该区的地质、钻探和物性特征,对该区的隐伏断裂构造进行了推断解释,划分出9条隐伏断裂。同时对研究区内两个Ⅳ级构造单元进行重新厘定,划分出五个Ⅴ级构造单元。从不同方向,不同深度三维反演切片图中能较为直观获得断裂空间展布情况、构造单元的形态、地质体电性特征等信息,为地质解释提供参考依据。  相似文献   
史猛  张杰  殷焘  杨宁  江海洋 《地质学报》2019,93(S1):138-148
胶东半岛是中国东部沿海地区中低温对流型地热资源赋存最丰富的地区之一,通过地热流体水化学特征分析可以了解其水化学及补径排特征、热储温度、地热流体循环深度及可更新能力等。本文通过胶东地区15处天然温泉地热流体及其附近基岩水体、第四系水体的常规水质分析、氘氧同位素、地热流体γNa/γCl、γSO4/γCl比值及管道模型和断层带模型计算流体循环深度等方法,得知胶东地区地热流体水化学类型主要以Cl- Na、Cl- Na·Ca型水、HCO3·SO4- Na、SO4·HCO3- Na型水为主,矿化度0. 45~7. 68g/L,pH 7. 3~8. 63。地热流体主要来源于大气降雨入渗补给,且与地热田周边的浅部地下水体无水力联系,均为深循环径流补给的地热流体,循环深度主要分布在1. 5~10km之间,属中深循环地热流体。研究区地热流体均未达到水岩平衡状态,对于地热流体γNa/γCl、γSO4/γCl比值普遍较大的地热田,其对应的地热流体循环深度相对较浅,表明地热流体水动力环境封闭性差,可更新能力强,地热流体处于不断的补给- 径流- 排泄的过程,部分地热田γNa/γCl、γSO4/γCl比值接近海水,是由于地热流体循环深度深、时间长,地热流体进行了大量的脱碳酸作用。本文对胶东地区中低温对流型地热流体的水化学特征分析将有助于增强人们对该类型地热资源形成机理的认识。  相似文献   
结合随机森林(random forest,RF),提出了一种检测遥感影像雪冰云信息方法.建立有效区分影像中冰凌、雪、云的特征组合,采用随机森林算法和形态学操作得到初步分类检测结果,进一步对分类检测流程优化,增加了"二次检测".实验结果表明,采用优化后的算法总体分类精度均为90%以上、Kappa系数均为0.8以上,精度较...  相似文献   
李佳  段平  梁明  吕海洋 《测绘通报》2017,(10):84-88
针对以欧氏距离作为放大因子对电子地图进行放大裁剪引起的信息失衡问题,提出了采用地理多要素Voronoi图相邻关系的地图放大裁剪方法,可有效避免以欧氏距离作为地图放大因子的地图信息失衡问题。将电子地图中的地理要素分为点、线、面,对于点要素,构建它的Voronoi图;对于非点要素,即线和面要素,构建它们的近似Voronoi图,当用户对电子地图中感兴趣地理要素目标放大时,只需要提取该目标的多要素Voronoi图相邻要素的近似Voronoi图,并计算它们的最小外包矩形,将最小外包矩形区域用于最终的地图放大裁剪区域,则可较好地顾及用户感兴趣地理要素目标周围的地理要素信息,可提高地图的易读性。采用本文方法对某区域电子地图进行了试验,结果表明,地理多要素Voronoi图相邻关系的地图放大裁剪方法能够较好地顾及目标周边地理要素信息,避免了以欧氏距离为放大因子的地图信息失衡。  相似文献   
尚海洋  丁杨 《冰川冻土》2017,39(4):910-916
"低碳"已成为全球瞩目的焦点话题,成为人类社会的共识,而对于21世纪人类面临的最为严峻的现实问题之——水资源危机,迫使人们不得不及早关注"低水"问题。人口的增长、技术的变化和消费的增加被认为是产生环境危机的最主要的三个原因。当前消费引起的环境问题却没有得到足够的重视和深入的研究。经典的IPAT建立了人文因素与环境影响间的影响关系的账户恒等式,通过对IPAT等式的扩展,得到分析影响可持续消费影响因素、指导可持续消费政策制定的IHPACT框架,并从水足迹视角,基于黑河流域张掖市水足迹调查与核算数据,探讨了该分析框架的可行性与必要性。研究结果表明:减少食物消费中水足迹奢侈品肉类的消费(多吃蔬菜少吃肉)可以有效地调节居民消费水足迹;消费能力的进一步提高将增加居民消费水足迹,但以水足迹表征的环境影响与消费能力两者间环境Kuznets曲线假说成立,即消费能力的提高最终将会降低消费的环境影响。  相似文献   
人工回灌过程中,回灌水的注入使目的含水层地下水环境发生变化,微生物条件也会随之改变,从而影响地下水环境质量及水文地球化学作用。以上海市某人工回灌试验场为例,在分析人工回灌过程中水化学演化特点的基础上,应用DGGE技术对场地回灌过程中地下水中的微生物群落结构变化进行研究,为评价人工回灌对地下水水质安全的影响提供科学的理论依据。结果表明:人工回灌作用使目的含水层地下水中的Eh值及DO质量浓度升高,分别由64.0 mV、1.12 mg/L升至534.4 mV、1.44 mg/L;同一位置处微生物群落结构与原始地下水状态的相似性随时间降低;同一时刻距离回灌井越远的监测井的微生物群落结构越接近于原始地下水状态。随着回灌的进行,目的含水层地下水中优势菌属(种)共有7种,其中Rubrivivax gelatinosusCandidatus Accumulibacter phosphatis clade IIA str.的反硝化能力以及Rhodoferax ferrireducens对Fe3+的还原能力,对地下水水化学组分产生影响。  相似文献   
Located at the northeastern margin of the Tibetan plateau,the Ordos block is a stable tectonic unit in North China.With its active boundary fault zones,the Ordos block played an important role in the eastward extrusion mechanism of the Tibetan plateau.Peking University deployed a linear array of 15 portable broadband seismometers across the western Weihe graben during September 2005 to August 2006 and later a 2-D seismic array(Southwest Ordos Array) of 14 portable broadband seismometers during 2007-2008 at its southwestern boundary.Analyses of shear wave splitting of SKS and SKKS phases at these stations show that the fast directions trend ~110° with an average delay time of 0.9 s in the southwestern margin of the Ordos block.The agreement between the lithosphere deformation indicated by GPS data and Quaternary fault slip-rate observations and the mantle flow represented by shear wave splitting implies that accordant deformation patterns from lithosphere to asthenosphere in relation to the eastward extrusion of the Tibetan plateau could extend at least to 200 km depth.Spatial distribution of splitting polarization directions indicates that the mantle flow driven by the Tibetan plateau is blocked by the Ordos block and locally restricted in a narrow channel along the Qinling-Dabie fault zones between the Ordos block and Sichuan basin.  相似文献   
Monitoring of soil-water physiochemistry (pH, total salt content, ion types, and ion ratios) across the lower Heihe River basin of northwestern China indicated that the distribution of different soil hydrochemical types typically correlated with that of different levels of soil desertification, specifically: 1) lands with the potential for desertification showed a Cl-SO42−-Na+-Mg2+ soil-water ion complement, 2) those under on-going desertification a SO42−-Cl-Mg2+-Na+ ion complement, 3) those under severe desertification a HCO3-Cl-Ca2+-Na+ ion complement, and 4) those under very severe desertification a Cl-SO42−-Mg2+-Na+ ion complement. The total soil N, P, and K, pH and organic matter of desertified lands tend to be relatively spatially concentrated, whereas available N, P and K are scattered. Based on an analysis of the main nutrients, the cumulative percent contribution of total N, total P, organic matter, and available N reached 76.24% of ecosystem needs and basically reflect the level of soil fertility. According to a low-dimensional cluster analysis of principal components and the differentiation and alikeness of integrated nutrient gradients, the soils in the study region were classified into four types, which coincided spatially with the four desertification land types. With a decrease in the quantity of water exiting the upper and middle reaches of the Heihe River basin, the salinity of surface waters and shallow water table depth (WTD) in the lower reaches have significantly increased through evaporation. The changes in the hydrological process have caused an imbalance in water distribution across the basin, and altered the state of oasis-supporting water resources. The deterioration of soil water and expansion of desertification progress from non-salinized soils in the oasis, to soils slightly salinized through periodic salt accumulation, salinized Chao soils, and salinized forest shrub meadow soils along the riverbanks and on lake shores. These can then evolve into moderately to heavily salinized soils and eventually into alkali lands. All together, these degradative processes constitute the complex dynamics of oasis desertification, whereby the natural oases’ surface biotic productivity system is degraded, leading to oasis shrinkage, ecosystem deterioration, and land desertification. Consequently, there is an urgent need to extend the study of soil and surface water chemistry in the region.  相似文献   
山东半岛属于中国干热岩潜力靶区之一。基于研究区地质、地球物理和地热地质等资料,经大地电磁和可控源勘探,确定了干热岩钻孔位置。通过钻探、测井、取芯及岩矿分析测试,全面得到深部文登花岗岩体规模、裂隙储层空间分布、深部地温及地温梯度、花岗岩热物性参数和岩石力学参数等,建立干热岩三维地质模型,通过数值模拟分析了其发电能力。研究区侵入岩、构造断裂发育,大地热流值为48~85mW/m2,地热异常区地温梯度为5. 3~18. 59℃/100m,表明研究区具有非常好的深部地热能赋存条件。数值模拟揭示,对研究区4000m储层进行人工激励后,以30kg/s的注入速率,17℃的注入水,运行20年后,产出水温度从168℃降低到149℃,降低了11. 3%;流动阻抗在上升至0. 076MPa/(kg/s);年发电量3. 7~3. 4MW,高于法国Soultz的发电量。  相似文献   
选取华北部分地区2016—2019年流动地磁矢量资料,分析2018年2月12日永清MW 4.3地震前后岩石圈磁场变化特征。结果表明,地震前岩石圈磁场变化异常特征显著,震后异常消失。在震前岩石圈磁场变化中,磁场的D、I、F、H、Z分量出现不同程度的异常特征,这些震前异常呈现出相同的、相似的变化趋势。在震前随着时间的不断累积,岩石圈磁场变化异常愈加显著,其中震前1.5年期各分量震磁异常显著。与震前相比,震后岩石圈磁场变化特征及趋势发生了较大改变。  相似文献   
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