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以蕴涵丰富地下水系统水循环信息的电性特征为线索,采用电测深法,在分析研究银川平原450 m深度内地下水系统的空间结构的基础上,对平原地下水水质空间分布规律进行了综合研究,为银川平原地下水资源可持续利用战略的制订提供了依据。  相似文献   
Scientific interpretation of the driving forces of built-up land expansion is essential to urban planning and policy-making. In general, built-up land expansion results from the interactions of different factors, and thus, understanding the combined impacts of built-up land expansion is beneficial. However, previous studies have primarily been concerned with the separate effect of each driver, rather than the interactions between the drivers. Using the built-up land expansion in Beijing from 2000 to 2010 as a study case, this research aims to fill this gap. A spatial statistical method, named the geographical detector, was used to investigate the effects of physical and socioeconomic factors. The effects of policy factors were also explored using physical and socioeconomic factors as proxies. The results showed that the modifiable areal unit problem existed in the geographical detector, and 4000 m might be the optimal scale for the classification performed in this study. At this scale, the interactions between most factors enhanced each other, which indicated that the interactions had greater effects on the built-up land expansion than any single factor. In addition, two pairs of nonlinear enhancement, the greatest enhancement type, were found between the distance to rivers and two socioeconomic factors: the total investment in fixed assets and GDP. Moreover, it was found that the urban plans, environmental protection policies and major events had a great impact on built-up land expansion. The findings of this study verify that the geographical detector is applicable in analysing the driving forces of built-up land expansion. This study also offers a new perspective in researching the interactions between different drivers.  相似文献   
通过对姬塬地区晚三叠世延长组的长8~长6油层组岩石组分特征、沉积相特征、震积岩及凝灰岩发育规律的分析,探讨了鄂尔多斯盆地早期构造演化与沉积响应过程。研究表明,秦岭隆升时间大致在长8沉积早期,而六盘山的隆升则是稍晚的长7沉积期,长8~长6沉积期可视为中生代鄂尔多斯盆地的早期成形阶段。姬塬地区长8沉积期构造相对稳定,砂岩中不含碳酸盐岩岩屑,无震积岩发育,主要发育浅水三角洲沉积;长7沉积期盆地西南缘的挤压导致了湖盆强烈坳陷,砂岩中开始出现碳酸盐岩岩屑,大量发育的震积岩与频繁出现的凝灰岩共生,研究区以发育水下扇的半深湖为特征;长6沉积期火山活动减弱,但盆地西部断裂带的构造活动仍较强烈,地层中常有震积岩出现,沉积环境以湖泊三角洲为主。由姬塬地区长8~长6沉积期古地理演化,证明以长7沉积期为界,之前鄂尔多斯盆地的演化主要受南缘构造活动控制,自长7沉积期开始同时受盆地南缘和西缘构造活动影响,但以西缘的构造活动控制更强烈。  相似文献   
刘丹  杨立中  李晓 《矿物岩石》2000,20(4):75-80
在分析秦岭隧道地区地质背景及水体水化学组成的变化规律的基础上,确定了平导地下水化学异常的基本特征及形成机理,研究表明水中硫根离子的审围岩中黄铁矿氧化所致钙离子的升高则归因于氧过程形成的大量氢离子促使含钙矿物水角或次生的碳酸盐矿物溶解,而两者浓度的增大导致地下水水化学类型的改变,矿化度及总硬度的异常。  相似文献   
广东流溪河水库湖沼学变量的时空动态特征   总被引:9,自引:7,他引:9  
流溪河水库县位于北回归线上的大型山谷型水库,是一座典型的热带-亚热带过渡区水体.为了解该水库的特点,于2006年对水库的水文、营养盐状况及相关理化因子进行了逐月监测,对其主要的湖沼学变量的季节动态和空间分布进行了分析,探讨了湖沼学特征和生态过程的主要驱动因子.流溪河水库全年表层水温在14.9-31.6℃之间,水柱热分层开始于3月初,一直持续到12月,呈单循环混合模式.水库的水动力学主要受降水和水库用水的影响,2006年全年降雨量为2960mm,平均水力滞留时间长170d;降雨量集中在丰水期(4-9月),导致丰水期水力滞留时间短(65d),丰水期与枯水期水文水动力季节性差别显著,水文水动力学变化剧烈.2006年全年湖泊区的TN、TP、Chl.a、SD的平均值分别为0.66mg/L,0.016mg/L,2.2mg/m3,3.1m,指示该水库为贫中营养型水体.N/P的质量比为41:1,DIN/DIP的质量比为78:1,说明该水库浮游植物生长在强烈的磷限制性水体中,较高的N/P比是由流域中热带-亚热带红壤中营养盐组成特点所决定.营养盐、透明度和叶绿素a等变量的分布具有明显的时空异质性,丰水期初期(4-5月)营养盐浓度显著地高于其它月份,说明地表径流是输送营养盐入库的主要途径;沿入库河流至水库大坝方向,营养盐和Chl.a具有递减规律,即:河流区>过渡区>湖泊区.受季风的影响,丰水期的降水集中加上水库的本身形态是导致流溪河水库湖沼学特征呈显著的季节性和空间梯度的关键因素.  相似文献   
The seasonal response of surface wind speed to sea surface temperature(SST)change in the Northern Hemisphere was investigated using 10 years(2002-2011)high-resolution satellite observations and reanalysis data.The results showed that correlation between surface wind speed perturbations and SST perturbations exhibits remarkable seasonal variation,with more positive correlation is stronger in the cold seasons than in the warm seasons.This seasonality in a positive correlation between SST and surface wind speed is attributable primarily to seasonal changes of oceanic and atmospheric background conditions in frontal regions.The mean SST gradient and the prevailing surface winds are strong in winter and weak in summer.Additionally,the eddy-induced response of surface wind speed is stronger in winter than in summer,although the locations and numbers of mesoscale eddies do not show obvious seasonal features.The response of surface wind speed is apparently due to stability and mixing within the marine atmospheric boundary layer(MABL),modulated by SST perturbations.In the cold seasons,the stronger positive(negative)SST perturbations are easier to increase(decrease)the MABL height and trigger(suppress)momentum vertical mixing,contributing to the positive correlation between SST and surface wind speed.In comparison,SST perturbations are relatively weak in the warm seasons,resulting in a weak response of surface wind speed to SST changes.This result holds for each individual region with energetic eddy activity in the Northern Hemisphere.  相似文献   
卫星精密轨道的确定是北斗卫星导航系统位置与服务的核心技术之一,而国家基准站是影响卫星轨道精度的一个重要因素。本文基于中国测绘科学研究院国际GNSS监测与评估中心自主开发的软件计算国家基准站和MGEX站对北斗卫星精密定轨的影响。得出结果:加上国家基准站后GEO卫星轨道精度平均能达到2.0 m,比没有国家基准站时提高约14%,在GEO切向方向改善最为明显,大约提高30%。IGSO和MEO卫星也有所提高。加上国家基准站后,三类卫星的轨道重复弧段的径向精度优于5 cm。有了国家基准站数据BDS精密轨道会有明显的改善。国家基准站的建立使我国北斗导航卫星的服务能力有很大提高。  相似文献   
在中国北方主要盆地铀矿地质调查工作中,煤田自然伽马异常作为主要矿化信息和找矿线索,为一系列铀矿床(点)的快速发现奠定了坚实基础。为进一步提高煤田资料铀矿二次开发的高效性和准确性,运用水成铀矿理论,以中国二连盆地ZS煤矿区典型铀矿点的发现为例,初步探讨了煤田资料的铀矿二次开发技术,提出了"异常筛选与选区分析、原位验证与环境判别、等时地层格架建立与沉积体系分析、综合分析与靶区定位"四位一体的煤矿区铀矿地质调查模式。这对中国北方含煤盆地铀矿地质调查工作提供了新的找矿思路和技术路线,具有较重要的指导意义。  相似文献   
在大陆拉伸构造区,各具功能的三组断层:伸展断层组、调整断层组、滑脱断层组,构成伸展链锁断层系,呈现出伸展构造的基本几何面貌。本文在指出各组断层的特征及鉴定标志后,论述了断层角色的空间转换,最后,建立了鲁西伸展链锁断层系。  相似文献   
论述了在原Voronoi图的基础上增加点和删去点后生成新Voronoi图的算法.在增点过程中,针对新增加点后不满足Delaunay三角网特性的情况,利用最大最小角规则进行局部优化,根据优化后的三角网生成新Voronoi图;在删点过程中,针对删点的不同位置情况,修改相应Voronoi域,生成新Voronoi图.  相似文献   
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