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在中国北部边疆西起天山东端的北山,东至大兴安岭北段的4200km地域内,气候干旱少雨,水资源贫乏,第四系地下水是主要供水源之一。本文首次比较系统地研究了该区第四纪堆积物的分布和地下水的赋存规律。文中依据不同地貌单元、地层岩性及气候条件诸因素将本区第四系地下水划分为枝状沟谷砂砾石层孔隙水、河谷冲积平原砂砾石层孔隙水两种主要类型,并着重对有重要供水意义的河谷冲积平原砂砾石层孔隙水的分布、埋藏条件、富水性及水化学特征进行了论述。  相似文献   
黄土高原和南海陆架古季风演变的生物记录与Heinrich事件   总被引:25,自引:2,他引:23  
宝鸡黄土中0.15Ma以来植物硅酸体研究表明,年均温度、1月份和年均降水量的变化与深海氧同位素变化有很好的一致性,而7月份降水量的变化与印度洋反映季风强弱的粒度变化相类似。南海陆架孢粉研究发现,14700-13900aB.P.和22900一20600aB.P.气候变冷期与北大西洋沉积物中H1、H2变冷事件存在成因上的联系。全球冰量通过冬季风等因素在“轨道尺度”上可能影响了夏季风对特定地区的控制时间,从而控制了黄土区气候的年均状况,但没有影响夏季风固有的变化周期和振幅。由低纬夏季太阳辐射控制的夏季风以其准20000a周期叠加在冬季风所具有的准0.1Ma周期上。冬、夏季风的演化行为具有较强的相对独立性,冬、夏季风同时减弱或增强的情况是存在的。Heinrich事件在东亚地区不仅影响了冬季风而且影响了夏季风。  相似文献   
岩质边坡设计坡角和锚固方案的确定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文运用赤平极射投影、块体理论和岩体力学的基本原理, 试探求一种可供边坡工程设计采用的确定人工岩质边坡最大安全设计坡角和锚固方案的简易方法。  相似文献   
四川彭州市葛仙山巨型冰川漂砾距四川盆地边缘地带约3~4km,规模巨大(约6km×25km×03km),是目前世界上发现的罕见巨型冰川漂砾。现有资料研究结果表明,葛仙山巨型漂砾是早更新世青藏大冰盖冰流的搬运作用所形成的。是青藏大冰盖存在的有力证据之一,也是全球泛大冰盖形成的重要历史见证。同时对众多相关边缘学科的重大基础理论问题的研究,提供了新的思路、途径和方法  相似文献   
三维空间实体间拓扑关系的矩阵描述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
三维空间实体及其间拓扑关系的语义描述和形式化表达是三维GIS空间数据建模的重要理论基础。在k-维流形的三维空间实体形式化描述方法的基础上,根据三维空间实体的可剖分性,采用顾及维数的九元组描述框架,研究用于构成三维实体的k-单纯形(0≤k≤3)之间的拓扑空间关系,继而研究三维实体间的拓扑空间关系。  相似文献   
燕山中晚期的中国东部高原:埃达克岩的启示   总被引:205,自引:10,他引:195  
中国东部燕山期岩浆岩广泛发育,其中有一类具埃达克岩的特征,并根据埃达克岩的成因提出中国东部在燕山中晚期可能为一个高原。本文就中国东部高原的范围、高原存在的依据、高原隆升和减薄的机制进行了讨论,指出中国东部高原大规模的抬升事件大约发生在中-晚侏罗世期间,在早白垩世之后塌陷。高原的隆升与板块消减作用无关,是陆内事件的产物。高原的塌陷是下地壳拆沉作用的结果。拆沉作用不仅可以解释高原的减薄,而且可以解释新生代玄武岩喷发和中国东部盆地的形成。  相似文献   
标准的卡尔曼滤波可以扩展到非线性模型,即将泰勒公式应用于状态方程和观测方程,得到扩展卡尔曼滤波公式。首先推导了计算公式,研究了迭代计算方法,并将其用于GPS数据的实时处理。  相似文献   
给出了载体状态方程的严密公式和常用近似公式,详细讨论了两者之间的区别。在高精度GPS动态定位中的应用证明,常用近似公式对载体速度和加速度有显著的影响。  相似文献   
In this paper, the intra-seasonal variability of the abyssal currents in the China Ocean Mineral Resources Association (COMRA) polymetallic nodule contact area, located in the western part of the Clarion and Clipperton Fraction Zone in the tropical East Pacific, is investigated using direct observations from subsurface mooring instruments as well as sea-surface height data and reanalysis products. Mooring observations were conducted from September 13, 2017 to August 15, 2018 in the COMRA contact area (10°N, 154°W). The results were as follows: (1) At depths below 200 m, the kinetic energy of intra-seasonal variability (20?100 d) accounts for more than 40% of the overall low-frequency variability, while the ratio reaches more than 50% below 2 000 m. (2) At depths below 200 m, currents show a synchronous oscillation with a characteristic time scale of 30 d, lasting from October to the following January; the energy of the 30-d oscillation increases with depth until the layer of approximately 4 616 m, and the maximum velocity is approximately 10 cm/s. (3) The 30-d oscillation of deep currents is correlated with the tropical instability waves in the upper ocean.  相似文献   
Given the advances in satellite altimetry and multibeam bathymetry, benthic terrain classification based on digital bathymetric models (DBMs) has been widely used for the mapping of benthic topographies. For instance, cobalt-rich crusts (CRCs) are important mineral resources found on seamounts and guyots in the western Pacific Ocean. Thick, plate-like CRCs are known to form on the summit and slopes of seamounts at the 1 000–3 000 m depth, while the relationship between seamount topography and spatial distribution of CRCs remains unclear. The benthic terrain classification of seamounts can solve this problem, thereby, facilitating the rapid exploration of seamount CRCs. Our study used an EM122 multibeam echosounder to retrieve high-resolution bathymetry data in the CRCs contract license area of China, i.e., the Jiaxie Guyots in 2015 and 2016. Based on the DBM construted by bathymetirc data, broad- and fine-scale bathymetric position indices were utilized for quantitative classification of the terrain units of the Jiaxie Guyots on multiple scales. The classification revealed four first-order terrain units (e.g., flat, crest, slope, and depression) and eleven second-order terrain units (e.g., local crests, depressions on crests, gentle slopes, crests on slopes, and local depressions, etc.). Furthermore, the classification of the terrain and geological analysis indicated that the Weijia Guyot has a large flat summit, with local crests at the southern summit, whereas most of the guyot flanks were covered by gentle slopes. “Radial” mountain ridges have developed on the eastern side, while large-scale gravitational landslides have developed on the western and southern flanks. Additionally, landslide masses can be observed at the bottom of these slopes. The coverage of local crests on the seamount is ~1 000 km2, and the local crests on the peak and flanks of the guyots may be the areas where thick and continuous plate-like CRCs are likely to occur.  相似文献   
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