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Land use change is the result of the interplay between socioeconomic, institutional and environmental factors, and has important impacts on the functioning of socioeconomic and environmental systems with important tradeoffs for sustainability, food security, biodiversity and the vulnerability of people and ecosystems to global change impacts. Based on the results of the First Land Use Survey in Tibet Autonomous Region carried out in the late 1980s, land use map of Lhasa area in 1990 was compiled for the main agricultural area in Lhasa valley using aerial photos obtained in April, May and October 1991 and Landsat imagery in the late 1980s and 1991 as remotely sensed data sources. Using these remotely sensed data, the land use status of Lhasa area in 1991, 1992, 1993, 1995, 1999 and 2000 were mapped through updating annual changes of cultivated land, artificial forest, grass planting, grassland restoration, and residential area and so on. Land use map for Lhasa area in 2007 was made using ALOS AVNIR-2 composite images acquired on October 24 and December 26, 2007 through updating changes of main land use types. According to land use status of Lhasa area in 1990, 1995, 2000 and 2007, the spatial and temporal land use dynamics in Lhasa area from 1990 to 2007 are further analyzed using GIS spatial models in this paper. 相似文献
安徽齐云山丹霞地貌成因 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
马春梅 朱诚 彭华 ZHENG Chaogui XIANG Fusheng SUN Yufei HU Jiyuan ZHU Guanghui LU Jianjun CHENG Guanghua 《地理学报(英文版)》2006,16(1):45-56
According to the study of some local scholars (Peng Hua et al., 2000), over 400 sites of Danxia landform have been already discovered in China. Chen Guoda (1935), Zeng Zhaoxuan et al. (1978), Huang Jin et al. (1992; 1994; 1996) and Peng Hua et al. (1998; … 相似文献
赵景波 《地理学报(英文版)》2004,14(2):242-250
On the basis of extensive survey to the Quatemary paleosols, soils and weathering layers in the vast northern China and the Loess Plateau, we found some unusually special phenomena of chemical components such as unsuccessive illuvium, twin illuviums, unusually thick illuvium and multi-illuviums etc. According to the analysis on the content of CaCO3 and the data of penetrating experiment, a new theory of illuvial depth or removal depth of CaCO3 in weathering and leaching belt was constructed, which indicates that the time of CaCO3 removing to the illuvial depth is very short,and the effect of time factor on illuvial depth can be ignored. The theory can be taken as a credible foundation for studying many geological and geographical problems in weathering and leaching belt.When the illuvial depth of CaCO3 iS bigger than the thickness of developing belt of soil or paleosol, it can be determined that the paleosol has turned into weathering crust. When the illuvial depth of CaCO3 is bigger than the thickness of paleosol, paleosol is leaching moderately acid soil. When two, three layers or unusually thick CaCO3 illuviums exist in the same weathering section or at the bottom of the same paleosol, there were two or more periods forming paleosol and corresponding climatic stages at that time. On the basis of the equation of relationship between mean annual rainfall (y) and illuvial depth of CaCO3 (x) (y = 305.5x 168.5) determined in the paper, mean annual precipitation during the development of paleosol can be calculated. 相似文献
We present a simple method of forecasting the geomagnetic storms caused by high-speed streams (HSSs) in the solar wind. The
method is based on the empirical correlation between the coronal hole area/position and the value of the Dst index, which is established in a period of low interplanetary coronal mass ejection (ICME) activity. On average, the highest
geomagnetic activity, i.e., the minimum in Dst, occurs four days after a low-latitude coronal hole (CH) crosses the central meridian. The amplitude of the Dst dip is correlated with the CH area and depends on the magnetic polarity of the CH due to the Russell – McPherron effect.
The Dst variation may be predicted by employing the expression Dst(t)=(−65±25×cos λ)[A(t
*)]0.5, where A(t
*) is the fractional CH area measured in the central-meridian slice [−10°,10°] of the solar disc, λ is the ecliptic longitude of the Earth, ± stands for positive/negative CH polarity, and t−t
*=4 days. In periods of low ICME activity, the proposed expression provides forecasting of the amplitude of the HSS-associated
Dst dip to an accuracy of ≈30%. However, the time of occurrence of the Dst minimum cannot be predicted to better than ±2 days, and consequently, the overall mean relative difference between the observed
and calculated daily values of Dst ranges around 50%. 相似文献
人海关系地域系统视角下海洋本体的解构与研究重点 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
在揭示人海辩证关系与海洋社会属性的基础上,从人海关系地域系统的视角,解析了海洋的构成。第一海洋(自然海洋)是人海关系地域系统中自然存在而非人为构筑的海洋部分,其核心要素是地理位置、物质构成和空间形态。第二海洋(人工海洋)是人类海洋实践中所建造的设施及相应的物质、能量及信息流动,包括基地设施、人类主体之间的物质信息交流和人类与海洋之间的采集排放活动。第三海洋(关系海洋)是不同人类主体在海洋实践中形成的互动关系,核心内容是主体构成、内容组成以及表现形式。第四海洋(观念海洋)是人类对海洋及海洋实践活动的认知,核心是在处理人类与海洋、陆地与海洋和人类主体之间关系时所秉持的理念。现实中,自然海洋、实践性的人工海洋和关系海洋与构想性的观念海洋相互作用,形成了丰富多样的海洋世界。随着人类海洋实践的深化,关系海洋和观念海洋与自然海洋和人工海洋一并成为了研究与实践的重点。 相似文献
Narumi K. Tsugeki Jotaro Urabe Yuichi Hayami Michinobu Kuwae Masami Nakanishi 《Journal of Paleolimnology》2010,44(1):69-83
We examined algal remains and fossil pigments in 210Pb-dated sediment cores from Lake Biwa to explore historical changes in the phytoplankton community of the lake over the past
100 years and to identify environmental factors that caused those changes. Fluxes of fossil pigments and algal remains were
very low before the 1960s, but increased through the 1960s and 1970s, indicating that the lake had eutrophied in the 20 years
since 1960. After 1980, however, fluxes of all fossil pigments and algal remains decreased or stabilized. Redundancy analysis
with meteorological and limnological variables explained more than 70% of the variation of these fluxes and showed that the
decrease in fluxes of most algal taxa that occurred in the 1980s was related to changes in meteorological variables such as
wind velocity, rather than changes in the lake’s trophic state. Sedimentary records of algal remains also revealed that Aulacoseira nipponica, an endemic diatom species that grows in winter, decreased dramatically after 1980, while Fragilaria crotonensis, a cosmopolitan spring diatom species, became dominant. Replacement of one dominant diatom species by another could not be
explained simply by changes in the lake trophic state, but was reasonably strongly related with an increase in winter water
temperature. These results suggest that the phytoplankton community in Lake Biwa was influenced by changes in local environmental
conditions (nutrient loading) through the 1960s and 1970s, but more so by regional (meteorological) and global (climate warming)
factors since 1980. 相似文献
台湾“莫拉克”台风诱发山地灾害成因与启示 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
2009-07"莫拉克"台风在台湾岛内滞留大于40 h,受中央山脉地形以及西南季风的影响,形成"北部风强,南部雨大"的局面.本次降雨为台湾历年之冠,24 h降雨量1 825 mm,48 h雨量2 467 mm,逼近世界降雨极值.全台湾计有31个雨量站过程降雨量超过1 000 mm,23个雨量站超过1 500 mm, 15个雨量站超过2 000 mm,南部部分区域甚至出现6-10日累积降雨量超过其年降雨量情形.最大总雨量位于阿里山,2009-08-06-10累计雨量达2 884 mm.长时间持续强降雨,造成了大量的泥石流、堰塞湖、崩塌、滑坡、山洪等山地灾害.大量的崩塌、滑坡阻塞河道,形成了16处堰塞湖.这些灾害淤埋村镇,毁坏道路、桥梁、堤防、建筑、输电和通讯设施.由于道路交通受损,电力、通讯信号中断,使得许多村庄与外部隔绝,成为孤岛,救援设施与救援物资无法到达灾区,延缓救援进度.受灾较重的乡镇有高雄县甲仙乡、桃源乡、六龟乡、那玛夏乡、杉林乡,南投县鹿谷乡、信义乡、国姓乡,嘉义县阿里山乡、梅山乡、中埔乡,屏东县高树乡、三地门乡、春日乡,台南县南化乡,台东县金峰乡等.截至2009-08,造成全台共619人死亡、肢体74件、76人失踪,其中小林村和新开部落被完全毁灭.台风暴雨、陡峻地形和丰富的松散固体物质等自然因素决定了山地灾害形成的基本因素,高强度长历时的暴雨是直接激发因素,坡地过度开发、道路建设、河道不合理利用等人为因素则加剧了灾情.莫拉克台风暴雨灾害对人们的启示是合理确定开发度,科学利用土地资源; 确保山区溪流行洪空间,把防洪需求作为河谷地开发的限制条件; 注意环境保育,尽量减少工程建设对斜坡的扰动; 提高山地灾害预警标准,建立巨灾监测预警机制;进行灾害风险分析与管理,开展有机结合资源利用与减灾防灾的流域理性开发. 相似文献
The temporal-spatial geographic distribution of archaeological sites and its feature between 10.0–2.8 ka BP(ka BP= thousands of years before 0 BP, where "0 BP" is defined as the year AD 1950) were determined, based on GIS spatial analysis in the Poyang Lake Basin. The relationship between geographic distribution of sites of different periods under subsistence existence of ancient civilizations, climate and environmental change was investigated. The results revealed numerous archaeological sites of the Neolithic Age(10.0–3.6 ka BP). The sites were mainly located in the northern part of the Poyang Lake Basin, a hilly and mountainous area with many river terraces suitable for the development of human civilization. The number of archaeological sites rapidly increased during the Shang and Zhou dynasties(3.6–2.8 ka BP) and spread widely on the floodplains of the middle and lower reaches of Ganjiang River and onto the west, south, and southeast beach areas of the Poyang Lake. Holocene records of climate change suggested that it was possible that climate fluctuations had a great impact on human evolution in the study area. Before 3.6 ka BP, westward and northward expansion of Neolithic cultures in the Poyang Lake watershed occurred under the background of climate amelioration(becoming warmer and wetter). The ancient people lived in the hilly areas with high elevation. The simple mode of a fishing and gathering economy was mostly suited to this area in the early Neolithic Age. The scope of human activities was expanded and cultural diversity developed in the late Neolithic Age. However, with population growth and increasing survival pressure in a dry-cold climatic stage after 3.6 ka BP, this simple living mode had to be abandoned, and various forms of economy, the majority being agriculture, were developed on flood plains of the lower reaches of numerous rivers around Poyang Lake. This promoted flourishing of the Bronze culture of South China. 相似文献
Devleena Mani T. Satish Kumar M. A. Rasheed D. J. Patil A. M. Dayal T. Gnaneshwar Rao V. Balaram 《Natural Resources Research》2011,20(1):75-88
The association of iodine with organic matter in sedimentary basins is well documented. High iodine concentration in soils
overlying oil and gas fields and areas with hydrocarbon microseepage has been observed and used as a geochemical exploratory
tool for hydrocarbons in a few studies. In this study, we measure iodine concentration in soil samples collected from parts
of Deccan Syneclise in the west central India to investigate its potential application as a geochemical indicator for hydrocarbons.
The Deccan Syneclise consists of rifted depositional sites with Gondwana–Mesozoic sediments up to 3.5 km concealed under the
Deccan Traps and is considered prospective for hydrocarbons. The concentration of iodine in soil samples is determined using
ICP-MS and the values range between 1.1 and 19.3 ppm. High iodine values are characteristic of the northern part of the sampled
region. The total organic carbon (TOC) content of the soil samples range between 0.1 and 1.3%. The TOC correlates poorly with
the soil iodine (r
2 < 1), indicating a lack of association of iodine with the surficial organic matter and the possibility of interaction between
the seeping hydrocarbons and soil iodine. Further, the distribution pattern of iodine compares well with two surface geochemical
indicators: the adsorbed light gaseous hydrocarbons (methane through butane) and the propane-oxidizing bacterial populations
in the soil. The integration of geochemical observations show the occurrence of elevated values in the northern part of the
study area, which is also coincident with the presence of exposed dyke swarms that probably serve as conduits for hydrocarbon
microseepage. The corroboration of iodine with existing geological, geophysical, and geochemical data suggests its efficacy
as one of the potential tool in surface geochemical exploration of hydrocarbons. Our study supports Deccan Syneclise to be
promising in terms of its hydrocarbon prospects. 相似文献
莱历斯高尔钼铜多金属矿田位于博罗科努古生代复合岛弧带,形成以早石炭世中酸性浅成小岩体为成矿母岩的莱历斯高尔斑岩型钼矿和外围与燕山期岩浆活动有关的3571中低温热液型铜矿床、七兴岩浆热液型多金属矿床.通过对矿田3个矿床成矿地质背景、物化探特征、矿化特点和矿床成因的研究和分析,认为矿田含矿斑岩体形成于相对高温、高fO2、无水、压力相对较高的封闭环境.成岩物质主要来源于地壳,受来自地幔物质混染.矿床硫源主要来自深部地壳原生岩浆或上地幔,铅源主要来自深部地壳,成矿热液为原始岩浆水和大气降水的混合,成矿温度为中低-中高温.应在矿田深部和外围加强早石炭世和燕山期斑岩-矽卡岩-岩浆热液型铜钼多金属矿的"缺位"寻找. 相似文献